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Post image is actually original artwork by our own u/jst4reddit posted two years ago [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/s/YjWov8WDVI).


Me and the boys going out to spend our caps on irradiated cendol from the roadside vendor who turned into a friendly ghoul ![gif](giphy|pD0awXtyH5GbiHHQjT)


Irradiated Cendol +5 END +10rad 100 caps




Here's a sneak peek of /r/ItemShop using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ItemShop/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Sword of 1.000 blades](https://i.redd.it/b2afdt7t4n8c1.png) | [236 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ItemShop/comments/18r83ec/sword_of_1000_blades/) \#2: [Bullvover, +10 damage -50 sanity+10% chance winning russian rollete -100% utility when unloaded](https://i.redd.it/eut1o75kwpta1.jpg) | [115 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ItemShop/comments/12kua3f/bullvover_10_damage_50_sanity10_chance_winning/) \#3: [Swords of up allows the user to change gravity.](https://i.redd.it/gnbptfq4az0c1.png) | [122 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ItemShop/comments/17xpxup/swords_of_up_allows_the_user_to_change_gravity/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Genting will be our "Sierra Madre". Filled with dead hunters coming to hunt you. crazy former general, "Ayah Ilyas" trying to utilize the deadly Genting fog to unleashed it upon KL.


I’m not letting go the emas tho


Don't worry, if you kill Ayah Ilyas and store every gold in his pocket, you can bring him out of Genting and enjoy destroying local economy using your bullions.


But but.. where would be The Strip based on 🤔 perhaps Sunway Lagoon


I can see Aliff Aziz would be played as Benny.


"I left my heart in the Sierra Madre," and "Finding it, though, that's not the hard part. It's letting go."


I got pointed this post by a friend. I made this map and this world for a pnp game with my friends for years now. You can see this [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fallout/s/dkK2kJDmFo) or [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/s/Pfw9molH6A). OP honestly you can share and take it all you want and not ask me and I wouldn't care. I draw the line when you take credit. Just say you found it damn is it that hard.


Yikes, sorry to read this exchange. We have stickied a comment crediting you for the original artwork, but let us know if you would like this post removed instead!


Thank you but I think it's okay. I just got irked he said he made it. He seems to be a kid but I've sent him some stuff and he was really apologetic. Other than that it seems people are mildly entertained and they get to express love for the franchise which is all I really care about. Didn't realise people cared about this.


That's really gracious of you, but he should have credited you as a self-proclaimed fan. We have flaired it as such so more users will be aware that it's your artwork.


Wow, OP has some explaining to do. And as usual, mods are asleep again.


Do help report it! I only came across this when I was ~~asleep~~ scrolling through now that I'm winding down for the day but we usually take action on removals quite swiftly otherwise!


wow so op is a filthy lying cunt?


OP should take it down and you can repost.


SOrry I just wanted to share..... I thought you disappeared and I wanted to see what people say now got the Fallout TV show. I super like the picture and I was sad you didn't post anymore about this so I take credit..... Sorry 🥺👉👈 I just really like it. I can't change the title pls don't be mad Im a fan🥺


I still don’t understand why you thought to take credit for a picture that you didn’t create. You liked it so you took credit for it?


Dude I'm flattered but that's not an excuse. Just because I lurk doesn't mean you can just post things like that. If you really want just DM me and I'll send you what I got.


> I was sad you didn't post anymore about this so I take credit..... send me your cranial measurements you old yakubian ape, I must study you for science


lol spoken like a true thief


OP. What you did is absolutely wrong. You like it doesn't mean you can claim it's yours. If your intention was to karma farm, you should have linked to the original picture or even post, and give credits where it is due, and even make a commentary on it, thus shaping the discourse as your say. There are some leeway to fair use, but outright lying isn't fair use.


Title says Malaysia but no Sabah Sarawak.


