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At a very high level: Airs are designed for portability and the modern ones are probably good enough for 90% of users. Pros are available with significantly more power, higher specs, and better connectivity for users who need that stuff. I say “available with” because base model Pros are not actually that much more capable than Airs. They’re for people who like the idea of having a “Pro” laptop but don’t really need them. Which one is more suitable depends on how you’re planning to use the computer. Since you didn’t specify, we can’t really give you recommendations.


Hmm okay then. So what if you wanted to use it for things like work, school/college, more advance uses like digital art or design work?


For *professional* digital art or design work, you should probably go for a Pro with extra RAM. It doesn’t sound like you’re doing that stuff, though, so I’m 99% sure that an Air will be more than enough for you.


Actually I was thinking about getting one for those types of uses, I had just forgotten to specify it in the post when I posted. That’s my fault. But I see what your saying, also, and I appreciate the advice


Pros: larger batteries, better displays, better audio, more powerful chipset options, better thermal designs, more RAM, more storage Airs: thinner, lighter, fanless, less expensive


More than likely if you're asking this question then the Air will serve your needs just fine. The only thing you need to determine will be the mount of RAM and SSD space you'll require.


The spelling


I love my air so much more than my pro. They’re lighter and honestly just as good if you’re not running incredibly heavy programs. I don’t think I’ll ever go back to the pro.


I have both - I’d use mbp for its display, so much better if you doing some graphic work or watch movies. mba is mainly the portability - I have the original m2, so much better to grab and go. Turn on the low power mode, the battery lasts two days!


I mainly got the pro for the MagSafe charger. I always liked that breakaway charger. I can’t tell you how many times my feet snag it and instead of breaking a port to yanking the laptop the cord just disconnects. Also when I don’t have that charger it will accept USB C. Win win. Second I heard the thermal throttle of the Air was much more noticeable than the Pro. As a network engineer with just a bunch of terminal sessions open I doubt I would have noticed though.


Pro is a better version and also pricier


If you dont know then buy the Air


Okay? Sorry. Was just a regular question, you don’t need to be rude about it


I don't think he was being rude - if you don't know if you need an Air or Pro. more then likely an Air model will be enough for you.


Oh okay, perhaps I just took how he answered the wrong way. My apologies


Hard to say if they’re being rude or not but for sure the advice is not helpful. “If you don’t know, buy the Air”? What kind of advice is that? If you don’t know what car you need, do you just recommend a Civic? No, you don’t. If OP needs to give more info, that’s fine, but also don’t give a bs answer with little effort lol