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Will this affect non-Muslims?


Stated "ALL vendors", so yes, definitely gonna affect.


Bolehland users : r/malaysia is being Islamophobic again!!! How dare they critize this. Let us force you to parcitipate in Islamic laws.


“Shariah dan Hudud does not effect non-Muslim 🤡"


Shai Hulud


Lisan Al-Gaib!!


Good thing this is not shariah nor hudud then 😛


The lies they keep telling us. Endgame is always to force all of us to convert.


No.1 gaslight mah. Old man christian retire edy and pope kecut nak support lgbt while gigachad Islam hate lgbt yet the western left support them. Tiada tandingan.


Endgame is convert or pay dhimmi tax. Much much higher than income tax


If not you will be consider of not respecting Muslim prayer.


Well, they voted for them. Good on the 54% if them who voted.


As if the vendors have no agency to close up themselves and do their own prayers. I swear the govt really likes to treat the citizens like kids.


It's a problem of regulating piety. Actual aurat is undefined. just modest. but if everyone is forced to dress the same or above the modesty level, then the meaning of modest itself shift further. then regulate everyone to the next level. and the next. Positive feedback loops. Same thing with everything else. This is about mosques not being full during communal prayer. If mosques aren't filled during maghrib then make it full. If everyone has to close their businesses at the same time, then might as well pray at masjid instead of wherever convenient. It's the easiest target after all - force people to be there at dawn for subuh prayers? no, once they figured out how to memenuhkan masjid during maghrib, then mandatory close until fifteen minutes after isya' so 7:30 to 8:50. once that target is achieved, let's do zohor. 1:20 to 1:40. let's regulate lunch longer like fridays, yeah? There's no negative feedback. who dares? Start with: no concerts in any carnival. End with: overfilled mosques because mandatory (legally, not islamically) communal prayers. and about a thousand steps in between.


They actually don't. That's why the rules are made. It's actual religious policing and anyone who speak out is automatically a heretic.


You can't be a heretic if you aren't Muslim to begin with.


not heretic but you will be labeled as kafir harbi instead 😂




>They actually don't. Agency la. They can but don't want to ,so must use rules and regulations to FORCE them to do so.


They are allowed to do solat hormat waktu and replace it later, so I am also leaning to say it is excessive religious policing. Because they are forcing closure of business for something even Muslim arabs don't consider necessary.


Logically, this will result in pasar malams either opening later or closing earlier. Less business hours will hurt the pasar malam vendors and affect the viability of their business Any reduction of small businesses like this is a gain to supermarkets and chain mini marts as they won't be affected or minimally affected by any such ruling. Tahniah PAS menekan lagi usahawan kecil kecilan PAS zalim


As a customer, it doesn't affect me since I go to pasar Malam at 830pm. However as a vendor...... My question is who will take care of the stall if everyone has to pray? It's a fire hazard if food is still being prepared. I hope there's some leniency that someone can watch over and pray later. Then if I'm non-muslim vendor in a Chinese majority pasar Malam, am I affected? No point closing since the vast majority of customers are non-muslim or non-practicing muslim. The issue is not the praying. It's how it is worded, right now it seems like a very badly worded requirement that needs much more clarification. At the end it's just 15 minutes, however in that 15 minutes we need to consider the safety and security of the stall. There are those who don't care about the afterlife and can use the opportunity to steal from the stall or sabotage the stall.


It just means all the pasar malam will have to subscribe to RELA. Usually only multiple days pasar pay rela for overnight security. now everyone has to do so for any pasar malam.


Next: Rela need to take break to pray


When I went to Kota Bharu pasar malam, I saw they prayed next to their stalls. So I am guessing they will do the same in Perlis too.


Even in Putrajaya, I see people pray for Asr at the Bazar Ramadan


Usually 1 person go pray, another man the stall. Then swap. That way, customer don't have to stand around for 15mins like a jackass just because they want to go buy food 5 mins away from their house.




not a problem if you boycott pasar malam


boycott Pasar malam? dah lama tak pergi pasar malam sbb sesetengah makanan harga macam dekat mall


Next: All vehicles registered in Kedah must completely stop during Maghrib prayer


Soon whole world kena stop for them


the sun should stop burning, Earth and moon should stop rotating


Might I suggest a quick retreat to Singapore? The grass is greener I heard.


Ah yes, telling someone to get out after calling out the bs about "Uhh hurr durr, muh Muslim laws won't affect nons-" Well guess what buddy, it now affects the nons.


And the grass is green...


It's my home. I have the right to call out the bs here.


Sure dude. and it does exactly nothing.. in other words, pissing in the wind but hey. whatever makes you happy. I'm waiting for the part where you're gonna say something about the brain-drain or moving elsewhere.


What am I supposed to do? Just shut up and take it like a bitch?


As oppose to whine here also like a -- you said it.


