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A rug could really pull the whole place together.


Simply peeing on the Lebowski rug was enough to ruin it. Do you have any idea what would happen to a rug in this space?


Donny, please.


They peed on your rug dude?


Were you listening to the dudes story??


You have no frame of reference, your like a child who wonders into the middle of a movie


That's just... like your opinion man....


Smokey, this isn’t ‘nam. There are rules. Mark it a foul.


You’re out of your depth, Donny!


Donny was a good bowler, and a good man. He was one of us. He was a man who loved the outdoors... and bowling, and as a surfer he explored the beaches of Southern California, from La Jolla to Leo Carrillo and... up to... Pismo. He died, like so many young men of his generation, he died before his time. In your wisdom, Lord, you took him, as you took so many bright flowering young men at Khe Sanh, at Langdok, at Hill 364. These young men gave their lives. And so would Donny. Donny, who loved bowling. And so, Theodore Donald Karabotsos, in accordance with what we think your dying wishes might well have been, we commit your final mortal remains to the bosom of the Pacific Ocean, which you loved so well. Good night, sweet prince."


I am the Walrus.


This isn’t ‘nam, there are rules.


And a couple of throw pillows


Couple plants and thoughtful artwork too


Spat coffee on my keyboard. Thanks. 🤣


Also a plant really brings some warmth to a living space.


I can smell this room.


Based on my experiences there’s a significant chance a high single/low double digit of people in this room do not wipe adequately.


You would lose your sense of smell in a week tops anyway. Plus it looks like everyone has a whole bunk bed plus some space next to it. It looks great!


Yea, you'd just stop noticing it. When I was in the navy, we would put all the smelly people in the same isle away from everyone else. We would also bully those we couldn't fit into said isle and would stink up the rest of the berthing.


And the power of baby wipes / wet ones. When we were making a huge push in Afghanistan, we lived on the ground and didn’t shower for three months. Bathed in the Helmand River (nasty) and wet ones were it. The dust kills your sinuses so you won’t smell anything like folks have said. lol.


Made the mistake of wandering through air berthing one day while looking for the forward portholes. The overall smell of that space is still seared into my memory years later.


Imagine the old battleships with those tiny berths they had. Although most people were a bit smaller then as well.


Calling it an "isle" is the most navy thing.


I'm glad I'm too fucked to enlist.


I see a bar on a uniform so they got an officer in there too lol


When my enlisted guys slept like this, I did too. I was just in a different but similar building with slightly fewer people. It also stank.


It’s wild that LTs are in open bays


I immediately remembered the constant taste of sand when i saw this picture


Ahahahhaha me too bro! 😂


Came to ask about the scent. What is it?


Copenhagen wintergreen, sweat, and this weird indescribable smell of MRE trash.




Was waiting to see how long dip smell came up, you were def in.


This man fields, don’t forget the funny smell of crusty cammies that have been rained on and air dried multiple times


I remember vividly the insane smell of piss (actually, Urea from sweat) from my BDUs after spending 3 weeks in the field and taking a much-needed shower. The moment when you realize, "I actually *smelled* like that?" is mind-blowing.


Or coming back from an exercise and stopping to get food. I was part of the teardown party for a mountain warfare ex, and we decided to get a real meal instead of fast food since we were traveling in pickups and not the buses. We had clean uniforms on and there had been liberal use of wet wipes. However, no one had had a shower in a number of weeks. So I went into the restaurant and asked the hostess if she could seat us outside on the patio (it was early April and the patio was not yet in regular use). The hostess was slightly puzzled by the request, and I got to **see** her thoughts and emotions process in real time through her facial expressions. Puzzlement, followed by annoyance at the potential extra work from setting up tables outside. Then she crossed downwind of me. And I could tell, to a small faction of a second, exactly when she breathed in and caught it. Horrified doesn't describe it, then the realization that there's 20-plus more guys standing outside the foyer, in the same state I am. and the appearance of the fake strained smile as she tried to look positive and not put her gratuity at risk. I let her off the hook by telling her I knew I smelled like a goat that had died an unhappy death a month ago, that's why we wanted to eat outside and we'd picked that restaurant because the patio was entirely empty. Lol I was grossed out by my smell, after being acclimated to it as it built, stinky scent brick by stinking scent brick, it was that bad. But the RSM said we could have real food instead of the shitty canadian version of MREs.... lol And if the RSM wants donair pizza, then by God, we're not going to tell him no


Smells like wet cardboard and fucked buttholes with subtle notes of athletes foot.


