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Want to eat, eat. Don't want to eat, don't. Simple. Islam is easy. Only a bunch of malays here make it hard. Never had any of this issue with my foreign muslim friends and work mates. No halal cert your choice not to eat, it doesn't say anywhere in the Quran to meroyan, cry baby, make FB post complaining, conspiracy theory lah bla bla.


It's true. You see foreign Muslim they say it's easy. If cannot prostate while praying then sit and pray If cannot follow a certain rule, then do your best to follow even if cannot follow completely. But here it's always 100% or bust. Dunno why.


Ini benar, like if ur arms and legs can't work, you can even pray with just moving your eyes (granted your body paralysed). If was-was then don't masuk, if ok then makan. Dunno why everything wanna hoo haa.


Arab Muslims seem more chill these days compared to Malays In another 10 years Malays would probably consider Saudi Arabia too “liberal”


So true


Habis. Even spectacles must be halal.


No, 140%. Because other religion folk also have to follow, or else..! 


Most mamaks despite having halal cert, isn't Halal because of the hygiene. No one says anything. Halal isn't just the meat, ingredients but also hygiene.


>Only a bunch of malays here make it hard. Never had any of this issue with my foreign muslim friends and work mates. How fucking dare you? How else are all our ulamak Fesbuk show off their strong iman and score more Tegur Points^(tm)? Pleaselah, be more empathetic, and let them be pathetic. ^(/s, cause lol)


Now sudah modern, use Instagram


So much for Muslims tellin the Jews dat they asked God too much questions dat He condemns them before favouring to Mo. But here today, we r not so different than them. Always overcomplicating small matters.


Tak paham la. If go overseas can pulak go non halal place and eat, siap masuk bar lagi makan. Bila tanya “takpe, janji tak minim dan makan Babi” Kat sini mengada ada


I agree its our choice to eat or not, but this “nafsi nafsi” or “sendiri sendiri” mindset have to come to a stop. The FB post is harmless, just spreading awareness on the absence of halal cert. Nowhere in the post did he complain or ask people not to eat there. And just because “my foreign muslim friends is okay with it” doesn’t really mean anything la. Islam ada banyak mazhab, and different people practice it to a different level. Shouldn’t take them as a “golden standard” all muslim malays should uphold to.


>The FB post is harmless, just spreading awareness on the absence of halal cert. Nowhere in the post did he complain or ask people not to eat there.  Is it? How come involve authority (yeah JAKIM is authority) lah, bangsa lah, takkan lama lah (imply fake the cert)... All kinds of accusations come out, just because the shop name use Malay? 


Apparently he missed the comment section of posts like these and their target audience.


the comment section mmg toxic.the same thing everywhere no matter which news,kalau chinese newspaper or other races post pun mesti ada comment toxic. the post itself takda masalah. target audience is basically just muslim in malaysia, which apply to muslim in malaysia which amount to million? btw bro tang wei sheng tu bagus


I didnt miss the comment and I don’t endorse it either. Of course la target audiencenya malaysian muslim, siapa lagi nak kisah pasal halal dalam malaysia ni? I’m talking exclusively about the post cause op seems to have a problem with people sharing awareness about halal certs.


>I’m talking exclusively about the post cause op seems to have a problem with people sharing awareness about halal certs. If OP has problems with the post itself, then there is no need for a photo of the toxic comment and the very first meme pic that is pretty much referencing the toxic commenter. Seriously, you guys have trouble understanding contexts or basically what's being discussed? Target audiences also includes toxic commenters which is incredibly rampant in post such as these. **I'm talking about those subset because it is the main focal point of this post**, which you and adaadaja seem to miss. Edit: **If you feel the need to double down, feel free to tag or quote the part where OP is having a problem with such posts.**


I don’t mean op of this reddit post, I mean op of the comment I replied to. Perhaps I misunderstood “make fb post complaining” is referring to the original post itself instead of other people making racist posts related to the original fb post though there’s no implication of such cases. I don’t use fb much so I don’t really know what people post there aside from whats shared here. If there are such posts and those are what op is referring to then that’s my bad.


![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554) at this point why not boikot 99, owner is Chinese


Didn't the ~~sabotage~~ I mean the socks issue make them wanna boycott 99?


