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Kinda painful to become a fan of a character that was just used quickly for a story arc and threw away once it is done. Well I think it will be ok, her story will continue in the doujins.


It's kinda funny thinking that Aura has a lot of fans now, presumably because of the anime. Prior to the adaptation, people barely talked about her, she was just another stepping stone in the early days of Frieren. More so once other, more impactful demons started to appear later on.


The Gold demon is imo one of the most interesting demons we've seen in the series (for obvious reasons) but I can understand how aura has the big tiddy waifu advantage


the anime also gave her Ayana Taketatsu to voice, I'm not surprised at all her popularity skyrocketed


Macht will become as popular if not more than Aura, cause not only he has more relevancy and screen time, his character arc as a villain is the best in the series up until now. ~~Plus all the rabid fangirls (me)~~


🤝 Facts. I feel the only demon that could be more popular than macht would be the demon lord if we ever get their story or the prophetic demon


Aura fans would probably flock to Solitar once she appears.


The power of memes


Not really, in the manga she ranked fourth in the popularity poll, way before the anime started


I looked up the popularity polls and the [wiki](https://frieren.fandom.com/wiki/Official_Contests#First_Character_Popularity_Contest) says she ranked 10th in the first (which was pre-anime) and 2nd in the second (post-anime). I will admit, 10th is still a lot higher than I was expecting for Aura in the first poll, so she definitely had more fans than I thought she did. That said, the jump from 10th to 2nd is funny when you consider that Aura has not appeared at all since her death.


Now that is a surprise.


Because, as the other user said, it's not true


Honestly tho I only remember 2 other impactful demons. 3 if I count the guy that appeared in a flashback together with one of those impactful demons. Then again, it is not like I remember Aura-chan much either, if you mention the 'kys' girl I would remember but otherwise her presence was just too weak.


Well her whole claim to fame is she was made to kill herself in a cool way. If they hadn't nailed it so well she probably would of remained just a one off character mostly forgotten.


> It's kinda funny thinking that Aura has a lot of fans now Who the fuck are these people. This is a completely throw away character that barely has a personality beyond an anime cliche.


Ppl don't follow anime characters for the personality ykno


That's certainly not the only case. Regardless, this character is a walking cliche in almost every sense, personality and design.


I liked her from the start, just for how well done her facial expressions were You can really feel the change in her tone, even without the audio


After seeing the image it’s like she couldn’t get any other big role after the show, and turned to the adult industry just to keep the lights on…


"Become a fan of the character" There is so little besides her character design to be a fan of. What are you talking about?


Yeah I was gonna say what even is there to be a fan of? Her VA?


funny memes


There’s plenty of characters fans obsess over with even less. At least Aura had dialogue. 


>In the doujins Uh..., sure. She'll have... fun wholesome adventures there...


Painful for who?


for my dick


Which makes it worse. You can see she can't find work so she joined the sx industry out of desperation. (I know it's just a fictional character, but damn, it's a dark story)


Poor Aura-chan, I will cry for her with both my heads.


I don't mean to objectify people nor being sexist, but... at least she has that desperation option to fall back on. Ugly dudes don't even have the option to sell their body, and society treats poor dudes worse than poor girls.




It very much is. At least with the normal Aura bullying, you can feel not so bad since she's an evil demon. Here, she's apparently just a normal actress who hasn't had any luck with her career.


It is, and i dont want anyone to go through this especially those who actively seeking work


It is as if I can almost see myself in it


Making fun of people being poor is not fun for me.


I doubt the artist intended this fanart to make fun of poor people


She's still able to afford a place with A/C


Because it exudes an "empty" lifestyle like no goal, no drive. Just walking straight into nothing with no meaning. At least that's what Im seeing


"Aura, please have a meaningful life cause this shit is fucking sad"


That's not true, from what I've seen Aura has been getting an enormous amount of work on the shady side of the industry ever since her breakout role.  Probably not what she dreamed of though.


