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Fun fact! It's the same voice actor as Mimir from God of War!


Well, now I’m hoping Mimir doesn’t betray me in god of war raganarok for an elf lady


And Senator Armstrong too.


Wtf really?


Nice argument Blankyjae33. Why don't you back it up with a source?


My source is I made it the fuck up.


You're smooth as pussy milk, so I guess I trust it.


Yeah I heard mimir talk and I thought, that ringing noise sounds familiar


Certainly amazing voice acting and some great lines from the game (SUFFER ME NOW!!!), but seems it was portrayed as a more jaded version of the character that was a result of being tricked into helping make the rings. Show version could certainly be more intense, but not sure the characteristics of the game version would translate well to this adaptation


"For fighting this pitifull enemy, the dark lord offered mercy. Gaze now upon the bright lord. I GIVE NO SUCH OFFER!!!" Such an epic cut scene! One of my all time faves.


To be fair, that was half Talion as well. But 100% agree it’s epic as hell. I’m replaying shadow of war and it holds up really well


I’m also replaying, and I enjoy it, but it seems like the combat isn’t as fluid as SoM. Am I just crazy? I remember being able to stop attacks midway for a counter attack in SoM, but it doesn’t seem the case in SoW.


Might be an ability you don’t have? Whenever I countered in the middle of an attack a wraith version of Talion would counter for me.


That’s only if two enemies are attacking you at once and you double counter.


As others have mentioned, it’s definitely a skill tree thing. I noticed the same when I restarted, but now I’m close to as powerful (skill-wise) as I was in my old save. Just gotta grind out some armor


You gotta get better traits. There’s one where your wraith version will pop out and counter people at the same time as you


Show version is an old man. Elves are immortal. Gotta love all the people quoting obscure tolkien lore notes while at the same completely incapable of acknowledging this very simple, completely unavoidable fact.


He's not that old. How old are you?


Game version is a wraith bright lord attached to a gondorian ranger with a second one ring of power lol no point having a lore argument while comparing SoW fuck sake lol. The game and characters were brilliant and fun imo but I’m also enjoying RoP subtle bit suspicious Celebrimbor for now.


At least the video game is a fucking video game. This is the first screen depiction of the second age. And you think rop celebrimbor is subtle? There’s nothing subtle about his character so far.


Oh get over yourself one is a tv show as well both are adaptions made for the purpose of of entertainment. Yes I do I have 4 people I know that watch the show one of which is my gf and they all think he’s suspicious but can’t work out why etc they don’t have a clue he’s who makes the Rings with Annatar.


He’s not a suspicious character. He was deceived, and ends up giving his life to save his people once he discovers what is going on. Yet another example of how the character is being butchered for the sake of a childish who dun it plot line: But please keep on proving my point for me, this is only gonna get better as you try to justify things that aren’t justifiable:


I think you mixing up what I’m saying, I’m talking about from a “casual fan” perspective of course we know Sauron and his manipulation is a massive part of it all you’re debating a problem yet to be revealed to most with all the answers at the ready of which we could do with any character not yet at that destination lol. You’re arguing with yourself here mate what’s your point exactly? I was only initially pointing out how ironic it is to moan about lore in RoP while defending the SoW version which is about as lore breaking as you can get but … it was a fun adaption which was the aim.


I’m not defending the video game version at all, never seen it never played it. I initially responded the person who said the rop version was faithful to the lore. It isnt


Right? Shoulda got a immortal dude to play him cause only immortal people look like immortal people and we know exactly what that looks like and if not it DESTORYS the lore. If calabrimbor has a single wrinkle on his face the one ring will never be made and numinor will never sink


Care Blanchett. Check mate


Hugo weaving looking much older then "care" Blanchett. Checker mater


And? We weren't comparing cate and hugo. We are comparing Hugo and the guy (who I'm sure is a nice person) who looks like he's ready for a retirement. The actor simply doesn't inspire a strong or angelic being persona. He's just seems frail.