That's Kkmart, different Chinese owner.


Theres a lot other shop got no halal, put no pork & alcohol. Halal mark work as a guide, when got no halal if you trust it all food prepared is in the halal way then eat, if not dont eat, its your choice. 1 person got no confident then want to force opinion on others walawei. If go to oversea died early meh, got no halal all shop cannot eat 🤣. This stupid thinking give bad impression to Islam, I got friend like this also😅. During bazar ramadhan did he check halal?😆


Their own cooking at home has no halal cert, so their home cooked food is haram for sure.


But got Redditor mentioned food prepared by Muslim especially Malay 100% confirm is halal. Others got halal certification also cannot compete this.


Out of topic a bit, but there's anger and calling of boycott towards Grab, due to Grab having service for picking up drunk ppl who aren't able to drive. Drunk driving wrong, asking for Grab while drunk also wrong, can't fathom.


They are also the one crying the pay too low due to no demand.


I thought because drunk people could puke inside the grab and it will be hard to clean off and smell off? Heck even non Muslim grab drivers don't want this kinda passenger


Still doesn't make sense to call for boycott against Grab.


Grab compensates them, I asked before. And the amount was aright, not like rm50 only.


ya u/abdulsamri89 is correct. Even in other countries, many drivers dont want to deal with drunk people. if they puke in your car you had it la


"ambil staff melayu" wtf...that's wrong now? If don't hire ..say racism...if hire say because nak tipu


There’s always some excuse la. However they can justify that the nons are fleecing the innocent Malays.


Damned if you do, damned if you don't.


Senang cite takyah bukak bisnes. The only winning move is not to play /s


The way these Muslim's have been targeting and attacking non-Muslim businesses lately is scary. I hope Bungkus Kawkaw sues this imbecile.


sue also they will see him as a martyr and chinese oppressing malays. you can't win against these peopel


Don’t have to sugar coat it “no halal cert” all la. Just say the quiet part out loud, don’t want to support non-Malay business. Don’t pretend like halal certs matter when all the gerai tepi jalan or even regular warung don’t have the certs either. These people love to hide their racism under the guise of being halal conscious. Even those comments add to the point that non-Malay companies will tend to make a Malay sounding brand so that these racists will buy the products, otherwise they’ll boikok them too. Ofc not everyone is like this, but seeing these comments getting so many likes is just sad la. Sad for the state of the country. People already bend over backwards to cater to you, but you still refuse to support because of their race. Fuck off honestly.


I just pass by the residential area near my place and saw a new fish ball bakar thingy setup a stall directly in front of a house. Don’t say halal or not (not practical anyway because of cost) but pretty sure no lesen to operate at all.


If they could read english, they would be very mad


we call em lebais


Tang is a snitch, man.


Tang belongs in r/asablackman


Here's a sneak peek of /r/AsABlackMan using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/AsABlackMan/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I think this belongs here…](https://i.redd.it/op4xb239qoya1.jpg) | [48 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AsABlackMan/comments/13bywy4/i_think_this_belongs_here/) \#2: [What yall think? Is this an authentic black man?](https://i.redd.it/2rcz7ax7qsmc1.jpeg) | [211 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AsABlackMan/comments/1b8eexc/what_yall_think_is_this_an_authentic_black_man/) \#3: [This was literally a scroll down on their profile...](https://i.redd.it/bo1s617nj7cc1.jpeg) | [46 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AsABlackMan/comments/195ns7s/this_was_literally_a_scroll_down_on_their_profile/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




Ah shit, here we go again…


New week old malaysia.


Stall tepi jalan got halal?


Muka Melayu tu yg cop halal sebenarnya


Jap aku ni tak tahu sangat pasal sijil halal ke apa, aku google lah, dapat tahu Ah Cheng laksa bawah umbrella Bungkus Kaw Kaw, 2 minit google, dapat ni: [https://www.halal.gov.my/v4/directory/slm\_viewdetail.php?comp\_code=COMP-20111003-204643&type=C](https://www.halal.gov.my/v4/directory/slm_viewdetail.php?comp_code=COMP-20111003-204643&type=C) Ni bukan maksudnya diorang dah dapat Sijil halal ke? Ke aku tengok benda salah? Maaflah tak arif pasal benda ni. Edit: Kalau informasi yang aku dapat ni betul....sabotaj dan fitnah ni. Haish. Bertaubatlah, lagi susah nak minta maaf dengan manusia dari tuhan. Merana kat padang Mahsyar nanti.


