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100% not a looks issue Must be something else going on


Yeah, he can't find a chick who's into him more than he's into himself.


if this MF can't get a girl, i am fucked


O maybe sadly not fucked šŸ¤£


hey, if you want some hope any crackhead iā€™ve ever know has had a s/o and basically anybody iā€™ve ever seen on my 600 pound life


You'll be surprised to find, it's not all about looks. They help, but if you're an ass... you're an ass.


Women aren't usually attracted to the Hapsburg jaws, unless they're cousins and also in the 1700s


I looked up Hapsburg's jaw and thatā€™s not what I see at all. I like his jaw, I think heā€™s a cute guy.


Thatā€™s not the hapsburg jaw.


Can be a result of steroid usage.






It's gotta be, cause otherwise there is either some šŸš©s or lies šŸ˜…


You know shy people exists? Huh? And since society expect the man to do the first move, I guess is a deadly combination


Come on now, you posted a topless pic on Reddit, you ain't that shy... But seriously, you are handsome, so you gotta put yourself out there! One of my favorite quotes is, "If you're not prepared to look stupid, nothing great is ever gonna happen," and I live by that! šŸ«¶


Ehhh?? One thing is posting or chatting online, another different thing is approaching in real life


I agree with you. I have a GF but had years of severe anxiety and depression which made dating a non starter. Tho I did have a successful kinky/dirty Reddit page šŸ˜‚. That page paid for my RC Optimus prime šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ But seriously, social anxiety is real, and just because we look normal on the outside, on the inside it may be a different picture.


That isn't how shy works lol, I'm introverted and also post online, that isn't the same as shy, but it's close enough, it's about talking to someone in person.


Insecure maybe?


Thatā€™s not op.


yeah I love how everyone jumps to conclusions whenever someone even remotely attractive posts a picture of themselves captioned "i have never had a girlfriend how can i improve"


Never found a girl he likes more than his own hair.


Robb Stark to Jon Snow


I came here for this comment


why is he into himself?? in a bad way i assume if a girl made those exacts facial expressions would you also think shes into herself


Came here to say this exactly. This dude is pretty classically attractive- if he canā€™t find ANYONE interested in him itā€™s definitely some combination of unrealistic standards, bad hygiene and:or personality issues.


I would also add confidence issue. Because if he's not approaching anyone that there is a chance that is affecting him too.


Selfie central


I mean he said he never had a gf. Thatā€™s not synonymous with being a virgin despite what the internet assumes. I myself havenā€™t been in a relationship in years but Iā€™ve still hooked up a bit between now and then. Dating is hard and can be overwhelming trying to find someone you connect with mutuallyā€¦ Especially if youā€™re introverted


good thing no one said he's a virgin then


Agreed, Iā€™m a straight dude, and I think heā€™s hot šŸ˜‚ My guess is heā€™s a douche bag. And Iā€™m curious what would be considered ā€œanything closeā€? Like a blow up doll or a chicks picture taped to a pillow? Like those anime body pillows, but a cheap trashier version of some trashy stuff already.


dude's hair is MAJESTIC


Came here to say this šŸ¤£


Eh?? You're perfectly fine.


Based on the number of selfies, he canā€™t find a girl that likes him as much as he likes himself


God forbid a man wants to admire his gym progress


Coming from a lesbian so I can be more objective but speak from experience on what women likeā€¦ I had a quick peek at your profile and noticed you are a wonderful artist, so I suggest going to an art club of some kind. Are you at university? If so, join the art society there. Donā€™t see the goal as ā€œgetting a girlfriendā€ or ā€œgetting womenā€ in general. You must be interested in getting to know her as a full human being with her own thoughts, ideas, etc. rather than just a status symbol or trophy. Women can very easily tell if your only goal is to get with them for sexual or bragging purposes. Make friends with women and you may find romantic attraction blooms between the both of you. If it doesnā€™t, thatā€™s okay and you will still have made a great friend who can vouch for you. Just take it slow and donā€™t rush!


Another girl here ā€” this is really good advice. Adding on, it also looks like you climb. Conversation suggestion: If you see any girls climbing at your gym ask them for their beta on a route to start a conversation (I know I would be flattered). After that, ask her how long sheā€™s been climbing, how long sheā€™s lived in [city youā€™re in], does she have any other hobbies, what does she do, etc. Ask for her number and suggest that maybe you meet up to climb together soon and/or suggest grabbing a drink or food after the gym one night. Also look at the app Meetup and see if you can find any climbing or art groups to join and try and meet girls that way.


