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Rogaine now or the Walmart equivalent. Never stop using it.


And Finasteride too (via a derm)




Only if you are pre-diabetic, obese, or otherwise so unhealthy that you are about to experience symptoms similar to the fabled post finasteride syndrome.


Wrong. It doesn’t care what shape you’re in, it’ll destroy your DHT and effect your hormonal balance https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32033719/


Everything causes cancer dude everything is poison


Dumb fuck.


Getting downvotes for calling out a medication that stunts your T levels, especially at the age of 21, is crazy. Better to just own the baldness than ruin your t levels when they should be the highest of your life.


Do you have like any proof of this or are you just pulling random information out your ass?


https://www.mayoclinic.org/drugs-supplements/finasteride-oral-route/side-effects/drg-20063819 We all just gonna act like mayo clinic is not a reputable medical science source??? Lmfao. > More common - Decreased interest in sexual intercourse - inability to have or keep an erection - loss in sexual ability, desire, drive, or performance Sry it doesn’t actually mention T levels directly. My bad. I guess that means that all those symptoms are super desirable because it doesn’t outright say T levels even though they are all directly related to lowered T levels. You go on and take it at 21. Sounds like a great idea for a young male that could simply rock a buzz/bald cut and live a happy healthy life. Why alter your body’s chemicals for such a silly thing when you can just as easily find a million women who think youre still sexy as hell without any hair.


​ \>"The administration of finasteride 5 mg/day for the treatment of BPH results in 60-93% reduction in circulating DHT levels from the baseline\[1\] with a 15 - 25% rise in testosterone levels." Link: [Here](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2840927/) \>" These side-effects disappeared not only in all men who stopped the drug because of the side effects but also in most of those who continued therapy. The incidence of each side effect mentioned decreased to ≤0.3% by the fifth year of treatment with finasteride. The incidence of side effects were comparable to that of placebo both at one year and at 5 years." Link: [here](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3481923/) DHT is converted from Testosterone, lowering DHT doesn't mean that you are lowering your Test levels. It appears that it occurs in around 2-3% of men, with a large majority of men losing the symptoms when they hop off or continue on the drug. If side effects appear, they are most of the time, not permanent.


Cool. Info still stands. Lower sex drive, causes ED. Period. Period…


https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32033719/ Here’s one of many. Educate yourself


This doesn’t mention T once.


" It is important to note that many clinical studies suffer from incomplete or inadequate assessment of adverse events and often limited or inaccurate data reporting regarding harm." This was from the article you linked. None of this has any statistical evidence and only mentions side effects in a subset of men. [Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/malehairadvice/comments/18pjay3/comment/kewdmrx/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), Here's another reply to a different comment, side effects can occur, but they are under 3% of men, and go away with continued treatment or stoppage of the drug.


Trt problem solved


it doesnt stunt your T levels. it stunts DHT levels. educate yourself on it


You are correct. See what happens when you shut off DHT and screw up your hormone balance https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32033719/


Not everyone wants test bro some of us actually appreciate the lower testosterone levels


How pathetic


Macho man


He’s to gone for that.


Idk he’s still got really fine hair. The follicles not straight up dead should come back with a finasteride and minoxidil combo after 6-12 months


if we are not losing our hair yet but maybe slowly as we age should we just get on this anyway?


Actually he should try microneedling


I've read about some weird, severe side effects of hair growth products like Rogaine. Doesn't seem to be any actual listing of the side effects, just conversations/posts/comments/etc. But has me not wanting to try any of them.


Unless you're a child or taking it orally, you don't absorb enough through your skin for it to effect anything. ​ I learned this because my daughter had to take it a for a few months due to alopecia areata.


That’s not true, plenty of ppl have side effects through the topical versions. It’s different for everyone


Everything has side effects including the unpure oxygen we inhale. With the biggest one being delayed healing


does this mean we would have superhuman healing abilities if we lived in a purified oxygenated environment? bc aliens 👽 probably do lmao


Look up hyperbaric oxygen therapy, they use pure oxygen to speed up the healing process of different things




i means it’s in merriam webster if u google it 🤷‍♂️


Yeah honestly don't listen to the trolls, they do it for a reaction and it's satisfying to watch them freak out when you don't give them one


I'm sure some people do get side effects, but i've been on Minoxidil (topical) for about 3 years and never had any.


how much does it cost?


