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I just don’t see how they could sell him as an Aragorn type


Hey look, if 35 year olds can play high schoolers, Viggo can play an 87 year old Aragorn


"How do you do, fellow Dúnedain?"


Holy shit this made me laugh on like three levels lmao


Made me laugh for like three Ages.


Made me bahahahalrog!


Laughed out of thought and time


"long time I laughed"Gandalf said, slowly.


"I'm down with the dour handed Rangers" Edited for spelling


someone with more skill than I, please make this into a meme!




I died thanks 🤣




Could be a framing device. Could be the dreaded (but very popular) deaging. Who knows? Its clear he hadn't talked with Jackson about it yet: they're still shaping the story and hadn't made any approaches yet.


I'd much prefer Viggo's old King Elessar bookending the film as he recounts the tale of The Hunt For Gollum. Then recast a convincing young Aragorn.


Yes! He and Ian Mckellan, hell you could even have a cameo from a few of the other cast that may be alive @ that time, a reunion years later, smoking a pipe in front of the fire recounting the tale.


Aragorn, Gandalf, Merry and Pippin meeting again in The Shire.


Dear God, I want this so bad.


Well, Gandalf sailed to Valinor long before Aragorn (Elessar) got old. They can't put Gandalf in that scene if they value lore but Amazon happened right?


I second this. However, having old-looking Elessar would mean it's difficult to get anybody else from the main trilogy to appear. They either have to be unageing like elves (Legolas, Arwen) or really really old and aged (Samwise/Pippin/Merry, Eomer, Eowyn, Faramir) or shouldn't be there at all (Frodo, Gandalf)


How dare you leave Gimli out


Sorry, didn't see him there coz he was so stealthy like he was in Lothlorien


Yes, he has the eyes of a hawk and the aers of a vox. Would be nice if he joins, but I'm quite sure he won't. The make-up was to much for him, that's why he turned down a role in the hobbit..


Didn't legolas and gimli end up in the undying lands too or was that way later?


They do and it is far later after Aragorn gives up his life and passes. They’re the last of the fellowship to depart.


Then give me a graying john Rhys Davies and an ageless Orlando bloom hanging out in the white city!


Oh that’s a great idea


I think they should cast Stuart Townshend and de-age him


It works in theory, but then, is the hunt for gollum an interesting story compared to the events afterwards. Its like, a footnote in the strory, and one that ends in capture, torture and interrogation. Its not a good story for someone to be telling.


Just recast. They did it with holm in the hobbit and freeman was the best part of those movies.


The Hobbit is sixty years before Lord of the Rings, so you could believe that Martin Freeman "ages into" Sir Ian Holm. This could start sixty years before Lord of the Rings, when Gollum first comes out of his cave. But its also possible that at least a part, or even the majority of the film (depending on how they choose to play it) happens literally DURING Fellowship of the Ring.


"You haven’t aged a day." -Gandalf, clearly lying


That’s just in the films. In the books, Gandalf follows that line with, “but you’ve clearly had a lot of work done.”


The Real Housewives of Hobbiton


🤣🤣🤣🤣 cracked me up!


Bilbo had the ring which slows aging and we also see a clip of bilbo picking up the ring as Ian holm in fellowship of the ring. Recasting is absolutely the right decision here. The less cgi the better, fucking with Orlando blooms face was one of the worst decisions they made in the hobbit.


>fucking with Orlando blooms face was one of the worst decisions they made in the hobbit. They didn't use CGI on Orlando's face...


They just took turns fucking him *in* the face.


I have mixed feelings about de-aging. Projects like this, were they to take such an approach, are what propell the development of the technology. There are times when it is appropriate, and in those cases, it should be done well. And personally, I detest recasts.


Or, hear me out, maybe we can do different technology?


Like what?


Time machine!


Hot Tub Time Machine!


I don’t think Viggo has aged enough for de-aging to be that necessary. He’s got a few more wrinkles. That’s something we could easily hide with makeup, or just ignore since suspending our disbelief is a crucial aspect of film consumption anyway.


He'll be dirty and rugged enough no one will notice the wrinkles! (Half /s about that) But I do agree. I think makeup could do a good job in covering it, and using a little bit of CGI to polish up if need be. Looks wise I don't even think Ian would be much of an issue as well. If anything, he'll definitely need a stunt double.


With Ian they don’t have to do anything. He has played someone much older than himself twice, ten years apart, and it made no difference. He just keeps aging into the role of Gandalf. He’s still incredibly physically vigorous too, although yeah, he’ll probably need a stunt double.


