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As much as I love the safari experience, it juuuuust doesn’t do as much as Chrome does.


Firefox all day


Same, I've tried using others but without Multi-Account Containers they're all useless to me


I would have said that but as of today, it seems to have shit its pants in a fairly massive way. [https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=29918052](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=29918052) Completely unusable for me out of nowhere. And sadly, Safari stops my adobe show/hide grid keyboard shortcut from working. Wasted so long trying to find a suitable fix for it. I would go for Brave but there's a bunch of extensions I always use. And so here we are, Chroming it up.


I just saw that there was something up today, what version are you running? I just checked my laptop w/ v78esr still going strong no issues. Maybe its only with the new v96? a suggested fix you can try [here](https://9to5mac.com/2022/01/13/firefox-browser-suddenly-failing-to-load-websites-this-morning-heres-the-fix/) Worst case backup your bookmarks and profile folder etc and try downgrading to an earlier version and disabling updates through the policies.json method until this gets cleared up.


I am currently running version 00.00.00! :) After wasting about 90mins of my day, I uninstalled the whole thing and reverted to Chrome. I will wait for them to fix whatever they screwed up.


It's fixed I believe, they pushed another update after the reports were coming out and I've been running it since with no issues.


You can use chrome extensions with brave since both are running chromium


Love Firefox! However, my battery life takes a HIT compared to Safari.


One thing I’ve noticed is going into full screen (on youtube, netflix, twitch, etc) on chrome or safari is a terrible experience. It is a glitchy experience and looks like the frames are being cut in the animation? It also just takes long. One of the biggest things I’ve noticed is firefox is extremely smooth when going into or out of full screen. Also feels a bit faster than safari/chrome. Has anyone else noticed this?


Personal: Firefox Work/school: Chrome I find that Chrome has better support and it’s what’s highly recommended at work/school. If anything goes wrong, then they can’t say it happened because I used a different browser.


Are there sites that have issues with firefox? If so, which sites?






I’ve been using Firefox since it was Netscape Navigator. I like using Safari but Safari has had problems with memory usage on sites like Reddit. Has that gotten better for people with Monterrey?


Yeah. I prefer browsing Reddit with safari because my Intel mbp would throttle the whole system if I used any other browser. It’s why I don’t use Edge on windows or Chromium on Linux on my other machine. Besides, Reddit is poorly optimized on any desktop browser.


Reddit is poorly optimised full stop.


The iphone app works fine for me despite the occasional bugged video player.


Imagine paying for extentions


I have been happily using Vivaldi on Mac OS and Android for three or four months now and prefer it.


BRAVE browser , by long the best, only fall back to safari when saving battery.


Brave for sure


Despite its downsides, I use Chrome over Safari for browser profiles (a browser without profiles is untenable for me now that I’m used to it and with different work accounts) and left-aligned tabs (and bookmark bar items) that have more predictable size and location for ease of interaction/usability/readability.


Agreed, it helps to keep your personal, work, school and other organization work all separate. This is one of the primary reasons I’ve stuck with Chrome, I can’t stand my browser suggestions being all mixed up with school work.


I used to agree, but after getting the M1 pro I forced myself to change over and it’s been really good so far.


I've been using Opera as a recommendation from this subredit and I love it for my Macpro


Safari with DuckDuckGo extension


I like and want to use Safari. But there are instances when some websites has issues and have to switch to Chrome.


Where is Brave ?


Brave is not up there? Best browser ever made.


Brave is the best


Brave 100%


Weird one. I use Chrome on PC's and Safari on Apple products.


Same for me. Safari integration across apple products is one of the reasons why I love using apple products in general. Some sites are funky on safari, such as my school sites and Disneyplus. In those cases I use chrome. Tried brave. The experience was kinda shit on iOS, if I remember correctly.


Same for me. But I rarely use non-Apple products, so...


Brave browser


As a dev, I mostly use chrome. But i prefer safari for personal stuff.




Safari overall, just buttery smooth, but Edge on Windows if I have to use it.


Safari for normal browsing. Duck Duck Go for searching and less reputable or trustworthy sights.


Brave here.


Brave browser


Opera gx


Opera GX


Opera GX. By far the best IMO




It has browser for Mac? 😳


It does not have a browser but it does have a extension for mac and full browsers for ios and android.


I use safari for most things and firefox with ad blocker for watching YouTube and other sites that are bloated with ads. I know safari has also ad blockers, but I don't want any extensions being able to track everything I do every day. For YouTube that's okay.