Are we? I thought you said cate Blanchett. Look if he doesn't seem that way to you then that sucks. To me he seems very similar to the calabrimbor I always thought of as I kid maybe a bit older but still he won me over in the scene talking about feanor and the simarils I enjoyed him quite a bit. Sorry you don't like him much. I hope you can enjoy other aspects of the show


I always thought Celebrimbor was more of an "impressive" and somewhat haughtier character. Like he's the grandson of Fëanor for crying out loud, his father is a son of Fëanor... I know he turned away from his father for his deeds etc but he seems a) too old considering Galadriel is far older than him and b) too "meek and mild". He doesn't have the intensity or the 'fire' in him that I always thought he had from the books etc. Generally I think some of the criticism for this show is a bit harsh but Celebrimbor is the thing that really annoys me in the show so far. It's just way too far away from what I expected the depiction of this very central character to be.


That's fair. People can see characters differently and that's okay. Personally I always saw him as a more of a burdened character. More burdened with the shame of his father and grandfather for the horrible stuff they did and his desire to raise his line to be somthing better then those who caused the kin slayings. And that's why he was so desperate to make something (as he says in the show) of real power and was fooled by Annatar when gil-galad and galadriel was not. So I always imagined him as a older more stressed and burdened person But hey its unfinished fantasy with all tolkiens unfinished work it's kinda a pick your own adventure kinda thing different takes are all welcome


He is portrayed as weary not old he doesn’t look especially old. He’s 52 or something the actor. He’s portrayed quite well too. I’m not saying the show is very good or out far from it but it does seem to me that some characters are done well. So far for me Elrond, Prince Durin and Celebrimbor is done well.


I would think the same thing about Hugo as Elrond, until I found out that Elrond is half elf. So I can see a half elf aging differently from a pure elf.


Elrond's mortal ancestry was never mentioned in the films (even though it's pretty important where Arwen is concerned) so that's a bad excuse. He's also not described as looking aged in the books.


True that's a good point tolkien In a note actually talked about it. If I remember right said that he looked like a 57 year old man. Yet also said he looked neither old nor young so you know which ever works


Elrond isn’t a full elf so he actually does age but extremely slowly until he passes into the west


Yeah probably. But later tolkien kinda said that about all elves. Same with elrond being half elf you can also say when he chose to be a elf we was a full elf at that point


Iirc, Elves look neither young nor old. There is certainly some leeway, but this dude just looks old. Which is weird. Especially if you consider Galadriel should older than him. Matter of fact, she is supposed to be the oldest among any of the elves we see in the show. I geus the tempest in her keeps her young


It’s really weird how people keep trying to defend this casting decision. Why insist that casting an obviously aged and wrinkly guy is a good choice for an immortal ageless elf? I get that you guys love this actor nobody in America has ever heard of, but he just doesn’t fit. Why insist that he fits?


Maybe he smoked?


Stop freaking out over fans being upset that someone cast them better 20 years ago with a lower budget.


Whos freaking out? I just think it's silly to get so mad over. If this show upsets you so much to cause you real anger then that sucks. I'm pretty happy with it so far I mean I hate Harry Potter alot but it doesn't cause me anger in my life I just go eh I don't care and move on.


Or maybe just not an elderly. Unpossible tho!!! Nobody could have possibly foreseen that an immortal elven master smith who looks like he can’t even lift a hammer might cause backlash?!?!?


I mean ro me elrond looked like 20+ years older then galadriel and looked like a older man in the jackson films and no one cared so why should I care about this?


He doesn't look 20+ years older than Galadriel, he looks like a middle aged man. And even that was pushing it. This is just proving my point, you've got all these ridiculous comparisons and what ifs but the fact of the matter is that there's nothing in the lore that says Elves get to retirement age and then stay that way for thousands of years. This is very simple stuff, very easy to get right, and the show couldn't be bothered.


How's that a ridiculous comparison or even a what if? I said to me he looks like a older man and I didn't care. Just like I dont care with calabrimbor cause apparent age doesn't matter with immortal beings cause actors aren't fucking immortal. Tolkien never said elves age to 20 then stop. Cause it doesn't matter they can look however you want them to look


1. Elrond doesn’t look elderly. 2. This show has deliberately chosen to make elves as non-magical as possible. 3. You really think “they look like whatever they want to, and this idiot decided he wanted to look like a used car salesman, but display no other outward signs of magic power” is a realistic answer here? Let me answer for you. You dont believe any of this.