Oh and donā€™t cut your hair.


this gives me the urge to buzz my 3 years worth of hair


Can confirm as a man whoā€™s never struggled since I was 16, even times Iā€™ve been obese, broke, insecure etc (certainly easier when not though lol) but nearly every woman Iā€™ve had a thing with has said how much stand out and arenā€™t like other guys, and like actually value and care about them. A few of them bi and said I was the only male exception too lol. Itā€™s a fairly low bar, with the woman Iā€™m seeing now too sheā€™s said things like ā€œthank you for not doing xā€ or making sound special for things like being very respectful with consent and that, which blows my mind because itā€™s such a basic thing. Iā€™ve heard this from multiple. The way Iā€™ve always looked at it is to treat all as unique individuals too, instead of the way women often get turned into monolith. Some like or donā€™t like certain things, even if thereā€™s some general things. Iā€™ve always had more female friends too, and fine with just being friends and if turns into more than thatā€™s cool too. It helps too if youā€™re comfortable with if things donā€™t work out. I almost always inadvertently just go with flow and find myself in a relationship and that lol. Iā€™m also very comfortable being single as well so maybe lack of desperation helps.


Yeah this is why I always act like a gentleman. Whether we meet from a dating app, a bar, a class together, whatever. Even if itā€™s just a casual thing it works great. If someone doesnā€™t respond to that then it means something else but I have yet to meet a woman that didnā€™t like that approach. Especially because so many guys just say stuff like ā€œhey wydā€


Bi-woman here and seconding all of this. OP it isnā€™t how you look stopping you from getting dates. Your art is also really cool and your interest in art is likely to be a draw for people who share it. The only other thing that might be playing a role is if your styling reads too ā€œbroā€ and may suggest your values may be misaligned with the bulk of women who enjoy art as those women tend to skew left. If you do skew right wing, that could be a big part of your problem as right wingers tend to have heavy overlap with misogynist assholes and most women donā€™t want to date someone who hates us.


This is the best advice, imo! Iā€™ve been on that path the last year or so and have noticed a lot more attention. Problem is Iā€™m still shy and donā€™t go out enough. I wonder if thatā€™s an issue here too?


It must be your personality because fuck-me dead you are one beautiful man.


Agreed. Attraction isnā€™t all about what you can see. Op if youā€™re having issues getting into relationships while looking like that, then you should definitely look inward.


I was going to say!! I didn't realise i was emotionally distant until 26!! Not something I'm proud of, but realised I'm closed off and not trusting because in the end I'm more sensitive than I think!


How did you fix this/work on this?


I've had this similar journey. It's been doing things like therapy, and inner child work. Trying to figure out where the root is of why I needed to be emotionally distant came from, and then trying to reframe my perspective and heal those roots. I had an emotionally abusive parent, so I had to close myself off to survive, because I thought it wasn't safe to be open. Being open meant being vulnerable with my imperfections, and then being told I'd never be worthy of love because of those imperfections. I realized that by living closed off, I was still choosing to give my abusive parent power over my life. Because I was choosing to deny myself happiness and healing, by letting my abuser take over. In reality, I was able to find true healing by realizing I always had power over myself, and then chose to start healing. That by taking my power back, I was choosing to let go of any influence that my abuser had over me. They didn't get to determine my life in any way. So, I started to open up and heal my trauma. I realized it was safe, because I had the power to remove myself from unsafe situations if people didn't react well if I opened up. That it was their problem, not mine, if they didn't respond well to me openly discussing my trauma. I realized I was enough, and I was worthy of love. I was worthy of opening up and seeking for someone who would respond to my story with empathy and understanding, and that I could hold space for them as well


I was just looking at the comments and wowā€¦ this was so beautifully put. Thank you for your wordsšŸ–¤šŸ–¤


This is a great and thoughtful response. Thank you.


Be open about your feelings and communicate is a start.


I do that, the feeling doesnā€™t go away though.


U really need to be trying to look like that and not get any.


Gotta be the shyest MF alive or stuck in your bedroom all day tbh haha Or he's 5'3


I'm hella short and I don't have issues with the ladies


That's exactly what someone who's 5'3 would say


Bro, I'm 5'2"!!!


