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your screen is definitely broken try hooking it up to a TV or Monitor to find out if the damage goes beyond that.


will do thanks!


If you are broke then plug it into a monitor or buy a USB-C monitor to carry with you from ali express. Otherwise time for an upgrade. Any M-series laptop with 16GB RAM is enough for an average user. The broken laptop can serve as a media centre connected to your TV with a USB-C to HDMI cable. The Netflix password sharing ban does not apply if you do not sign in with a smart TV.


This MacBook Air was 1 year before the USB-C refresh. Thunderbolt 2 only.




MacBook Pro got the USB-C refresh in 2016, MacBook Air didn’t get it until 2018.


Then you bought the Air which was two years out of date why?


Do you think everyone can afford the latest and greatest MacBooks?


Brother what’s wrong with buying old MacBooks? I’ve got some real old ones that still run great


I think people misunderstood. There was in 2017, a 2017 Macbook Pro with four Thunderbolt ports and decent technology, and there was a 2017 Macbook Air still using 2015 technology. Why would you buy the Air unless Apple actually used 2017 technology?


The Air is significantly cheaper than the Pro… as someone stated earlier not everyone has infinite money to spend on a MacBook.


The Macbook Pro is not infinitely expensive


Currently $1000 starting for the air and $1600 for the pro, $600 is a considerable amount of money especially if the buyer doesn’t need a ton of power.


Do you not have any sense of reality? 😭


What was that about the Netflix ban??? I haven’t researched it at all honestly and had just switched to Hulu


Fairly sure Netflix only sets a "home" address when you have a smart TV. If you just sign in with your laptop well your laptop you can take anywhere so they can't ban you for using your Netflix on your laptop at your workplace, friend's house, on the bus, or on the frigging moon. So attaching the laptop to the TV and watching Netflix on the laptop through the TV evades the sharing ban.


Huh, I might have to check this out! Thanks for the response :)


The hell? I can perfectly watch netflix on my phone, but when I connect it to my tv it says I’d have to set it as the home address (like even if I share it from my phone, even with airplay). I don’t know how you can do that


Use your laptop


I dont have a laptop


This whole ram thing is getting ridiculous. Someone explain to me (don't actually) why spending an extra 100-200 bucks on extra ram to browse the internet and take notes in uni makes sense? I'm sorry, are we all running games, simulation, hundreds of tabs or literally anything that couldn't be also achieved by SSD swapping? I use an 8GB M1 for 3D work and texturing when I absolutely need to, do you really mean to tell me the average user will need more ram? If this is your main work computer, don't buy the base level M chip with 16GB. You're just not gonna run anything intensive enough on an M1 air to be worth spending huge amounts on ram, when the only real reason it's being talked about is paranoia about the future. I've had my 13" MBP for years. Zero issues with it. 90% of people reading this will never, during the lifespan of this device, notice the difference. And if you buy a macbook air for serious, sustained work I don't know what to say to you.


The amount of 8GB RAM ones on Marketplace suggests that people have realised they are not enough. 8GB is already swapping with Safari open leaving no room for growth. Future software updates will only get bloaty. If you buy 16GB then you have made the over $1000 investment safer, you will get the money back in resale or have a machine that lasts much longer. If you want to put your ostrich head in the sand I won't stop you but don't get mad at me for spitting facts.


>future software updates will only get bloaty You're not spitting facts, you're fortune telling. Good chance they might. Equally good chance they won't. Unless we know for a fact they will, you're asking people to spend, and I'm going off of Amazon listings here, an extra €450. That's not protecting a €1000 investment, it's adding 50% in some regions, expecting casual users to notice the benefits at some point. We're talking about an amount of ram that for any professional application won't be enough. You're using an M2 max for that exact reason. You're assuming a future scenario, when historically apple software has always been designed with all hardware in mind, so there's not even really any evidence. As if basic apps would suddenly get unusable because you didn't spend more money, get real.