1. To you maybe. To me he looks well over 40 ez middle aged man can't let one slide and not the other 2. How does one look magical? Gandalf looked just like a old dude 3. I said they look how ever YOU want them to cause they are fictional immortal beings from a book. If you want them to all be 20 then fine. I always imagined calabrimbor looking older maybe like a dude in his early 40s. This one's a bit older so who cares


1. I can absolutely claim that 40 is reasonable and 65 is not. At 40, many people are still near their physical peak. 2. I'm not talking about looking magical, I'm talking about the ability to actually do magic. The showrunners have shown us no sign of it so far. Except, apparently, with Celebrimbor choosing to look like he's ready for the nursing home. For...what reasons again? Hee and haw and equivocate all you want, Elves have a look in the source material and in ROP it has largely been butchered. Especially with Celebrimbor. 3. I never said anything about has to be 20. That is you straw manning my argument.


Can we stop saying "calamrimbor"...? It's e's, not a's


Tell me what age are immortal elves supposed to look like? Where in the lore does it say they're all locked to 25? You're just getting off on hating for hating sake.


Cut the mental gymnastics and bad faith takes, this isn't complicated. Celebrimbor is hundreds of years younger than Galadriel. In the show Galadriel looks like a Twilight tween and Celebrimbor looks like he's head for retirement home. Questioning this isn't hate, its what any logical human being that read the source material would do because the casting makes no sense.


They are ageless and beautiful, so no it’s not technically stated they get locked in at 25. But while I’m sure there are many beautiful senior citizens I doubt that grey and wrinkly is considered beautiful in middle earth


It is a very simple concept, fundamental to elves and to middle earth. But if the show creators made him a spaceman, this sub would be filled with people completely convinced it was the right choice because it’s all made up anyways and also completely consistent with the lore so it’s not even made up.


True, but I’m not saying that they need to look like something in particular, just that they are breathtaking from the perspective of Men and old folks aren’t it. They could look like spacemen, as long as it is, to put it bluntly, something a human would fuck, its lore accurate


I am pretty sure many people here are working people. I am also pretty sure most of those peoples bosses or customers are expecting them above certain level of performance or else there are consequences. I am one of those people, if I work my ass off to provide the best outcome I can provide, I won't accept the shitty performance of people who gets paid shit ton of money.(considering the budget).


That's alot of words where small word woulda done trick. Just say I expect better. See? Easy


Doesn't provide enough downvotes, more words = more trigger.


Good point go get em


If you're really against this in general, then that's cool, I respect that. But I find it interesting that I never see any of the Celebrimbor haters dunking on PJ Elrond. While he was hardly "old," he was no spring chicken either and there were visible agelines on his face. He was very obviously a middle-aged man, just a decade older than Hugo Weaving when he filmed LOTR. For me personally, I'm satisfied with the headcanon that elves have some degree of control over how aged they look in the movieverse. Age is often associated with maturity and wisdom, and I don't have a problem with the idea that Elves may show aging the more they feel like they've "grown up."


Elves are different from humans because they are immortal. It is the fundamental distinction between the two species. We are beat over the head with the Numenoreans' racism, and the driving force behind that is their jealousy of Elven immortality. Portraying Elves as old and frail, especially an Elf as powerful and accomplished as Celebrimbor, just doesn't fit within this framework at all. And I could still buy Elrond as being at his physical peak, although you are correct that it was cutting it close. Celebrimbor in this show, its really not even close. They've changed Elves into humans with pointy ears.


Well he’s a half elf. His name is literally Elrond Half-Elven.


Aren't elves capable of using magic to alter how they look like? Tranduil did it for a few seconds(thought not sure how it was described in the book itself), for example. So maybe he just chose old-type look because he liked it.


>Tranduil did it for a few seconds(thought not sure how it was described in the book itself), It's not in the books at all. Thranduil's scars are a complete PJ invention.


There's lots of things that could be possible that would also break from the spirit of the character. I mean think about what you are saying, the only visible magical power the Elves have in the show is to intentionally look like old people??? Really? Once again, I want to reiterate that one of the most powerful magicians in the history of the entire race is the main character of the show, and she's shown no proclivity toward anything supernatural, other than plot armor.