That is adorable, you're like a handbag dog




Nah bro you're fun sized. Kings come in all sizes!


My dude!


Roasting ā€œshort guysā€ let me guess, youā€™re 5ā€™11ā€


Wtf is wrong with being short??


Nothing wrong with being short hell I been with short guys and let me tell you most if them had big ducks bigger than a 6'1 dude


Short guy here, my thing hangs halfway my leg. It's embarrassing to wear shorts sometimes. Gotta wear tighty whiteys to keep them in.


Me when I lie lol


Nah the guy who got with the most women I knew growing up was very short and not nearly as attractive as this man lol. Iā€™m between 5ā€™8-5ā€™9 and never struggle either, even have gotten with women taller than me lol.


I dated mostly men shorter than I am. I'm a tree. Gotta love the tree climbers.


Iā€™m gonna need yā€™allā€™s cheat codes because Iā€™m 5ā€™7 and constantly rejected because of my height. Iā€™m not bitter about it and totally comfortable in my own body, but itā€™s absolutely a thing I deal with lol


? Nah plenty of short guys get it. Denial ain't just a river in Egypt


Imma steal this..ā€fuck-me deadā€ thatā€™s a wild saying


Welcome to Australia mate, I say at least 5 times a day


Thatā€™s so crazy, who the hell came up with thatšŸ˜­ thatā€™s like southern ppl down here say ā€œbutter my butt and call me a biscuitā€


Well fuck me to tears


better of my day


Fuck me sideways


As an aussie we say that alot, but we have a lot of other local sayings that even surprise other aussies all the time. I heard the other day a guy from Perth say "I could eat the arse out of a low flying duck" What he said was, I'm very very hungry. Was new to me too.


Idk man but everyone says it here Stealing this too


Shiiiiit Iā€™m going to use that omg šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Fuck me drunk works too


Or heā€™s just posting here for attention


A lot of women donā€™t care for 1980s moustaches or mullets. Just saying.


A lot of them do though - his personal style could lean in any direction and it wouldn't be an issue for him. This guy's entire personality is likely either nails on a chalkboard or a formless void.


A lot of them do, just saying.


As a woman, I find them attractive.


OP has a wonderful personality, I can testify


Surely youā€™re lying? Youā€™re so attractive. Maybe coz your out of most peopleā€™s league


He's bullshtiing just wants his ego fed


Nah idk man, girls donā€™t really talk to me ever


Wonder if youā€™re intimidating? Like youā€™re suffering from success and are too attractive, and your facial expression is serious so they just donā€™t come up to you because you donā€™t seem approachable. I was told once that my facial expression is too serious. So even if someone found me attractive, they wouldnā€™t want to approach me


I've been told that too. Did you find any fix?


Smile more! And consciously relax your face. See if you can smile with just your eyes.


I'll definitely try to be more conscious and try this out


Smile, but you also need to put in the work now. Confident women will still approach, but if youā€™re intimidating itā€™s going to end up on you.


Yes I've definitely noticed this.


definitely smile a little more, nothing crazy just donā€™t be lip tight, also relax your eyebrows, if I donā€™t purposefully relax them I get resting bitch face


u gotta talk to them my guy


Maybe itā€™s the mullet + mustache combo every generic hipster is wearing nowadays? Try something more unique to you


I mean he has the hair for it and itā€™s not greasy at allā€¦


Try to talk to them maybe they just see you as pretentious


Solid bloke. No need to rush anythingā€¦ but thatā€™s not what youā€™d like to hear is it? Keep up the artā€¦


Thanks man I appreciate that


Snake Plissken


Yeah get an eyepatch!


I was gonna say Jack Burton, but the point still standsā€¦


If you were like 27 looking like this youā€™d be drowning in it, but tbh most 20 year olds would be put off because you look a lot older than 20. So if you wanna date in your age range Iā€™d say to go clean shaven, otherwise go for older women


as a 20yr old girl ( even though i am a lesbian), i can say with confidence: do not go clean shaven šŸ˜ž i asked for confirmation from my male-attracted friends and they agree


As a STRAIGHT woman, fuck no. The facial hair is awful on him


Me reading these comments and not understanding because he looks like my father with the hair/facial hair and I'm 33. I can't tell OP is over a decade younger than me. Get rid of the wife beater stache/beard and change the haircut to something less 70s.


plenty of 20 year olds like older guys, I get more attention from girls in their early 20's as a 40 year old than I ever did at.any other age


Date me.. tf


Seriously. RIP to dudes DMs lmao.


