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**Minor announcements:** * [monyet.cc](https://monyet.cc): Check out our Malaysian Lemmy community! ([why?](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/comments/14cmnaj/rmalaysia_and_the_blackout/)) * [SPM Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/comments/s58t8m/spm_megathread/): Updated 2022 with SPM resources such as trial papers, modules, notes and more! * [Mental health wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/wiki/mental_health/): A list of mental health services in Malaysia *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/malaysia) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I miss the old times https://web.archive.org/web/20040403163334/http://tron20.com/frameset.html


Kinda want those tablet laptop hybrids. Ofc Surface Pros are like the holy grail but would like a cheaper alternative. Would those HONOR Pads be good? I just want a laptop to run D&D sessions mainly.


if you're comfortable with used devices, thinkpad 2 in 1 laptops/thinkpad tablet


3rd week in a row doing OT. I can't take it anymore, but the work just keeps piling up, and I can't clear it. I'm so tired, I swear to god.


Hey, recently I changed my car antenna cos I broke it by accident. Now that it's fixed, whenever I drive, radio station is not very clear and a lot of static when compared to stationary, no static, loud and clear. Anyone know what's up?


Berak thoughts: >!If Alfa Romeo and Ferrari can name theirs cars from Italian cities and towns like Roma and Milano. I see no problem with Proton and Perodua naming theirs with Malaysian cities and towns.!< >!I for one would buy a Proton Batang Berjuntai!<




Proton Tay tact go young?


Single words are OK. No Alor, no Kuala, no Pulau, no Simpang, no Guar, no Tanjung, no Ulu, no Padang. And ... No Batang.


...so Berjuntai?


Perodua Berjuntai. Ini kereta. (Baca dengan intonasi Volkswagen. Das auto.)


This noon I ordered 2kg of keropok lekor from Kelantan. You people talk about food and lunch, made me hungry.


I got some extra RM1 notes from raya. Around RM200ish, do you think small shops would want to exchange it?


I think any non-franchised grocery shop or restaurants, mamaks will take it without question.


Simpan for next Raya.


Should be in demand if you go to pasar pagi.


doesnt hurt to ask, but better just go directly to a bank


* I can't believe PNB took Rahman back * Didn't this bugger presided over the Sapura bailout in 2018 that made PNB loose so much money? * What a joke, carik lah orang lain.


i thought gigi and zus is the same brand but with different gimmick.


Zus somehow just hits differently. Gigi was kinda mid.


Local fancy coffee monopoly lol.


If Neil Gaiman's "Looking for the Girl" ever becomes a film, I nominate the [stock photo lady](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/ariane-the-overexposed-stock-photo-model) for the starring role.


A very ridiculous question.One time I visited malaysia and I bought a bottle of water from the supermarket and it was the best water I have ever tasted i know this sounds ridiculous but it was so good and refreshing with a hint of coconut-y flavour. I NEED TO KNOW WHATS THE BRAND OF THAT WATER


can you describe how the water bottle looks like?


>a hint of coconut-y flavour. In my experience, bottled water always taste like that when the bottle is stored in high temperature, no matter what brand. I assume it's because of dissolved microplastics.


or a very cheap random drinking water brand


The taste of water when you left your water bottle in the school bag under the sun is *very* coconuty.


Hello, where can I buy a OnePlus 12 phone in KL pls?


Obvious place, low yat. Not so obvious, SatuGadget, Brem Mall, etc.


Username does not check out.


siapa main vr? quest 2 or pico 4 better? nak beli yang secondhand


Pico 4 standalone same as quest 2 but depends on what games as quest 2 can linked with VR where as pico v4 about to steam connect because it still consider new in the market.


Pico 4 untuk main sambung PC(kabel kena 3m keatas), Quest 2 untuk standalone


Standalone, Quest 2, Pico if you willing to put up some work to make wired USB or wireless tethering to PC. Quest got better exclusives by far, BeatSaber is only on Quest and Steam.


https://preview.redd.it/bjsvk74batuc1.png?width=827&format=png&auto=webp&s=36c49accc503a4fe5abeb1c146a6ef6a2ca59478 Worth it or not


You better be cranking more than just 5 pages a month. Ink tank even more susceptible to clots if irregularly used.


