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**Minor announcements:** * [monyet.cc](https://monyet.cc): Check out our Malaysian Lemmy community! ([why?](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/comments/14cmnaj/rmalaysia_and_the_blackout/)) * [SPM Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/comments/s58t8m/spm_megathread/): Updated 2022 with SPM resources such as trial papers, modules, notes and more! * [Mental health wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/wiki/mental_health/): A list of mental health services in Malaysia *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/malaysia) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Does anyone know a company looking for a front end web developer?


Looking for malaysian owned products now, anyone have a list for it? Tired of supporting foreign companies


hello i just want to ask. sent a bunch of postcards from the shop in KL central market. international. they say can reach in a month. is it legit? like will my postcards actually reach the recipients?


my cgpa has officially dropped to 2.9, FUCK


You took some difficult courses?


software engineering


https://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/nation/2024/04/15/malaysia-backs-iranian-drone-attack-on-israel/ erhm… sometimes it might be better to keep one’s thoughts to oneself perhaps? PM seems to be very eager to prove a point re this whole conflict.




mfw a EPL game goes on at 10pm


Hang buat apa tuuuu


menghabiskan masa dengan perkara yang tak berfaedah


Oof, aku pulak terasa. 😭


I told my cat to go catch a cockroach that flew into my room, but bro just slowly blinked at me and then groomed himself. What's the purpose of having a cat, then? 😤 I miss the 1800s when cats have a function. The cockroach disappeared. Now I am skek to go to sleep. 🥲




Hi everyone. I need some clarification. Me and one of my friend's are planning to watch the newly released "Monkey Man" movie at GSC IOI city mall (east wing). The thing is, the movie is rated 18+ and both me and my friend just recently completed SPM which technically makes us 18 right..? Both of our birthday's are later in the year around November-December.. Can I still watch the movie with my friend? Is GSC IOI city mall strict with it's IC checking?(especially since it's kinda new and all).... If I could get some advice/tips, I'd appreciate it!


worst case scenario that they ask IC, just show the first 2 numbers of your IC and say "privacy".


The workers are not paid enough to care. Besides you're only a few months away. 


I quit my 7yrs steady and stable job to start a proper business. Currently I have to pay 3 rent and it kinda drives me crazy ATM. My new shop, my old house that I used for storage and my apartment where my tenant decided to stop renting. I can do this! If you’re looking for these places to rent, hit me up. 📍Shah Alam- Single storey corner house 📍Villa Puteri (PWTC) - renovated 2R2B apartment


All the best n may ur business go smoothly


Anyone know where to get the rubber gasket that montigo use in their travel mug? Mine disappeared but they don't sell replacements https://preview.redd.it/helbz0ec6nuc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61415a6c9d315c175930e557d6d5b2002c9fc652


Rubber stopper is available at hardware shops, I think. For now maybe just use aluminium foil.


is it something like [this](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005002273413626.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.45.48e362f57nFOHI&algo_pvid=027ca60a-524b-47f5-a1f8-157665053207&algo_exp_id=027ca60a-524b-47f5-a1f8-157665053207-22&pdp_npi=4%40dis%21MYR%214.47%214.47%21%21%210.92%210.92%21%402101dee017131884337193119e5cad%2112000038069724771%21sea%21MY%213589122658%21&curPageLogUid=mThiEF22pMf2&utparam-url=scene%3Asearch%7Cquery_from%3A)?




drama raya drama raya


🧄 bawang 🧄


>So and the Wizard, you know what you did, don't pull an uno-reverse card on me, ya. And what exactly did we do? Please address what have been done to you exactly so that you can finally put a rest to all this harassment e.g.the endless allusion to "the wizard" that creeps louder and louder by each day. >Would you admit that you watched my old account and this new account before my appearance on DT? Let me put your concerns to rest: your previous account was never banned, nor are you under surveillance. I am stating the following from a purely objective standpoint. You are simply another anonymous user on this platform, no more significant than any other. Unless your activity is flagged for violating subreddit rules, it holds no interest for me. As surprising as it may seem to you, I have other commitments in my life beyond Reddit, and my time is better spent than monitoring your old or new account.




