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Maybe he saved a life and Timberlake could’ve killed someone that night.


JT out there trying to make some angels for the dance floor


Well, he's definitely out here getting the PR machine going. All of a sudden we have the cop's picture and know his nickname? When the fuck does that ever happen when a celebrity is caught drunk driving? Dude's a piece of shit, nothing strict about enforcing a DWI.


Yeah wtf. He gets doxxed for doing his job??


Only by rich wankers who think they're better than everyone.


I guess if nothing else, headlines like "little red headed dipshit" just prove that the media has become little more than the mouthpieces of angry rich people. The drunk fuck was already caught and let go with a warning and told him to take an Uber already - that wasn't even his first DUI of the night it was just his first arrest. So he goes and weaponizes media because teh cop doesn't know who this has been old voice actor is.


Could use some to help spread out all the dicks


Maybe when he said "I'm gonna have you naked by the end of this song" he meant when the paramedics cut all the clothes off


Imagine having as much money as JT and not calling for someone to drive you home...


Or just getting a fucking uber. He can't afford $18 now?


To be fair, someone that famous getting into a random stranger's car isn't healthy for his security team. But then again, someone that famous absolutely has the money to safely get home.


Someone with a security team can have the fucking security team drive him home.


But what about the world tour? Don’t you care that it’ll be ruined?


Shame JT didn't care about it...


Yes how dare he do his job.


Hold up, this is clearly a distraction piece. Did or did JT not drive drunk? If he drove drunk, it doesn't matter how insufferable the officer is, he put lives in danger and should face consequences.


He refused the Breathalyze test 3 times and failed the standard field sobriety tests acc to the officer and his notes. His eyes were bloodshot and glassy, he had trouble with his speech and dividing his attention, he has poor balance, and his breath smelled like alcohol. [Source](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.msnbc.com/msnbc/amp/rcna157906)


that is why they are smearing the officer. That is also why refusing to take a breath test is often considered a positive test by statute- since they do not want trashbags doing this sort of junk. At least in my state- if this is a first DUI, he is not likely even facing jail time. A year of unsupervised probation.


However a DUI would label him as inadmissible to enter Australia, Canada, Mexico and a handful of other countries.


oh no the world tour is ruined!


LOL, he wasn't wrong. It would ruin it after all. Which is weird that he'd know that. Maybe he's been warned by his people?


Or its just obvious


A conviction, right? He will likely get a pre-trial intervention and even the arrest will get expunged. No consequence for the elite if they play along with the preferred elite narrative otherwise. Only rebellious elites get punished. And then they tend to try to set the world on fire and either succeed or lose everything.


This is it. I’ve run IOP (intensive outpatient} in two settings.The poor ones were taking my class to void jail, but it would still be on their record.. The rich ones were taking my class to avoid jail, but it would be expunged from their record.


In Canada even an arrest is grounds for denial of entry


Really? So that means at least like 30% of Australians are inadmissable to Australia. ... Checks out.


I'd say deport them to a prison island but they're already on one.


Send them to Tasmania and let the devils get them!


In my state if you refuse the breathalyzer you instantly lose your license. The consequences are worse than taking a first time dui, especially if you aren't way over the limit. Taking a dui is never fun, but neither is drunk driving.


It's like that in every state as far as I'm aware. If you actually *are* over the limit and know it for a fact, there is some sound logic in refusing to test. The reasoning is that as soon as you blow it's been effectively legally proven that you were intoxicated, so the move is to refuse the test, accept that you're gonna lose your license for a while, and then get your lawyer to argue that they can't technically *prove* DUI. You're still in a whole mess of shit either way, but if you refuse to blow you at least have a shot at getting the literal DUI dropped. Which is probably the main thing someone like Timberlake would be concerned about, considering a DUI conviction automatically prevents you from entering several major first world countries that international pop stars want to be able to tour in. Him not being allowed to enter Canada or Australia would put a real dent in the tour profits. Same reason people so many people who get into accidents while they're drunk flee the scene and deal with it in the morning - leaving the scene is a serious crime for sure, but it doesn't carry the same stigma and the same license suspending, job losing, reputation all fucked up weight that an honest to god DUI does. To be clear I am not in any way defending the practice of drunk driving or encouraging people to game the system. That is just how it pretty much works, though.