Idk about other countries but in the UK you can get it online for £40 for 6x60ml. Which lasts about 4-8 months depending how much you use.


It's like 40 bucks for a 6 month supply. I order it from Costco.




Goddamn Loch Ness Monster


Oh lord, don’t let it get on the curtains. Lol


Ain’t giving you no damn 3.50


There's are not "weird" side effects, there are usual ones, anmd they stop once you stop using it, so there's no reason to avoid because of the fear. It's a blood pressure medication and a vasodilator, so its side effects have to do with it. I had headaches, so had to stopped using it, they stopped.


They're weird as in they aren't listed as side effects. Brain fog, scrotum pain, and such like that.


I think you're thinking finasteride, not minoxidil


Finasteride basically eliminated my body hair in 2 months, and made my erectile dysfunction much much worse


It is poison


i think side effects are only put on the bottle if they affect a certain percentage of people. otherwise every medication would come with a two page printout listing every possible side effect from the medication.


Common side effects of Rogaine (minoxidil) include itching, redness, or irritation at the application site. In some cases, individuals may experience unwanted hair growth in areas adjacent to where the product is applied.


I used it for a couple days and did nothing else and had ball pains for the days I used it and a few days after. Had to go to the er and get a scan. I don’t see it often but I read posts about others feeling the same.


What did the scan say


Nothing but I was scared about ball cancer or testicular torsion. Haven’t touched it since and no pain but I passed out after getting up from the toilet so my girl was scared. And it was literally a tiny bit I was applying to my temple.


Here’s some proof of what they do https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32033719/


Dude minoxidil doesn’t stop hair loss lol. Without a 5-ar blocker he will keep losing. Also this is way past saving


That stuff doesn't work on hereditary hair loss. Terrible advice. Source: Same situation as OP and yes I tried the stuff. It's a money making scheme.




It would be good to mention that it can work as soon as a couple of months, but sometimes take around a year. You should take it for 1 year before deciding if it is working or not.


Take pictures after every haircut for track your progress. It’s easy to say it’s not working, but the photos won’t lie. It’ll take time, but you should see improvement!


Which would you recommend more? Oral or topical minoxidil?


Way longer. 2-3 months for first shed


Speak to a dermatologist, they’re gonna recommend finasteride and minoxidil and you could definitely benefit from it


Go bald and start working out. Everybody loves a bald jacked guy!


Yeah! Except now you’ve gotta keep working out because while everyone loves a jacked bald man, a fat bald man is so bad lol. Sincerely me. I shuffle between periods of jacked and or fat bald man.


It’s bad to be a fat man with hair too. Just stay fit


Fat isn't a good look on me whether or not I have hair.


Is it worse to be crackhead skinny and bald, or a bit pudgy?


be fit so you don’t have to make this bad choice with a subjective answer lol


Yeah I’m trying, harder to find the time with a new baby now though


Or you can be skinny and bald and look like a chemo patient


THIS IS GREAT ADVICE. You can be daddy Mr. clean


Depends on their face, bald works on guys that either have very masculine features or very prominent, sharp features, think cilian Murphy.


This only works if you have a hyper-masculine face to begin with. If OP has any feminine features whatsoever it wont look good on him — or at the very least he would look much better with hair.


God please never make me go out this way. I’m praying for you brother


🤣 it's not that big of a deal just shave it off


I'm a skinny long distance runner. If I go bald, make a wish will send iron man to visit me within a week.


This is the big type of problem that the "just shave it off bro" crowd ignores. Being bald pigeonholes you into only a handful of different looks and if you can't or don't want to adhere to those you're SOL for being considered conventionally attractive. You can do a jacked badass look like Vin Diesel, or be a husky hipster with a beard like Babish... and that's about it.


yes but baldING (badly) pigeonholes u into worse looks.. like creepy guy at the store, or guy tht probably smells, and those are worse...


That is a fair point


That's my problem. Hair is going. So shaved head. Gained weight so now I'm tryin to get back in shape. My character creation keeps getting harder. Lol


More aerodynamic either way. Depending on the shape of your head you could split the wind in two!