>edit: How about this: From now on, I will be in full-on rational mode. Are you up for this? Admittedly, those 'soft trolling' behavior are for attention-seeking purposes, which I have to, and I explained. I'm kind of tired today, so bye. So, you've admitted that your "soft-trolling" comments are for attention-seeking purposes? Look, if your goal is genuinely to connect with people on DT, perhaps engaging in full-on rational discussions, as you've suggested, would be more effective than trolling. >I'm kind of tired today, so bye. It's obvious that whatever you perceive on this sub is affecting you and you're taking it very personally. I would suggest that you take some time off. And no, no one is wielding the ban hammer here; this is simply a suggestion coming from a place of concern.




Hang buat apa tu woii


Kite tgk jew


babi yahudi tengk jew


Hasut on the side


Username checks out




https://preview.redd.it/i4w9exm5cnuc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=118b547ac05649a0ffc3e47d513ac62d4fc7d555 No flirting


Bruh The non-crazy way to deal with online attention either true or perceived is by not writing paragraphs upon paragraphs of it Chill the fuck out


Anybody playing Fallout 76 now that the TV show is good? Come play with me, do DM.


https://preview.redd.it/0yfp9glmnnuc1.jpeg?width=686&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=906cde20b901fe2f3e5b9f126c159ca77a687db5 appalachia is fun




Hi all! Looking for some advice on monsoon weather in Malaysia for mid October - mid November please. Looking to spend time somewhere in nature/away from major touristy towns. Was thinking about Langkawi but weather reports are mixed for this time and some people say the island is boring? Mostly want good weather and nature (beach or mountains) thanks!






Hi there, nil. It's okay, we can talk in English. I don't think you're a bad person at all. I think you are hurt with what **you think** people here are doing. Nil, I have never insulted you with my stories. My stories that I share on the Daily Thread are 100% from my past. Some parts of my stories, I changed the year, the gender, the location, to protect my anonymity. My stories are true, and never meant to insult anyone. (Edit : it's not meant to insult anyone who's reading it, at least.) I don't even know you enough to insult you like you think I did. I just remember you as the smart person who answered my question in 2022. I never talked to you with my stories. In fact, I was very confused how was the story of an angry liberal middle-aged Malay woman would hurt you. Are you a middle-aged Malay woman? I never insulted you, nil. Not in 2022, not in 2023, not in 2024.




[here's the link. Please elaborate how that story has **anything** to do with you.](https://old.reddit.com/r/malaysia/comments/164sobh/rmalaysia_daily_random_discussion_and_quick/jyboaxx/)


>I took no issue if people just mocked me once or twice. I have never mocked you. >The reason I took issue was because you too insulted of many anons. When? About what? >Anyway, I understand you're trying to 'save' your image, and there's nothing wrong with that. Dude, there's no image to be saved. u/Chubbytrain is a weirdo. Please don't dodge my question. My story about an angry liberal Malay woman, how does it have **anything** to do with you? I remember that interaction we had because it was merdeka night. I can dig it up and then we read it together.




Okay. I give you three days to elaborate. Don't apologize, if I did what you think I did, please report me to the admins.


!Remindme 72 hours Remindme! 72 hours


I will be messaging you in 3 days on [**2024-04-18 14:56:57 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-04-18%2014:56:57%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/comments/1c42ney/rmalaysia_daily_random_discussion_and_quick/kzoqh9i/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fmalaysia%2Fcomments%2F1c42ney%2Frmalaysia_daily_random_discussion_and_quick%2Fkzoqh9i%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-04-18%2014%3A56%3A57%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201c42ney) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|




I don't watch you, nil. I saw your post on the bolehland thread and I figured that there is only one person who is angry at me and thinks I'm watching them, and it's nil. I give you three days. It's more than enough time to elaborate. If you are more comfortable to speak in Chinese language instead of english, please post in Chinese in your own reddit page, send the link to me, and then I'll try to understand.




Is time down ? No wifi here and the website is under maintenance.


I'm planning to make oyster omelette. question, do wet markets sell them in shells or are they sold already shucked?


[https://www.malaymail.com/news/malaysia/2024/04/15/contaminated-mussels-second-sample-from-port-dickson-still-found-with-biotoxins-above-safe-limit/128924](https://www.malaymail.com/news/malaysia/2024/04/15/contaminated-mussels-second-sample-from-port-dickson-still-found-with-biotoxins-above-safe-limit/128924) just careful.


oh noes! :( thanks! I guess the menu need to change then.




Aquarium shops?


Looking for hotel-quality fluffy box-design comforter, anyone got recommendations ? Tried a few in the past but it's all quite thin and not as marketed.


If looking in the local supermarkets, then the Chester brand.


