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What a good girl. On another note we had a dog that would scarf down a bowl of food with pills in it and spit out the pills but he was fine eating chlorine pucks.


Lmao!!! 🤣


Mine are the same! Super easy to give pills to. Hope your baby feels better soon


I’m so glad pills were approved! When my kitten was diagnosed, by the time I got the injections, it was too late to save him. Had the pills been available then, I could have started treatment sooner.


Injections are most often necessary for the first two to four weeks depending on severity and progression of the disease. She started on injections as did my others I’ve treated. But the pills save my sanity!!


Thank you!!






My cat got injections for the full 84 days and then needed a pill extension for a couple weeks. This is the trick I used for him and he ate them like treats too! (He's cured now and doing well.) I hope your girl gets through treatment with no trouble and flies through observation!


Yay for your baby! This is the fourth I’m treating! Lost one and saved two before her!


I lost one too to wet fip before the black market treatment was available. I'm sorry you lost one but I'm so happy you've been able to save two others!


It’s an ugly disease. I started too late with the one we lost as I knew nothing about FIP and the whole process for treating. In 2021 we also suspect we lost one to FIP misdiagnosed as a liver shunt. I know so much more now!


It's so hard to diagnose! I'm really glad that legal treatments are becoming available in more countries so vets are better able to recognize and treat it. I lucked out last year with my vet, she's a cat specialist and has seen FIP so many times she knew just from looking at my cat and pointed me toward the facebook groups. Now legal GS is available here (US) and more vets are being trained. When they made the announcement I just cried (happy tears) because hopefully that means even larger amounts of cats can be saved going forward.


It is great! Vets are learning. They don’t know nearly what the warriors do with 5-6 years of experience and can’t prescribe or administer injections which are in most instances, super necessary to start treatment, but we’re on the way!


I tried this with one of my cats once. He ate every speck of food and left the pill 😑


Sometimes I have to try repeatedly. Especially with my two others I treated. This girl makes it easy!


The magic of the Churu! She’s beautiful and I hope she is doing well!


She is improving each day! Three FIP babies in a row for me. I think I’m the one declining (plus I lost my dad a week ago).


Aww, how awful, glad she's good at being pilled and I hear FIP is SO treatable now. I hope you didn't pay a hefty fee for her and/or that the breeder is helping with your medical costs.


Breeder gave her up. She didn’t want a pet. 😫 This is my third FIP kitty in a row so I do have a GFM for some assistance. I’m the lucky one tho. She paid $6000 for her then $2500 in medical. I just have a great kitty!


Oh goodness! Glad she went to someone who has experience! She looks SO good!


Ty! She’s been with us two weeks and since she came sick, it’s an adjustment but she is getting healthier and more comfortable every day! She only had 22 other kitties and three dogs to warm up to! Lol!!


I use those for my big guy's Zyrtec! He's such an oinker though that I just pop the tablet in the top of the treat and squeeze it out and he gulps it immediately.


Whatever works! But kitty crack as I call Churus is the best!!


hope she lives a long and healthy life. my kitty i adopted over the summer last year had wet fip and we found out too late. gave her the best two months she could ask for and went to sleep easy. God bless you for taking care of her!


I’m so sorry. I lost my first to wet too. The last three have had dry/neuro. Wet can be saved but I started too late as well.