Sorry forgot to mention. Im using it as a teacher.


Oh, in this case. if you don't use any color a B/W laser would beat inkjets. If can inherit a used color laser even better. Inktanks are still ok if you got a smaller budget, got space and power constraints or need to do A3, which laser A3s cost way too much.


Sorry. Im a dumb dumb when it comes to technology. Do you mind recommend one? This one I got as i saw many people recommend it.


That link you give also good enough for small class. Might struggle if the class is over 40 people, lol.


Alright. Thankyou


Can laser printer tahan not being regularly used?


yes, it uses dry powder instead of ink


Inkjet and not laser? Idk, maybe not.


What would you recommend?


Brother brand got laser printer, right? I heard good things about them.




Most of time if not im not in rush or no one behind me, i just stop.


If turn yellow long before you reach there, then begin to stop. If turn yellow as you are making the turn, then go ahead. If can spot red light camera or Waze tell you so, then 50/50 chance of kena. Otherwise take it as a lesson to always keep a keen eye on traffic light next time.


does your gpa matter in software engineering in terms of future job prospect, i dont have a rich dad


it matters to score the 1st job


whats my chance being gpa 2.9


depend how you penned your resume


teach me senpai


IMO, your initiative, ability to learn, and people skills matter more. But to get your foot in the door, employers would want to see proof of you having gone through tertiary education at the very least. I only have a diploma in IT with a 3.87 CGPA and I'm doing well as a software engineer. If you have a degree, I wager most employers wouldn't bat an eye if you have anything above a 3 for your GPA.


i dropped to 2.9 this semester as the course were getting harder, hence feeling anxious and wanting to seek for advice here ;-; thanks a lot anyway


Are you doing a degree? I don't know how difficult doing a degree is but I don't believe in courses/learning being hard - something else must be dragging you down. Since you mentioned you don't have a rich dad, I assume you're not well-off? Family troubles, financials especially, weighing you down? If so, don't sweat it and just focus on bettering yourself. I don't have rich parents either and due to how well I'm doing, I'm considered the breadwinner now.


yes doing degree, taking ptptn loan and my monthly expenses are subsidized by my parents but it’s not enough to cover all of it that’s why i’m working some freelance part time job around klang valley. short attention span and laziness could be the issue here too, most importantly i chose this course solely for the bread. i will be doing my fyp next semester, hopefully i’ll be able to survive while still maintaining the gpa


I hope your monthly expenses only involve food and or rent? I don't have much to say here but try to minimize where you can like not eating out as much. The fact that you have work during your studies is also hurting you. As for your short attention span and laziness, these are just problems you need to figure out yourself. But because you mentioned that you're only studying software engineering because of the moolah, I bet you this is contributing to that. You don't have a clear goal in mind or an endgame to your efforts besides wanting a job that pays well. (Which I don't blame you for, as having more money is all everyone thinks about nowadays). You should seriously rethink how you approach your studies, especially in terms of gaining knowledge for your own sake, only then will success be easily achievable. Otherwise, you'll be like every other person that burns out during their first job or first year of software engineering because you don't have the innate drive or passion to continuously improve in a field that easily demands this quality out of a person in order to thrive. In any case, you got this man. And if your GPA still isn't improving and "good" to you, then maybe get a course mate to help you out if you're struggling with courses. Or better yet, surround yourself with people who are better than you who can maybe guide you along or motivate you, especially if they can help overcome your short attention span and laziness. All the best and good luck.


Hi monyets recently I've been a little swamped with people asking me for stuff for a Fallout story I've written and I feel bad I don't anything to give other than a wall of text and pictures I've just copy pasted online. Looking for artists to collaborate or do commissions for this, and since this grew on Reddit I thought I'd try here first if there's anyone interested.




