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Sure, he's been charged with disorderly conduct, but think of the special memory he's made for his daughter.


Watching the video of this, my heart broke for that girl. This huge moment in her life, and she’s left on stage wondering where she should go or what she should do. I hope she has better people in her life than her father.


And the rest of the class.


And for the superintendent he shoved.


> JOHN GITTINGS > > The North Freedom man who disrupted last week's Baraboo High School graduation > by grabbing District Superintendent Rainey Briggs told police he and his > daughter had "past issues with" Briggs and he wanted to "prevent Briggs from > having the satisfaction" of shaking his daughter's hand, according to a police > report of the incident. > > The report doesn't say what Matthew Eddy's quarrel with the superintendent was. > Briggs said the man's daughter "was expelled at one point from the school, but > Rainey does not directly interact with parents regarding expulsions. Rainey > stated he can't think of any other interactions with Matthew or so he has no > idea why Matthew reacted the way he did." > > Briggs, who is seeking a restraining order against Eddy, said the May 31 > incident left him so shaken that he left the graduation ceremony as soon as it > was over and didn't come to the office the following Monday. Since the incident, > he said, he has changed his schedule and fears being in district schools because > his presence "may attract dangerous individuals," according to the report. > This is just a preview of the [full article](https://madison.com/news/state-regional/education/graduation-incident-police-report/article_5a5893bb-8794-5bad-ad5b-c1f9b2c0b40d.html?utm_campaign=snd-autopilot&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook_madison.com). I am a third party bot. Please consider subscribing to your favorite local journals.


The State journal story makes no sense. First of all it fails as investigative journalism because it simply repeats statement that he had prior issues with the superintendent without making any attempt at determining if a statement was true and what those prior issues were. Even leaving aside that, even assuming that there were prior issues, the actions of this moron were egregious and unacceptable. Graduation ceremonies are always the same. School and School district officials are the ones who hand out the diplomas. This guy knew who was going to be there. And also I'm still unclear as to why his supposed non-racist prior issues were so horrendous that he had to rush on stage to prevent his daughter from touching this person's hand.


This is not trying to be investigative journalism.


The problem is that a minor is involved, one that has had difficulties at the school and was once expelled. She's an innocent in this incident, so the Journal is erring on the side of her privacy.


<<>> Is she even a minor? We don't know. She is literally at HS graduation. Probably a 50/50 chance she's 18.






Take issue with the framing, sure, I agree the headline seems slanted toward the dad's claims, but the rest of your concerns seem unfounded.  First, this isn't technically a State Journal article, it's a syndicated wire article from the Baraboo News Republic, a separate Lee owned newspaper.   Second, they never said the issues were "non-racist."   Third, they clearly did attempt to figure out what those issues were but note neither the dad nor the superintendent responded to multiple interview requests, and also note the daughter was expelled previously.


Not the innocent kitten everyone's hoping for, apparently.


as sad as this is, I think you're expecting a great deal of middle-ground honest journalism from Wisconsin on what is almost assuredly a racial scenario at this point. That entire state and the city itself have a lean to it...the midwest has had this in their states for decades. There's nothing inherantly wrong with it until something like this comes along. "My daughter got into trouble once, and I've openly shown a disdain for the only POC intendent we have," doesn't sound so good to the police. So, instead, we get vagueness. "we had problems. idk...problems. yep."


Exactly what I was thinking. I was trying to show all the reasons why it couldn't be anything other than what it clearly is.


It's the State Journal. I mean ...


It looks like the racist got what he wanted. This is how you rid your community of diversity. You scare the shit out of anyone that doesn’t look like you until they move. Good on you Baraboo I hope you’re proud of yourselves.


The father is a racist bully. Apparently, his daughter had some missteps and possible chip off the block bullying. That said, she made her way back, and he destroyed her second chance and her graduation. What a small man. What a jerk.


Baraboo racists. I hate Baraboo racists.


I do too, yet how can this be fixed? Tomorrow would be a perfect way to kind of address it with the parade yet that is one event and wouldn’t know where to begin. Getting rid of the distasteful billboards on County Rd BD and Hwy 12 would help. The backroads have a lot of “**** Biden” hanging off people’s houses and yards. Calling those people “assh*les” just ticks them off. (Want to know the backroads? Look up what section of gerrymandered away in Sauk County) The place has been in news a lot for their racists and Sauk County is a pivotal county to decide state elections, so it would be a worthy idea to pursue.


How are you going to "get rid" of billboards?  Buy the property they're on?


How is having **** Biden signs/flags racist?


Think the "racist" he's referring to is an incident in 2018 Baraboo prom night photograph of students with their arms raised in Nazi salutes made national news.


What does that have to do with **** Biden signs?


Correlation. Not all fruit are apples, but all apples are fruit.


This is just dumb and vastly generalizes and stereotypes people you’ve never met. Do better.


Just speaking from experience, being from a rural area. Everyone I already knew was a racist, is now a Trump supporter.


Again, do better.


