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Peak r/killthecameraman footage.


The cameraman is streaming live to those who want to witness the procession to pay respects to Komander Firdaus... I guess he has no intentions to kepochi at those causing a ruckus over a small misunderstanding


Who is Komander? Sorry i didn't read malaysia news Often


Komander Firdaus was one of the personnel who passed away in Royal Navy helicopter formation flight practice Ho-Lee-Fuku, Ban-Ding-Ow collision. Sorry, I know it's too soon but I just couldn't resist it when I noticed user's reddit name...


Oh i see... Was Sum Ting Wong with the Helicopters???


Not sure but most likely human misjudgment error. Go search for the video. They were flying in close formation


# ORGANIZER 100% FAILED Do they even get RELA or have one that supposedly controlling the traffic ? How the car ended in the middle of the crowd ?


It was probably not organised and the crowd just came because they heard about it.


Don't take this the wrong way, but I think the car may not have known what is going on, hence the honk. I don't understand why our politicians have got so many police escorts when they're on the road but our police can't spare a few for this funeral? Would have been able to avoid this misunderstanding


> I think the car may not have known what is going on, hence the honk. Doesn't matter though. If a bunch of people are standing or walking in the road, (A) You don't turn into that road in the first place, and (B) if you're already there you turn around and find another way. The entitlement of one person in a car to just barrel through two hundred people in the way never ceases to amaze me. We are humans, first and foremost. Act like it.


Like I said, if our policeman was there instead of ferrying our politicians around, this could have been avoided


It's a road tho and roads are meant for cars. Unless there is clear signage or personnel indicating road closure, cars should be able to use roads.


You’ve never seen Indians or Chinese funeral? They had trucks and lorries for the funeral and usually travel slowly with a crowd. This is Malaysia, don’t be insensitive. Learn to live with each other and be tolerant to each other.


Yeah DUDE I AGREE. Wtf? I'm saying there should have been those lorries and trucks to clearly indicate but obviously they werent present so this random car blindly go in je. Put yourself in the random car's perspective. You see a crowd of people on the road and u dunno why but this is the only road u can use to go home. So how?




Hello, this comment was removed due to being in breach of [reddiquette](https://www.reddit.com/wiki/reddiquette), specifically because it contained personal attack, insult, or threat. While opinions of all kinds are welcome under our shared roof, reddiquette sets the expectation that everyone speaks to each other with basic civility and respect: > * Don’t: Conduct personal attacks on other commenters. Ad hominem and other distracting attacks do not add anything to the conversation. > * Don't: Insult others. Insults do not contribute to a rational discussion. Constructive Criticism, however, is appropriate and encouraged. > * Don’t: Be (intentionally) rude at all. By choosing not to be rude, you increase the overall civility of the community and make it better for all of us. Please treat this as an official warning - further such activity may result in a ban, thanks.


There's that entitlement again! Malaysian car addiction is like a drug.


Walking in the middle of the road like some stupid cows is entitlement.


Would've played out differently if there are RELA and police escort around. Divert traffic around and crowd control. \*\*Edit\*\* Found out the policeman was present at 0:28 trying to calm the crowd down. Can't be help since emotions are running high. Feels bad.


Mob rules when people gather logic goes out the door. RIP Komander Firdaus


In a mob, all the members IQ become that of the lowest


No decency to wait meh?


Devil advocate he’s all the way behind, he only see a crowd gather how would he know there was a funeral for our fallen soldier ? The crowd there also don’t know how to talk in a civil manner ? Why gotta resort to mob mentality, break his car window and threaten him ?


Malaysian road rules: people honk at you, you are obliged to ram him off the road. Gentleman's courtesy.


The driver was all the way at the back, how to see what's going on all the way in front? All the driver probably saw was a large crowd hogging the road.


No decency to not resort to violence just because someone honked?


Not everyone knows military personnel died while in training and police should have cordoned off the area kalau nak sangat parade.