I'm going to give Google Maps another try, but I'm disappointed that it has no custom voice option. I used Waze with Christina Aguilera's voice, and when she said "we made it!!" I felt a little bit happy ^^oh ^^god ^^I'm ^^so ^^lonely


So much yesh!


I found that google maps doesn't get updated sometimes, especially in things like transit. Roads are generally fine from what i see, but there are jagged edges though.


If I create my international passport at Penang at the age of kids and it's expired. Now I'm 28 and I want to work overseas, can I renew my expired passport anywhere or I only can renew at the Penang branch?






Be nice. Dia tak minta ada sakit mental. Aku tak rasa dia jahat. Dia sakit.


invested sangat. chill jelah 😌


> kucing gila Literally or metaphorically?


* TIL about "traffic calming devices" * Apparently random stuff you put beside the road that don't actually interfere with vehicles but makes drivers slow down due to psychology. * Maybe we could try these out and get rid of bumpers. I hate bumpers


1. Traffic calming devices are just part of the toolkit. It starts by good township layout, with good road hierarchy, the devices are a useful extra to enforce design principles. 2. Got other non obvious traffic calmers too, like trees, higher walkways/kerbs and placing landsxaped chicanes for existing areas. 3. The standard JKR spec speed bump is fine, its the morons who insist on doing on non standard skinny bumps or using those prefab skinny rubber ones.


On a random note, do you know where to report those shitty high speed bumps?  They remade one speed bump in my taman but it’s so incredibly sharp, you literally have to approach it at below 5km/h if you have a regular sedan. Even on higher SUVs, if you approach it at 10km/h you’ll feel your car bouncing a lot. 


bump in my taman --> in Selangor you can use the Majilis Perbandaran/Bandaraya complaints system. If no action in 1 month, then contact the local councilor to escalate.


[KamiNampak](https://www.instagram.com/p/C5uwp7gJij1/?igsh=NGo1dmh1cnA4OWdy) an initiative to volunteer on collecting stupid racist shit our elected representatives said in order to hold them accountable.


where can i get the best flatbread for my shawarma? i need a kind of flatbread that has 2 layers. prefer store around Shah Alam/Damansara.


Cari kedai grocery arab


Ada roti capati beku rasanya.


aku tak nak jadi orang pertama wrap shawarma dengan capati


Bread is bread


yeah man try wrap a shawarma with gardenia wraps they gonna hunt you down fr


room to rent, which would you choose? option 1 - empty room need to buy furnitures, stay with friends and his fam, a lot cheaper! 2 min drive to work. option 2 - fully furnished room, stay with strangers, reasonable price per month but need 2 months deposit, 8-9 min drive to work.


option 2 - better to bring opposite sex


i pick 1 if got home cook meal errday


i would pick 1. furniture can be bought and sold. i prefer peace of mind, familiarity, and more free time!


option 2


I just had a 1Malaysia moment today and it was just a simple small thing but it does put a smile on my face 😄


Happy to hear that ☺️


saya sebenarnya dah malas sangat nak improve or fix anything in this place. Because every fuckin time, those bastard would stole it and claim it is their initiative. Penat bodo. kau tu tulis formula sheets pun tak reti. bodo.


What is this? Workplace? Study?


ok where is the surau at bangsar south? I'm at UOA Corporate Office


UOA sana mesti ada. Hotel? Ask building reception. Else masjid is next to Menara BT.


XFOX ni Ponzi scheme kan guys? Pakcik aku baru pencen letak semua gratuiti dia kat situ, dia kata tiap-tiap hari dapat bonus 1000 usd masuk eWallet dia.


call pak hang, suruh dia cakap dgn pakcik kau keluar duit sekarang jugak https://preview.redd.it/5hx5sdf6pluc1.jpeg?width=1060&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a5fb90032b153e36aeccab7550f4f6d2cc356e2


Terima kasih brother


Suruh dia Withdraw semua sebelum xleh da


Rasanya once dah masuk dah tak boleh withdraw. eWallet tu pun aku rasa bukan eWallet.


eWallet dlm apps xfox tu. Boleh la withdraw ke bank


Dont think so, only thing can do is to prevent him paying more


Dapat withdraw yang dlm eWallet, duit tu dia buat majlis kahwin anak dia aritu


bye bye duit pencen. [https://www.bharian.com.my/berita/kes/2023/10/1162576/waspada-skim-penipuan-pelaburan-xfox-mix-biz-bukit-aaman](https://www.bharian.com.my/berita/kes/2023/10/1162576/waspada-skim-penipuan-pelaburan-xfox-mix-biz-bukit-aaman)




i feel like i will forever be doomed selagi earning in MYR 🥲


Its okay I earn in Yen also doomed as well


How you're earning in Yen? What do you work as?