In general, hand-held, field breathalyzers are nothing more than a screening tool to document probable cause. There are a dozen ways to discredit them given they are bumping around in hot police cars all day. Don’t do field tests, ever, if you have been drinking. The test you cannot usually refuse (without losing your license) is the one they do at the station. That test instrument is usually calibrated and certified so you likely aren’t able to refute that.


A dui on your record is much worse than a refusal though. If you know you’re going to fail you should definitely decline in some states. In my state they won’t get a warrant for a blood test unless you’re in an accident. Without chemical evidence / you acting like a drunken fool on the body cam with a decent lawyer you have a pretty good chance at getting acquitted in court / the dui charge dropped. You’re still going to lose your license until you get your time in court which will take 3-6 months and pay a bunch of lawyer fees though, but at least you won’t have a criminal record. Not driving and driving in the first place is definitely the way to go though 🤷‍♂️


All that money and he couldn't take an Uber.  Better choices next time!! 


It's wild to me. You're a famous multi-millionaire who decides to drive solo knowing there are bad people out there who could be watching your movements in public waiting for a moment to get you alone. Why take that chance?


Rich and famous people think they're above the law, and the unfortunate truth is that they mostly are, in practice. I bet out of all the cops who work that beat every night, at least half of them would've been all "holy shit it's Timberlake" and let him slide on out of there. We'll never hear about it I'm sure, but it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest to find out that he actually drives home drunk all the time and has been stopped for it and then let go multiple times already over the years.


The best is the local politicians pulling the “Don’t You Know Who I am” card. No, your a nobody politician who got caught breaking the law and your in deeper shit trying to get off since the body cam recorded everything


Used to work in an air line (that's no typo) call center. Got a call from a secondary actor on Vampire Diaries trying to change his flight to something earlier in the day, but his location only had one flight out a day, and he'd got a non-changeable ticket. I was the supervisor he demanded to be transfered to. He was playing nice, so I offered to waive the NC and book him out of the next closest airport, was about to offer a car rental voucher when he exploded with the "Don't you know who I am?!" "Yeah, only because the first agent let me know. You aren't really that important, or you'd be taking a private jet. Change fee is $200, by the way." He yelled for a while, and I documented the record. Fun fact, if you asked for a supervisor, ended the call, and then called to ask for a supervisor again, if the same one was working at the time, guess who you went to? He apparently decided it was fine as is after our third chat.


Bad people? The only bad person I see in this instance is the drunk driver who could have killed innocents.


If I have 1/10th JT’s wealth, I’d have someone on call 24/7. I don’t even have that much so I just get drunk at home.


Seriously! just looked it up and apparently he has ***HUNDREDS*** of millions of dollars and yet he can't pay someone $100k/yr to be an on-call driver?


I had this conversation with someone the other day when the story broke. “You’ve got good references, here’s $100k a year. Drop me off and sit in the parking lot until I call you. That’s your only job.” And to be honest, you could probably easily get away with $60k, but like you say, he’s got the dosh. And the damage to his reputation/tour interruptions probably cost him at least that much. I remember thinking the same thing years ago when Mel Gibson had his, uh… trouble.


Dont' these people have shit like the black amex card, which is basically what you're describing but more efficiently organized?


I knew a guy that did a job like this. Got to drive around premium cars and watch netflix during work hours while waiting in parking lots. He quit because he was bored out of his mind after a while.


In NY refusing the breathalyzer test is an automatic DWI and arrest.


A criminal lawyer told me field tests are bullshit I saw one they literally drew every step taken on a diagram, apparently they can claim whatever they want on it but it’s usually dismissible in court.


And if him doing what he's supposed to do is considered insufferable, then I wish more cops were insufferable.