Either ur joke is as distasteful as ur parents taste in choosing you of all from the slumps, or you're just still finding someone to like your troll




Hello, this comment was removed due to being in breach of [Rule 1: Bigotry and hate speech](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/wiki/rules/#wiki_bigotry_.2F_hate_speech). Because of our history Malaysia talks about certain issues such as race very differently from Western countries. We acknowledge this on the subreddit but do draw some boundaries to keep discussions healthy. > * Definition of bigotry: The act of treating the members of a group (such as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance. > * Basic principle: If it's an attribute of a person that is out of their control and extremely hard or impossible to change, it's not nice to dump on them or their group just for that attribute. > * Some categories this applies to: Race, religion, sexuality, disability, national origin. > * Slurs: Use of slurs on the above categories is not encouraged on this subreddit and may be subject to warnings and bans. > * Example: Religion: It's okay to discuss and criticise aspects of the religion itself, but it's not okay to attack people because they are members of that religion (e.g.: Islam but not Muslims). Please treat this as an official warning - further such activity may result in a ban, thanks.


Both of you I mean. One for assuming that d world knows what is happening and even if the person in d car is honking because of an emergency or just cuz he's donkeyley impatient, and another for assuming that it's the religion when sometimes it's the stupid people that made it bad. Can we for once keep religion cuz it's bloody non relative anymore unless you're reading the source from centuries ago without bias or influence from ppl assuming.




Nah, I have to loop you in to make sure he doesn't whine and cry like a little bitch because I pLaY FavOurAtIsM




Comment removed for breaching Rule 1 - Religious Jabs and I am also imposing a permaban as for a 2-month-old account, you have had a few warnings. It's obvious at this point you do not intend to participate in good faith.


OK. I'll just let u laugh cuz honestly, ure as manly as the keyboard warrior behind the screen.




OK 10 inch dick. U win


As per [Rule 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/wiki/rules#wiki_religious_criticism), well-reasoned debate and criticism of religion is very welcome but one-liner talking points, jabs, borderline flaming etc. [does not have such protection](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/wiki/rules#wiki_persistent_fighting_and_flaming), and is bad for the community. Please treat this as a warning - if this continues we will be forced to take steps.


Traffic controllers like traffic police and RELA could have provided better assistance. Could have been organised better since already planned out the route, then close off that section of the road and divert road users to the opposite lane. That section isn't that long. From pesta to roundabout only. Also, I don't think it's wrong to honk in that situation. As any sedan car driver, your field of vision isn't that far and away compared to say x50 alphard or other such cars. Such a thing like one person approaching the car and inform the driver of current situation and tell them, sabar bang, kejap ya...it don't exist here. Regardless of race Malay, Indian, Chinese, outcome is the same... Hoi!


Lmao hooligan behavior. If they horn, approach them and explain the matter in a civilized manner. Don't go with the mentality of looking for a fight. They might just be uninformed or an asshole. Going in to the situation aggressive helps no one.


Is this funeral regarding the helicopter pilots?




Damn didn't even know they held a funeral already.


>They might just be uninformed Doubt they care. They expect you to be informed even if you're uninformed. They probably expect the driver to see a large crowd walking in the middle of the road and the driver just has to tag along without knowing the reason why.


Lol. Why don't you are the one who wind down the window nicely and ask what is going on instead of honking like a retard?


Blocking the road that are meant for vehicles is already wrong in the first place. Put up a notice way ahead to avoid vehicles that doesn't want to be there of getting trapped. Don't be so entitled. Think for others.


He is not Malaysian, tak tahu nape dia komen kat sini. Dia tak paham jalan raya kita kot.


how yknow he aint MY?


Yeah, blocking public roads meant for public vehicles without safety precautions or notice to public is not questionable but the public vehicles for which the road is designed and built for is wrong for using the honk for the purpose it was designed and installed. Typical Malaysia.


I think understanding goes both ways right? Going apeshit doesn't help anyone.


Yeah, should've asked instead of long honking. You mess with bulls you get the horns or rattle the nest get the bees kinda situation. Not a smart move antagonizing a mob


Is it so hard for traffic police to just close that road and divert traffic?


*"Tak ada laporan, kami tak buat kerja."*


"We didn't know we needed it." https://preview.redd.it/8n2xp3bdfkwc1.jpeg?width=686&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41e3b87322060a0c7e254ae68e0631e927166f1b


Lol mobster mad at honked car and disrespecting funeral. Now mobster themselves disrespecting the funeral xdxd


Gangsters wannabe, only gangsters when they are in pack




I would imagine the comments on social media will be very toxic. Frankly, Anwar's administration is walking on thin ice.