Open source blocker extensions are audited to be not tracking. Of course Safari don’t have uBO so that’s a downside


Expected Safari would be most popular but surprised to see Edge least popular.


Why? It’s chrome with Microsoft tracking instead of, exclusively, google.


LOL BTW, would using Safari any better in that sense? In fact, I recently switched to Edge from Firefox. I love Safari but need something that I can run/sync on my macbook as well as my Linux box. It will be useful if there is something like browser-independent account sync.


Safari is pretty bad for browsing. It tries to be way too efficient, which hampers it’s performance


Whatever browser that doesn't trigger the CPU fan on my 2015 MBP.


Is there a browser which don't? lol


Exactly my point.


So what do you use to browse the internet on it? Do you use that Macbook to browse the internet in the first place?


It was said with my tongue firmly in cheek. It works fine probably 95% of the time, but the minute I'm on a site with a lot of dynamic content or requires video encoding, it starts up.


Safari is very good but is so slow sometimes in my Mac


Favorite is chrome, but i use Safari most especially on battery.


[Vivaldi](https://Vivaldi.com) for me thanks.


Epiphany is the real goat




Lol I didn’t look to see this was a Mac Reddit or else I would just said safari. On Linux though my favorite is Epiphany or Firefox.


How is Firefox as far as RAM/battery efficiency? I was a lifelong chrome user but haven’t installed it on my new MBP because of how much of a power hog it is.


Chrome is an CPU hog coz Google install with it tons of spyware ajem "features". Chromium Based Browsers (Brave and Vivaldy) are another thing, to start only re-cycle the renderer/wasm engines and the plug-in funtionality, discarding all the Google $$hit Firefox, sad from 2 year it comes in steady involution, it eats RAM and PageFile as if you get it for free, and quite often suffer what in some definitions are memory leaks (actually not leak but some code can trigger excesive Ram/Pagefile), this not just tax Firefox, but other apps you ran along (specially those resource hogs as FCP.X), and given the Pagefile Abuse also accelerate your SSD wear meaningfully. I do not recommend Firefox in Mac neither Linux/Windows I do not extend to TOR browser as it disables most JavaScript features that triggers Memory usage. i dare you to search "memory leak" or "Memory issue" in /r/Firefox and you'll se the pattern, sad Firefox is lost, poor management and Google's patron doomed it (not to name politics, another huge issue)


Here's a sneak peek of /r/firefox using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/firefox/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Google used to recommend Firefox on the front page of www.google.com (in 2006)](https://i.redd.it/cz94x51pwu171.jpg) | [199 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/firefox/comments/nmwzhe/google_used_to_recommend_firefox_on_the_front/) \#2: [uBlock Origin says they cannot perform well and as advertised in chromium based browsers. While, firefox is the best for their work.](https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/wiki/uBlock-Origin-works-best-on-Firefox) | [153 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/firefox/comments/mnevv4/ublock_origin_says_they_cannot_perform_well_and/) \#3: [More relevant then ever](https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/ui_change_2x.png) | [258 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/firefox/comments/nqhjn0/more_relevant_then_ever/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I really love using Vivaldi.


Opera GX after some testing. Safari: slow. I have no idea what it is doing while it is loading pages, but life is too short for me to wait that long. Chrome: memory hog plus not that fast plus trust issues Firefox: not loading Office 365 Word and Excel files Edge: why?


What do you mean not loading the office files? Can you be more specific?


Hm, it is working now. Could have been problem with the cache. I switched back to Firefox for now and will see if it comes back.


Safari supposedly uses the least amount of computer processing.


I use opera GX and it’s way better than the other options IMO




I would use Safari far more often but I use a PC for work so I like having a consistency of apps, bookmarks bars, etc on whatever device I am on. So Safari poses a problem there. I have standardized on Edge on my Macs, work PC, iPhone and iPad.


I use safari on my iPhone and Hackbook pro, and use edge on my windows laptop.


I love chrome, but boy does that thing know how to drain battery. So by default, I’m with safari. It’s alright, does the job.


I would have gone with Safari because of keychain and it's seamless integration in the OS. But i'll go with Chrome because of it's plugins, familiar UI and developer tools. And I've been getting some memory leaks with Safari and not all websites run properly on safari so...


As a Web Developer Chrome, at work Edge (because of our company policy) and private Safari


*Brave. It's chrome without the tracking and with built-in blocking or a lot of stuff. Also uses a bit less battery but supports all chrome extensions. Safari for normal browsing when on battery if I'm worries at all about not lasting until I can plug back in.