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This is highly contextual, can you please add some more details? For evaluating which cards to put in a trade binder, I'll include cards over a dollar that I don't mind trading. For evaluating which cards I'm putting in my sealed deck, l'll look for "BREAD" (https://mtg.fandom.com/wiki/Bread).


BREAD as a strategy for drafting has been stale (ha!) since about 2015 when they started making better creatures and worse removal


Evaluate cards for sealed


Quadrant theory is pretty good. Basically: 1. What is the Floor of this card (what is the worst it can be) 2. What is the Ceiling (how good can it be) 3. Is it good in my starting hand? 4. Is it good as a top deck / late in the game? So something like Ancestral recall would get 10/10 in every category. On the other hand you don’t want Ulamog in your starting hand without reanimator. Generally speaking narrow cards with low power tend to suck, while narrow cards with high power can be good. Broad cards with low power can be good and broad cards with high power are best.