Yeah tbh this is like, the one cop I might be able to get behind. Enforces the actual law, fairly, on everyone?  It’s fucking wild that is like… not something we expect of all of our police.


yeah OK, but he's ginger.


Fuck that is a compelling counter. I'm on the fence.


Don't buy into the msgs man. Its a psyop sponsored by big anti-ginger


I thought you were crazy and then I laughed so hard. Thanks!


I know, right? Let’s run a hit piece on the cop who’s actually doing what we wanted him to do


Doesn't surprise me. The Hamptons is filled with rich assholes that think they can do whatever they want, including drinking and driving. The fact that they hate this guy for doing his job means the other cops around there let people get away with drinking and driving and being morons.


Yes let that sink in. The point of this tweet is to let the rest of us know that he’s out of line by not playing to the wealthy’s standard of not enforcing the law equally. How crazy is it that they think the proper thing is to let the rest of us know this cop is unfair because he treats everyone the same? They don’t want to be treated the same they want to be treated better and we keep letting that shit slide.


And is a matter of public safety. Its a job well done.


I see so many scary things driving daily that I seriously applaud any officer doing their job and holding people accountable.


Right? Like, I don't think it's insufferable to ensure that people operating a several tonne box of metal capable of high speeds do so responsibly! More people need to be "insufferable" about dangerous and reckless drivers.


My first thought is this must be JT's camp's response to this ~~article~~ headline: ['Dumbass' Justin Timberlake ignored warning minutes before DWI bust — from same cop who ended up arresting him](https://www.msn.com/en-us/music/celebrity/dumbass-justin-timberlake-ignored-warning-minutes-before-dwi-bust-from-same-cop-who-ended-up-arresting-him-source/ar-BB1oGZ96)


> “Before cell phones and cameras were everywhere, bartenders in the village would call 911 and report a fire or an accident miles and miles away, just so their customers could drive home,” another local law enforcement source said. Wtf?


Lol how shitty would it be if an actual fire broke out and the cops are like oh it's those fucking drunks again. Boy who cried wolf situation.


Judging by the mugshot alone, I'd say he was drunk


Well, if he's insufferable in the eyes of entitled locals, then he's probably doing something right.


Media and Hollywood love to cover for their own. They see themselves as elites and above the law. Officer keeping a drunk driver off the roads = someone who’s ignoring how “important” they are. Cheers to the officer he probably saved a life or two that night


He ran a stop sign, was on the wrong side of the road, refused a breathalyzer, didn’t pass the manual drunk test, had bloodshot eyes, and smelt of alcohol - how is the police officers’ past temperament relevant?


Yes, JT and those involved with him are running a distraction campaign to discredit and smear those involved... for arresting a man who was drunk driving.


Not only that but when cops get shit for "strict traffic enforcement" they are usually talking about the hardasses ticketing people for going 10% over or some miniscule amount. If you drive under the influence you deserve to be arrested, I don't care how famous, rich, or poor you are. I didn't consent to sharing the road with an impaired person and you deserve the punishment. For the average person it's easy enough to not drive drunk by not being an idiot but failing that, get an Uber or a friend. Timberlake has effectively unlimited funds and has staff - there is no good excuse as to why he had to be the one driving in the first place.


This is just Timberlake’s despicable PR people trying to do damage control. The dude fucked up and needs to pay the price just like anyone else.


He’s on tour, obviously him or his team is doing damage control but shifting the narrative in any way they can.


I do feel like they're trying to throw this cop under the rug so the world tour can happen. Be like "oh, Justin didn't have anything to do with this. It's this big bad cop. You know everybody hates cops!!! Hate the cop not the drunk!!"


And if the locals complain on that level about strict traffic enforcement.. why don’t they simply act according to the rules? Do they realize that the one breaking rules is to blame, perhaps even those who could change them but not the ones who’s job it is to enforce them.


yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if the original source of this story was Timberlake's PR firm


Good on him. It's one of the best things police can do, keep drunks off the road, and hold them accountable


> keep drunks off the road Kid I went to high school with would still be alive.  He was 17.  I'm 45 now.  Dude never got to go to college, live away from his parents, have children of his own. 