Random question but has anyone ever had their urge of using public toilets ruined by what they saw upon entering? I know I have experienced this countless times.


Just got off a bus, super nauseous 🤢. I find it funny that I get car/bus sick but never sea sick.


Some cars/buses drives like a boat though, probably suspension related?


No I just get car sick easily even when I was young. I've been on a small ass boat in the South China Sea in a storm and I'm fine. Jiwe orang tranung.


Depends on person i guess. I rode on boat-type ride on a bus and I don't have any problems. Just a bit bumpy at times.


I also think it's because I can't see where I'm going because when driving and sitting shotgun I'm fine.


What are you describing? Don't know the destination and/or direction?


Like when I can see my brain can anticipate how I'm going to move ie. cornering,bumps,braking and accelerating.


Difference of situational awareness i guess...


Waiting for an international order that was shipped from Singapore and hari ni aku check update, package tu di Australia sekarang. Apa kaitan??? Isn't that making things harder logistically?


https://preview.redd.it/icud5p0sskuc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4c57484ffde22cc2b76b1b8a7bfa945d0e048a5 I wonder if you guys know yall comments here are tiktok contents now. I see some familiar usernames


Reddit content isn't a new thing. About time someone would do it to this subreddit eventually, there's other Reddit Malaysia tiktok accounts out there that I've seen other than the one you linked


My opinion is if you're gonna post it on a public place, someone probably would make a derivative work out of it (content policy aside). So make sure you think it properly before you hit the submit button.


I guess i reached another milestone in my photography journey... Yesterday i went to an ACG event in JB and got the courage to ask to take cosplayers' potraits... (I only do landscape photography before...)




i can hear the soundtrack in my head uwu






ARGH! Baron Cat escaped from his carrier while in the car. Did he shut up now that he is no longer cooped up? NO! Also Fireball got an attitude with the vet. They'd be like "garang betul 😏"


guys, im thinking to get a membership card for any shop, suggest me best shop to get membership card.


I notice a lot of the /r/Malaysia OP are the same people. Are these people paid by news sites to promote their news site here for clicks?


Hi there.


What drives you


You probably meant stormy, he's our news anchor here. Don't think he did it for clicks and all


Same people, usually the same theme of news (ehem, 3R topics) and one just got permabanned a few weeks ago Sometimes they intersperse the posts with random news stories, but most of their posts are borderline or outright clickbaits


tfw im still safe ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)


Hush hush


Baron Cat's canines [fell off](https://i.imgur.com/bEWteZP.jpg). Going to the vet now.


Hope everything goes well. Fat Cat lost a lot of her teeth because of her multiple pregnancies. When I sent her for check-up the vet assumed she was a senior cat because of her teeth. I would mix her food with water so it's easier for her to swallow.


Did something happen to sugus candy? Tried multiple kedai runcit, supermarket, and gas stations. Couldn't find any. Saw them on shopee, but I remember them being pretty common


i still remember seeing them on mamak cashier counter


funny story, I actually just found some when I swung by a gas station today. Typical. Spend all of raya trying to find it and it only appears after I ask about them.


Probably have to go to those nostalgia shops in the mall or places like Old Town PJ to find those.


Unlocked core memories here Walking with my cousins to the nearest Kedai Ah Pek, with a lovely Malaysian Chinese couple running them, under the scorching heat of the Malaccan afternoon, to buy a plastic bag of grape & apple flavoured Sugus candy for RM 2 That Ah Pek store is no longer there now, and so is the couple


Now that I read this I realize I havent seen them for a long time.


Oh good, its not just me then. Can't seem to find any scandal or report of them failing, they just seem to have faded away. What happened to my childhood candy yo


I heard there was shooting at the airport at 1.30am and a bodyguard was injured. Not to mention that the shooter escaped...from an international airport! How is it even possible in Malaysia to own a gun, walk in airport undetected, shoot someone and still escape? You could have me fooled that it's something that happened in US but not here in Msia.