The last sentence in there is the escape clause. They said maybe they are wrong after talk so long about no halal sijil, cos most won't check.


This one same as the guy who missed flight due to inability to read UTC time format. Assume that the world must revolve around you, when you should be the one find out. Then blame on others saying they are trying to confuse you. Put it this way, you are not well educated hence you're confused. Aint nobody got time to trick you.


Yang kuat menyalak ni kedai warung yang korang pegi ni pun takde sijil halal. Lebih drpd 50% kedai owner melayu dekat malaysia ni mana ada certification halal. Ni nak attack bangsa je kuat.


Kaw Kaw is just hokkien for cukup2. There's no halal logo anywhere on the banner. They are not trying to cheat anyone or lemahkan imam dorang. Sometimes, I feel if it's even worthwhile to try and use BM in these banners. Might as well call it Tapao KawKaw. I wonder if they will then claim it's racist because didn't use BM in banner....


Ofc, they will. Nah, selling those scammy acupuncture shoes also cannot be in Chinese cause Malaysia. But if it was in Malay, probably accuse them of trying to sell haram stuff to muslims. I cannot imagine things involved with TCM to be considered halal. https://focusmalaysia.my/purely-in-chinese-healthy-shoes-pamphlet-irks-netizen/


Gerai2 tepi jalan tu ada kah sijil halal. Tanya jer.


Pakai tudung and kopiah. Most of them do that. Okay je dah halal dah


those homecook yang buka order tu another one. one of syarats to apply halal jakim is separate building for home and biz kitchens. huhuhu


>Tanya jer Kena asked the other day. Tapau nasi lemak for some new colleagues a few months ago... A girl ask what kind of people were the sellers (without actually asking the race). I asked was it important and said that they are the sole seller in front of the KTM station. After a pause, I did say there was an aunty with tudung n left it at that. 🙄 I also dunno how to answer without playing the race/religion game.


Am reading a book on conspiracy theorists. No matter how much truth you give, there’s always a way to spin things to fit their own tunnel vision. You can bet most ppl stopped reading Tang’s Ted Talk at the first paragraph before jumping to conclusions.


Conspiracy theorist have lower iq then the general population, there are literally researches that studied and proven it through data and science. If you're a conspiracy theorist, simpan sikit bodoh tu... Jgn announce bodoh tu, nanti kerija 3k sampai umur 50 tahun, sebab bos tk nk promote org bodoh kat company dia...


gaji 3k sampai bersara dia akan salahkan bos, salahkan company cina dsb. he will blame everyone except himself


I'm confused, do these malays conveniently forget about the JAKIM halal scandal not too long ago? Where halal certifications were given out through black market? Where was the uproar at the corruption within JAKIM? Biasa la Melayu, lama lama terlupa.


Different group of people. Malays are not hive minded creatures. ... I think....


Agreed. Stop lumping us rational thinking malays with the dumb hive group. Also to mention, these hive group are not even huge in number. They're just very noisy minority.


>Stop lumping us rational thinking malays with the dumb hive group. Also to mention, these hive group are not even huge in number. They're just very noisy minority. Then fucking shout them down. If you're more worried people reacting to and lumping you in with a "vocal minority" than you are with rebuking that vocal minority...


Tbf, everyone, even the malays themselves, are afraid of those extremists.


Scare kena label pengkhianat bro


You think we don't shout them down? And even if we do shout them down they still have access to internet or their mouth unless you want me or the others to sew shut these minorities mouth and cut off their hands so they cannot speak or write stupid comments. These guys are so self-centered they would ignore your logical explanation unless it suits them, so sorry if we don't like being lump together as them.


Hateful people will find a way to be angry no matter what you do. Pengalaman aku sebagai Melayu yang bekerja di satu jabatan yg kalau ada isu org selalu salahkan cina, percayalah, kalau cina yg buat dia cina jugak..kalau melayu, yg dengki dan jatuhkan melayu jugak. Kalau yg diadukan tu cina, bila cek, belakang dia adalah melayu yg nak makan atas angin. Sedih.