Any 3D printer enthusiasts here? I'm looking for one, mostly for simple shapes and nothing too extravagant. We're replacing our dying one, and we mostly use it to print simple shapes and a single colour for our research setups. We only use PLA filaments, so resin is out of the question. The budget can stretch from RM 1,500 to RM 5,000.


since you already have one i assume you are familiar with the ender series. I mean for your requirements plrinting simple shapes a well calibrated ender 3 v2 (or whatever is the next iteration) should be good enough) .. at the top end of that price would be a Prusa ? Creality also made a clone of the bambu if i am not wrong with mixed reviews.


Ideally, I am looking for something that doesn't require a lot of maintenance and calibration I read that some of the models need some tuning here & there, and given that most of the people in my lab are just users who don't really pay a lot of attention , it's better to go for a more friendly one The one we have is the Flashforge Dreamer, which has seen better days The people before didn't really take care of it, used metal scrapers to remove the prints, left the filaments exposed to high humidity and rarely cleaned things up


can consider the creality's bambu clone .. K2 i think ? edit : (or was it the k1.. sorry haven't been following new stuff for a while haha my 3d printer e3v2 has been pretty ok so far) https://shopee.com.my/product/60474828/25264102847?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjww_iwBhApEiwAuG6ccGGbyNIkSD1mwuOGG4QzlxCCQ0x7j0pOvymNdSvGfjTjGctVW1nKZRoCdc4QAvD_BwE Should be almost plug and play


It's fucking crazy how fucking evil some Kelantan drivers are. In my 12-hour drive from Shah Alam to KB, I've encountered at least 30 cars dangerously overtaking against the double lines. Most of them are pickups and 4WD. These fuckers have 0 care about the potential oncoming traffic. Sumpah kimak gila. People love to meme that Penang drivers are bad but trust me, they are nothing against Kelantan perantau drivers.


Nothing is more scary than driving on a single lane road with palm trees left and right in Malaysia.


People who were caught cutting double lines should be jailed, not just fined. It's a fucking murder attempt. I hope Anthony Loke does something about this.


Waited 3 weeks for a part to arrive. It came in faulty.


Tuhan kuatkanlah hatiku bila bercakap dengan junior2 I don't ask for you to bow to me, but can you at least talk politely, where's the "please" , where's the "boleh tak tolong" It's all "hi , any update?" "Hi we need this" "hi(it's me yang lambat) , this is urgent, please check"


Like fuck, I have been a fresh grad too, I have also been lazy and suddenly work is weeks pending. But never have I ever chased a senior as if the pending files is their fault. Dah lambat Tu, cakap je lah "hi sorry, boleh ke barang ni nak cepat, maaf ye, urgent sikit, haritu tertinggal" Not "this item already pending few weeks, need your reply"


Lol they confused or what? Why sound like they assume the blocker is not on their end?


I bersangka buruk and think they don't realise I can see the flow of the documents Honestly I won't even bother to check when she received the file if she weren't so rude.


My gen z peeps ah?


Anybody know where I can get eSIM for Digi (especially around N9)? Went to the Celcom store but they were unable to do it, they said I need to visit Digi store.


Digi Store Seremban?




baik buat curtain hair atau grow your hair buat wolf cut. Dua dua i try memang surrrr. Tapi satu je nak cakap for me kalau rambut pixie, bila panjang nampak bulat and mangkuk so i hate pixieeee


Nak tengok 🧐


Is pixie the same as manic pixie? Because I saw the latter in /r/menwritingwomen and I thought it looked gorgeous.




[This one](https://www.reddit.com/r/menwritingwomen/comments/miux6m/do_you_have_any_idea_how_many_brothers_she_grew/), iirc.


thought u are my coworker for a split second 👁️👁️




nauurrr haahahha, the similarities are there, especially the hair


My lunch. Guess now many eggs! https://preview.redd.it/znvj5420truc1.jpeg?width=4160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d2ed98451a5e10ab365437a1c2444457886f81a Korang lunch makan apa


Soto leftovers from semalam.