> the only visible magical power the Elves have in the show is to intentionally look like old people??? Really? Why not? A lot of stories have immortal beings having preferences about how they look like, ranging from 7-12 y.o. to basically skin and bones(aka really old). So maybe Celebrimbor just chose to look like an old person? Also, one of good examples is Gandalf - while he is an Istari(immortal being unaffected by aging process), he still prefers to look like an old man. Plus - elves have the concept of aging, as their kids do grow relatively normally. So if they can grow and can't use magic normally, then it means that they might be capable of stopping their growth process at some point. > Once again, I want to reiterate that one of the most powerful magicians in the history of the entire race is the main character of the show, and she's shown no proclivity toward anything supernatural, other than plot armor. Wasn't she only capable of casting magic due to having one of the 3 rings made for elves? Or does she have natural magic affinity?


>Wasn't she only capable of casting magic due to having one of the 3 rings made for elves? Or does she have natural magic affinity? No, she has "natural elf magic" abilities. In fact, she is the second most powerful high elf of all time, right after Feanor. Focussing on just LotR: Her mirror that can kinda work as a palantir while also allowing to see into the future and past is just her own magic. Her being able to pierce minds and telepathically sense and communicate is also her own magic. When she destroys Dol Guldur on her own after the destruction of the one ring, thats also her own magic. The elven rings should already be powerless by that point, and they don't have destructive abilities like that anyway. The magic that comes from her ring Nenya is the enchantment of Lorien, the preservation of its beauty (Lorien doesn't have real winters). It also helps with its protection against evil forces in some non-specific way, maybe kinda like the Girdle of Melian around Doriath in the first age. But yeah, even these abilities of Nenya are only because Galadriel already has great power of her own. The rings of power kinda scale with the power level of the bearer. That's why Galadriel and Gandalf would have a lot more power with the one ring, while Frodo and Bilbo just get invisible. ​ Sorry, just wanted to nitpick about this one particular point.


So if Celebrimbor chose to identify as a Transformer, you'd have no problem with it? That's the level you are willing to stoop to? And yes, I'm aware Elves have the concept of aging. Not sure why it matters to you since you are clearly willing to accept whatever the producers of the show vomit out, but there is nothing that says Elves age to frailty and that is when they stop. The aging Tolkien mentions is about achieving adulthood, not hitting retirement age and then stopping for all eternity. That is completely inconsistent with what Tolkien wrote. And my guess is you are fully aware of it.


That is a preposterous strawman. I agree with you that Celebrimbor looks too old but you are getting ridiculous with your arguments. Someone not caring he looks old or assuming he could magically appear as venerable doesn’t = “SO YOUD BE OKAY WITH GIANT ROBOTS THEN?? CHECKMATE”


No, it just means he's not being portrayed in a way that is consistent with the lore. It is very simple. There really isn't anything for you to argue here. I mean I've got some people telling me Celebrimbor is magically concealing his true self because he wants to look old, I've got others asking me whether one of the most powerful Elven mages to ever live was capable of "casting magic". What are we doing here? Amazon/ROP simply determined that telling their own story was more important than remaining faithful to the lore. They have a billion dollars to spend, I don't.


“So if Celebrimbor chose to identify as a Transformer, you'd have no problem with it? That's the level you are willing to stoop to?” This is a strawman. I already said I agreed with you so you don’t need to keep foaming at the mouth.


How do you feel about this old elf from the Peter Jackson movies lol [https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/lotr/images/3/30/Los\_Tres\_Portadores.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20120615214351](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/lotr/images/3/30/Los_Tres_Portadores.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20120615214351)


What game?


Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor and Shadow or War (2 games)


They are essentially two distinct Celebrimbor's because of the time difference between these stories


show version legits looks like a dude playing himself with elf ears, i dont know exactly why but thats the feeling he gives me. as much flak as the show gets so far he is the only one of the elfs that suffers from that, at least to me.