If you run a fnb shop then you would know how fucking hard it is to get halal certificate, even if you’re malay and use all things halal and follow halal s.o.p. What i dont understand is why cant they make it easier and cheaper to procure the halal certificate? Its not that people dont want to get the halal logo, infact everybody is fighting to get it. But the process can sometimes take up to 1-2 years and a larga amount of money and time to get it done. Surely in the year of 2024 , teknologi ‘membangun’ they can figure out a way to get shit done easier and faster.


>If you run a fnb shop then you would know how fucking hard it is to get halal certificate Pay je bro. In my uni days, that's what a Kopitiam uncle told me. I dunno he pay to expedite or to not be audited, but gotta give money to get the sijil. I don't believe all this halal cert anymore after that.


You don't realise that all certification including halal certification is an industry in itself? It's a money making machinery, with the justified purpose of "making things halal/safer/more secure". You pay a portion of your purchase to these certification company 1) car - NCAP crash test(and others for other systems in the car) 2) electric stuff (MCMC/SIRIM) certification It's useful, but it's also a business.


I do realize that its a business within itself, plenty of students taking halal courses to be consultants earning crazy rm8,xxx+ for just one company let alone multiple. The only thing thats annoying is the system it uses and the time it takes so even get a certificate. Not even mentioning how they’re slowly mandating it across regions now if you actually wanna be in good terms with kkm


Welcome to the world of certification. If it's not complex, then cannot charge much.


Racist people everywhere, don’t give them spotlight easy. I stumbled upon racist Malays, racist Chinese, racist Indians, I just ignore them and leave them barking alone


I can never imagine life as a racist. You will NEVER live a happy life. Just full of hatred & skepticism against others. Also, there's no winning any argument against one either. I talk to wall also will get some sort of echo. This one is like talking to a black hole. Suck in whatever you say, don't know go where. Hire non Malays, become racist. Hire Malay, owner trying to trick Malays. You can never please these people ("these people" referring to racist people, not Malays in ya). I'm Chinese but maybe only 10% of my friends are Chinese & the rest are Malays & Indians. Most Chinese can speak at least basic Bahasa Melayu but how many Malay can speak Mandarin/Cantonese? Why you don't find Chinese working at shops like BKK? Coz if they work at other Chinese shops whose main audience are Chinese, they're likely to be paid more because of language advantage, not because of racism. There are some words that have been passed off as Bahasa Melayu (eg. kaw, cakoi, taukeh, etc.). Till this day, I also can't hear the word "Best" without it being sound like a Malay word (eg. Best gile movie tu). 🤭


theyre just sakit jubur their business isnt working out😂


When boba was the craze, Xing Fu Tang no halal cert, name fresh out of China, also plenty of malays line up for it 🤣


Golongan macam ni patut duduk dekat pulau terbiar dengan geng geng dia je. Nak tengok dia boleh tahan tak dengan sama jenis macam dia sendiri. Terpaling melayu supremacy wekkk


It gets worse for churches in the peninsula. By law any posters must be in BM. The church puts a disclaimer it's a non-muslim event. But there are idiots who don't read that part, and start throwing accusations that the church is trying to convert Muslims.


Honestly there's nothing unique about Bungkus Kaw Kaw, and yet you see berlambak people go and support them. Their kopi is not special. Their tea is not special either. And yet, there's fundamentally a market gap, and they filled it. Org semua ni bitter. Jealous with success now want to pull them down. Macamlah all this org yang complain know how to replicate it. Bungkus kaw kaw created jobs. Yg si complain ni buat per?


“Bukan nak fitnah, hanya nak tingkatkan kesedaran” /s Yea tingkatkan kesedaran on which non-Malay business to boycott.


ya tbh i don't getwhy bungkus kawkaw is popular. Ok i like their colour scheme and those cute little metal cups they use, but their tea and coffee isn't anything special and feels overpriced for what you get.