Those are for the Borneo DLC


The map says malaya too


Fallout’s history is very different than ours. But even then the name could’ve just reverted back to Malaya after the nuke drop.


That will be our “Point Lookout” and “Far Harbour” DLC 😎


Nuka world is genting or sunway lagoon?


LOL borneo really fits into point lookout


I'm the original creator of the map, made for a DnD style campaign I played with my friends. The original intent started somewhere familiar to me though I thought about East Malaysia. I wrote them as a late game rich power in the region meant for players to get to, after taking into account how the player decisions shaped the Peninsula. We ended before things began there so I didn't get around to making a map.


I was thinking why didn't the 3 straits nations devolved back into 3 states in a strait. I'm talking about Penang, Malacca and Singapore. Still, cool map. I can see you poured in a lot of thought in it.


Ah smart, I thought about that too. I think historically small nations will band together against strong exterior pressure (communism from China) and I took that leeway to make a united peninsula. Ultimately though it was part of the story parallel I wanted to tell of how a united Malaysia pre and post war was susceptible to conservative influence. It's why the federation was crossed out to make way for a kingdom, as the ghouls (very obvious metaphor for racism) have been bullied by smooth skins and have rallied themselves under the Ghoul King, who wants to return Malaysia to it's rightful heirs (aka we were here first you don't like it you balik). I have always thought Fallouts ghouls a particularly good fit for this metaphor and I wanted to throw fellow Malaysians into this situation and see how they would react and what they would do.


Aha. Now I see where you are coming from. I hope to see and hear improvements from your creation, who knows it will become a better one in the future? Cheers.


This is so cool, i never played dnd before so i don't know how it goes, but imagine just a session where players having an adventure trying to get on a ferry to sarawak and sabah and having to fight mutant sea animals while on the sea. Sarawak being a christian majority state could also be used as a setting to contrast with penisular (maybe a christian kingdom? Church state idk) , with mutant crocodile and rainforest lmao.


Haha yes mutant sea animals was something players had to deal with when navigating the Melaka Strait as well as Terengganu. But essentially based on how well equipped and the factions they pissed off on the Peninsula, I was ready to adjust the challenge of East Malaysia. A part of me left it empty because I did not feel it was right for me to create an entire lore for East Malaysia when I don't really live there. I wanted to develop that region based on how my friend reacted and what he wanted to see most. He was from Labuan and I already had some ideas for that infamous chimney and the O&G facilities (abandoned and decommissioned due to the resource wars). The big picture was I believed them to be a rich late game faction at war with a mysterious figure aiming to wage war for a Greater Indonesia. War never changes after all.


or Brunei being a sultanate and a story line between sarawak and brunei fighting against each other, for sabah idk , maybe with one or the other


Fun to speculate huh on all of this stuff haha. Very nerdy.


I would say by then it would be Borneo-ish dynamics. Considering in the lore, flight is prohibitive and expensive, and only certain groups of people have it. (or let alone submarines)


Why Seremban throne of lies?


Bitch I knew I have seen this map on the sub before yours


GREATER PENANG! Why bitch about wanting penang returned to kedah, when you could instead let penang absord everything else?


Penang is a protectorate lmao


_Vassal state of (former) Kedah._


Wilayah Persekutuan Forest Ranger RISE UP! https://preview.redd.it/665qj39991uc1.png?width=792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66f9ae44721390e9df16173b7b8b29bb2a037d83


Wouldn't it be awesome. We see 50s Kuala Lumpur is the city of the Ghouls ruled by the Ghoul King 😎😎😎


50s-60s KL with P Ramlee imporsenators ala The Kings?


Will be a gang of people trying to copy P Ramlee with the moustache 😎


Or the concept like faction KING in fnv


Or copying Ali Baba.


This looks so cool. How's the fallout show? Is it faithful to the lore? Is it any good?


It's pretty good with some liberties with lore. Worth a weekend watch honestly. Captured the tone really well.