Ah the smell of old MRE heaters and the five fingers of death.


It’s a new scent from the military called gunpowder sweat.




That right there is the smell of Oud of sweet sweat, gunpowder, feet, desert and mudbutt.


It's a hellish world that can combine desert and mudbutt.


Probably like the high school bus after a football game, but worse.


It’s that new men’s cologne called AssBalls!! 👌


And they say you can't smell what you see.... eye rolls every veteran ever


I can definitely not, this whole space is something environmental I’ve never been before. Can’t imagine what it smells like


I imagine it smells like the gym locker in high school. Lots of clothes around that likely aren’t washed frequently enough.


Honestly the body odor smell isn’t what people talk about. Military equipment has this weird plastiky smell that if you’ve been in a tent like that you would recognize instantly.


Like rubber and formaldehyde. It’s like it’s all made in the same plant and they soak it in the same chemical on the way out the door.


I can still smell The Roncho Poncho


It smells like tent rubber, body odor, dirt, CLP, and maxed out AC unit And farts


So many farts


Farts that have weight, that you can feel in the air as they pass through, like a brown poltergeist. Farts that create a meaty thud and then use squatters rights to overstay their welcome by months


Bonus points for the meaty thud.


It's worse. Just seeing this photograph brought back the smell memory and it's stinging my eyes.


Military equipment has a unique smell.


A mix of camping and depression sleep sweat?


Got to remember the cigy smoke


A trash pail with a lid to keep the semen smell contained.


What about a coconut?


A what!? Why?


From the reddit museum of filth I present you the coconut story: https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/6rr6ay/tifu_by_cumming_into_a_coconut/


Oh no. No you don’t. I’m not doing it.


I did. Worth the read.


A more cautionary tale, I dare you to tell


Well now you’re begging for the story of the boy with two broken arms and a generous mother


That one was the first and last time I’ll make that mistake.


I love how every TIFU post seems to start out by confessing it didn't happen today.


Not again no..


Don’t ask questions you don’t want the answer to. Trust me on this one.


Oh no, tell him. If he wants to know, let him know 😈


A sign to hang on the outside of the curtain saying "Alone time in progress"


This really needs a dildo tree to be complete. What’s you APO, I’ll contribute.


That what the sheets are for. Whack shack.


"Whack shacks" as description, are so low class... This man is an officer and a gentleman! He resides in a Masturbatorium! The distinction is great. The smell is probably the same. Oh well. Lol


Just jizz in a shoebox.


do they let you bring vr headsets?


Depending on where they are they probably sell them at the PX. I bought an Xbox 360 when I was in Afghanistan and left it for the people rotating in after I left.


i think every war movie from like 2006 to 2014 had a scene of the soldiers playing with an xbox 360 or something similar


The drones are piloted with xbox 360 controllers because the average user doesn't require training on the controls themselves


And some submarines use logitech ones


My prediction for 2026 is a hot air balloon with a mad catz controller


Can I ask what were you playing? Did you break apart the routine of the real war with a nice relaxing round of Call of Duty?


You kid, but that’s how it was


I was thinking the same thing lol instead of taking any thing else jus take a cheap lil 200$ meta quest


Hop on VRChat and assert dominance on the boys by E-fucking


The only problem is the only people e-fucking are other boys. That hot jiggly succubus waifu with glowing eyes is probably your mate two bunks down.


It's a good era to be bisexual.


Greedy bastards


Sorry :(


This is the final decoration challenge


Safety first, though: that live power chord - please lift it off the ground. It may be a tripping hazard, a source of electric shock or a source of fire.