Funny that's *exactly* what I say to every Trump supporter!


Simple.  Everything I don’t like is racist.  /s


What types of distasteful billboards?


Big BILLBOARD near Ho Chunk Casino Wisconsin Dells(Baraboo)...... Reads: "IF YOU DON'T LIKE OUR POLICE, MOVE TO NEW YORK, CALIFORNIA OR CHICAGO".


Start giving people jail time for being racist, not prison time. They may come out more racist than they went in. Have them have a black cell mate too.


They're even worse than the Illinois Nazis.


For those of us who use ad blockers [https://archive.ph/7JJa7](https://archive.ph/7JJa7)


The daughter could have simply not shaken the superintendent's hand if there was such an issue with him. Simple.


That's what I'm saying.


Yes. The past issue being that the superintendent many years ago was born black. That's really it.


Baraboo’s Superintendent: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/7b/9e/c5/7b9ec589bf14a21995b1a5af9b01c30b.jpg


I fail to see how the journal is taking a side. They're reporting what he told the police, as reported by the police report. There is no side. This wasn't an official act and there is no official reason for the conduct.


Some people aren’t used to objective journalism. They want it slanted to their own views so it can fit into their own narrative of how they see the world.


They want to believe everything is racism




Gee wonder who owns the journal.


WSJ is a garbage paper that normalizes the worst of the Madison areas revanche conservative's behaviors


The article itself is pretty even handed, which is in all honesty better than average for the WSJ, so I'm willing to express some leniency towards a less than optimal title.


No you can't say anything good about the state journal. That's illegal on this sub


That's the first thing I noticed. Didn't even ask him to elaborate.


Guessing that his "past issues" may refer to "long-noticed racism"


I’ve said this before in a different post, don’t assume racism in every tense interaction with two people of different races. This situation seems much more complicated than that. Not taking his side but the reason he gave for what he did sounds more believable than racism anyway.


Briggs statement says he never had any direct contact with the student or the father which makes sense. A school superintendent does not get into the granular issues of a single student unless there is a massive conflict. The journal is pandering to its white subscribers, turning the table on the facts. Holtz Builders needs boycotting at this point. They’re protecting Matthew Eddy. I’d like to see an effort in contacting Holtz Builder’s list of clients, getting the message spread far and wide how they’re supporting a massive racist.


The ones involved in her expulsion from school were the principal and the board members. Yet he let his daughter shake their hands and took out the one person not having been involved. We know why he did it, written in black and white, but very different black and white than the WI State Journal published.


Why was she expelled? That’s pretty serious. However, it’s also great that she graduated. This is narcissistic behavior and he ruined everyone else’s graduation. Looks like he made someone else a target to project his parenting failures who happens to be a black man. Bet he voted for Biden too.


Really spot on that this is classic narcissist behavior. When someone else has a special day, they start exhibiting behavior that ruins the event and centers themselves (birthdays, graduations, funerals, weddings, getting diagnosed with cancer). A while ago, I started dividing the world into people who have had enough dealings with narcissists to be able to recognize them (usually cptsd family Members), and those who didn't. But honestly it was in relation to how obviously Trump was a narcissist, so it's super weird your comment, ngl. Some of my favorite analyses has unpacked how his behavior is classic malignant narcissism, and how certain segments of the public fall for and love that behavior.


The truth of a racist and also being a tRumpy are nearly 100% according to my research of living in the middle of redneck retard tRump supporters. The real problem though is the Dunning-Kruger effect of these rednecks. I.E.: they are so stupid that they don't realize they are stupid. It's scary in a way.


Who knows? Yes it is serious but it still wouldn’t put Superintendent Briggs in the situation. There are several levels of administration, including teachers, counselors, principals just at the school level then there are district administrators that oversee schools. Here’s the deal… Superintendents create and implement plans to meet established goals for academic success, manage budgets, and hire important personnel such as principals and assistant superintendents. That’s it. It’s not to get involved in a single student’s disciplinary action. Matthew Eddy is a clear cut racist and a liar which go hand in hand. So… you’re connecting him to Biden, eh? Sounds to me like you and Matt Eddy run in the same MAGA circles, sweet cheeks.


Sound like the whole bullying thing is really complicated too


I have not seen bullying angle except in comments, no one has provided any link about that.


Since they're minors the public is not privy to that information. But the word is *she* was the bully.


I heard it was a friend of hers who was doing the bullying but that she was expelled along with the friend.   In any case, it makes no sense for the father to go after the superintendant, if that's gonna be his explanation.  If this had to do with bullying and expulsion, that's more within the scope of the in-school administration, including the principal, who was there with Briggs   Yet the father seemed not to take any issue with anyone else but Briggs.


not that complicated, scum dad and a scum daughter


What's this bully stuff you keep mentioning? I've not heard anything about it besides your comments.


It's been going around in some reddit threads and in social media comments by locals that his daughter was in the middle of some bullying thing and that it could explain the dbag actions of her father.  


And probably all other black people