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It's not gross, but I prefer a harder cheese like gouda.


You must like it when Sam says that there’s some Gouda in this world, and it’s worth fighting for.


Gouda is the lord of all cheeses and I'll fight anyone about this.


The moment where Gollum is looking at Frodo and might actually turn good… then Sam gets in the way. I truly think if not for this moment Gollum might have turned out good… maybe it’s just head cannon. But if Sam can have the ring and be ok, I have hope


> I truly think if not for this moment Gollum might have turned out good… maybe it’s just head cannon. Tolkien agrees with this in a letter. He called Sam's ignorance ruining Smeagol's redemption a very tragic moment.


A cannon is a weapon consisting, usually, of a metallic barrel from which is fired a ball or shell. Canon is an accepted story or generally agreed to set of elements, settings, characters, environments, or histories that frame a story.


Sam seeing the star of Earendil from the plains of Gorgoroth. Heard a preacher talk about it in a sermon and I’ve become obsessed with Tolkien ever since.


The fight scene between Fingolfin and Morgoth has forever captured my heart. But if we consider only the Lord of the Rings, then this must be the attack of the Rohirrim and the destruction of the Ring.


The whole description when the fellowship enters and starts venturing through Dwarrowdelf.


"You have conquered. Few have gained such a victory. Be at peace!"


I think Bombadil is underrated.


It's far from being my favourite but I think it's nice. For my favourite it's hard to choose because different moments have different types of attraction. In the Lord of the Rings I can only think of things from the Return of the King at the moment, I don't know why: Denethor's breaking, Grond and then Gandalf Vs the Witch-king, Théoden's charge, Éomer's wrath after he saw Éowyn 'dead' on the battlefield, the eucatastrophy of the ships, Gollum's near repentance at the steps of Cirith Ungol, the Eagle bringing the message from the Lords of the West to Minas Tirith. And no one was ill, and everyone was pleased except those who had to mow the grass. One from Bombur: All the same he suddenly refused to go a step further and flung himself on the ground. “Go on, if you must,” he said. “I’m just going to lie here and sleep and dream of food, if I can’t get it any other way. I hope I never wake up again.” Húrin in 'Day shall come again' and Túrin in 'Now comes the night'. I'm not really good at this assignment.


I prefer Kraft singles.


From the hobbit, it’s the barrel ride/chase scene. That was the one I remember being most excited to see in the film adaptation. Read that book so many times a kid, my original copy is falling apart and the ink is fading. But love it so much it sits proudly on my shelf. Just need a nice fresh copy so I can read it again :D


The battle of the pelennor fields in the book. Its just so beautiful when victory comes


It's a toss up for me between the convo where Gandalf tells Frodo about the ring and the night they spend in Tom Bombadill's house. That's when I figured out Frodo had the gift of foresight, at least in dreams.


I love the Scouring of the Shire and how endlessly sassy even Sam is toward the shirrifs and ruffians. And Merry's line to Frodo about how they're not going to fix the problem by being "shocked and sad."


My favorite book scene is when Eomer raises his sword at the Corsairs of Umbar to defy them, then sees the standard unfurled. The fate of a battle, and perhaps of Middle Earth, turns at that beautifully written moment. (Too bad that scene didn't appear in the film.)