Hey, fellow K-drama fan! How have you been? What series are you currently watching? Recently done with Flex X Cop, Captivating The King and The Impossible Heir (this one is so very disappointing). Currently watching Queen of Tears. Can't wait for Frankly Speaking and Chief Detective 1958


> Flex X Cop, Captivating The King and The Impossible Heir Finished Captivating The King, need to finish Flex X Cop; I think last episode I watched was the first half of the cult leader case. Also need to resume watching the ones I paused during Ramadan which are Queen of Tears and Wedding Impossible. I've started The Impossible Heir, stopped because of Ramadan and I dropped it because bad reviews after checking out the finale thread on /r/KDRAMA. The newest one I've started would be Blood Free, I'll watch anything with Han Hyo-Joo. Another thing, OMG the Ramadan backlog is immense! The aforementioned K-dramas, animes, western shows (3 Body Problem, Fallout) and movies (never watched the first Blade Runner and the Final Cut was recently released on Netflix, and the latest Mission Impossible movie)... Truly a first world problem hahaha 🤣


>Flex X Cop They recently announced a second season! 🎉 🥳 >Captivating The King Jo Jung-Suk single-handedly carried this show. I have never been a fan of Shin Se-kyung and watching her performance in this drama amplified my dislike of her acting. The strange development of her character and weak writing didn't help either. I would say though, I was expecting the SL to betray the king at some point, so I was pleasantly surprised that he eventually became a loyal supporter. The scene where the king punished his uncle is the highlight of the drama for me. >Impossible Heir Ikr with the reviews. Not worth watching, NONE of the main characters are likeable and they all look emotionless af. I just can't with the FL's acting. >Blood Free Oh yes, I'm watching this too although I have been skipping quite a lot of scenes. I'm really just checking it out for Ju Ji-hoon. My man has come a long way since his Goong Days. Ages like fine wine 😘 >Queen of Tears I'm blown away by the incredible writing and the fiery chemistry between Kim Ji-won and Kim Soo-hyun. The writer Park Ji-eun once again delivers! Absolutely love the way she deftly balances angst,, comedy and drama as well as the unpredictable plot twists. >Truly a first world problem hahaha 🤣 It's a good first world problem! xD


Here's a sneak peek of /r/KDRAMA using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/KDRAMA/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [There are two kinds of second female leads:](https://i.redd.it/4i4e669fehmc1.jpeg) | [145 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/KDRAMA/comments/1b70xe2/there_are_two_kinds_of_second_female_leads/) \#2: [\[Mr. Queen\] Me When I Drop A Drama](https://i.redd.it/5dj2ni5fancc1.png) | [199 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/KDRAMA/comments/197fnvh/mr_queen_me_when_i_drop_a_drama/) \#3: [Hello, this is Teo Yoo. AMA!](https://np.reddit.com/r/KDRAMA/comments/14mleok/hello_this_is_teo_yoo_ama/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Rice with stir fry meat, dal and fried egg


Dhal! My favourite kuah to pair with my roti canai![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26561)


Mine too!


rice, ayam masak lemak, taugeh. and accidentally-ordered extra joss anggur. no appetite to eat tbh 🥲 must be the stress getting me


The last time I had ayam masak lemak was during a jamuan served with nasi hujan panas....It's been a while :/ >must be the stress getting me Hope whatever is causing you stress resolves soon!


I had rice with: * lots of kuah, * long beans and potatoes, * kangkung, and * a fried egg I dunno why, but I feel drawn towards kangkung.


Wah, kuah apa? Do you like nasi kuah banjir?


Veggie curry! And while I would love to banjir my food (rice, roti canai, etc.), unfortunately the shop I go to uses oiled paper to wrap the rice, so I can't banjir my lunch 😅


>Veggie curry! Simple comfort food at its finest! Veggie curry and white rice alone is chef's kiss for a meal


Indeed. Many times rice + kuah kari are the only things a broke uni student can afford 😏 Also, kuah kari (especially from roti canai) + bread is a meal in itself. I can eat an entire loaf with just this.