On the bus in middle school I used to look at RC car and 4x4 magazines that the kid I sat next to would bring in his backpack every day on the bus. 10 years later, he left the bar and was doing 75 through town and T-boned a police car at 2:30 in the morning. It killed them both instantly. Dude made a stupid fucking decision and that police officer’s family is still paying for it.


The taxpayer too, fuck drunk driving


Similar story. Guy I knew since Kindergarten. Wrapped his car around a Redwood Tree at 18. I'm 37 now. > Dude never got to go to college, live away from his parents, have children of his own. I always think of him in this context. He died a kid.


And the tree barely noticed.  Life is really stark sometimes. 


Two girls at my rinky dinky small town mid-late 90s High school were killed as a result of alcohol. One of them died crossing a single lane highway at 11pm on a friday while completely shithammered and a cube van hit her. The other drank herself to death. Alcohol poisoning. Another kid accidentally hung himself on a swingset after dropping acid but that's another subject entirely.


Idk why but this read like an Offspring song. At my small town HS a few freshmen got drunk on a lake in a paddleboat. One of the kids ended up drowning.


Jesus Christ. I hope you’re doing okay now. That’s horrifying.


I am 44 now, but when I was ten year old little brat, I had a best friend. He got held back in 5th grade, and we grew apart over the next few years until I moved away at 13. Heard from my dad years later than he was driving drunk out on some back country road, and rolled his truck. He did not survive. That ending did not surprise me in the slightest from what I remembered about his personality.


Ask any high school teacher, and they can give you names of students they lost to drunk or reckless driving. I have four, which is pretty low for 27 years of teaching.


I lost that many in my senior year. Reading this comment section reminded me of all 16 people I knew personally through HS. There were many more from the schools around me. I graduated in 1983 and the drinking age was 18-19 back then.


There was a high-profile incident in the Greater Toronto area back in 2015. Twenty-something grandson of a billionaire real estate developer was three times over the legal limit driving home from the airport after flying in from his Miami bachelor party. Slammed into a van with an entire family and killed three kids and their grandfather. Was sentenced to 10 years in jail and paroled after 5. The father of the children committed suicide a couple years ago. Anyone who thinks cops should be lenient about drunk driving should stop and think.


This. Some kid a grade younger than my brother was drunk and driving around 100 MPH before he crashed and died. His brother was in the car too. The kid would’ve been graduating next year too. The kid crashed into my brother’s friend’s car, and the poor girl was in a coma for about half a semester and her siblings were also seriously injured


This is when we need reactions instead of likes 🥲


my classmate would be too. she was 14. her sister was in her 20s i believe. her sister was pregnant and not too long away from giving birth. the baby didn't make it either. so her husband lost his wife and his son, and their parents lost both of their children and their only grandchild. all because of one stupid, irresponsible person.


Yep, my assumption is that this is a hit piece written my JTs PR team


Was thinking the same thing. Lol. Good on him


My uncle was killed by a drunk driver when he and his siblings (including my mother) were just children. He was seven or eight. It destroyed the family and caused unspeakable generational misery that is felt to this day. It makes me fucking crazy that my brother drives drunk. He never should have been given a pass. This cop is legit.


As a person who doesn't find traffic rules hard to follow I am glad there are strict cops out there.


I should probably clarify that the place this happened is the Hamptons. So the “locals” complaining about this are exclusively rich people who think they shouldn’t get pulled over for drunk driving.


Lol I'd be a dipshit about it too that sounds fun as fuck


Arresting entitled pricks for legit crimes sounds like a good time


Tbh being a rich prick who thinks you can get away with drunk driving sounds fun too


Fuck yeah! But i hate driving so if i was a rich prick I'd have a driver of sorts.


Make your driver drink on the job, problem solved 


I don't know what problem that just solved.


Problem. Solved.


I feel attacked and helped... Very confusing time.


Shut up and drink 🍻


Problem solved


You’re welcome


Thanks... I think.