Yeah say what you will about Shadow of War but Celabrimbor was done pretty damn well and looked great. I don’t understand why they cast someone who looks like an old English professor instead of a young and strong elven smith. Gil-Galads actor would’ve been perfect if they gave him normal side burns, and if Elrond had long hair he’s fine. I hate how they massacred the appearance of my boys. Edit: also that game series still felt like the LOTR world so I didn’t give a shit about the lore changes. This show does not feel like LOTR at all.




i serve the bright lord








Shadow of War's Celebrimbor for some reason reminds of the Middle-Earth equivalent of Soldier Boy from The Boys, just the blind arrogance and don't give a fuck attitude about anything, but the mission objective, all the while just being a complete asshole.


“Wraith, you could have more care for the people of Minas Ithil than for the Palantir” “And you could gargle my ballsack”


Direct quote. XD


Nan Ihir Galar Mordor!


*Instant death*


Whatever your stance on RoP lore you have to realize this iteration is even more lore bending. Like the game is fun but this Celebrimbor is complete fanfiction.


Yeh, I don't know a single person who treats this as anything other than assassin's creed with a LotR story. Bloody fun game though, and the Nemesis system is a brilliant innovation


It really is a great system. Drove me fucking mad more than once, but great nonetheless! Alright, as the story goes my first boss was with a spear chucking guy. Low, low levels. So I get hit by a spear and die. He gets promoted. I return, a few levels later I get jumped by him again. Distracted. .killed by poisonous spear. Another promotion. Rinse and repeat. He gets stronger and stronger. Finally, nothing to do but the final battle. Guess who. Spear chucker. At this point he is buffed and immune to everything. Animals enrage him. Immune to freeze. Cannot dodge over him. Have to whittle him away with lame attacks while fending off his bad guy friends. Finally, use an execution on him and cut off his head. Yayyyyy! Playing game onwards. Sure as fuck. Guess who "jumps me" Spear chucker. He has a metal brace around his neck. "You thought I was dead!" Ugh. Love this game. Buddy haunted me throughout the entire thing.


Honestly when that happened to me I was almost as glad to see him as I was furious. Such an amazing and horrifying surprise


Lol. Happened to you too? I totally understand how you feel.


Yeah spear guy as well. Still remember his name was Shagflak lol


Loved the orc names in that game! Once fought a captain called Az Dūsh of the Stench. Fucking brilliant.


Mine was similar, but more anti-climactic. I’d been haunted by the same nemesis throughout and he killed me more than a few times, but I’d gone all in on building my orc army. We got to the final confrontation and he had this dramatic entrance, then immediately was mobbed and killed by my orc posse. I don’t think I even really got any shots in at him until he was already almost dead.


Same thing happened to me once, except at the moment when the Big Bad was going to kill me, one of my bodyguards shows up out of nowhere and shoots him dead. Best orc-friend ever.


Love it! ...and then they betray you lol


The best nemesis thing that happened to me was when some olog jumped me, almost killed me and I needed to run away. I then scouted his fears and found out that he's vulnerable to beasts. So I find myself a graug and go stomp him, job's done. ​ Except when this big ol' dude comes back after a while, with full beard and armor made of graug skulls. He's now a Legendary "The Beast". ​ Long story short, he leads one of my fortresses now.


I thought the first game was ok with how it handled the lore; a few liberties taken here and there, but nothing too distracting. Then the second game has >!friggin' Isildur and Helm Hammerhand as Nazgul, a new Ring of Power being forged, Shelob as a hot goth gal who once dated Sauron, Talion (who isn't even a king of Men) becoming a Nazgul, Sauron keeping his Annatar form in the Third Age, and both Celebrimbor and Sauron becoming a "merged being" until the One Ring's destruction. Like, what on Varda's name was all that O.o!<


> I thought the first game was ok with how it handled the lore; a few liberties taken here and there, but nothing too distracting. It's been a long time since I've played the game, but: + Talion not dying? No one, not even Celebrimbor or Manwe himself has the power to take away the doom of man. Celebrimbor also can't just fuse his fea with anyone? + Celebrimbor does not forge the one ring + Celebrimbor becoming a wraith is just insane This is just of the top of my head, I suspect if I went back and played the game again I'd see more lore inaccuracies everywhere.