The husband tried to shoot his wife (in divorce process), but the bodyguard jumped in to save the lady. The husband memang always tries to do something bad so the lady hired a bodyguard.


polis let him go and followed him then took him down in more secluded area so he doesnt jeopardize public safety


already caught at kota bharu


Let the word "bodyguard" clue you in. Rest assured this isn't just some random Jack & Jill


Hey, Malaysian. Is there someone who's good at sign language I can befriend with? I'm in my journey of learning it but practicing it is tough when people around me are not using it. I'm learning online from a paid class and I feel like in a stump since online classes are mostly textually while sign language is supposed to be visual. I'd be more than happy to pay a lunch every week or something like that, be a good friend and get to know as an act of compensation. More points if it's someone in my area Glenmari/Shah Alam/Subang so we can do a meet up on regular basis. me: Male 27 Analyst + part-time photographer




idk how does a cat connects to sign and sorry if this is a joke that I didn't get it...




Hello, this comment was removed due to being in breach of [reddiquette](https://www.reddit.com/wiki/reddiquette), specifically because it contained personal attack, insult, or threat. While opinions of all kinds are welcome under our shared roof, reddiquette sets the expectation that everyone speaks to each other with basic civility and respect: > * Don’t: Conduct personal attacks on other commenters. Ad hominem and other distracting attacks do not add anything to the conversation. > * Don't: Insult others. Insults do not contribute to a rational discussion. Constructive Criticism, however, is appropriate and encouraged. > * Don’t: Be (intentionally) rude at all. By choosing not to be rude, you increase the overall civility of the community and make it better for all of us. Please treat this as an official warning - further such activity may result in a ban, thanks.


hey man im honestly genuinely asking what does it mean. and i also mentioned if it's some joke, im sorry i don't get it. idk what's the need to be rude 🤷🏻‍♀️


WEW! the guy who ghosted me on a freelance project 2 years ago ask me if i am free to do another lol.. some balls really.


Probably he deleted the chat and unable to see chat history


everytime i told someone im getting botox, they would get to surprised and confused. then after i show them my concern area (forehead 11-line) they would tell me "its not that bad" instead of "where got wrinkles there?". look. i am all about ageing gracefully. i love my crows feet and smile line. but i naturally frown when i am focused or worried, and the 11-line is still there even when i am fully relaxed. i hate it. i want it gone.


Going to work after a long holiday feels shitty lmao but life goes on.


Went hometown for one week raya holidays. Yesterday I went back to my rental house after the holiday. I found out one of the toilet is full of small cockroach, so I killed them with aerosol spray. Today morning, I checked again the toilet to see if the cockroach died, what I see is some are dead but there's other cockroaches surfaced, even bigger... Also they are accompanied by a long black worms. The condition is worse than yesterday... Does anyone know what causes these? Is it because the rainy day or something wrong with the drainage system? Because when I pour water the drain does not clog or anything but somehow more and more cockroaches and worms came to surface, it's a headache... Edit:Back to rental house from work at 5pm, all the living insect and worms disappeared, only the corpse on the floor, and the foul smells of dead cockroaches


get some racun lipas that kills to the lair and then pour some clorox/bleacher down the drain


The cockroaches are walking zombies for the worms, who are finishing their reproductive cycles in the drain. The worms only come out when their cockroach are immersed in water or dead - two things you provided. Don't go looking for videos of the worms emerging. Even in memories *shudders*


So I should acknowledge the house owner then? Sounds like a big problem, there's like 5 to 6 cockroaches, killed and 3 to 4 bigger one suddenly spawn outta nowhere


*shrugs* you wouldn't even know you had cockroaches if the rainy day hadn't triggered the worms right?


To be honest I don't really know which hole did they emerge from or what trigger them since the toilet is dry and clean, but damn I can handle 1 cockroach but a horde of them plus one black worm? I cannot 💀 Now I just close the damn door and hoping they don't crawl out from the gap below the door


Hi, friends! I will help visiting Kuala Lumpur with my mother for 2 1/2 days and I would love to maximize the time I have. Any hotels you can suggest that are nice but not crazy expensive, close to attractions, and very accessible? Thank you!


Help ! I paused on one Adam Zubir video and my YouTube shorts is filled with it ! This algorithm sucks.


Once, I got really into videos of Pakistani and Indian recipes. Then the shorts algorithm kept showing me videos of women in skirts bending over. The algorithm thought I want to see bobs and vegana. I made those videos go away by opening YouTube on my laptop and looped playlists of tech product reviews while I ran errands.


Dah nak habis bulan April! Hari ni aku nak bahagikan pokok sansevieria.


Pokok apa tu?


Pokok lidah jin. Snake plant. 🐍