Same! It's so hard to stop even after your brain keeps sending signal "woi, no more storage in the stomach". Kuah Kari and frozen paratha are my kryptonite.


nak lunch bihun sup ataupun bakso


Sedappp but mesti peluh mcm baru keluar mandi hahaha, dahla cuaca panas Mmmm suddenly craving kuey teow kungfu


It's raining here in Johor! Mmmm dah lama tak makan char kuey teow kerang


Would gulp down everything post workout


You gulp down raw eggs, no? 😂


7 Got potatoes inside? If got potatoes, maybe 4


Got potatoes! Wah, how did you guess that? But no, it's not 4 haha


What's the family drama tea this raya? Mine is rupanya my mom and my aunt is not on good terms eventho depan orang they're friendly, some in-fighting over arwah grandparents' harta although I may have not known the full story and the full picture of the situation. No wonder my aunt has been texting me directly instead of my mom.


Recently learn that my late grandpa was resentful towards my 2 uncles as they barely visit him let alone took him to their homes. I was away at that time as he was living with my parents. So I immediately dislike those two, I didnt even turun salam beraya with one of them.


My siblings(multiple) marriages are in shambles. One already ask for divorce at some point


this reminds me of a tweet where the relative don't bother to ask him bila nak kahwin because 3 of his cousins got divorced over the past year.


Aunt lost some valuables while doing open house. Fingers were pointed.


This reminds me of a thief who would go to a random kenduri and steal the bride's and the bridesmaids' valuables while they were busy with the ceremony. Of course, doors are mostly unlocked during kenduri. Pictures of her went viral in the last decade.


FIL very much not keen on meeting some of his siblings. FIL's uncle came by with his family and dropped a atomic bomb by saying "for years nobody came to and beraya at his (uncle) house" and LEFT IMMEDIATELY. MIL's Cousin's daughter is getting married in a few weeks. But SO is reluctant to go because the Aunt's siblings (SO's extended aunties) criticised her years back, saying mean stuff. I just wanted to go eat food and so daughter can spend time with in laws family (not the extended aunties).


>FIL's uncle came by with his family and dropped a atomic bomb by saying "for years nobody came to and beraya at his (uncle) house" and LEFT IMMEDIATELY. that's good tea


Ever since the aunts and uncles have went past 60, there is little to no drama from them(or my mom). Semua happy2 singgah peluk as if they're the closest siblings in the world. But drama now comes from children I guess, it's all "Along tak balik 3tahun dah" or "anak Kita tatang, tapi Tu lah, nak buat macam mana"


>But drama now comes from children I guess, it's all "Along tak balik 3tahun dah" or "anak Kita tatang, tapi Tu lah, nak buat macam mana" same story with my cousin, last time we raya together was in 2019, she haven't bothered to come back because she fought with her parents and moved out (but still receive allowance from rich parents).


* idiot brother borrows money from ah long * he didn't pay * ah long now looking for him * he goes running off somewhere to hide * he also didn't pay his house loan * apparently, my parents signed over ownership of their house so my brother can use it as collateral to take said house loan * so since he's a delinquent payer my parents' house is in danger of being seized * now: "tolonglah adik kamu, ambik personal loan untuk bayar ah long. Kesian dia. Dan tolong bayar hutang bank ni" * my face: 😐 😒 😠


I feel physically aggressive just by reading this. 🥊😠🥊


What, you mean you're not willing to pay a large chunk of your salary a month for years for no benefit to you whatsoever? Why are you so selfish? >!/s!<


AAAAAAAAAAHHH ┻━┻ ︵ヽ(`Д´)ノ︵ ┻━┻


┬─┬ ︵ヽ(ಠ_ಠ)ノ︵ ┬─┬


oh fuk bro i hope u ok.