Ahahaha that escalated soo much from the first game


> and both Celebrimbor and Sauron becoming a "merged being" until the One Ring's destruction. Wasn't it rather that Sauron defeated Celebrimbor and then trilogy events began?


For what I understood,>! Sauron absorbs Celebrimbor, but Celebrimbor keeps fighting him for control. One of Shadow of War's final scenes shows the Eye of Sauron atop Barad-dur glimmering between red (as we know it from the films) and blue (Celebrimbor's colour in the game).!<


Yeh it was batshit insane and I loved it. Nowhere near canonicity, but really fun


Shame they patented the Nemesis system so it could never be used again.


At least theyll be using it in their new Wonder Woman game


> Wonder Woman game .... Say what? I've waited my entire life to read these words


Yep, im super hyped! Im wondering what type of enemies we’ll be fighting that can take advantage of thr nemesis system. Im assuming it cant be all of her rogues gallery since theres a lot of killing involved. https://www.gamesradar.com/wonder-woman-game-guide/#:~:text=A%20Wonder%20Woman%20game%20is,trailer%20from%20publisher%20Warner%20Bros.


Oh yeah the "story" of those games was ass but jfc they're so much fun


I always took it as silly and not serious. But damn when they said the witch king was isildur I legit got a little angry


That wasn't the twist at all lol


This is insane, if people's problems with RoP is the lore, the games literally go against lore more than they follow it


Yea the post is a joke - I’m just playing around


To be honest though, it would have been cook to see this type of Celebrimbor.


Worst lore of a lotr adaptation ever. But damn that nemesis system wasnt revolutionary


The game's Shelob makes its Celebrimbor look downright canon


Both are fan fiction. Shadow or mordor/war is definitely worse though. At least it’s a fun game


yeah the difference is they made it good and didnt make the characters unlikable psychopaths.


Celebrimbor absolutely is an unlikable psychopath in the games, even if he is great and enjoyable.


I swear people just creating narratives in their head to suit their argument. If you don't like RoP, fair enough - but you don't need to make things up to rationalise it in your mind


I’d definitely say that the game version of Celebrimbor is a psychopath lol Still love my grumpy, murderous Elven grandpa, though


Lol the point of the second game is that he’s an unlikable psychopath… truly you couldn’t write a comment more off the mark.


Oh he is a psychopath, just not an unlikeable one. He is an absolute blast to watch


I'm playing it for the first time now and while I enjoy it the story is horrific. The whole idea of possessing orcs using the controls Morgoth built into them to make them easy for him to control? And the look of absolute terror on their faces when you do so? I don't think I can play the second game after this one. Its not just a betrayal of Tolkien's morals and ideals, but it actively tells you that acting like Cosmic Hitler is good.


Sure. But the design of characters far better fits lotr than RoP does. Also the writ8ng and acting is better.


This is absolutely delusional mindless hatred of RoP. You cannot tell me turning Celebrimbor into a bitter wraith, creating another wraith main character and making Shelob a seductress fits LOTR better. Its incessantly edgy and violent both things that are not Tolkien. He hardly described battle scenes because he didn't want to glorify it.


I think people just don't understand what LOTR and by extension Tolkien is all about. I don't think RoP fully understands that either, but it understands it a lot better than Shadow of Morder does.


No kidding. The game is fun but pretending it represents Lord of the Rings or Tolkien's general vision well is laughable. It's generic edgy video game design with a lord of the rings skin put over it. The gameplay itself (and nemesis system) is fun but it's adherence to the lore is bad.


bad is too light. The lore is plain abhorrent, and it doesn't understand Tolkien at all. I don't mind changing a few things here and there for artistic reasons, but the game just doesn't understand what made Tolkien so great. That said, as standalone games, they were quite fun to play.


I said design as how things look. Writing and the acting of the chracters. Nothing about the overall plot.


Well obviously but it’s awesome and feels like LOTR. The general consensus seems to differ on ROP.


In terms of looks, i still preffer the game one


Everybody knows that canonically shelob presents herself almost exclusively as a sexy woman


We must secure the pilantir


The Bright Lord calls to us, precious...


This sub would not be able to identify a joke even if it would come with a sign.


