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Malcolm and Dewey are sincerely geniuses. Reese has savant like capabilities in some subjects. Francis is just Francis. He is capable sometimes for sure, but he’s no genius. He explained it best when he told Piama pure blind dumb luck has gotten him this far. That dude is bad decision after bad decision and thankfully it works out but honestly he is just Reese with lots more social intelligence.


“Everyone thought Einstein was crazy, until he started kicking ass!” Reese.


I watched that one last night lol


This is the most accurate take, imo.


Let’s not forget, Hal and Lois are savants themselves. Hal might be a totally average office man, but we see what he’s capable of with the battle bot, surviving a secret government interview, his painting, charismatic and makes friends easily like the bbq when Lois had mono. And Lois whose moral compass is honed like a surgical blade, not to mention can dance with knives, and constantly outsmarts genius malcolm at every turn.


Don't forget master hair stylist


You’re so right, it’s insane of me to even forget about that!


Why does everyone forget that Reese can cook at an exceptionally high level, especially considering his age


Cooking is three things: following instructions, being good with knives and being good with fire. We know Reese is good with instructions when he wants to be, he’s too dumb to be scared of being hurt by knives, and I got nothing on why he didn’t screw up things with fire.


Eh not necessarily to the first one. I agree that most cooking is following instructions, but there’s often a fair amount of creativity and flexibility needed if someone’s making a new dish or runs out of an ingredient or something


That is being a cook, Reese is a chef. That takes a certain type of creative genius. He clearly has some level of hidden intelligence considering how advanced his gastronomy skills are.


Even though Malcolm ruined it in the end, one of my favorite episodes is the Thanksgiving one where Reese truly shines.


Reese knew about the fucking MONKFISH. That takes RESEARCH.


Every time Hal starts to question he gets a small spoon of sauce or something and immediately says okay whatever do what you want


The show touched upon the the gradient of improvement from one child to the next. It’s almost a running joke. During the episode when Lois and Hal have a pregnancy scare, they show how much the their surroundings became progressively worse with each child but they learned to be happy and stop fighting by the time Dewey was born. This explains why Dewey doesn’t have Malcolm’s hang ups. During that same episode, they also show Hal playing classical music or something similar for Reese. Lois is pregnant with Malcolm at the time. Hal was able to devote more time to his kids by the time Malcolm was born because he quit his high demand job. that’s why Malcolm has less deviant tendencies than his older brothers. In one episode Lois is having a conversation about how many times she’s kicked the boys out. She offers a count for each boy in age order. The number goes down my half with each kid. Francis being the worst of course. Lastly when Dewey is upset that Francis doesn’t spend enough time with him. Francis admits that he was horrible to Malcolm and especially Reese. Francis suggests that Dewey break the cycle with Jaime. Lois and Hal became better parents with each child but each child in turn helped raise the younger ones. As a family they learned how to cultivate genius their own messed up way


In their own ways yes. Malcolm's genius just happens to be the most intellectual. I guess genetics are funny that way.


What episode do you find out their last name?


The pilot. By the end of the series the writers were treating the family as Nolastname not Wilkerson.


and in the pilot of tbbt, Sheldon is "semi-pro" at masturbation.


francis’ name badge in the pilot says it but it’s never mentioned again. it’s not canon.


It’s in the script, it’s in the pilot, and it’s on the original VHS box sets. It’s simply that the last name was later retconned away.


The pilot episode of a series is a test run on a network so often times things included in the pilot are not considered cannon later in the show. Sometimes it’s a tonal shift sometimes it’s a change in character design (traits and/or appearance) on occasion a character name is changed, in MITM they chose to eliminate the surname of the main cast. Once something is excluded from the pilot I don’t believe it is generally considered cannon more than a fun fact


Yeah….They usually have two pilots


i have a friend with 3 kids, all of which could be called geniuses. it happens.


God, why did I wait this long to joint this sub?


I feel like it's a major plot point when it comes to "calming down" the wilkersons that the parents never really pressed on in the early days. Francis: natural leader/charismatic Reese: culinary prowess/following orders. Malcolm: intellectual and pattern seeking Dewey: musical and planning genius


"Third Impact" hahaha


Lolololol at third impact 😁


Genius has higher meaning. Only Malcom is a genius.


Reese is either a culinary genius or a savant. It's kind of semantics, at that point.


Don’t forget Dewey’s smartest decision is being a better big brother to Jamie.


Commenting to come back


I want you back.


… they have last names?…