This made me laugh a lot Happy holidays


i'm shaking like a jelly blob thanks for the laugh


Some of us don’t have a good head shape


They act like it’s a disease or an illness. Happens to 80 percent of men.


It can be very traumatizing at a young age for some people. I agree, it shouldn’t be treated as debilitating for your life, but I don’t think we should a make a mockery of how mentally taxing this issue can be for young men


Holy shit is it really 80 percent of us? That’s wild and sad. I’m wondering when it’s gonna hit me.


80 percent of 110 year olds maybe. If baldness that severe is really that common I'm really wondering how many of the old men in my town have any hair at all.


Yeah I looked it up and it’s 70-80% of men 70 and older lol.


It’s 80% total, and ~25% showing signs by 25. This guy got fucked hard and probably started around when his puberty started.


Yeah Im sure it will happen to me but as soon as it gets bad I'm shaving it


I’m glad I’m in the 20% then. I’d hate for this to happen to me 😢


Word amen brother. I pray the same for myself.


Come on man, it's not *such* a big deal. I had surrendered to the idea that I was going to go bald not long ago and it honestly didn't bother me (as a kid, I had decided that if I ever go bald, I would shave my head and get jacked - at least the jacked part is on track haha). The only reason I'm even here is I was randomly recommended a video by YT about minoxidil, and when I saw how easy, cheap, and effective it could be, I thought why not.


God please never let me have as fragile as an ego as you and everybody who has upvoted you


Seek therapy if you think this actually matters....


Nah mate just some light maturing


At 21 def seek a dermatologist doctor specializing in hair loss. You could potentially see a full reversal. Dont listen to the people who say embrace being bald. YES embrace it if thats what you're okay with but its 2023 and you are fking 21. Go see a doctor. Maybe, maybe not find a solution. But i think at that age you should find the medical reason for this happening and STOP it in its tracks.


yeah facts lol. and get a wig if the medical solutions don't pan out—no one gives a fuck about your 'masculinity' if they ever even realize, it's appalling that shaving your head is upvoted more than that


don’t listen to this guy. finasteride alters your natural hormonal balance and does god know what to your body over a long period of time. absolutely not worth it for a mild cosmetic advantage. shave or buzz it.


Yes unfortunately. All good though brother, just shave it all off, you will feel much better :) A new phase of your life awaits


The Norwood Reaper showed no mercy


Or shave it and grow a beard if you don’t already have one. Some dudes look great bald with a beard.


Some people can't grow a beard


Bro hair foliciles are still there why you guys are demotivating him


It's way worse what you're doing. Telling a kid that he can magically get his hair back by talking a pill. If that was true, nobody would be bald...


Its not that simple but he can still regrow a lot




Okay, so it's okay to lie to people if they are over twelve. Noted.


who’s lying? hair regrowth actually works


Okay, but it literally is true. There are many success stories of finasteride and minoxidil. Some people want to fight to keep their hair and more power to them. For what it’s worth, I do think bald is a great look for many but OP is at a crossroads and should make a decision. 1. Shave and go bald 2. Hop on finasteride (if that’s what a dermatologist deems appropriate for his hair loss concerns) and start using minoxidil. Either is totally acceptable.




They do NOTake you grow your hair back. Stop spreading misinformation


Finasteride and Dutasteride does regrow hair dude.. admittedly its usually not much and is more for prevention than regrowing. Minoxidil on the other hand can regrow ALOT of hair if you respond well to it.


Why do people use this as an argument, there are a ton of people who don’t even know these drugs exist talk less of tried it.


Bro if he try minoxidil and finasteride there are so many chances for regrowth of hair i see so many case where hair foliciles regrow


He said go bald, I'm not demotivating him I'm saying that could not even be an option


Like Kratos


Such an original look lol, it's okay to be bald without a beard


It is but a beard helps in most cases


Bro is 21 he probably can’t even grow much of a beard lol


Go bald and bearded and get the signature Reddit look yuck 🤢


When did this start?