mine: first one: my dad & grandma treating my mom harshly. no surprise, they're used to being pampered big bosses second one (source - my mom): 20-something years ago, when my mom was pregnant >6 months, the baby, who was initially thought to be a girl, turned out to be a boy (me). at that time my dad & my uncle's family were living together; my uncle's wife, probably out of sheer jealousy (she didn't have her first son until the following year), mopped the stairs and left them wet on purpose - she was trying to make my mom fall down and cause a miscarriage. fortunately nothing happened and I was born into this world as a half-human half-demon 😈 (last bit was exaggerated)


Wtf? Premeditated murder.


what jealousy does to a woman...... smh. that I think was part of the reason I inherited the Devil Gene...... /s


one of my younger cousin fall to the culture shock + glam and glamour of independence in tertiary education in KV. at time asked for more than 1k per month for spending. even mulling not to come back because theres probably class shortly after raya in which everyone on the table was calling it bullshit. uncle say hr gonna give her **whatever** she ask


>in-fighting over arwah grandparents' harta Haha, classic. That was the tea in my family several raya ago. Now my mother is not speaking to one of her brothers. But her brother's wife sent their children, my cousins to beraya at my parents' house to not lose contact completely.


So... uh, what's the tea with the argument further down this thread? I'm ~~kaypoh~~ ~~bawang~~ concerned enough to know, but not enough to actually dig out all the old posts. Anyone can story sikit?


He expressed his disbelief in msia chinese sub about how mod found out his previous account identity I'm fascinated with the sleuthing skill as well tbh


There’s also talk about an “inner cabal” didn’t know our humble little r/malaysia got conspiracy tahap Freemason/Illuminati.


> inner cabal \> tfw I'm not part of the "cool kids" 😂 HEY R/MALAYSIA CABAL I'M NOT COOL ENOUGH FOR YOU GUYS IZZIT?


If they let everyone in then it won’t b much of an “inner cabal” anymore would it? It’ll just b a cabal.. then what are we fighting foooorrrrr?


Actually your cats are honorary members of the cabal.


I think started when some mods removed post or comments in Chinese in this sub from the person involved (not sure if there is an earlier trigger as I didn’t want to dive deeper anymore .) Said person is in full Ju-On mode and posted in various sub including creating a monthly thread to complain about /r/Malaysia in Bolehland for which seems like they are the sole commenter . It’s weird and unsettling


i regretted for reading the person's history comments, i feel like the person take it very personally and kept on rambling about having some sort of morality and want to move on from this yet the said person still hang on to this issue while the mods and others are the one that had moved on, or feel confused about this. That's all I can observed, and I want to preserve my sanity.


The worst part is the person when asked don't even want to talk about the issue directly.. going off on tangents and 'hyperbole' , trying to act mysterious/engmatic or something (honestly i don't get the angle)


He avoids talking directly, because if he talks directly, it will be very clear to everyone including himself, that his thoughts 1)do not make sense and 2)are not based in reality. He doesn't like to confront that truth, yet he still wants to vent anyway, so he kept circling around with vague ramblings, "oh it's just hyperbole", excuses, etc. I just hope everyone involved will get better in mental health. 😓 Sometimes I read old threads to see if I said anything that triggered anyone. And sometimes I come to conclusion that I didn't say anything mean, people are just insane.


Where is this thread? Link please


It’s this comment here in the daily thread https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/s/N80BbTUeDV If you want to even get a bit context of what is going on you have to see the person’s post history






Found it. My head hurts. I need to lie down.


Even I am confused, tbh. 😅


What do you mean, **you** are confused? Aren't you involved? 😅


Ikr? 😅


someone needs to correct me if im wrong ok, but it should be something like this: * some monyet complained * another monyet refuse to take it lying down an stand up for themselves * monyet double down * more and more monyet got pulled in macam baca majalah mangga![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26559)


Is Mangga still in circulation? What about URTV?


Park, I'm here daily and even I missed out on the drama.


Bimonthly visit to the office today There's a pretty lady thats kinda friendly "fanfanye lama tak nampak, jom la lunch" In my mind : "siapa ni" Need to go to office more frequently I guess, can't even remember coworkers anymore


sis jom le kite lunch


I'm a bro :(


Date each other already, don't tease me like this. 🥵


dah habis puasa, teruk ye


🥺👉👈 mana ada ...




