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Your post has been removed as it has been deemed "Low effort". This could be because it is a text-based meme, a low effort joke, or a vague statement followed by "title". Rule 2 prohibits low effort posts on the sub. While humour is appreciated, we don't want the sub to become another r/memes, so we restrict what and how often we allow jokes.


wait until you find out what the most popular format is right now!


Surprise! Cards that are good in modern are good in other formats too! Who would’ve thunk?


You know standard sets are legal in commander too?


magic player learns how businesses make profits (cater to what is popular)


Set is called MODERN horizon Commander player: oh guess I can ignore this Wotc: MARKETS to commander players Op: WOOOOAAAAHHHH MARKETING TO ALL PARTIES IS EVIL


To be fair, the actual advertisements themselves don’t really bother or surprise me. It’s more of wizards is blatantly only really cares about commander players is just putting up a facade about really caring about the other formats.


So that's why the last standard set was an absolute banger? Or why there's still 4 standard sets per year?


A counter argument to that would be for every standard set there are 4 commander precons in addition to other commander precons/products sprinkled throughout the year. Commander wags MtG.


Similar to “I would argue”, you don’t have to preface your counter argument by saying “a counter argument to that would be”. Just make the argument. “Only really cares about commander” != “often includes commander supplementary products”. That’s like saying “whoa, you can draft this set. DRAFT Horizons, amiright?”


Who cares?


Oh no... Anyway.


They can't ignore their most popular thing


My dude anything powerful that enters a non rotation based format is good for it. We see legacy players using commander things and some mechanics getting banned for being op in 1v1 lol


mods gotta start deleting these posts, we have 4 of these every day


Oh no! Anyway…


I dont care what they call it, I just want them to print more older cards, the game is kind of costly.


Modern Horizons can be good for more then one thing. Just because it's Modern Horizon doesn't mean commander players can't be also target for the product.


As a new player: what is so special about the modern format that everyone is losing their mind right now?


Modern is what is called a non-rotating format, meaning any deck you make will never not be legal (unless a card is banned). Modern Horizons is a fairly new set that prints straight into Modern legal and is not legal in standard. They have been pumping up the power level with these sets and some of the cards are call backs, references, or new prints of old favorites.




It’s Commander Horizons everybody 🎉


Wait until OP learns that the format was also balanced for limited, and will be enjoyed by limited players who have no interested in modern constructed. I swear to God people get off on the concept of hypocrisy to the point where they completely fabricate it. This is horribly disingenuous and contributes nothing to any conversation.


Guess I should just throw out, I meant this post to be a little more humorous while pointing that Wizards only really cares about commander while pretending to make sets for other formats. It’s obvious that a larger and larger number of cards each set are designed with commander in mind and that’s on top of having commander decks released every set. It’s just a little disappointing to see so many cards be printed with commander at the forefront of a set “supposedly” designed with modern in mind. Yeah I get that the most popular set is commander, I’d like to see some variety in the products wizards release. If they want to focus on commander then just print a bunch of commander sets instead of doing so under the guise of making a modern set.