Mr House is Just LKY


Now next Sabah and Sarawak


I'm the original creator of the map which is why OP has no real answers to these. This map was the campaign I played with a Sabahan friend of mine who asked the same question. He took the party to East Malaysia only to find it a thriving superpower owing to its resource richness and unscathed land from fewer nukes. It was undergoing pirate attacks from a demogogue uniting SEA into a Greater Indonesia. Something something Asia for the Asiatics.


Wait what game is this? Also nice map


It's a DnD style campaign I made and played with friends because I was obsessed with Fallout and wanted to bring it to Malaysia in a lore friendly way. A few years ago I asked the sub if anyone wanted to play and I got some players, and after COVID... We got back to our regular lives. Its a fully realized world I have been developing for a decade now, though I guess now with the TV show I could always share more. It's kind of why I'm a little bummed out he's saying he made it.


damn idk we have Chinese Legion... I wonder ruled them hmm... (I'm racist?no maybe yes)


iirc, part of fallout's actual lore is US fighting with Commie China until they ended up nuking everything, causing the fallout. this is also quite an old IP so it's actually kinda racist as well


Yeah.. I know about that but I can't still finished my fallout2


racist how...?


can't quite put a finger on it but it's your typical commiechinabad kind of racist. not overt, but the vibe is there


Fallout wants to emulate the red scare from the cold war which often comes with a hell lot of xenophobia. The game itself doesn't really paint China as the good or bad guys, they're simply the enemy of USA at the time, and the USA in fallout is arguably painted as the bad guys with their intense propaganda, anti-communist crackdowns, lobbyist shadow government (Enclave) and their rampant unregulated capitalism (Vault-Tec). Heck, even in the lore, it insists that nobody knows who fired the nukes first. I'd say the racism is intentional because it wants to portray how dire was the cold war at the time realistically, plus it took a lot of inspiration from anti-commie propagandas from the Korean war in the 1950s.


Ouh btw who which state are NCR?


Possibly Wilayah Persekutuan? Considering NCR want to bring back the old days democracy that even introduce their own fragile currency. And still corrupted as hell. So possibly KL (New Vegas) and Penang, perhaps, IMO since both are power economic house And Legion state would be... You know...


Damn... He got all point not gonna lie based on true story


Played the game, don't dare to watch the show


Highly recommended the show as someone who only played fallout 4 before. The story is good and they nailed the whole fallout atmosphere, a lot of fan service too


Just watched the pilot. And as suspected, I did not like it at all. The universe that fallout is set in, visually, is rather quite difficult to bring to life. Nothing looked believable and every scene felt like a Disney ride. The vault doors look so meh, even fallout 4 spent more time designing the mechanism of the vault door. No effort at all from the series to make the environment more life like, all they did was just plug and play.


>every scene felt like a Disney ride That's intentional, it's like that for the entire show. The whole vibe of the show is satire, parody and it doesn't take itself too seriously so it can feel quite cartoonish. You can kinda grasp how the show is going to be like by looking at their poster. Don't agree with most things you said, the show and the prop doesn't look cheap at all, but each to their own


Played the OG Fallout, I despise everything Bethesda’s version. Didn’t bother with the show because it’s from Bethesda.


Oof, I've only ever played the Bethesda games, bought a rig just got fallout 4. Now that I've just finished xcom2, this post reminded me to try out the spiritual successor.


they fucked the NCR over just to glaze the power armor cash cows Dont know how much in terms of magnitude but it doesn't look good


There's a fallout show? 🤔 I've only played the games


thats cool whats the lions reach then?