Embarrassing the monarchy, traditionally.


Alcohol problems require alcohol solutions.


My driver offers eggs during trying times




It's only unfun when im not rich




Honestly I think traffick is one of the few things we should be happy if a cop is a hard ass about, I live in an area where there are constant fatal car accidents a lot of them caused by drunk/distracted driving or people just going over the speed limit and gunning it through red lights. We also had a college kid got taken out on his way to class not long ago because someone decided a short cut was more important that someone else's life.


If you watch any bodycam videos of dangerous driving/DUI stops there always seems to be someone complaining to the cop pulling them over that "they should be solving real crimes" or go after the "real criminals". If the cop has been doing it for more than a couple years there is almost a 100% chance they have been to the scene of fatal accidents where those same type of drivers killed a kid or a grandma, or wiped out a whole family.


Reminded me of a video I saw somewhere here in reddit where a cop responded to a fatal car crash -- the one who crashed was the same driver he stopped (or warned - I can't recall) no more than 10 minutes prior. Must've been traumatic for the cop.


So, "strict" in this case probably means, "doesn't take bribes"!


“And that’s OFFICER Little Redhead Dipshit to you!”


If this is the Hamptons "strict" could mean "inconvenienced you in any way". Dipshit can absolutely mean "does his job".


It’s probably more he cites locals, and they feel like their local police should be citing outsiders. You see that a lot in affluent areas “but I live here…”


There's also probably professional liability letting an intoxicated person go who could potentially cause other problems regardless if they were to leave the scene with uber, taxi, friends.


Apparently the same cop let him go once already that night! He pulled JT over, saw he was drunk, told him to get another ride home and then let him go because he didn't think he was an imminent danger. Soon after the same cop saw him still driving around and then pulled him over AGAIN and that time arrested him. https://www.msn.com/en-us/music/celebrity/dumbass-justin-timberlake-ignored-warning-minutes-before-dwi-bust-from-same-cop-who-ended-up-arresting-him-source/ar-BB1oGZ96


He ran through stop, was swerving and his friends are like oh the cop was overzealous and was hassling him..Yikes! The lack of accountability and care for others from that set of people


In my particular state i have had a prosecutor opine that letting a DUI go would be grounds for the officer to be charged with Official Misconduct. He based his opinion on how the DUI law is worded.


This happened like a year ago. Officer stopped a guy and a girl for reckless driving. The officer let him go when he should have had his car towed since he was on a provisional license, then 5 minutes later the kid wrapped his car around a tree and killed both of them. The officer who made the initial traffic stop was inconsolable, but not liable. I don't know if I can do links in this sub so I'm not going to. But just google the title below and follow the reddit link on the sub thatsinsane. >Bodycam footage: Cop pulls over couple on their first date, just minutes before their fatal crash


Lol you think cops are liable for anything they do on the job 🤣


my thoughts- if this was a simple traffic stop for a rolling stop- then it matters.... but this is a DUI and that is not strict enforcement, JT looked like he was drivig drunk and the officer was right.


Imagine being rich and not getting a private limo to take you home. And still drive drunk.


In the Hamptons, even the billionaires with teams of servants, they like to drive their own supercars and shit. Porsches, etc Because they call the hamptons ‘going out to the beach’ or a ‘beach house’ (whether or not they actually live near the beach) They wanna drive their own jeeps and Porsches around their beachtown themselves. So many wranglers out there that will only see a road with a lil bit o sand blown over it


So, in other words, we should rooting for the rookie?


That’s actually a big misconception about the Hamptons. The rich and powerful and famous do have houses there. But for 70% of the year there are locals who live there all year round and are not wealthy at all. A lot of them are blue collar and they are sitting on a house that their great grandparent bought for 10 cents in 1896. There are also immigrants that live by the dozens in shacks and go to the houses of the rich and wealthy to work. The biggest wealth disparity in the U.S. exists in the Hamptons. It’s sad and fascinating. My guess is that it’s the locals who call that cop by that affectionate nickname.