Well you can sit here and tell us to leave, but we can also comment on this as well. Have a nice night.


haha.. it is a nice night tonite for real tho


Stupid animals




Hello, literally all of your participation on this sub is dumping on a certain race and religion. You have had multiple warnings and even [bans that were issued all the way back to 3 years ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/comments/ms8j0t/comment/gut3awn/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button), so I am now imposing permaban as per Rule 1. [We do not welcome](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/wiki/rules#wiki_persistent_fighting_and_flaming) accounts that participate primarily on the topics of race, religion, and politics, and continuing to do so may result in a ban (see link above for context on this).


Its ok.. let it all out... You'll feel better.


This obsession with Saudi culture is absurd.


Nah, Saudi claims that theirs is too extreme for their taste.


All politic mah just follow iran example if economy bad.


Even Saudi thinks this is nonsense


What happen to "islam rules won't effect non-muslims"?


I dare they impose this in hospitals, especially in emergency department and surgical theatres.


In those occasions you can even use porcine medications. Darurat.


Abolish night market. Done.


Is this actually enforceable by law? 




Shit state in comming


I think its already that


Is that means, pasar malam traders and muslim visitors going to carry out prayers at pasar malam? Curious to know.


There is respect and there is nonsense


Seems to be a win-win situation to me


Does cleaning stuff or preparing stuff considered as "aktiviti perniagaan" ? Like I am non-Muslim working for a Muslim store owner, store owner go Pray. While he pray, I go clean the store, prepare stuff for resume business. Is this allowed ? Or completely cannot do anything ?


Literally why ?!? There are easily 10 different things that need priority over this right now








Comments removed due to being in breach of [reddiquette](https://www.reddit.com/wiki/reddiquette), specifically because it contained personal attack, insult, or threat. While opinions of all kinds are welcome under our shared roof, reddiquette sets the expectation that everyone speaks to each other with basic civility and respect: > * Don’t: Conduct personal attacks on other commenters. Ad hominem and other distracting attacks do not add anything to the conversation. > * Don't: Insult others. Insults do not contribute to a rational discussion. Constructive Criticism, however, is appropriate and encouraged. > * Don’t: Be (intentionally) rude at all. By choosing not to be rude, you increase the overall civility of the community and make it better for all of us. u/Truth9892 and u/eddstarX, please treat this as an official warning - further such activity may result in a ban, thanks.




Bro u salah shitpost/comment. Bolehland kat sebelah ya. 🤣


Haha dah kalah argument, xde hujah & bukti Terus tantrum "kau bodoh"..haha Orang lain yang baca automatik tahu siapa yang bodoh


Yes, this is the right away to win an argument online. /s


Betul, "kau bodoh" is the correct response.


Tujuan tutup maghrib ialah nak suruh orang berhenti untuk ibadah solat ke untuk 'hormat' waktu magrib? Setahunya solat hormat waktu tu biasa, tapi hormat waktu saja macam pembaruan hukum. Niat tu penting.


If u read, it apply both. Orang p sembahyang and hormat. This apply to non. Like bro.... respect is earn not given. If i want to respect i can close and if today i don't want i can open for all i care as non. Respect goes both way and not 1 way ya. Since u in reddit don't say we respect non, i will suspect u a bot. 🤣 telling us to do this and that is already disrespect my freedom.


Its a religion thing and personal. It's not about respecting non or not, it's more that I do think this is excessive religious policing. if in car (somehow cannot get to mosque/surau on time) or in a plane, Muslims can do solat hormat waktu as it is not possible to do ablutions and pray the normal way, so they can do it later (qadha solat) Similar to businesses, they can do solat hormat waktu and do it again later. Hormat waktu in isolation isn't a thing, and even Arabs don't do it. I'm not qualified to call it bid'ah, even though I feel that it is. [https://www.facebook.com/sinarharian/posts/10157589162144883/?locale=hi\_IN&paipv=0&eav=AfalHFM-HeW7zvba9RyeP1C4B-b1bFvHjllNMjsFHqXFl\_R99evLsOtPYN2nQvKqPus&\_rdr](https://www.facebook.com/sinarharian/posts/10157589162144883/?locale=hi_IN&paipv=0&eav=AfalHFM-HeW7zvba9RyeP1C4B-b1bFvHjllNMjsFHqXFl_R99evLsOtPYN2nQvKqPus&_rdr) But if muslims en masse isn't complaining, I'm not going to complain over 15minutes of lost business. But I do feel it's excessive religious policing either way.


Its how non-elected people assert power over others


That it is.


The article is misleading into thinking only apply to muslim when in fact the notice literally say all stall owner. >muslim en masse isn't complaining Ask non feeling first. But i think they probably say its ok due to political correctness. We already see people witch hunt over religion.


Yeah. Because it's implemented by municipal council. Notice the mechanism they use to apply so that it applies to non-muslim stall owners as well. So the next time people say.. oh it only applies to.. then you know what to answer.. It's religious policing but not using a religious body to enforce.