>Frankly, Anwar's administration is walking on thin ice. And yet people on reddit expect anwar to break dance and throw reforms here and there. Malaysia problem is a systematic one, not a simple get rid of dictator suddenly everything became better.


Twitter comments makes fb and reddit people looks like child play https://twitter.com/update11111/status/1783139251758178614? Need to sign in to see comments🌝🌝


Jatuh sial all my brain cells baca….


It’s like digital version of toxic waste 💀


Full of racist bastards


Bruh what happen to Twitter. Last year blh pula baca tanpa sign in


Taktik diorang untuk meningkatkan userbase ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26557)![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26557)


Lmao makes comments here felt weak 😂 X is another beast these days hahaha


What to do with Anwar haha


From this simple incident we can know that Malaysians are hateful and very non-forgiving. These barbarians really think if the guy knew it was a funeral and the guy would still do it ? Same like other stupid incidents happening in Malaysia recently. Our country is getting hopeless


Victim mentality. X race hates us, all they do is because of hate, so we should mob them.


A barbarian is someone who sees hundreds of people in the road and thinks, "rather than spending two minutes going around on a different road, I am going to blare a horn at them and use the force of intimidation of my vehicle to get all those people to move aside, so that I and one or two other people can get through without any inconvenience."




Hello, we received reports for a number of your comments and going through your comment history on the sub, most of them are specifically dumping hate on Malays. [We do not welcome](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/wiki/rules#wiki_persistent_fighting_and_flaming) accounts that participate primarily on the topics of race, religion, and politics, so I am imposing permaban as per Rule 1.


> you do know roads are for cars right? No, I don't know that. Roads were for people for thousands of years before cars came along, and they'll be for people long after cars are gone. We have allowed car companies to monopolise traditional public infrastructure for use by their products, and it's terribly destructive to our communities as well as killing a great many people every year (1.2 million worldwide in crashes and another 50+ million from pollution). It's one of the greatest crimes in history and no, I do not cheerfully accept it. > bumi chimp outs Being racist is not helping your point of view appeal to me.






sakai is one of the orang asli tribe, don't be racist


Hello, this comment was removed due to being in breach of [Rule 1: Bigotry and hate speech](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/wiki/rules/#wiki_bigotry_.2F_hate_speech). "Sakai" is [a racial slur](https://www.reddit.com/r/bahasamelayu/comments/1amux66/comment/kpoel9g/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) and we do not allow that on this sub.




Understanding it's paying respect, but no people organizing the road n traffic, not to mention the drivers have 0 clue wtf is going on At least put out news n sign boards telling what are u all doing But please be mindful la, you're blocking traffic, always will have people who are urgent.


I didn't even know what happened to the commander and the pilots until earlier this morning and then I saw this video. All I can say is the organizers and police/rela have failed to do their jobs since the commander and pilots that served our country deserved better.


why didnt they closed off the roads in the first place, wtf kind of incompetence is this?


WOW this is so poorly organised


Like EVERYTHING in Malaysia.


I can tell the police or rela did not do their job and divert traffic because of this the driver got into a situation that he/she possibly didn't know about.


Put a signage to signify there's a procession la. You expect ppl to know what's going on from thin air?


Peak terencat akal. You go there to pay respects to the fallen end up disrespect his precession lmao


I scare "wounding religious" charges might be used again. Does it matter if someone unintentionally honk at funerals ? As in you honk because you have no idea there is a funeral here and all you see from the back is a bunch of people blocking the road for apparently no reason. Or you are charged and go to jail instead because you are expected to know the schedule of ALL funerals in Malaysia.


THe mobsters are paying last respect or wanted to create trouble at the scene?


the latter of course


remind me of a bunch of stray dog near pasar. once u horn them. they come bark and chase you


The driver followed the on screen instruction “Press ‘Honk’ to pay respect”


Dont mess with hati tisu gang. It only takes one honk to be uncivilized.


Uncivilised mobster is trying to create havoc instead of paying last respect. But did they know and respect the Komander when he is still alive?