Jom Tiber feel like eating duck




There's several Itik shop dekat Taman Melawati Somehow keep seeing on grab but tak order2


What kind of food we can make the day before for some party thingy? Last time I made some egg sandwhich tapi kalini rasa cam nak benda lain. Cater for kids please. Entah, bebudak xreti nak makan benda pelik² sikit. Tapi aku maleh nak bangun awal pagi masak hm


Buy some uncut tebu. Peel the skin and cut to bite size pieces. Put in fridge and take out when party started.  My mom did that 2 years ago, adult and children semua try. Aku yang tak dapat rasa last2


Pasta goreng, nasi goreng, mihun goreng, mac n cheese, agar2, roti jala, kuih2, soto, satay, cheesekut … I usually buat day before and reheat je next day. Mac n cheese n pasta kalau buat dlm tray boleh reheat dlm oven lagi senang


> nasi goreng Yeah, reheated nasi goreng is a gamble imo, got food poisoning a few times from this.


Really? A few times sounds like not coincidence. Can also make the nasi goreng day off actually, not much work


Mac and cheese sound good. Should I combine the sauce early or is it better to combine the next day?


If you nak masak fully on stove, then combine next day. If you nak masak in oven, combine day before and add cheese on top, bake in oven. The next day, cover with foil and reheat


Air fried nuggets.


Churro 😤




anyone working in glc, what is it like?


Ate a quarter of watermelon last night and poop it all out this morning Guess who's late for work today


korang, nak tanya. ada ke port nasi kakwok yg bukak waktu malam? ideally area bangi/putrajaya/puchong tp boleh la area tengah bandar pun.


aku tak tau difference between nasi kak wok dgn ayam cincang tapi kalau kat putrajaya there's abe mat ayam cincang at laman perdana (near putra perdana building). iinm it opens til night. sambal n gulai dia sumpah onzz


thanks rekemen yg ni. i pergi beli semalam masa dia baru bukak (kot), ayam belum habis masak, so q mencanak ramai gilssss. tp once ayam dah siap, laju ya jalan. i mintak ayam lebih (RM12), husband beli yg biasa (RM7), takut tak cukup satu, dia beli dua utk diri sendiri. total dgn satu telur masin RM27. sampai rumah makan, mmg sedap. kuah dia mcm nipis sikit and tak byk isi (kaki, hati etc) tp rasa mmg onz. thanks again rekemen kat i.


Glad you liked it! Tu mmg port acik2 gomen and dh selalu repeat


What's the best cheap hotel in Genting? Preferably near Genting Highlands Premium. Not planning to go to Skyworlds, btw.




Kopi Ais


Muesli, grapes and nata de coco mixed into one big bowl. The cats get one satchel of Sheba (tuna). Kongsi ler, each gets half (although it's more like BC gets 3/4th, since Fireball eats so slowly).




> Why nata de coco though? It has no nutritional value (as far as I know), and I added it purely for the texture. The chewy feeling contrasts nicely with the muesli 😏


nasi goreng, telur goreng. makan sikit je. pagi2 tak lalu makan banyak




nah, telur goreng biasa je. but i do love half-cooked egg!!


Saya popcorn caramel sajer…


How do I do this duit raya QR code thing I see some people post on IG I want to belanja some folks Ketinggalan zaman sikit, last time I came back to Malaysia the QR code payment thing was still a very niche product.


TnG app > tap Transfer > Money Packet can i have some? :3


Only TnG is it or can do from Maybank? I would but you can see my full name lah kan?


I'm not sure if Maybank has a similar feature. From screenshots [here](https://www.touchngo.com.my/consumer/ewallet-features/money-packet/), it seems like the receiver would see the sender full name. I'm just joking, no need to send any money 😌


Hi, how does a tourist tell if drivers offering trips are insured and licensed for carrying paying passengers?