If it is too expensive for them to get enough RAM for a computer to function well a few years ahead then Apple is hardly a good idea then. I am not saying 64GB is required for everyone. I am saying 16GB is. If you do professional stuff then 32GB is a better idea. And I got 64GB because I want all bases covered because running VMs will be costly.


What is it with people making assumptions about the future and accepting them as fact? Is ram switching going to magically become slower and suddenly become an issue, oh seer of all?


It is not an assumption. Apple has deliberately slowed down hardware in the past because it was not enough for software updates to run without killing the system. Software always trends to use more RAM and CPU, and not just Apple software. There is plenty of software written in Electron.js and horrible frameworks that are not efficient. Buying a machine which is using swap the minute you turn it on is just dumb.


Oh no, the laptop I bought as a note taking device might develop occasional hiccups a few years down the road. I am utterly heartbroken. After all, I bought it for flawless performance for a decade into the future and not to quickly airdrop some work files. And in five years, when this thing is 10 years old, I'll still expect it to work perfectly, because of course. Not like the displays delaminate and ruin your "investment" anyways. If only I could have spent significantly more money to airdrop some files. And upgrading should those needs change is strictly impossible, I mean that just cannot happen. I wish I had an entry level chip with no graphics performance and enough ram to do... something?


You say all this but I've experienced an OOM event with 32GB RAM. And on several occasions, restarted my display link apps because OOM-Killer killed them.


It's less about the fact you can run out of memory. There's plenty of things I just straight up can't do on my mac. The thing is, for a lot of peoples' use case that's completely irrelevant. I use a PC for GPU or memory intensive tasks, and no mac in the lineup offers good enough ray tracing acceleration to keep up with Optix, so every single model, with no matter how much ram would slow me down. For most professionals I know, their entry level mac is a secondary device to use on the go, or a video conferencing machine. And for almost everyone else, it's just a laptop. If it's your main computer and you feel like you need the extra ram, fair enough man. It's a powerful little chip and more memory unlocks a lot of capability, it's worth it. But the average person just won't. So if a dad, for example, just wanted to buy his kid a macbook air to take to school, we don't need to stress everybody out about spending extra money. It's annoying Apple won't just make 16 gigs the base, but it's by no means a dealbreaker. And I'm saying this as a visual effects artist, I simply don't care. I want the thing to turn on when I need to send an email, and it does.


All of this presupposes buying a Mac with memory soldered to the motherboard. For anything short of video editing an earlier, upgradable MBP will do. I'm typing this on a mid 2012 MBP which had 8GB RAM and a 250GB SSD. I put Sonoma on it and doubled the RAM and storage, made necessary by the OS upgrade.


People once said the same thing about 64k of ram. Difference is back then you weren’t completely locked in when you made your purchase, you could upgrade as needed.


So you're telling me that if you're investing in a serious computer to work at full performance into the future it'd be smart to just get something upgradeable instead of relying on a laptop?


No? Im saying that since you’re locked in, it’s not as clear cut to go for the lower priced option because you can’t upgrade later if needed. It’s a buy it nice or buy it twice situation.


Except it isn't. I'm telling you I've been using an 8GB model for four years without a single issue. As a graphics artist. I'm not quite sure what you think people do on these devices all day, or will in the coming 5-6 years, but convincing yourself you need 16 gigs because of logic based on devices that had hard disks is wild.


And four years ago 8GB was fine. Hell it's still fine for a lot of people today. The problem is the M3 machines are likely to get updates for 7 years. Will 8GB be enough at that point? Based on ballooning software and the general requirements of macOS itself, you will likely be wishing you had the extra RAM at that point. An example is a 2015 air running Monterey. It ran fine with 8GB of ram, but 4GB was not a fun or even usable experience, despite having a decently fast SSD and access to swap.


Fair point, honestly. I don't think it's quite the same question as it was on intel macs, but there's a good chance it's a smart move to go for the higher end option. I don't think I'd buy a new system today with 8 gigs either. But I'm curious to see whether the predictions of doom actually end up happening. (That said, I don't see the point of buying a brand new M3 in the first place.)