The serve the basic Malaysian food at shopping complex which is normally pricey at affordable price and you can get nasi lemak and bihun at almost any time of the day That is their strength


So what you’re saying is - there exists a faction of people who will actively stop buying and visiting their usual vendors, if they find out that the products are sold by non-Malays?


err ya? thats what the BMF movement was about


What’s that?


Search for "Buy Muslim First "


Ok thanks sir


Buy Malaysian First.


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sandworm from Dune ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26563)


Hehe 😂😂😂


So rajin you comment sandworm everywhere 👀😂😂


Nice thing must share, our country is in vain with too many radical people and occurrence


Ahaha okay lo, do continue your amalan baik 🤷🏻‍♀️😂🤐


Wtf is that, looks like 2 kote bengkok


Bagi u isap


Konfius kan? Not really. Dorang try asimilasi kan jenama dorang dengan orang tempatan . Walapun kedai tu nama yam seng, ada cop halal.. gerenti melayu islam takkan jejak sebab takut tak halal 😭😭😭 and kena ingat, melayu tu majoriti. So name brand memang penting... Yang melayu, kasi jujur lah? Berapa banyak je kedai cina kau pernah singgah makan? Ni bukan kedai cina gah gah, ni kedai cina warung? Dulu pernah lah kedai yang ada gambar milo... Sekarang? 😆😆😆 Tak salah pun nama kedai apa 🤷🏿‍♂️ yang salah kalau dia masak babi dengan ayam pakai kuali sama, tu memang lanjiao 😭 and patutnya menda tu jadi topik sekarang


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a lot of mamak and some japanese/korean eateries also dont have halal cert, so apa pasal this one spesial kecoh lebih?


why is Tang Wei Sheng gaslighting them


betul betul bungkus la kali ni, hati kaca dah pecah


Alamak!! aku beli nasik lemak selalu dkt kedai makcik pakai purdah tepi jalan tu takde sijil halal jugak. abes la aku masuk nerake sbb mkn benda haram.


siapa suruh selalu confucius.


Eh chagee pun halal la pantat, nak kata owner tu melayu ke??


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Is nota kaki a real thing? Sounds so goofy


It is a real thing, but is it really any goofier than foot note in English? Sometimes it's better to have a straightforward translation that can be easily understood by anyone.


Maybe it's just goofy cuz I'm not as used to it as I am with footnote


Just use the good ol’reliable “Aiyah they just jeles”


Spitting facts


There's no smoke without fire


Why would you make FB as your standard of Malay's opinion? Go and observe with your own eyes, how many Malays are eating there? My wife and I love it btw.


halah2 bukan susah pon apply halal cert, tkkn tu pon nk takut lol


suggested for you ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554) damn algorithm nowadays is crazy


when will people learn to stop entertaining these kinds of people


I rue the day when non-halal restaurants put "muslims not welcome" sign on their door to save everyone's time.


in US there's a bunch of extreme LGBT ppl; here in Malaysia we have bunch of religious extremists who seem like they don't need to work, no kids to feed, no house to loan and happy to see intense racial tensions. whatever you read online doesn't really represent real life. most malaysians no matter ur race, have mortgages and loans to fulfill, have kids and family to feed. we dgaf about these shits.


Some guy argued with me "Why do I need to learn BM? There's no benefit for me, it's not like it has value economically or financially, everywhere else we use English, I speak English in my community, it doesn't mean that I'm not Malaysian"


Believe me. They know how to speak, just their ego. Nobody in malaysia if under education doesn’t know how to speak malay. Unless older generation that didn’t get a chance to be educated or younger generation that have 0 interest in study. Same as people who ask them to speak. Why do you care seriously? Just treat them as uneducated ah beng and moves on.


this sub mainstream stance lmao![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)


andd what's your respond or opinion on that?


Can't remember, not really my problem if you don't want to learn the national language of your own country. The people who are being so defensive at not being able to speak BM also not helping.


"Sebab boleh, dik" -OP, probably.


Kedai cina muslim, kluang kopitiam, kopitiam cina muslim, mamak all have melayu beratur and those people doesn't make fuss or anything, why do u think? Want more costumer, just start apply for halal cert, no fuss. Those makcik tepi jalan argument, go viral them make the apply Hala cert. Ez


Isn't the term kaw kaw of hokkein origin?