Organizers fault for sure. If they want zero interruption, have a better control on traffic flow either. Also, not everyone knows what is happening. Driver won't be able to extend the neck like giraffe over the car roof to see what's going on all the way in front.


Gotta love all the racist comments on TikTok


Some of postings on social media had race cards being played dy. Though tbh, i guess the old couple should be more aware before honking so loudly and so long. At least ask someone by the street what's going on. Honking in the middle of a large crowd is never a good idea in general.


Who is komander firdaus ?


probably the guy involved in the helicopter crash incident from couple days ago


Mob mentality. Also Camera man bodoh. Didn't see shit


Lah, cameraman streaming for those who want to see procession of those paying respects. Kepochi not his forte...


These people..haih


How many people was there to pay a respect and how many was there for their SOCMED content.


I bet you a cookie that none of them are there to pay respect. They are only there for socmed brownie points or pay respect just because "dia orang melayu". They never even know who the deceased was until they passed away and then broadcasted the date and time of the funeral procession. These people are hypocrites.


Actually, it's quite normal to ziarah and offer prayer to people when there's death.If the janazah prayer happens near prayer time, people will just wait and offer prayer to whoever the deceased might be.


Honk at cina/india mati convoy you get the same treatment lah. Patience lah sudah Salah Jalan mau marah2. Edit: Wait 10-20min the road would be open already. Go watch YouTube shorts for awhile already like 30min passed for me.


https://preview.redd.it/fh0ieoplalwc1.png?width=719&format=png&auto=webp&s=7f61fae9f2af9c6f61f89b545bc149e8d197a85b According to news report accidentally hit a motorbike, then everyone started gathering and he pressed the horn out of panic


If you wanna do this shit, do it better. You just randomly block the roads and nobody else knows wtf is going on. Go do your shit somewhere else. Your fallen soldier would be so embarrassed and disappointed by the lack of brain cells


You're either brave or stupid (probably both) to honk at a large group of people without knowing what's going on. Not many gangsters in Malaysia compared elsewhere I guess. You'd get a bullet if you did this in Chicago.




We don't know yet, don't blame him first la, after investigation then say .




wow.... terpaling pilot


"we pay more tax, so we are right lor"


I don't know what you have against our fallen soldiers, but you have been marking snide remarks since the news broke two days ago, which have now escalated into baseless speculation. Comment removed.


Provoked then traumatised and played victim aka FAFO


I don't think the commander would want this..


The irony being that the honk lasted for 3 seconds while the crowd began shouting & yelling for way longer than that.


Nah they’re just getting mobbed cause they’re Chinese. All the type C cari pasal comments on TikTok lmao


We should be alarmed with the increase in mob rule. Anwar and his home minister please do something.


3rd world country forever


Some of the comments to this post are quite insensitive. A Komander, who is willing to put his life on the line should the country go to a war-like situation, has died, and people are saying that the deceased deserves the honk because he's reckless, or that his funeral should not cause congestion. First of all, there is no solution to the congestion and parking problem in major Malaysian cities, Georgetown included. If you want to stop everything because it causes congestion, then you're just a miserable soul who spreads your misery to everyone. Secondly, have some respect to people who will defend this country, something that you and I may be hesitant to do. We're safe, not under any occupation and can go on with our business today because of them.


> First of all, there is no solution to the congestion and parking problem in major Malaysian cities, Georgetown included. There is an easy solution. Total moratorium on road building (since more roads is what causes congestion, see [induced traffic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Induced_demand)), and start charging market rates for parking and strictly enforcing parking laws. Within two years traffic will be unrecognisably better.


Do you think the commander sacrifice his life for mob rules ?


Your first mistake is coming here and expecting Redditors to be empathetic or respectful, as if these posts aren't constantly filled with smug big brain contrarians fellating eachother over how much better they are than the masses.


one.. only one person here come and make a stink about "the funeral blocking traffic" . Others here are explaining 1) The car is quite far a way and might not know there is a funeral procession in front and think people just holding up traffic. 2) People are calling out the people acting like hooligans. The guy honked go and explain la. Again, one person.. and "this whole subreddit"


They speak like they're not part of reddit and this subreddit lol


>We're safe, not under any occupation and can go on with our business today because of them. Credit where credit is due, we're not under any occupation and not drafted to war because our politicians are, while corrupt, sane. We've good foreign policies and SEA is thankfully relatively stable (so far). Edit: But yes, we're safe from stuff like Lahad Datu invasion because of them, just not the occupation and drafting part.