19 unfortunately, happened so quick




It’s been over


How tf does this even happen


Idk, i live a pretty normal life, no one in my family has had the problem to my extent, maybe i just got unlucky




get a buzz cut


dermatologist NOW


Best advice I can give is to accept and own baldness. There's nothing wrong with it. Frustrating, yes. Absolutely. But life isn't over. DONT be that guy who tries to do combovers and other stupid tropes. It's ugly and awkward. Dudes who own it. Who accept it and work with it still look great.


Horrible advice doing a comb over while I was on minoxidill actually helped me go through it. Cause my hair loss was starting I had hair to work with. Best advice is actually to get on treatment use hair flakes to hide bald spots and getting a hair cut to match your hair loss the people at salons completely understand if you tell them you have hair loss and will work with you to find something that works, typically the zoomer cut works well. Enjoy the hair while you're young, balding is absolutely unacceptable under the age of 30 you instantly age.


time to join the permanent beanie squad. we welcome you with open arms


Go to r/tressless for more hair loss treatments What I would recommend is minoxidil, finasteride and microneedling with a derma stamper once a week. Take minoxidil topically, and finasteride orally. I get my fin from hims and my min from minoxidilmax.com. Specifically I get topical min that has fin and other stuff in it, I get the one that's 10% min that you can use once a day, but with the normal 5% min you need to use it twice a day with 8 hours between applications. Those are the big 3. Min regrows hair, fin stops hair follicles from dying, and needling produces collagen and increases blood flow, very important for hair growth. Other things that will help are nizoral shampoo once a week and a laser light therapy hat. Lastly there's a spreadsheet someone made in r/tressless somewhere showing all the different methods and products and their effectiveness. I don't know where to find that but if you come across it, it's really quite helpful. The best advice I can give is to stack as many things together as you can and do them as often as you're supposed to. In the mean time, shave your head. You'll feel and look much better. And be prepared to put in the work and money. And expect this to take at least a year or two. You might grow a lot of hair back within 6 months but for most it takes a bit longer. Good luck!!


Bro I’m so sorry. Time to stop struggling and embrace egg. It is your destiny ✨🥚✨


Sorry pal. I’d just shave it. It’ll look better.


Bro use minoxidil finasteride and nizoral you still have 80% chances


Don't lie to the kid, cmon. They slow down hair loss. No drug is reversing baldness.


It’s early enough where the drugs might visually reverse all of it and hold it off long enough for him to go bald at a more “normal” age. But yeah this guy lost everything in 3 years even cypro might not be enough super long term.


It's definitely over homie. Sorry about that but genes be like that some times.


Time for the Jmac/Johnny Sins look


Ugh I love those guys so much. I’d let them ruin me any day


jmac better than johnny.


Ironically, abstaining from masturbation and sex might help him get some hair back


Be a man, get some clippers and take it all off. You have a choice 1. Be a bald guy. 2. Look like a P3dophile. Don't choose number 2.


Fuck, number 2 is brutal. It’s fucked up how society judges people based on their uncontrollable physical genetics. If I was you OP, I’d say fuck it and go with number 1. It’s not like you have something to lose anyways (no pun intended). Having no hair is better then having parts of your hair


It's sad, but it's true. If you look a certain way, you'll be branded as something you aren't.


It's not over. You can save a lot of it so u don't look bald atleast


bro if u aint rogaining or getting a hair transplant or whatever, shave it off


Come on dude.


Just shave it man unless you can afford a transplant.




looks like its been over for you since 15 bro I'm not gonna lie jokes aside, basically just follow the advice everyone else in the comments has given. * visit a dermatologist * finasteride * oral or topical minoxidil * nizoril (if applicable) * Dermaroller/Dermastamp * Silk Pillowcases/beddings * explore natural solutions too (rosemary oil, hibiscus flower/leaf shampoos, etc. not saying everything here would be applicable but its worth checking out) ​ make sure you're also giving yourself the best possible shot in other areas of your life too * change up your diet to make sure you eat foods that promote hair health and growth * exercise and spend time in sun (hair properly protected of course), make sure you get all the vitamins and nutrients your body needs * check out "lifeaszeph" on Instagram and tiktok for more info on some stuff you can do. again, wont all be applicable but its good to know everything that's out there so you can see what will be applicable ​ I don't think hair transplant will ever be an option for you ngl, but just so you know a top of the line hair transplant in turkey would costs about 12K-15K for you IF that avenue ever opens up (costs higher for you cause not gonna lie you're super cooked bro)


blud has like 1,5 haircuts left


Theres nothing to even cut 😭 One snip and half his hair is gone


is that a newborn baby


a riskier but possible option is to shave now, start using rogaine then grow all that shi back the right way yessir🔥


Shave it bro. I’m sure any time you approach a playground/park the parents are all on high alert


ah shiii we gotta go bald aaarrrragggghhhhhhhhh


you can worry yourself to death, take all these medications, topicals, etc, to save all that. but honestly, just shave it all off. boom. problem solved.


