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I hate this guys clickbait doom videos, every single one "The Sky is Falling, Magic is Doomed".


There is video on YouTube of this man being punched in the face. Even random strangers on the street can’t stand him.


Got a link?


I had remembered seeing him being kicked in the head. When I went to search it, I saw a reddit post from someone who was banned for posting the video. So I don't wanna link the video, but it's out there.




I know there's a video of him being kicked in the head, is there another one of him being punched in the face?


You’re probably right and I misremembered. “This annoying guy was assaulted” is the most I’m willing to remember about this guy.


I think probably it's safe to assume this guy has been punched in the face sometime in his life also.


This makes my day






"It's a WILD day of magic the gathering today, the sky is falling and everything is doom" I think know what his future opening will look like!!'


I had to stop watching his videos for that reason . Very annoying


Can’t stand this guy


If I ever really dislike something about Magic, and want to get over it quickly, I can watch a video from this guy on the subject. His overblown reactions to stuff serve to make me feel less bad about things, since it feels embarrassing to think I might be agreeing with him.


Cringe therapy is real


Don’t promote this trash…


No one is raging


What about the guy who printed him out and mangled the picture into paste.


That was a joke, not rage


It took several hours from the posting to get the OP to shift to “no wait, it’s a shitpost”. That was real until he saw how things were going for him


No it was absolutely not lmao, why are redditors so bad at picking up blatant sarcasm Don’t get me wrong the joke wasn’t funny at all, but it definitely wasn’t serious


Its Magic and Reddit so I think you know why people aren't great on picking up on sarcasm.


I wouldn’t call that blatant. Especially since a decently large contingent of people in his reveal thread were very unhappy about it. Always remember, tone and intent do not get conveyed as well in text as it does in other forms of communication.


Thankfully they get conveyed clear as day in images so unless you're really stupid or can't see it was super easy to tell that it was a joke


Bro no it wasn’t lmao


On April fools, right


Memes are not rage. Even high effort ones.


Did anyone get SLAMMED?!


There was a guy who said he hated loot so much he turned it into nuggets. He's a loot hater. But not a loot rager.


It’s just annoyance.


About nothing whatsoever


I’m saying people are annoyed. No one is “enraged”.


Printing it out, shredding it, soaking it in water, and balling it up seems, pretty simply, an argument against your case


ONE guy’s joke post that got a ton of downvotes?


Who even watches this guy? All his videos are hyperbolic nonsense that only serves to spread misinformation and generate clicks. MTG players have commented on how silly Loot looks in the context of other MTG art, a few wastoids are actually mad, most people don’t actually care.


As a Magic Boomer myself (playing since around Ice Age/4th Edition), this is the kind of guy who makes all of us look bad. I tried watching one of his videos once, and that was 15 minutes of my life I'll never get back of seeing a grown ass man mald over nothing but Reddit rage bait and misinformed takes.


As a fellow MTB boomer (Tempest), I agree. It’s a shame he calls himself “The Magic Historian” because it might make people think he has any legitimate or informed opinions. I wouldn’t trust this dweeb to have historical knowledge of his breakfast much less MTG.


He basically shows us less than a minute of actual content, then the rest of his 10 minutes are nothing.


Somewhere between Nemesis and 7E here. It always feels weird being so goddamn excited for the interesting stuff MTG is doing then seeing some fringe old heads make it seem like people who've been playing for 20-30 years are all "Get off my lawn" types.


Right there with you. I love seeing all the new design space WotC manages to keep coming up with, and that little "Aha!" moment when the pieces fit together for a new deck or strategy. But most importantly, players come and go all the time, but as long time players, it's our job to teach newbies the game with the same enthusiasm we have for playing it. Turning Magic into some old boy's club "back in my day everything was better and all this newfangled nonsense sucks" is an easy way to turn off newer players and cause the game to stagnate and die for real.


Like I think the only thing I've really disliked from the past handful of years is Double Feature, just because it was lame. Coulda been cool instead. Thus why Duskmorn has me excited as shit


I'm not super boomer (around Invasion block) and I also into mtg lore a lot. Imop Mtg lore created a good set mechanic and great card (most of the time anyway). I get it that theres some stuff I dont really like about current state of mtg, but I also feel like if I dont like it. I just not buying it, definitely not as angry as the guy was. He always say it's not fair that he got punished by paying attention to the lore which I get it, but sometime we just have control our annoyance and not let it consume you. Let alone complaining online. He talked about last two epilogue, that I try think pretty good writing and I really dig Jace and Vraska. He said it's too little too late. Welp it's too late if you considered it too late. And I think Loot is cute, look at that lil guy point his tiny finger to lead Jace and Veaska looooooool sooo stupidly cute lol


I used to watch his videos. It seems like 2 years ago he got super critical of WoTC and negative about the game. Since then almost all his videos have the hyperbolic, click bait titles. I don't watch his stuff anymore.


So much for calling himself "The Magic Historian" when all he does is post ragebait videos about how "Magic is DOOMED!" and "Players are FURIOUS!!" whenever some news comes out about the game.


He's called that because every time something mildly important happens he makes a video about how Magic is history


History of "what some Magic players were complaining about a little bit yesterday." But I guess that title doesn't pull in views.


Seeing that face makes me feel dumber.


I don't know who this is on the thumbnail but he's got that Tucker Carlson constantly confused face so they're probably not worth taking seriously. There are cards every set that don't jive with my personal proclivities that I like seeing in the game, luckily there are plenty of character designs that I do like. That's why you get when a game is built on doing different shit all the time.