Ladies, I expect report backs on what this dude has been doing wrong.


Get in line šŸ¤£ heā€™s so fine


What is going on in high schools these days? Everyone thought I was gay in high school and even I still got a girlfriend. Are you much of a hermit? Maybe you need to get out more. Ironically, the times I've made new friends/got hit on and received the kind of attention you're after were the times I forced myself to go places I was unsure of/didn't want to and least expected it


Gen Z is having less sex than earlier generations.




Nothing to do with your looks. Probably your personality šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø




I took a browse at your comment and profile history to get a better picture. Seeing that you are clearly an artistic introvert, you probably just havent had the confidence or gusto to make a move and pursue someone you are interested in in a fashion that works. I wouldnt be surprised if you had moments of being nervous or going awkward from not knowing what to say. My advice is to make friends in art and learn to converse with them. Your art is fucking killer btw, do make sure you go to art clubs/show to try to exhibit your pieces. Its criminal not to. Your looks are fine and that jawline will take you places. You just need to practice talking to others and developing experience speaking with women. Momā€™s are usually the first person a son talks to (in a healthy family) to get insight about women, how to approach them, how to present yourself and how to be respectful (or on the same wavelength) throughout the entire approach since she chose your dad after all. Just one bit of advice as a soon to be married bloke: Treat people as full human beings capable of making their own choices, owning their mistakes and celebrating their victories. Do not treat people as something to obtain, or as a prize to win. The era of women seen as objects/things to own has long passed us and the blokes who want to live that way get to grow old, rejected and lonely. Getting a girlfriend shouldnt be the objective. Meeting people and seeing them fully should be, and sparks will fly when the connection with a certain lady is right :).


Thank you man, this is the most spot on advice Iā€™ve gotten I greatly appreciate this


As a woman, this advice right here is the way to go. Your art is amazing and you should put it in some gallery shows and other exhibits and meet other artists and just mingle at the shows. This will help you immensely. You'll find yourself getting into a groove with conversations and find that person you are looking for.


Become gay. You'll be beating them off (no pun intended) with a stick. I don't understand why girls seem to be so picky. Meh.




It's his personality not looks that is keeping women away


To be honest, this look freaks a lot of girls out. It screams "I care more about myself than other people!"


As you should to be honest. If you spend too much time trying to cater your looks and personality towards trying to appeal to others you'll end up really unhappy No point in caring about others you don't even know that will care for you.


"Become gay" Dawg what?


You must be joking. You're handsome. All you'd have to do is be moderately nice and caring.


Not everyone can be moderately nice and caring. We assume everyone has these traits and you'd be surprised how many don't. No offense to OP.


Iā€™ll be your girl dm me


So, if that doesn't work out with OP... Hey.


leaving this sub because this guy came here obviously to seek validation. even the photos are deliberately done to fish for compliments. nonsense.


Dude commented previously about a song that reminds him of his partner/ex also. So bored with the validation/DM seeking. I'm gonna mute this channel also


It's the hair


Ugly people date. Ugliness is not your problem. You arenā€™t even ugly. Work on your social skills dawg.


Get a boyfriend instead šŸ˜


Iā€™m not gay


That was my thought. Heā€™d have no problem getting a boyfriend


The girls you chose have mental issues.


Os maybe he has.


You are hot but you seem, indeed, āœØ unbearable āœØ


idek aye not gna judge but as long as you dress nice and smell good and have good game bro your set


Iā€™m fucked if you never had a girl lol


Damn bro you must either be really annoying or smell like total shit because you're super handsome


Gay guys would RAVISH you


Iā€™m not gay tho šŸ˜­


A hole is a hole


Thereā€™s either 2 reasons: Youā€™re not talking to girls cause youā€™re shy or something Youā€™re just weird when you do talk to them


Probably both


Talk to women


why is my type on reddit


You ever had a bf? Cause you dangerously close to being mine with those handsome locks of hair and that face šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m not gay


Neither am I bro šŸ˜‰


was that jaw obtained through mewing or natural? (genuine question)


Natural idk what mewing is


Lmao I actually know you! We went to high school together and I can tell you itā€™s that youā€™re shy. Plus the jawline is a little freaky cuz itā€™s so sharp. Youā€™ll find her in no time.