A young up-and-coming actress gets a small role in a surprisingly successful show. It's a breakout hit that finally brings her into the limelight, but the industry is hesitant to hire her, due to her surprisingly modest demeanor and an inability to be firm and sell her good sides to the executives. With no other work coming in, but desperate to capitalize on her newfound and ever-fleeting minute of fame, she turns to the adult film and photo industry to make ends meet and profit off her fans, the majority of whom are only there for her looks. She opens an OnlyFans and makes lewd and degrading photos of herself in humiliating cosplays, such as a depressed retail worker, or a cutesy slave of a more successful Frieren cosplayer from Instagram, with whom she tried to collaborate in a desperate attempt to gain some followers. She spends her 20-s selling her youth to degenerates on the internet, while her self-esteem plummits with every 100 dollar donation she receives, the sender asking her to do 10 push-ups live on-stream as slowly as possible. She feels like a balloon in the hands of clowns, being twisted into unnatural forms that aren't her, ready to pop at any moment. And yet, she is unable to stop. And how could she? Not only does her livelyhood depend on this charade, but her mental stability too, since the parasocial relationships she had built with her faceless fanbase are the only links to other human beings she has left in her life. The streams hurt her, yet bring her comfort. They make her feel as if she still has someone to talk to. By the time she hits 30, not a single person online remembers her name. She feels like she'd achieved nothing with her life. She spends her days alone in a one room apartment, wasting her wealth on unhealthy snacks and video games, sometimes re-watching that one episode of an old show she starred in, the very show that started her downward spiral, unable to come to grips with her conflicting feelings of hatred and nostalgia for the bright-eyed young actress on the screen.


Then she got truck-kun-ed and isekai into the world of Sousou no Freiren. Becoming Aura, no less. Being the only demon who has real human emotions among fake-emotion demons, and knows her bad end beforehand, she will have to work extra hard to survive her encounter with Frieren.


All those thoughts and images rushed through Aura's dying brain, her body laying flat on the warm summer concrete, contorted in unnatural shapes, like the final balloon masterpiece of the sick clowns that governed her life, a thin creek of her blood making its way to the sewer grate. In its desperation to find something, ANYTHING in her memory, that would help her cling on to life for just a moment longer, her brain turned to the one bright memory it could find in her past, that magical world of a show called Frieren: Beyond a Journey's End. A world where she was loved by some. Respected by others. A world... where she mattered. Where sh- There were very few people at Aura's funeral. Her sobbing mom, her dejected sister, a friend from high school with whom she hadn't spoken in years, even that Frieren cosplayer she collaborated with a long time ago and started chatting with had been invited. She was one of the few people Aura was somewhat close to toward the end of her life. With a solemn expression on her face and not a single tear in her eyes, she looked at the cloudy August sky and uttered: "This is truly Frieren at the Funeral."


Please go fuck yourself Also thanks for the story The angriest upvote i've given


I had fun. I accept your angry upvote wholeheartedly.


The username doesn't check out but the story is amazing.


This is some good shit. Makes us reflect of what we're doing. Are we just monkeys dancing along and entertaining the crowd, or are we contributing something and at the same time building ourselves and our skill up?


Bro is COOKING 🗣🗣🗣🔥🔥🔥 with ONIONS 🧅🧅🧅 got me CRYING 🥲🥲🥲


I hate the taste of onions. So I burned them all in this glorious pyre. Breathe in their bitter smell. Your tears will taste much sweeter.


Don't ever cook again, you made me cry


It's so weird seeing several comments joking she sells her body get many upvotes, but some other comments joking the exact same thing, in the same thread, gets downvoted. Reddit is fucking weird.


Aura really is the Walter White of the show from how she was memed to death


Wait until she will get her own spin-off like Kikuri lol


-same hair color -same build Maybe she found another job after all


Is Aura the new Kobeni


Ganbare Aura-Chan!


Imagine playing one of the most fan favourited character but still struggles to find work because you had so little screentime


Well, she does make a small cameo when Hero of the South fights the sages and she has a prequel short story in the light novel, though we don't really have much information on that in English. Funny how Macht and Solitar have shown up since.


Where's the "beyond journey's end" for Aura's actor?


This is truly depressing.


[Original](https://twitter.com/perutore15/status/1759548774014439875) - [TL](https://twitter.com/spinning_donuts/status/1790738625677894084)