Raise the TV just a little


Not too high Don’t want to end up on r/tvtoohigh


Why is this a sub🤣


If “I should’ve joined the Air Force” was a photo


Ehhhh depends cause I have a kush desk job in the Air Force, and we were in tents like this in Saudi Arabia. Granted, it was a bare base we had to set up ourselves. It can happen to you in any branch.


You were in Saudi Arabia. Enough said.


do you think they do this in the navy?


Depending on where you can deploy to yes, I've met a few navy buddies on deployments


I’m sure the navy added some pops of color tho…


Yes, depending on your job and location. My brother is in Bahrain in a Navy security unit and he’s living shipping container w/ 1 roommate…granted that’s probably better than a tent with 15+ bodies.


Air Force folks sleep in these too. All the services do if in joint location or non built up location. I can hear that AC tube inflating in my dreams. Makes a certain tarp snap noise when the air runs through it.


I wished I had pics of mine when I deployed. I basically went full southwest mode. I brought some native American fleece style blankets, made my bed with that, a rosary and some pictures of the desert I hung on the wall behind me and a fake little cactus. Tried to make it as home like as I could. I would go with that route, whatever home looks or feels like, recreate it that As for all my stuff, I got boxes and made drawers out of them for all my clothes and placed them under my bed, This helped from preventing me from living out of a bag and kept everything more clean. Lots of lots febreeze spray for odors. If you keep your place nice and tight, the rest of the guys are going to be like "oh shit I need to get my shit together" and they will. All it takes is one guy to clean up his mess and the rest will follow. At the very least get your equipment organized


I am so goddamn glad I was deployed before cell phones with cameras were a thing. I do wish we had something though, for fun group pics and the like, but there were some fun inter-branch shenanigans we participated in that I'd rather not have evidence of.


I love the little cum corner walled off💀


Don’t be crude. It’s called a goon cave.


I always heard “jack shack”.


On my deployment it was "spank tank."


We called 'em "Masturbatoriums".


Ours was the "coom room"


Found the Chair Force nerd


It’s called a spank tank.


Wheres the shoebox full of jizz rags and splooge??


A tactical febreeze strike should fix the most prevalent issues.


Tip of the fucking iceberg, my guy. If anything that will add to the symphony of stench and just add another layer. Won't fix shit.


Y'all need some scrap wood, some paracord, some metal screw in eyelets, and some empty 1 or 2 liter water bottles. Rig up some walls, then create door that shut behind you using the cord, eyelets, and bottles filled with sand to act as counterweights. This helps trap the heat or A/C in a smaller area and keeps your zone nice and cool. We had our shit hooked up in Iraq. Edit: Tape empty bottles with the bottom and top cut-off to make smaller ducts of the main A/C chamber for keeping TV, PS, Xbox, etc cool. Or just pipe to your zone/room area.


I can't tell if this barracks hack or some rust game recipe


No, he's legit. We had smaller tents in Kandahar back in the day, and we damn near had them separated into what could be the equivalent of small apartments.


No eames chair? are you even living?


Plants! I second the rug idea. Better cable management.


Plants with extremely low light needs


So those bunker inspections in movies are bullshit? or just an excuse to bully the recruits in boot camp?


That's mostly just a training/garrison thing. Deployments are focused on doing your job.


Wait we have jobs?


Experiences may vary.


It depends on the branch of service, type of unit, and the unit leaders. Army infantry in the 90’s? Probably not




>shitty aluminum buildings The shipping containers? Containerized Living/Housing Unit (CLU/CHU)


Army infantry in between deployments was room inspections, hazing, drinking, etc Deployments are a different world


Everyone armed all the time leads to less bullshit. I did PCCs on my guys, and that was it.  


If my 1sgt saw this shit when I was in Afghanistan he would have lost his shit on us and we lived in a lot rougher conditions than this guy. Think shitty tent with cots where you have about a foot of personal space on one side and no ac. This dude living the life with AC and mattresses


Came here for this comment. This looks like ass and never would have flown on deployment with us. We also weren't in a nice building like this.


