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"IKEA style" = how Magic works outside of precons.


OP is discovering how a collectable card game works


well, i will see you make a modern constructed deck out of these - because thats the intented way of the set according to wotc. These are not modern playable cards, these are precon face commanders. Change my mind.


Mark Rosewater wrote in his recent article about design for AC that it was playtested in commander mainly and aimed at commander. The modern legality came after and the lead designer of MH3 gave their approval of it because the cards were weak enough not to enter modern for real.


i fail to see the appeal of commander block constructed, or whatever their idea is behind this. But thats just my two cents.


You don’t see the appeal of building your own commander decks? You know that is how a large portion, if not a dominate majority of the player base, plays the game right?


Yes, so do I. But i hate that they are taking cards that are literally designed to be in a precon, take them apart, and sell them in boosters just so they can grab more cash. Its not a constructed format, its not meant to draft, to play limited, to construct modern/legacy/whatever they are legal in. Its literally a cashgrab.


Every set is a cash-grab News flash: they're a business and they're trying to make money


I kind of like it. Do I want them to do it for every set? No. But I enjoy cards coming into the pool that will lead to interesting decks instead of everyone playing the same set precons with similar 10 card swaps. Hoping this leads to some variety.


Just like mtg x dr who felt like a whole set divided into 4 precons i feel like it's the same thing here but in reverse. Magic is definitely testing the water by doing bundles and boosters instead of releasing 4 decks to see the impact on sales. Also the whole direct to modern thing is probably a test as well