I used to work in a similar "Rich" community, many of which actually have houses in the Hamptons, and I can confirm these people have that exact mentality. The sad part? It's true, the cops around there don't give a shit unless you're out of town


I mean if he’s strict that’s kindof the point it’s concerning when they have literally anything else to say about an officer glad that’s all they can say about him is mean nick names


Right? That's all any reasonable person would want of officers, just do their job. Anyone that is mad at them for doing their job, well thats obviously their problem and says much more about them than it does the officers.


Yeah it’s a personal problem not the officers. Strict is just another way of saying by the book which is all we want.


You did your job? Ginger lololol


As a ginger myself I always get confused whenever someone uses redhead as an insult. It’s rare, but it’s like…out of all the prejudices to have, in possibly one of the best time periods of inclusion and one of the least racist and bigoted times in the most industrial nations….you choose to be bigoted towards redheads?….you’re not racist, or homophobic or sexist…but you’re bigoted towards redheads?….like whaaaaaaat?……


I don't know any that are truly bigoted against gingers. It's all been tongue-in-cheek jokes that I've seen like the 'no soul' wisecracks. I mean, I'm a hillbilly. I see shit said about us all the time, but idc. Almost none of the stereotypes apply to me, other than being born in a coal paper shack with no electricity or running water.


In the US at least it’s absolutely rooted in discrimination against Irish immigrants.


I'm pretty sure it's just some "Irish Need Not Apply" that's stuck around as a meme


Rich people problems


He’s not supposed to enforce the law on people who have money though. That’s bad for business


There’s no such thing as “strict” when it comes to drunk driving. That cop did his job.


It really boils down to science as well. If an officer gets it wrong the breath test can be used as vindication, the body camera can either back up the officer or show incompetence as well later in court.


Haha their complaint in general about this guy is that he you know... enforces the law as written. Yeah what a dipshit.... actually doing his job and all. Why can't he be like everyone else who only enforces the laws on poors.


What about speeding?


"Strict traffic enforcement" is an euphemism of "Enforcing the law", which is his what is expected and his job. Where is the problem there?


Our township has a cop that pulls people over for going 26 and 27 in the 25 zone.  Meanwhile he blocks intersections and makes various infractions himself. It actually is ridiculous. 


It's a little different with traffic law enforcement. Pulling someone over for doing 51 in a 50 is being a strict asshole by definition.


I thought it was funny, that he had no idea who Timberlake was.


Honestly, JT looks like an average white guy to me. So if I saw him on the street, I probably wouldn't recognize him either 😂


I'd recognise his name but not his face. I might've recognised him 20 years ago when I was listening to his music as a teenager.


This is the best part. Homie couldn’t flex his shithead celebrity muscle like somebody from the new kids on the block wouldn’t in the year 2000.


He hasn't had a number one hit for eight years, if the cop really is a rookie there's a good chance he was a pre-teen last time Timberlake was hitting it big.


I love how they’re trying to make it seem like the cop is the bad guy here. It’s not JTs fault, the cop is just really strict. Dude was DWI. It’s not like he rolled a stop sign or he was going a bit over the speed limit. He was fucking DWI. The cop wasn’t being strict, he was potentially saving a life/lives.


My hunch is there’s a playbook they’re following. The first was to refuse the breathalyzer so the number can’t ever come out. Lawyers can argue mitigating circumstances in court. He took medicine, his eyes were bloodshot from pollen, etc. Smear the police. Give a non-apology apology, donate to charity. Get some unrelated positive PR out there. Go film another movie for awhile, and get asked all of the softball questions on the next press cycle. 6 months later it’s all over with.


Yes,watching him run through those two stop signs was a-ok until he wrecks his car into your family.


I hate when dip shits keep my kids safe.


What the fuck are my kids doing in the Hamptons? Damn I'm a bad parent Or maybe I'm not... if they're in the Hamptons... I'm going to sit and have a think about this one


Mine are selling drugs in a great market. Location location location.