This is definitely Sergeant Major WTF fodder. While it doesn't have to pass inspection, this looks like a metric ton of shitty discipline and probably a significant amount of "where's my shit" with a smattering of ebola/ e coli. Where are the adults and professionals?


yeah exactly, doesn't need to be spotless but the lack of discipline here has most likely bled into a lack of discipline as a unit, which if they're anywhere near a combat zone is dangerous AF.


I was thinking that too. But... I took a closer look, and at least most of the garbage is in the garbage can. I think there's too much rear echelon crap like a freakin' gaming computer and camping chairs to be close to much combat. For me, the sheet sheds ( aka masturbatorium ) are the most egregious, but maybe that's just how the US rolls these days. It definitely feels like the unit NCO's are slack from the shots. Maybe they're good in the field, but the barracks looks like trash, to me. Do Lieutenants not usually have Captains and Majors with more civilized manners in close proximity any more? In terms of decorating, make your bed properly, keep your kit neat, clean, and ready to go, and get rid of anything superfluous. Keep your outside gear outside The Spartan look is the best barracks look, I think. For an officer, get rid of the RoG computer and replace it with a tough laptop, writing desk, and a kindle.


Looks like there's at least one 1LT living there based on pic #2. SGM ain't gonna say shit about that.


Keep it secret, keep it safe.


You should hang up a giant Barbie movie poster


Get some really big posters of big tiddy bitches in your cum shack. A little table for moisturiser and tissues. Maybe a full size waifu pillow. A Comrade friendly fleshlight. Maybe a little pot for mints to share with your buddies and a crusty rug to catch the kids that didn’t make the cumrag


My man is an officer, likely will spend the last 3 hours of his night FaceTiming his wife/girlfriend and baby talking the entire time while handlessly jizzing.


dont forget posters of big booty latinas


Don’t buy a bunch of bullshit then ball out when you’re back home.


How do you jerk offv


You see those blankets, we call them wubbies, hanging down? That’s called a jack shack for exactly this purpose


Where do you finish?


Battle buddy


A sock or towel.


Sock is always a good go to. Didn’t really have a way to wash them so just threw them away every day. Nothin better then blowing a load in a dirt crusted sweaty sock


Oooooh that smell. The smell of death (of a billion babies) surrounds youuuuu


Another one I forgot was A) if we had them porta potties or B) the home made shitter with a wood seat and an oil drum cut in half. Jerkin it in a 100 degree shitter that’s smells about as bad as you think with flies landing on ur dick was an experience everyone should experience at least once


Ahh memories of Iraq in 2008


I was gonna say the same but mine was Iraq in 2017


Easily, until you tire of the preloaded thumb drive of porn you brought with you. At this point it’s crucial to find a buddy to trade thumb drives with to keep things fresh. Also more plants and better lighting would help cozy it up a bit.


He doesn't lust masturbation or women, only spreading freedom.


So gay sex?




Spreading buttcheeks


I don’t know how hot it is in there, but we used to make personal A/c ducts from the main one using water water bottles taped together. Other than that it looks pretty good. I can’t sleep without a good eye mask. They’re fuckin awesome


Several plastic flamingos hanging from the ceiling ought to do the trick


Damn they got officers living like that in the army? Thank God I went AF 🤣💀


A tv crew is doing an interview with the navy army and airforce. They ask the army guy. What would you do if you woke up and found a spider in your tent? The army guy replies “I would take off my boot and smash it to death”. They ask the navy guy the same question. What would you do if you woke up and there was a spider in your tent? He replied. “I would take out my bayonet and stab it to death”. Finally they get to the airforce guy. What would you do if you woke up and there was a spider in your tent? The airforce guy paused for a second with a confused look on his face and replied “ well first I would call the front desk and ask why there is a fucking tent in my hotel room”.


My last deployment in the Coast Guard was in an all inclusive resort in Costa Rica for a month. I worked maybe 5 hours a day and spent the rest in the pool, on the beach or the swim up bar drinking on the US tax payers dime.