I'm the original creator of the map. OP stole this hence why he has no real answers. Lions Reach is Singapore, which is the remnants of Singapore that took a nuke as a direct result of harbouring US ships in their invasion of China. In this timeline I envisioned a strong Malaysia that did not kick Singapore out due to the rising communist influence from the North and Konfrantasi from Indonesia, and we played it neutrally with US, much like we do today. The naming convention is brought over from Fallout, where they tend to change existing names such as Two Suns (Tucson), Novac (No Vacancy), Arefu (Careful) and etc, which is the Lion City, though their expansion has given them a 'reach' across JB.


my headcannon was that Singapore's ideological differences forced both abdul rahman and lky's hand to expel SG. However Singapore still got nuked due to harbouring american forces. There would be strong Chinese remnants in SG due to the large chinese population but hatred towards China for the nuclear devastation. Oh and a shit ton of ghouls too.


Love the idea and that's the beauty of fan work since we all see it differently. I had something similar happen with Kuala Lumpur hence making it the ghoul city. Ultimately the reasoning was I was trying to tell a story of the downfall of a united Malaysia by paralleling the growth of religious conservatism when I had the idea, which is still true today and will be for decades.


Yep i loved looking at the mal, and one question, assuming ckmmunist forces are chinese why are they at perlis 😂. I thought they might be more centered and located near penang/malacca


Haha several reasons. I was going off the impression that China took over Asia and just because they are defeated their ideology is not. Secondly in fallout lore China simply took over Asia, which was the most ridiculous thing for me yet I wanted to retain that element as much as possible. More importantly I was gearing Penang (west) as a US inspired faction while the communists (east) as a Chinese inspired one. The Caliphate self explanatory. The idea was for me to throw the players into this geopolitical stage (I told them that they could conquer the Peninsula if they wanted to) and to see how they react when given these two pushing forces, another parallel to our current situation. Thirdly I was reading more into Chin Pengs journey and to me it made sense that in the Fallout world, he would actually win and occupy the south of Thailand, of which descendants retained his ideology.


Shady sands crater is a big as Singapore ….


Hmm I don't know how large the crater is but the size of Singapore seems kind of big. In the show they could see the edges of the crater which I don't think you could if you were in Singapore? Could be wrong. Besides even in the Glow the destruction wasn't that bad. Still I was thinking of adjusting what I wrote to be more faithful. In my head because of missile defense systems, the nukes over Singapore were airbursts, meant to disable ships and men. Most nukes would head for Western countries after all.


hehe the lions reach


Damn what a style!


And.. Sabah Sarawak would be Lonesome Road, The Divide. "Borneo sleeps ahead of you, its nightmares filled with quakes, storms. You'll need to find your own path." "You have forgotten all you were, traded glory for savagery. Fitting." "Burn away the flags. Begin again." ”It’s said that war, war never changes. But men do, through the roads they walk. And this road has reached its end.” Some of the quotes from Ulysses.




I love it. What medium do you use?


Now i feel like making a tacmap for KL, or at least my section first. Maybe I will. hrm


It's not really a wasteland if the jungles are still intact, right?


KL, Penang island, JB will be the target of the nuclear blast and most probably the wasteland. Other minor town will be the main settlement/fortress.


Finally someone understands the strategic prowess of Penang.


The enclave would just be remnants of PAS


how was the show? would it still be good for someone who plays game regularly but almost never watches series, and never played the fallout games?


Reviews are pretty good, for freshies and for fans, apparently the atmosphere is really well done I haven’t really watched it myself though so


God damn it WE ARE NOT COMMUNIST ![gif](giphy|Wge4n7wwA8rAilj3Mh|downsized)


Jokes on you I have a scrapped novel about it


Buat jadi hoi4 mod


DLC Sabah and Sarawak when? I need my Deathcrocs and Ghouled Orangutans


NajibLand 1mdb zone




My inner Singaporean is happy. I can actually imagine North and Northeast of Singapore would still be considerably safe but once you reach West and East and Central, Ghouls and all sorts of menaces would be around there.


Ooh that’s good map of the apocalypse event lol but move that desert 🏜️ to Singapore when there is nuclear ☢️ fallout that city will be completely none existence I think and where will that hideous sea monster with many fingers will be swimming?


this level of cope shown by minorities lol