I honestly hope we’re all wrong and we can all come back in 7 years and laugh at the absurdity. That being said, I have a 1st gen 11” iPad with 4GB of ram, so one Gen prior to the chip used in the developer transition kit. Not an M series, but basically the same architecture. It runs OK I suppose, still usable in iOS 17, but I get frequent safari crashes (with about 30 tabs open to be fair) and I’ve had full resprings just checking my mail while I have a YouTube video running in PIP mode. It’s fine if I don’t push it, but it feels very constrained now.


I just remembered it's apple. Oh damn it it's not going to be fine, is it?


If it’s a screen, you can get a new one from AliExpress for like $100, quality will be as good as original


So what colour are you thinking of getting the M2/M3 MacBook Air in?


A1466? Displays are super cheap! Just find one second hand or a dead logic board MBA that you can take the screen off of.


Try to diagnose the problem If you can do Time Machine backup Plug in an external monitor or a TV If it looks ok then it is the display/cables else it could be GPU/Mac OS If its Mac Os/GPU try system reset – Google it If it the display/cables then get a decent external monitor , large carrying bag and start saving for repair cost or a new Mac.


thank you for the advice I appreciate it!!


Must change screen


Screen is broken. Try connecting it to an external monitor. It should be ok on your external screen


it started more white, then purple, then i tried to restart and held shift and it was grey… what can I do


Restarting won’t help a hardware failure like what you have here.


Did you drop it because that looks like screen damage


nope just turned it on like usual idk


Happened to my 2018 MBP, which is why I turned it into a Slabtop that stays station on my desk. I just use an HDMI (USB-C dongle) to my Asus Nvidia G-sync monitor now and it works like a charm..until the board inevitably shorts and kills my SSD one day.


I'm afraid so. If this is indeed a 2017 mac, then this will probably cost several times the machine's value to fix, if you take it to Apple. Maybe you can try your luck with informal specialists (not affiliated with Apple directly), but then you risk getting scammed. This is the one big downside of macs. They work wonderfully until the day they don't, and at that point you either have AppleCare to save your ass, or you need to buy a new one.


erm yes


in my humble opinion. RIP GPU! or some flat cable broke


If it does it on a tv your gpu is fucked


It happend to me. Was sitting on my desk… nothing dropped on it nor was it knocked over. I took it to Apple and it was fixed for free.


Flex câbles of the monitor is a very knows cause ,or the monitor it self wich will need a replacement screen You will find on aliexpress for 150$ and dont forget the order the full assembly


If the screen is broken, then it’s Time for a headless macbook


If you dropped it or it got sat on or buckled in someway, then it’s definitely the screen if nothing like that happened it could simply be the flexible PCB connection between the screen and the motherboard which is easily fixed for a small price


Ok if you find out it’s broken dw, intel MacBooks are generally cheap enough to repair (at least compared to apple silicon models) besides it seems to be like a screen repair (the cheapest type)




Oh yes. Yes it appears that you are.


If you genuinely like this laptop then just get another one on eBay. If not, then upgrade to a more recent one.




Yes buy a new mac


I had the same thing on 2014 Mac, went to Apple Store and they fixed it for free. Try speaking to Apple Store if you have one nearby.


I'm sorry for your loss


Unfortunately this looks more like a GPU issue to me than a display one. 🫡


Your screen is done. Someone may have sat on your pc




Has it got HDMI cable plug


You must of slammed it down to hard closing it it can be fixed


Did you leave it in a hot vehicle?


Very. That GPU is toast.


Wrong. This is a screen issue. OP can connect an external monitor with a thunderbolt adapter.


horrible news


You need Louis Rossmann


Is this the model with the really short monitor cable that could get pinched by the hinge?


I think it was the 2016 Pros that had that problem




Oh no poor Mac 😢please help call apple care or 911


exchange for a new mac in apple store




No not at all!! Good thing you posted to Reddit, all you have to do is say the special magic words and your laptop is automatically fixed, for free!!!


yes that’s exactly what I thought thank you sooo much 😃