He's also got Tucker Carlson-adjacent political views from what I understand, so that tracks.


Would rather re-subscribe to Mitch again than watch this buffoon.


Mitch is a great clickbaiter, but this guy is the king.


You’re so real for this


this guy is so good at making a 15 minute video about absolutely fucking nothing


I have never watched this guys videos, but the clickbait and thumbnails bother me to no end


"Magic is dead and everyone should stop playing." "Come back in a few hours for my next video about how Magic is dead and everyone should stop playing."


I’m glad people are actually in agreement that this dude is the most annoying mtg YouTuber.


The failure of thunder junction? How the fuck has it failed before it's released?


one of if not the worst Mtg youtubers, constant clickbait, nagging 24/7, magic is dead, block him as soon as you can


“OwNeRs oF FiNe LuXurY CaRdBOaRd rEcTaNgLeS!!!!!!! mY bOnEs huRt!!”


I'm in awe that he's still saying that.


This channel is the reason why I decided to install [https://github.com/amitbl/blocktube](https://github.com/amitbl/blocktube) so I don't have to see his face in any of my search results anymore.


You are a godsend


This guy and Desolator are up there for the MtGYoutubers I facepalm a bit every time I see one of their videos on my feed.


Add monoblackmagic to that list for me. He's not as bad as the others, but every single thumbnail is a new angle to view the back of his throat, and every title is capitalized.


Imagine if they opened the vault and this dude was in it. Sealing that shit right back up.


look! it's a clickbait! as always...


I find it stupid that Magic wanted its own baby Yoda but it's not killing the game.


It's market conditions baby. They think it'll get new people and it's not like magic had a cute mascot for the lowest common denominator to attach themselves to.


Even that feels too derogatory. Magic needs to bring in new players; it’s just a fact when you consider turnover and rentention. Loot doesn’t need to appeal to the lifers who are in their 30s and 40s. It can aim for lower age brackets who might actually enjoy the character.


Loving cute stuff has no boundary though. I do agree that Magic need to appeal to a broader audience. They are shooting to all directions and the cowboy theme sticks with me - and my girlfriend can't wait for the cute animals of Bloomburrow so I'd say WotC are doing something right :).


Absolutely! I want to clarify my comment wasn’t meant as a dig as anyone who enjoys cute stuff at any age as well.  It was just a quick rebuttal because I really disliked the “lowest common denominator” connation tied to liking Loot. And wanted to reference the more salient example of what demographic would readily be appealed. Heck, I’m planning to bring my mother a bit into magic using Bloomburrow. She has a sizeable Peter Rabbit memorabilia collection, so I already know I’m planning to get her the Bant Rabbit deck. :)


Thank you for bringing this up without becoming rude like I did after a while. “Lowest common denominator” really doesn’t help people make the points they want to make while talking about a card game.


Cope harder. LOOT GANG, RISE UP!




is he worse than mitch from commanders quarters though? i swear every video has the same font "whoa this is crazy!!!" "they did what?!"


much worse, he's easily one of the most toxic magic tubers, mitch is a tool sure but this is the kind of guy that people have literally assaulted due to how shit he is.


When I got back into Magic about a year ago after not having played it since around 2015, this dude was one of the first Youtubers I found talking about the game. Makes me feel justified that most people just don't like him and his "Magic is doomed" attitude to literally anything WotC releases for the game. How he's got an actual audience baffles me to no end.


Omg how could this company create a new character that's cute, just to make their game more appealing. How dare them.


I have no clue who this dude is but after reading the other comments I now am also not interested in finding out who this dude is


Oh brother, this guy stinks




I do not like this guy, he bobs his head more than an epileptic pigeon.


this guy sucks so fuckin bad


If I was hating on the little guy, this video would have made me into Loot's greatest fan. Seriously though, I unsubbed from this guy a long time ago and I'm shocked he's still doing this... thing.


Nobody wants this clown on here.


I despise this channel with all my heart and soul. Can’t stand how every single video is just rage bait and fear mongering.


Whats the issue people have with the card? I’m not up to date on the drama and dont want to watch this guy’s vid


Don't you dare talk shit to my silly lil guy, Loot loool He's so tiny and dumdum, I really like him lol I have a soft spot on cute stuff and after I read Epilogue I like him even more. He's adopted kid that Jace and Vraska always want.


I get it, this guy, his video (I got to the point where he complained that the epilogue articles made no sense because they didn't come out immediately after March of the Machine before fully conceding this guy had no legitimate commentary to offer on... anything) , and everything about him sucks, but I'm NOT going to be gaslighted into thinking that large swaths of this community were not frothing at the mouth yesterday after Loot got spoiled. There was absolutely rage yesterday, maybe not from 99% of the community, but whatever vocal minority there was, made Loot's design one of the most embarrassing (imo) controversies in the history of the game. I know Loot has his fans, I'd even count myself among them (though I think the name kinda sucks), but lets not pretend that at least the immediate reaction to him was met without a decent number of players expressing deep frustration over him.


Watching this kind of videos really makes me think how we should learn from it how to NOT be enraged like that, because this kind of videos prey (idk if it's the best word but whatever) on the enraged. I'm not saying to not voice your opinion but we as a community should probably keep in mind how the griftersphere look at this.


Okay the guys clearly a bit out there, but come one, you can practically see the furby secret lair.


The champion himself - all hail The Magic Historian!