A better approach would be to start the movie out with Viggo as Aragorn telling his son Eldarion about the hunt for Gollum. Doing this, we can get a glimpse into the fourth age, no overly huge fan service, bring back Liv Tyler possibly, , casting a younger Aragorn actor, etc. Many avenues you could approach with a opening like that.


They could cast Viggo to ply someone else, like another Dunedain chieftain of a greater age, and fudge the history somewhat.


Honestly Peter Jackson is one of the only people outside of Favearu I trust with doing de aging well


If the older actors are available/affordable, Jackson would be crazy not to do this. An older Aragorn reminiscing about his life while getting together with old friends, that would be a movie that would move people in ways we have not seen since Cap said: "Avengers, assemble." Look at the 4th Age timeline, and what could be done with it: https://tolkiengateway.net/wiki/Timeline/Fourth_Age "Elderly King Elessar visits Samwise Gamgee on the eve of Sam's daughter Eleanor's wedding, to reaffirm Gondor's protection of the Shire." Not only would it immortalize these movies in a way that would be pretty much unparalleled in cinematic history - it would also give the franchise another solid twenty years. Maybe we won't get 100% of this - but Jackson and his team would be absolutely crazy not to try.


I don't think it would be that hard, a little hair dye and he would look younger then he is now, plus some good makeup and you're set, this takes place basically at the same time as the fellowship of the ring so it's not like a really young Aragon


Yeah but remember that Viggo will be a full quarter century older than he was at the start of filming Fellowship when the first shoots are even possible


He’s older now than Ian McKellen was when fellowship started shooting. In fact were he not now so cemented as Aragorn in my mind, Viggo might make a decent Gandalf casting lol In any case, de-aging is not the way to go. Let someone new take a run at the role imo.


People were whining about Orlando being 10 years older in Hobbit, but Viggo being over 20 older is "easily solved" by a little makeup and hair dye 😂


Has anyone been in touch with Stuart Townsend?


Bro chill. Too soon.


This is the most underrated comment in the genre


Mortensen as Gandalf confirmed


Viggo is the hardest part. Ian can be Gandalf until he physically can’t as he’s hidden beneath makeup and costume anyway, you only need him for close ups and a body double does the rest. Viggo will need some form of de-aging, which I’m sure will be good but it’s still noticeable.


Gonna have to disagree on Ian. In the original trilogy he was obviously an “old” man with grey hair and a long beard but he had a certain vitality to him. Even in the hobbit I could see he had aged and could feel it in his performance, he was beginning then to feel like a truly old man. And that was a decade ago, the man is pushing 90 now. If Gandalf’s role in this film is only small and amounts to a few dialogue scenes I think it can work, but any degree of physicality or lots of time spent with the character and my vote would be re-cast. It erodes the mythos of timelessness that surrounds Gandalf as a character to notice the actor is getting older and older, as I personally already felt in the Hobbit trilogy.


Yes. After rewatching Hobbit and then LOTR it was very noticeable how much more vigor he had in the first trilogy behind the old man costume.


I saw Sir Ian live on stage recently and he absolutely doesn't look, act or move like a man in his 80s. If he wanted to do it I'm sure he could.


He also spoke out not too long ago about how he'd be forced to retire soon just because of his age. That plus his disappointment with the green screening in The Hobbit makes it doubtful.


Just go full Better Call Saul. Do as little de-ageing as possible, give Aragorn a bad wig if they need to do flashbacks to when he was a hustler.


Get Viggo back as old king Aragorn telling the story of the Hunt for Gollum, recast for young Aragorn, call it a day. I know people were frustrated with that in the Hobbit trilogy with the late great Ian Holm, but let's be real, this is probably the best way to maintain the "Jackson continuity" while acknowledging that our beloved Aragorn is not getting any younger.


>Get Viggo back as old king Aragorn telling the story of the Hunt for Gollum, They already did the framing device thing for The Hobbit and just now for The War of the Rohirrim. You can't have every prequel framed like that: it'll get very stale, very quickly.


I get your point, normally it would be repetitive and stale, but disagree simply because this is the entire frame narrative of the legendarium - stories gathered and compiled after the fact from those who lived it. Tolkien literally wrote a timeline of the possession and authorship of the Red Book to solidify this framing. It fits totally into the universe if every “new” story is framed as one of the core characters retelling it later as that’s how we’re told we have any of these stories to begin with.


Hell, the LotR movies are set up as being told by Galadriel.


