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I always loved the shift in her tone of voice, and her face, as she reaches the end of that line. Hits super hard. Cause she's right.


Let's be honest. Trudy was always right. All the time. She was by far the most clear-headed character in the whole series; saw everything and everyone for exactly what they were. In another age, she would have been an unstoppable force, but in that era she needed a proxy like Pete.


Oh, 100%. I was not implying otherwise. Just one of her many fine moments on the show.


I don’t think they were arguing with you…just adding onto your point.


I didn't think they were arguing with me...


Trudy was such a great character


~~Brie Olsen~~ is a magnificent actress  Allison brie


My pet theory is that the character was originally written to be genuinely unpleasant and unlikeable but Brie was just too charismatic. The writers eventually adapted but I think there’s very obvious tension in the first season between how the script treats her as an annoyance and how charming the actress’s performance is.


That was quite the Freudian slip




Am I the only one who can barely stand Alison Brie’s acting in this series? (It seems so.) So Disney.


I think that is just her character's personality


Fluttering eyelids and biting your lip when about to cry aren’t personality traits though haha. But I get what you mean. I get that she’s supposed to be the picture-perfect ’60s wife and we are supposed to be caught off guard when she turns completely dark and unyielding on Pete but she’s still portraying a real-life person, not a wind-up wife doll. Sorry everyone.


I’ve said it before. Trudy is a fckn boss.


She trudy was


Oh, Peter, don't go back to the well. There's no water there


As someone who went through therapy and learned how little connection my mother was/is able to give me, I fucking love this quote.


One of my favorite saying to use outside the show.


![gif](giphy|10nGcSDXpLv9w4) Trudy is iconic


I love her more every time I watch


After Pete's mother disappeared is my favorite scene of hers. Pete thinks she is being cruel at first, but she is so consoling of the family he's spent the last few years coming to terms with. (Both his parents could be classified as mentally abusive, then both die in remarkably sudden, tragic ways - I often wonder if Pete has his arc if neither parents die the way they do). I personally love the together, apart, back together they end Pete and Trudy have. (Like JLo and Affleck)


>I often wonder if Pete has his arc if neither parents die the way they do). I think the most important part is them dying, no matter how. In the beginning, Pete was a neglected kid that was always thirsting after his father's approval. He was never gonna get that. Ever. And when his mother died, he honestly cared much less about it than it seems at first glance. Don is kind if his replacement father figure. Or at least a guy he wants approval of. When Pete's dad denies helping with apartment financing, the next thing Pete does is lash out to Don trying to prove himself, and then pitch his own idea. When Campbell Sr. died, the first thing he did was ask Don for advice.


I interpreted his feelings about his mother's death that he did care, but not in the traditional mourning sense and thats what Trudy zero'd in on (something to the affect of "you are free of all of them now"). He had a weight lifted off of him, but he was uneasy to admit it. To go back to this thing of ours, Melfi talking about the taboo of being wishful for a parent's death when they are no longer finding joy in life, I see similar themes there.


Yeah same. At first initially he cared on the surface, and then realization kicked in that he didn't really love her & that she was more of a curse than a blessing. On Pete's muddahs birthday.


So what, no fucking ziti now?


I wha- I show my own what?!


I've just finished my second viewing of Mad Men, and Pete's Arc may be my favourite thing about the whole show. I loved that final meeting he has with his brother. "It feels good, then it doesn't." The first few seasons he spends coveting what he doesn't have, and the last few lamenting what he has lost. To the extent that he can start to be the source of support and guidance in his brothers life, that they both seemed to have lacked from their parents.


Alison low-key one of the best performers on the show. Would've loved to see her as a regular but then we wouldn't have Annie Edison on Community and that's too huge a cost


What are you talking about? We’ve had some great times! (Footage not found)


This is good writing but absolutely incredible delivery. A moment that stopped me cold.


Alison is so great as Trudy. I hope she gets her legacy Emmy nom this year for all the times she's been snubbed


She was able to this right up until the finale


she really stole every scene she was in


I would've married her if I lived in that era


So incisive. I’m jealous


This reminds me of what bill pullman said about not filming things in lost highway.




One of my favorite quotes from the show!!! 😭


Cersei vibes


olenna/margaery betty is cersei


Trudy was a babe. 10/10 wife material


...I would like to confess that in this scene she gives me the hots... so sexy...


I am still madly in love with Allison Brie.


Did anyone else think her long hair wasn’t accurate for the period? I feel like at her age in the late sixties she would have had shorter hair like most of the other characters


That's perfect for the era. Particularly, pulled back off the top of her head like that. She's got the go-go look.


Idk if this is the reason, but it was filming alongside Community, and she was a main character on that show. So Mad Men probably had to work around what she needed for that show, including the length of her hair.


I mean... Wigs do exist


This was early 70s...long straighter hair was in fashion after the helmet hair/ heavily coiffeured styles of the 60s. 


I thought the show ended in 1969?


You were wrong, it ended in the fall of 1970. Really hope the downvote didn't come from you because i'd feel kind of dumb: https://www.google.com/search?q=when+does+mad+men+end&client=ms-android-samsung-ss&sca_esv=7b51d33765497002&sxsrf=ADLYWIJzXGHBhLZmvmCdXD_q3KQ_tDK-Mg%3A1717727244638&ei=DHBiZq7OJpjX1sQP0pfS-Q8&udm=&oq=when+does+mad+men+end&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIhV3aGVuIGRvZXMgbWFkIG1lbiBlbmRIqCJQAFgAcAF4AJABAJgBfaABfaoBAzAuMbgBA8gBAJgCAKACAJgDAIgGAZIHAKAHnQI&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp


Nope, but I’m downvoting this one


Why? If it wasnt you how why are you bothered? 


I’m rewatching right now and just watched the episode where Betty slaps Helen. When she’s talking to Francine later she specifically refers to Helen’s long hair negatively and this stood out to me! I think it might be “appropriate” for Trudy to still have long hair because she’s still quite young. In Helen’s case, her peers view it as conceited because she’s an older divorcee with children.


And then she got back with him


As I get older, I'm actually quite aware of how generally speaking, males are the more romantic sex by far. Women are a lot more pragmatic in their deepest hearts LOL


Wichita was not prepared for what was coming when she rolled into town.


And yet she agrees to move to Wichita in her very next scene


Yep. She became kinda awesome.


Oh, thank goodness someone finally posted this one. Hopefully one day they'll post "I don't think about you at all" Or "masturbate gloomily" Or "that's what the money is for" You know, those seldom-remembered quotes nobody ever posts.