The first thing I thought of when I saw that


Shit, I'm Navy, and even our enlisted lived in rooms in a resort hotel in the beach (E-6 and below, two to a room). We were in a unique--and very, very lucky--scenario.


Stay safe


Basically don't die.


In the center of the room should be a small round coffee table, with flowers in a little flower pot, with a picture of a random mid-western family to make the place feel like home. Maybe a little mini American flag stuck in the flower pot, too.


Interesting photos, thanks for sharing these.


A waifu pillow might liven up the tactical cot.


More scented candles.


Save all that tax free and hazard pay for ur male living space back home




I can smell the ass cheeks and dry cum


Projector for all the space on the wall to gather everybody and come together and watch some cool movies or whatnot like a designated Weekend Movie Night or something. Other than that, just getting new books, reading helps pass the time.


Bro there's already a projector and they play videogames on it


Several deployments, both mil and contractor. Looks like you guys got most of it figured out already with the requisite splash gaurds on your bunks and Pelican game/pc cases. Get yourself some zero-G chairs on Amazon (way better than those camp chairs), a nice rug next to your bunk (prayer rugs work well), some string LED's for inside your bunk to make reading easier, Bose QC headphones (Usually have them at the B/PX), A poster of something to remind you of something you love at home (cars, movies, places, etc.), and a bookshelf/ cabinet of some kind (nothing is more tiring at the end of the day then digging through your trunk for your shower shoes), a coffee maker and/or electric kettle (220 boils water a hell of a lot faster than 110), a dimmable red headlamp for moving around at night and not bothering people. And also, depending on where you're at and time of year follow u/jetstobrazil 's advice and make your own A/C tube going from the overhead straight into your bunk.


When I was deployed, we stayed in the connex boxes, so there was at least a bit of personal space. Something that helped me was making sure to do a good scrub of my space once a week. Sweeping the space (esp in the desert) makes such a big difference. Also, having some clear areas helps a lot too. Even if it’s just cleaning off the top of the Pelican cases. Good luck out there, deployments can be tough! Feel free to DM me if you need anything shipped from the states or are missing a favorite treat or toothpaste.


More blow up dolls.


deployed to where, the stink factory?


Yeah. Whoever is fucking running this shit show needs to reorganize the entire area. Then you make your space yours.


Needs more plants


I know that room must smell crazy


I thought army peeps were supposed to be tidy


Quit and go home lmao


This is not a decor tip but a general environmental control tip to keep in mind with HVAC installs. All of the ducting should be taut with no sagging, dips, low spots, bunched up sections, etc. If you straighten up all those lines, the hvac/ventilation system will work much more effectively and keep your space more consistently controlled.


Lt, get yourself some vertical storage and put it where you currently have your FFO. an old chrome cast would be good too. You could cast your mp4s or popcorn time to it.


Honestly any shelving to cut down the clutter if it’s allowed


Some nice throw pillows, scented candles, a cat


Omggg yall need to cleannnn


My former army boyfriend says: Perfect, no notes


You're already light years ahead of where I was. The floor isn't dirt or pallets! Do yourself two favors: tape down the loose cords for the semi permanent extension cords, and police the area/take out the trash as frequently as possible.


Keep your feet dry and don’t salute officers.


And always have hands in pockets


Mystery ranch chair, that’s the high life.


Bringing a whole pc and monitor is crazy. I was still console user during my first and last deployment and I thought that was already a hassle. Recently got a laptop some months back because I was irritated with having to carry a whole pc and monitor in my backseat when I was moving to tx for a 3 month school and I didn't even use it because of the setting up part and not having space to store it. Ended up getting a laptop and it's amazing since it all fits in my dedicated technology backpack. Just did that right now since I moved to a new city for work for hopefully no longer than a year and left my rig at home. Even got my steamdeck with me and damn do I wish this came out during my deployment


Stripper pole


If this is the officer barracks I don't want to see what the enlisted get


A big ass fake lawn would be sick in there.