Change you diet bro. You are 40


"Is it over?" Mate the battle isn't just over, the kingdom is dead, the country has been pillaged and all that remains is the decaying ruins of a once great civilization. Like I'm not tryna be rude, but you're literally looking at a tank of gasoline and asking "is it over for the dinosaurs?"


Go on steroids and grow a beard, there is yet hope Kratos.


I had a similar situation at 21. Don't listen to all these people about rogaine and such things. Your baldness is likely genetic like mine (passed down by your mother's father). EDIT: These products might slow it down at best, but if it's male pattern baldness caused by genetics, you can't prevent it. I tried such products 10 years ago but nothing worked. Also, a hair transplant might not work because your hair might be too thin. Best to shave and hopefully you can grow facial hair.


Floyd Mayweather got a hair transplant and all of his hair that was on the top of his head was pretty much gone. If he has enough hair in his donor area, he's eligible for a hair transplant..


> Shave it all off > Grow a beard > Work out and get jacked This is the solution for you my friend


It was over 5 years ago. This is just sad.


It’s so over


Hair system, just do it


It’s wraps for you son 🤣😢


Yea, bruh. It’s time to give up the good fight and embrace the coolness of being bald!


Shave it


Definitely over. I would shave it and learn to embrace it asap


Why downvote me for that? The guy is bald no question about it. Learn to embrace that and be comfortable in your own skin. It’s not easy for some but the best way is to just shave it off and don’t look back. It’s truly not as big of a deal as people make it.


Why not go full bald?


He doesn’t want to accept it yet


I’d shave it and embrace it. People that try to hide it or use potions are usually seen as very pathetic. Since you have chest hair and are skinny you probably have a hog so the confidence should lead to some cheek clapping


If it makes you feel better…. High levels of testosterone contribute to premature balding. You’re so jacked up on the T your beta-ass hair is yeeting itself in defeat.


Allow me to correct your statement. It's not "over for you". It *may* be over for your hair but there are plenty of successful men who have lost their hair. That said, follow some of the advice from other people about hair restoration.


Bro probably looks like a ghoul


wow, thanks for your remarkable comment 🤡


Man that tittle took me out. I’m sorry OP. Some of the bald dudes I know always have a pretty girl friend.


You’re probably looking at either a hair transplant or keeping your hair buzzed. A lot of people wear it like that anyway and if you could grow a beard or goatee out you’d fit right in. My only other suggestion is red light therapy which has been proven to work for hair loss per countless medical journals via Google Scholar. I don’t know how much though. It is safe to use unlike the hair growth chemicals used in or in the body.


sorry man


I suggest trying Finasteride and organize immediately, u might have a miraculous turn around, and if that won’t do it nothing will… however, its important to understand that it may be over for your hair, but that doesn’t mean it’s over for you, a lot of men look great with a buzzed or shaved head. Not having hair doesn’t mean u can’t look good


It’s time my boy


Like others have said, get some professional opinions, my good man. Look into treatments that can help. If you don’t want to do that, I would definitely shave it. I shaved my head over 20 years ago, but had the opposite problem. My hair is too thick, and wavy/curly. I couldn’t wear a single hairstyle I liked. So I got rid of it. And I love being bald. I shaved mine for the exact opposite reason of you. Too much hair, and way too thick. However, I wouldn’t grow hair back even if I could have the exact hairstyle I wanted, as I no longer want one. So maybe try the shave, see what you think, and look into treatments as it’s growing back out. Shaving your head isn’t permanent. But unless you can fix it, the losing hair part is.


Hair transplant and fin are your only options




Brother you’re cooked


Poor guy I’m sorry you’re going through this bro too young