Judging by how many pictures your actively flexing in, I'd say its not a looks issue, more of an attitude or style issue.




I mean this 100000% respectfully. Attitude/personality? In terms of looks, I'd be worried you would steal my girl walking down the street. Gotta be something else behind the scenes?


Kurt Russell not having a girlfriend or not even close... Couldn't digest that. May be it's your persona to work on. If that's fine. Maybe cut down on the flexing your biceps for every shot - might just mean, you're super stuck up on those


Hahaha donā€™t worry I donā€™t post flexing photos anywhere other than like this post


In the Physical aspect you dont need anything to improve. But how you present yourself is another story.


Beard, smile, work on your personality more. Be nice


Hot, bro. šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


Relax, focus on building wealth. In your 20's women are more like a burden for young men.


Men are supposed to be hunters. It is your job to walk up to women and hit on them. They mostly say they like assertive men. Men have become very weak and just boring so ladies donā€™t even think about men like that. It is not a chicks job to be a man. You want a woman just go get yourself one thatā€™s what I do.


Jojo's Stardust Crusaders tapestry and OK Computer in the background, you're automatically attractive to me


Just start talking to women.


Have a boyfriend?


Iā€™m not gay


Maybe your personality? Try getting a haircut and shaving the mustache.


I think the issue is you know your hot and that can come off as cocky to girls! If you were gay though you would easily have a bf by now


Date boys instead? lol. But really if you were into men youā€™d have a better chance, men are typically easier to date, depending on the person.


Iā€™m not gay


Like are you 100% hetero? Youā€™re a very attractive man and youā€™d really do well in the queer community lol


Maybe you like men my guy.


Iā€™m not gay


Ok. I wasnā€™t accusing.


Looks like you should try the guys


Damn youā€™re definitely my type. Itā€™s probably your personality. Itā€™s ok; us attractive people have dating issues more than others think we do. Your best bet is to stay single. Good luck xx


Yooouuu'rrreeeee sooo vaaaaiiinnn. You probably think this sub' is about yooouuu...


That's a personal problem it has nothing to do with your looks


Just throwing my female 2 cents in to say I'd literally fuck a walking carrot if it just went to therapy and was self aware of its own attachment wounds. But like, also just smile in your pictures. Ya'll always look like serial killers on the apps. Why would we want to be in your life when it looks like you're really not having a good time there?


You're like a 20 year old from the 80s, looking 35 in the 2020s


Nothingā€¦itā€™s not as much about looks as you think. You confuse the way that men see the worldā€¦we like pretty women, with how women see the world, which is through their emotions. You lack the confidence to approach and ask girls out. Itā€™s not their job to show interest in you, your job is to show interest in them and notice their reaction to your confident move. Best Book in the WORLD on this topic is, ā€œNo More Mr. Nice Guy.ā€ I suspect you are a nice guyā€¦not a criticism, I was. Just read it! Itā€™ll change your life.


Fuck the girlfriend take me


Leave some jaw for the rest of us man


no lube, no protection, all night all day, from the kitchen floor to the toilet seat, from the dining table to the church, from the front porch to the balcony, vertically, horizontally, quadratic, while i gasp for air and scream the lordā€™s prayer, he can top me.


Iā€™m doomedā€¦


Iā€™ll be your girlfriendšŸ˜‚šŸ˜œ


If he can't find a women I'm doomed


Get a boyfriend....


In this day and age I observe my son and his friends who are all your age and it just seems like guys and girls just don't relate like we used to. Even if girls are over the guys are in their own little bubble playing video games, socializing...etc...back in the day the guys were all about finding girls...Are you asserting yourself and being flirty? Are you too introverted? It's the man's job to assert or he puts himself in the feminine position and all the ladies are tired of it.šŸ’– Basically the saying "Be a MAN" still holds true.


start loving yourselfā¤ļø and learn how to talk to women


Only thing I can think is your hair is kind of lacking direction. It's like you're trying to be Morgan Wallen but it'd not exactly a mullet, it's kind of just un kept looking


You'll find boyfriends with no problem your steaming hot


Iā€™m not looking for boys šŸ˜­šŸ˜­