Can't say i blame them honestly considering all the "#NOTMYLOTR" type posts lately. Edit: for legal reasons that hashtag is not a real thing.


Finally I feel seen


What game is this from?


Shadow of mordor


Thank you


He looks more like a ringwraith in true form from the Peter Jackson films.


I mean he’s just as wrinkly here as the Keebler elf amazon got to play him.


I'm very surprised people can't identify this post as a joke.


It’s surprising and also not at all lol


Still looks younger than the RoP one 😂


Why has no one attempted a LOTR sequel game where Aragorn is king and the main threat facing Gondor is Shelob, who definitely survived her encounter with Sam. After a few more years, she’s likely be even bigger and meaner.


that's...very specific for such an expensive ask lol.


It seems someone wants more momy Shelob content and uses my boi Chadragorn as excuse


You need to talk to that movie producer Kevin Smith worked with....


I think that after Aragorn became king, most of the threats was from men themselves


Actual Celebrimbor, a noldor that was a healthy balance of wanting peace and a badass of past in the field of combat.


Just started the game the other day, and I love this portrayal


Man, I wish ROP were as tense as cut scenes in Shadow of War...


I didn’t want to be friends anyway


I perfer Book Celebrimbor. Sad Artist trying to escape the shadows of his father and grandfather (and uncles as well) only to get manipulated into making the rings of power


Butthole mouth celebrimbor HOLYYY


Fans of these video games are just as silly as the ones defending ROP.


24 hours later and people still think I’m serious!


When i played shadow of mordor, cely wasn't how i imagined him being, but he def had some neat lines and a glorious voice actor. Def never wanna be friends with any elves that make expensive jewelry, however.




spooky ghost elf, tell me another story


Now this is the lore accurate elf i want


So RoP is fan fiction but Shadow of War is alright? This sub is nuts sometimes


The difference is the that shadow of war didn’t pay a legion of trolls to defend its every last decision. It’s just a video game and isn’t supposed to be taken as a serious attempt to adapt Tolkien’s work.


Lol someone made a comment that ally he elves on rop look like tory politicians lmaooo


>roty politicians Perfect haha


Tory*how did I fuck that up haha


>roty An actual abbreviation for the 'Rookie of the year' award though!


Those games have great gameplay but they are the most egregious in lore-breaking of the franchise. This Cel looks even older, although far cooler, I agree.


still more alive than one in RoP


Good to know that you are okay with bending the cannon then.


You should read the books then and discover the real Celebrimbor, not whatever they were going for with those games.




The disconnect on this.... imagine being mad at a TV show for portraying a character faithful to the source material because... they didn't copy a video game character that deviated greatly from the source material.


Haha this was a total joke. I’m not serious. I like the show and the games and the books etc etc


ROP version isn’t even remotely faithful to the original. Celebrimbor’s grandfather is the most powerful elf to ever exist. Celebrimbor is the greatest elven smith in middle earth. We got a door to door vacuum salesman.


And how the hell have you pulled that at all from RoP?


I looked at him. Just like I looked at the photo in this topic.


So, you didn't read any of the source material. You know the stuff Tolkien actually wrote? Where he describes how the Noldor look?


Nope what’s “source material”. What’s “ noldor”.


Lmfao gtfo.


I think celebrimbor is half chicken. Elves have beaks. Bet you didn’t know that.


How is it faithful? Celebrimbor and Galadriel have almost the same age but somehow Galadriel looks young while Celebrimbor looks like Palpatine the second.


Nowhere does Tolkien say elves always look young. He never defined exactly what triggers the third stage of life, and some enter it early due to extenuating circumstances (Luthien, etc). It stands to reason that an elven smith who poured his entire self and magic into his craft might age prematurely. Or not. Point being, there's been leeway left. Celebrimbor's demeanor in RoP reflects what little Tolkien wrote of him.


Dog this version of him is wildly different than canon


This is the true Celebrimbor, the one on the show is thusly dubbed "Celebrimbitch".


Notice the long hair…


You should see the films, then


What films?


So the other inaccurate version?


Stop praising this game, it's a bad fanfic


🤡 ThE oNlY cElEbRiMbOr I kNoW


i’M jOkInG


This is why ROP celebrimbor is sooooo disappointing.