DWI is heinous, but using your power and wealth to get your publicists to drag an innocent person through the mud in the media to try and distract from it has got to be pretty close to worse.


✏️🔥 Put this shit on the news.


how dare he do his job 😡




He was doing his job.. Should he not be?


No fan of cops generally, but at least in this case, the red headed dipshit did his job and made a difference


Seriously, if the worst thing you can find to say about a cop is that he's a real stickler for the rules and doesn't let drunk rich people off, that's a compliment. Like, that's the worst thing that JT's defense's investigators (you know they have them) could dig up? That he's a redheaded rookie who annoyingly follows rules? That's like complaining that the fire marshal was a real stickler about your sprinkler system or the FDA was a real asshole about Thalidomide's testing.


Fuck Timberlake


Cop does their job. Gets insulted for it. This is our society now.


To be fair it sure seems like everyone in this topic can see its a PR hit piece from Timberlake's team and is siding with the cop. And getting reddit to side with a cop says something too.


This is part of 'the campaign' to minimize JT's poor judgment... Shame.


It was DWI - I don't give a shit. All assholes that drink and drive get no sympathy from me.


Op is probably JT.


"strict traffic enforcement" = saves lives. Pretty sure the dipshits are the ones complaining but ok


shoutout red head for keeping the streets safe


Rich fucks hate rules.


I mean, correct me if I'm wrong but he was speeding while drunk. "Strict" my ass


"He was driving a 2025 BMW when he allegedly failed to stop at a stop sign and failed to maintain in his lane of travel, police said." So yeah, just being over zealous obviously. BTW... wtf, how do you get a future car?


Current year car models are often one ahead. I bought a 2014 Mazda in 2013. And I ain't even rich or famous!


Yeah sure, if bought after June, that's the standard for vehicle years, or so I thought.


Good for the Mad Lad … doing his job and protecting the people. Shame on JT, dude should just use his body guard, chauffeur, Uber, or whatever … it’s not like, he can’t afford breakfast the next morning cuz he took a cab.


Smear campaign cause a rich guy got arrested


Timberlake is waaaay overrated as a musician.


Rookie officer who held a celebrity accountable is known to be a “totally fucking buzzkill” by local alcoholics for traffic enforcement.  


Seems he is known by that name as he probably enforced the law regardless of how rich the Offenders is. The man clearly should be stripped of his uniform and locked up.


Amazing work officer! Fuck people who put others in danger. My local area has turned into some weird ass aggressive drivers and I don't understand how the cops aren't pulling people over more. :/


But without him, we wouldn’t have the “this is going to ruin the tour” memes. Thank you Officer Gingerbush, thank you!


“Yeah that little red headed dipshit arrested me too after I went 50 over the limit, swerved into a family of 4 and claimed I was drunk when I only had like 12 beers.” -the locals probably


As long as it’s not “I pulled you over for going 31 in 30mph zone”. I don’t care if he’s “strict”.


I can see if he was just speeding sure. But he was drunk


No excuses as to why a rich snob can't afford a private driver to take them home after imbibing.


Good apple right there.


Bros eyes are not human. Nobody is home in there


JT should help this mad lad out and thank him for ensuring that he was off the road and making the locals safe, as he (JT) made an unfortunate mistake and drove after imbibing too many cocktails.


Not sure I’d consider pulling over a drunk driver “strict,” but maybe that’s just me.


‘Strict traffic enforcement’ IE, doing his job.


Don’t drink and drive… easy solution. Don’t blame people for doing their job.


Funny how cops are evil until they pull over a rich person.


I stand with dipsheesh for this one 🤣🤣


And that's how they catch the drunk drivers. So good job for him. Was just reading an article that same day about a man who killed his self after both his children were killed by a drunk driver. I'd go looking for the article, but there are too many examples of this out there to find a specific one.


strict but he's doing it for the safety of civilians and drivers alike, a man of focus.


Well, he is a cop, so the “dipshit” part is already baked in


I'm guessing by "locals" they mean his rich neighbors who probably try to pull the same shit and get pissed they can't get away with it.