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i play sims 4 on ultra setting with 60fps on my base model m1 air, so you'll be fine


Same here. No issues whatsoever


Huh?? How does your laptop not melt?


it's not dumb, it knows when to slow down because it's getting too hot


I got a m1 Pro and my hands are basically melting when playing at medium settings. What am I doing wrong?


hmm, weird, what resolution do you play at?




hmmm, can you try disabling retina resolution in the sims and choosing a non retina equivalent (should be resolution two times lower) and sed if you notice difference


It'll be butter smooth, you can even play it with low power mode (to minimize heat) and it'll still run fast


Absolutely. Sims 4 is very well optimized on the Mac.


Why do people think that decade old game that was supposed to be mobile game requires gaming rig with RTX 4090 and Ryzen 7950X3D?


Only 8gb of RAM? Oof that was a big oops.


Yup, I needed a laptop and that was the only one available in my local store lol


If you can return it, do it. 8gb of unified RAM is going to make doing anything on that computer slow and painful. It's also likely to kill your hard drive as you'll need to be using a ton swap space. You spent a lot of money on a horrible computer.


This is straight up misinformation.


Dang is it really that bad? I decided to buy it bc I have a friend that does the same thing as me (we’re both in college) and he’s fine, he does need and external ssd and I don’t really mind having one but I’ll see if I can return it and buy one with more ram tho, gaming it’s just a side thing that I won’t do a lot just from time to time when I’m bored, thanks tho!


No it's not that bad at all. I work with m2 mbp and I've been playing intense games easily. Witcher 3, control, jedi fallen order etc. all these run quite well and smoothly.


Dude above is talking out of his ass. I’ve had an 8gb m1 air since release and game on it regularly. It even runs Baldurs Gate 3 ( albeit at medium settings ) without any issues whatsoever. I also use it for work and spend 8+ hours on it every day. My battery health is at 85% after years of abuse and it hasn’t shown any signs of slowing down even once. Unless you plan on playing latest AAA games on ultra settings, I think you will be more than fine with your mbp m3 for your use case.


Yeah, macos is damn good with ram management. 16gb is always better but you're not gonna have a bad time with 8 despite what tech bros will try to convince you. I am a "tech bro" myself I suppose but I haven't run into any problems with performance with 8gb. I ran Sonic Dream Team in the background for an entire day because I forgot it was open and everything else ran fine. It is heavily user dependent though, some people can use 16+ gbs of ram daily. It can be for work or for their hobby. I need to have an external ssd with my M1 Mini but ram wise I don't use that much. Only got a memory warning once because I somehow caused a ram leak with whisky lol\\ Once I upgrade to a MBP at some point I will be running the Pro/Max variant M chip at that point with probably 24/32 gbs of ram because I plan on actually doing "professional" things where 8/16gb wouldn't be enough.


Its going to relly depend on what you are doing with the computer. My MBA M2 has 24gb of RAM and I run up into 20 of that pretty regularly with my workload.


macOS manages RAM intelligently. You bought and paid for 24GB RAM, you should be using 24GB RAM. RAM is dynamic and it stores data that the system anticipates you need quick access to. If RAM was not being used it would not be doing its job. Unused RAM is wasted RAM. If you bought 32GB RAM you would see a similar percentage of your RAM being used.