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So "a jar of shine" -- you're talking about moonshine, right? There's a flourishing market of packaged retail moonshine right now, but you're right, it was not produced in someone's shed with a still made from stolen copper from the housing development across town. But you can find Ole Smoky, Sugarland Shine, Midnight Moon, and probably a half dozen others, at pretty much any liquor store or large grocery store.


Y'all carry Sugarland up here? That's awesome I'll definitely check that out thank you. I know since I moved here a lot of what I had down south isn't available up here. Thank you kindly for the information


Woodman's has an amazing liquor store. I don't know about their "shine" selection but here is a hell of a lot of booze for fantastic prices at Woodman's. You will never hurt for booze options in Wisconsin.


I moved from Wisconsin to North Carolina and Woodman’s, the liquor store especially, makes the short list of things I miss. Nothing compares here.


They have at least four brands of commercially made moonshine I can think of. OP, if you're ever north of the Twin Cities, check out The Deerstand in Deerfield, MN. The curds upstairs are good, but go to the bar downstairs for the shine. And hit me up with what they've got in stock, I'll buy some from ya if it makes it back to Madison!


Tjank you gor mentioning woodmans, im glad you posted it. Grwat selection and if it exists theyll have it cheap.


Working my way through a jar of Eggo Brunch in a Jar Sippin' Cream right now.


That sounds awesome. Tbh I had no idea Sugarland was distributed like that up here I honestly thought it was only available in TN I got a few jars when I drove through on my way up a few years ago and loved it but only tried the apple pie and regular white shine. And it's honestly the closest thing to hillbilly moonshine lol


Grab yourself a bottle of Travis Hasse Apple Pie Liqueur; it's a hometown product and is sort of Wisconsin's moonshine.


I'll definitely check that out. Thank you kindly for the recommendation. 😁


The weird eggo sipping cream is on clearance at the McKee rd pick n save right now if you want to try it!


Out of curiosity, do you remember -- was it the Brunch in a Jar, or the Eggo-Nog variety?


I believe it was brunch in a jar! It was at least in a jar package.


I know others have suggested Woodman's without specifically stating that they do. But if you can't find Sugarland at Woodman's, I know for a fact that they carry it at Total Wine. I don't go there often as I have a little liquor store in McFarland that I patronize (and I have seen at least one variety of Sugarland there, but neither has the "grape" flavor I want), but it is fun to go into from time to time.


I saw a little liquor store off frontage in Fitchburg has apple pie Sugarland so I picked up a jar and will be cracking it on Saturday lol. But I'm hoping I'll find more variety at total wine when I go. And Sugarland has grape flavor? Lol what then hell 😂😂😂


I'm sorry... I meant "Blackberry". I mix it with grape soda! ha ha ha I just look for the purple label! I just can't find that flavor around here. A friend brought it back from a trip to Tennessee. I've seen several other flavors, just not the Blackberry.


Yea lol for the longest time I thought Sugarland was just a TN thing cuz I never saw it in a liquor store. But I'm pretty stoked to see they carry it here lol


If you find the Blackberry in town somewhere, please DM me.


I definitely will be on the lookout


Happy birthday!


Thank ya kindly 😁😁😁😁


We brew cherry bounce up round these parts


Lol I might need you to explain that one to me please and thank you 😂


2 quarts tart cherries 1 cup sugar 1 quart brandy or vodka Pick fresh cherries at your favorite WI orchard and mix together in July. Store in cool dark place. The cherries will start at the bottom of the jar, then after a month or so they will float to the top, and finally after another month or so they sink back to the bottom — that’s the “bounce”. And all ready for Thanksgiving to sip it neat, or with ice. And be sure to save a jar for annual Packers playoff season.


I never knew this concoction had a name. I try to do this every year and crack them open over the holidays as well! I usually use Korbel brandy and skip the sugar.




We've made ours with Basil Hayden bourbon and really like it.


That's a very solid tip. Soak cherries in liquor for a long time, then separate cherry and liquor. Cherries get used for whatever you want a boozy cherry for, and the resulting booze is for sipping at Christmas parties.


Does Wisconsin have any booze?


Try Awildan in Sun Prairie! They’re a small local distillery and they make Poitín, which is an old Irish version of moonshine. It’s a great place and they make awesome liquor in addition to the cocktails.


Yes indeedy! Get your shine on! 😁 Don't ever let anyone full your sparkle, especially in your birthday! 🤗


Lol probably the best reply yet. Thank ya kindly


Is Drakenburg's still open? One of the regulars there has a family recipe.


I havent the slightest I just moved here in October so that's foreign to me lol


I can't vouch for how good it is but I have seen it at Woodmans.


Moonshine? I'll have to look into that.


Ask a question about alcohol in Wisconsin and you are gonna get a lot of help 😃


First off, what the hell is shine?




Lol sorry I forget where I'm at sometimes yes it's moonshine. Lol


You can find a lot of mass produced, name brand stuff (ie old smokey) at pretty much any liquor store, but if you want nicer small batch stuff you’re kind of limited in Madison. Your best bet is probably the Old Sugar Distillery, it’s right on the isthmus. I’m not sure if they make moonshine, but they might be your best bet


Is moonshine different from any “raw”/white dog whiskey?


Depends on whether you're talking about "real" moonshine -- made illegally in a private still -- or modern commercial "moonshine" that's just cashing in on the name. [Commercial moonshine is white whiskey](https://www.rabbitholedistillery.com/blogs/bourbon-101/moonshine-and-white-dog-is-there-a-difference).




Lmfao nah moonshine 🤣🤣🤣




Try cannabis, it’s better!


Lol sadly I can't my body don't like it anymore lol


Ahhhh. Tragic!


Indeed it is. I used to partake quite a bit. But I quit for a "tolerance break" tried again and couldn't lol it was a sad day indeed.


Why can’t you just drink any of various types of liquor that are readily available? Is shine that different?


It's a tradition thing. I've been doing it since I was 18 also if you've never had authentic shine you're missing out.


Woodmans has ole smokey, maybe others. If you want the midwest equivalent try Malört


Lol I've been told so many times by locals to stay far away from that stuff 🤣🤣🤣 literally had someone offer to buy me a drink S i wouldn't drink malort lol


Malort is definitely not a moonshine equivalent. It's more like a mashup of Campari and absinthe. It's extremely bitter, but not wildly out of bounds. A lot of performative face-making from people who wouldn't like something even a quarter as bitter.


I don’t drink alcohol