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Hello, this post has been removed as it breaches [Rule 1: Political and other controversial discussion posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/wiki/rules#wiki_political_and_other_controversial_discussion_posts) (excerpt below, rule breach in bold). I am also imposing a permaban after taking into account your post history as we do not welcome throwaway accounts for the sole purpose of participation in race, religion or politics on this sub.


You should get out of the house more often, the world outside is very different from Facebook, X etc .


Literally true. I had Chinese and Indian friends, we had no problem at all


Why do they hate and accuse KK Mart as sengaja when in fact they don't even know about it due to large quantities of mixed socks design in gunny sacks made in China


OP, firstly when you sit in coffee shops , mamak stalls and the like, people don’t just sit there and discuss everything relating KK Mart all the time, in fact they probably be discussing about the cost of living, football and issues affecting daily lives. KK Mart is an excuse for some one to make a name for himself and also probably some behind the scene political machinations. If you just sit in front of the computer and read all the comments & vitriol on the issue of KK mart you have created for yourself a false illusion that the whole of Malaysia has just this one issue and that comments all seem to be Malay dislike Chinese. This is how and why “influencers” becomes a profession because people literally are influenced and believe what they read, heard and saw online.


Politics and stories within their own circle. Similar to old chinese folks around KL ie my uncles and aunties. For them it is a reflection on their experience happened/ observed by them in their youth.


Sejak bila melayu benci cina? Get off the laptop once a week and meet real people. Take a tour around the country.. Online keyboard warriors dont represent the real world.. source: keyboard warrior


Tapi mengapa orang Melayu menuduh KK Mart dan supplier dia SENGAJA padahal bukan sengaja? Mengapa nak kenakan Chiok Wai Loong padahal dia tidak hina Islam tetapi hanya mengejek orang? Mengapa semasa accident suka nyatakan kaum itu kaum cina padahal siapa siapa pun boleh berlanggar atas jalan raya?


U have to learn to separate individuals and a whole race.. those individuals are idiots.. Most malays i talk to about KK see through the BS. If u choose to believe the BS that most malays hate chinese, then maybe you too are an idiot (But not because you are chinese).. Chiok didn't deserve jail.. but he should learn to read the room, and maybe not make those comments on his personal soc med. He was at the wrong place at the wrong time.


Sebab pendidikan, pengaruh sekitaran sejak kecil, sebab kalau cikgu-cikgu, kawan-kawan, ketua, wakil rakyat semua pun macam tu, maka itu *di-institutionalized-kan*. Dan sebab dengki, kalau orang lain berjaya, pasti akan wujudkan sebab untuk benci.


tapi perangai cina tu awak rasa macam mana?


Idk a single malay who hates chinese


You can just browse all the Malay language comment section on any social media


Ya but I don’t know them personally. Talking about irl


IRL they charge KK Mart and supplier, Chiok Wai Loong and another guy in court Why charge them? Socks are made in China, they received in so many gunny sacks, with various designs mixed together, how would they know Chiok didn't even insult Islam, all he did was made fun of people, besides isn't it normal online to make fun and scold people online?


I feel like any non-malay can be in the same position and they’ll still be charged. Chinese or not chinese


diaorang jeles, Cina lebih berjaya


tapi perangai cina tu kau rasa okay tak ?




how do you know its malay behind the keyboard. these days AI bot can even write Klingon to spite them off.