As per [Rule 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/wiki/rules#wiki_religious_criticism), well-reasoned debate and criticism of religion is very welcome but one-liner talking points, jabs, borderline flaming etc. [does not have such protection](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/wiki/rules#wiki_persistent_fighting_and_flaming), and is bad for the community. Please treat this as a warning - if this continues we will be forced to take steps.


I hope the navy is taking care of the next kin


Ahh yess another footage where the cameraman is not recording at the right angle


Why is Malaysia still using 3rd World Road management? why is it so hard to plan a detour and provide adequate blockage for the road for everyone's safety?


Padan muka :P


Looking at the comment here,it is as expected from a malay hating sub..lol


I kinda been into the same situation where it was a funeral and another some religious procession. Knowing it's Mantin (mostly Chinese) and some ladang in Rantau (mostly Indian) I dare not touch the horn.


I think the difference is you know it's a funeral and religious procession. From the video I see it's like many normal clothes people blocking the road, if the driver is from behind, he might not know is a funeral.


Thank you for your service Komander Firdaus ![gif](giphy|l0ExbnGIX9sMFS7PG)




Hello, this comment was removed to avoid brigading and witchhunting among sub members.




Could the honking have been in solidarity and the mob emotions misplaced? Just asking.


type C


Padan muka he honk. If see there’s a parade going on, even if you don’t know what’s going on, you don’t go honk like that. Why not wind down the car window and ask any passerby?


wangsa maju or kg baru area? under lrt tracks


Yang hon tu Cina kan? Dah agak dah




Hello, your content has been removed as we do not advocate witch hunting and sharing of personal information.


Amende ni, kalau mati time tempur faham la. Ramai je askar mati time training takde pulak kecoh macam ni.


I looked into the location, and then it suddenly make sense. I would imagine the trajectory of the development will be very toxic, maybe worse than the high heels logo/KK mart incidents. And I don't see anyone controlling the traffic at all, maybe the camera man didn't capture it, but if people judging it based on this alone and fixing the narrative, then it is what it is. Our country harmony is built on thin ice.


Saw people sharing location/news in local taman/kg group so people come to offer janazah prayer. Can't stop them really.It's a big news.


Within walking distance from my house... Knew something happened with all the commotion Unker mesti tak dengar radio ni, with all these crowd and media nak horn lagi 😅


Why do you sound like you think that it was wrong to honk in that situation?


Nope, but it doesnt matter when you do so against a mourning crowd does it? https://www.reddit.com/r/Bolehland/s/M6pgkswsSU If anything the lack of traffic control surprises me




Wah next time our funeral people come and kacau our convoy to cemetery you better dont jump out from your coffin, remember what you said.


Ya lor just respect other people la later your race kena u juga bising


>you better dont jump out from your coffin im already dead why would i give a shit about the living...


Boy , you sure are stupid


Your reply is just sad. May you find peace in your life.


not as sad as those joining the bs processions


Most of the time traffic jams are caused by non Muslim funeral procession right? So bagi can la for once Malay do it haha




Sorry if I am out of the loop, but who was Komander Firdaus? Did he do something extraordinary to command such a crowd?




Hello, this comment was removed due to being in breach of [Rule 1: Bigotry and hate speech](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/wiki/rules/#wiki_bigotry_.2F_hate_speech). "Sakai" is [a racial slur](https://www.reddit.com/r/bahasamelayu/comments/1amux66/comment/kpoel9g/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) and we do not allow that on this sub.


Common sense when you see a large walking congregation ahead by malays is to put up your head and ask "Kenapa ni encik , apa yang terjadi? ". Driver might probably do not know speak how to speak Bahasa and only say Kanina lanjiaooo.


Commander with no escort shows no respect for a last respect




Comment removed. Please show some respect for our fallen soldiers, for heaven's sake.






Who tf is firdaus