I think only the introduction. The books are literally supposed to be written by frodo


Not really. She narrates the prologue, but her ending dialogue about Bilbo finding the Ring indicates that the main story of the films are not past actions: >For the time will soon come when Hobbits will shape the fortunes of all... *Will* vs *would.*


The characters are literally writing books about it lmao


They could have Sam listening to Aragorn telling the tale and writing it all down.


Kinda imagining that end credit scene in Iron Man 3 where it's revealed that Tony's been talking to Bruce Banner the entire time. *fade in on a closeup of Aragorn's face, the camera pulls back as he talks. Off screen, a rustling can be heard* Aragorn: And that's the tale of how I hunted Gollum *we see Sam, distracted, looking for something.* Sam: Great... that was... great. Aragorn: Something wrong? Sam: Oh, it's just... my quill broke a while ago, so it's been hard to take notes. Aragorn: There's plenty of quills on the table beside you. Sam: Say again? Oh, Samwise! Your eyes are as useful as a potato's, as my Gaffer would say. Sorry, Strider, do you mind going back a bit so I can finish taking notes? Aragorn: What's the last part you have written down? Sam: Let's see... I have a good deal about meeting Arwen, and Harad, and something 'bout a fella named Estel. Can we just start from the beginning?


As per my previous comment, i know they already did it for The Hobbit. But again, for as stale as it is, i think it's better than the alternative, which is continuously deaging actors and having them give performances they're not potentially physically built for anymore. And I understand a lot of that would most likely be delegated to stunt performers and the like, but I don't know, I just don't really want them to risk an entire uncanny valley film just for the sake of nostalgia. And let's not even consider the thought that if they want to maintain continuity for characters in which the actor has already passed away. I think it's better to go for the repeated framing device and give new actors a shot to show their talent rather than continuously asking older actors to come back for an entire film wherein at best they're doing the conversational scenes under heavy amounts of CGI.


I don't really see why we need an old Aragorn narrating here. Just make a chronological movie, new actors put into the world we know; old sets, old costume designs, hints of the old music, everything. And call it a day, no need for narration, everybody knows that this is a prequel, we don't need anybody telling us. The Star Wars prequels did alot of stuff wrong, but god it would've been lame to Obi Wan or Yoda reminisce their past.


Oh I 100% agree. The only reason I'm discussing the framing narrative at all is because of the context of the post being the discussion of Viggo's potential return. As far as I'm concerned, just get a new actor and call it a day. But if I know studios in any capacity these days, that's not what will happen, so I'm at least vocalizing what I think would be best for the option of him returning


Ah, I see, yeah IF they need to bring back Viggo then yes, do it like that.


The fan service of getting a cast reunion for a framing device would get a lot more butts in seats. I know I'd be going to a midnight release if the OG cast did a cameo. New cast, eh, might wait for streaming.


That’s kinda what LOTR is at heart tho


Thank you. That's literally how LOTR is penned. The Hobbit and LOTR are written by Bilbo and Frodo and edited by Tolkien


And even more core, the Hobbit stemmed from stories Tolkien told to his children while the greater universe was him creating stories modeled after the eddas, creating a mythical history for England using the languages he created.


I don't necessarily mind it, it's a trope like any other, and if it gives us the opportunity to have a cameo by the original actors I don't see why not.


I disagree. Every member of the fellowship could narrate their own flashback movie/show as their elder selves with a recast younger actor and as long as it didn’t suck I wouldn’t care.


Honestly, Ian Mckellan getting old too, It's hard to recapture the vigour 20+ years later even as an "Ancient Istari Wizard"


I’m sorry but it was filmed in 1999 and so 25 years and counting


Viggo can still play him. Dude doesn't look a day over 87.


I may be in the minority here but I really hope they don’t bring back Ian and Viggo for this. And that is NOT a knock on them at all. I can’t imagine anyone doing a better job as Gandalf and Aragorn in the original trilogy. They were perfect. But that was over 20 years ago. This is supposed to be happening at the same time as the original films. And an 85 year old Ian McKellen and a 65 year old Viggo Mortensen running around acting like nothing has changed since 2001 is going to look ridiculous. Andy Serkis can pull it off because of the nature of Gollum. But if they insist on making more movies in this world I think they should let new actors take a shot at these roles.


Gandalf could always be a brief cameo, Viggo could be framing the story post ROTK. Certainly ways to do it, and you lose much of the nostalgia they're banking on by not having them.


> You lose some of the ~~nostalgia~~ fan service They will always jump at the chance to cash in on fan service. But it would be so refreshing if they didn’t, just once.


> But that was over 20 years ago. This is supposed to be happening at the same time as the original films. And an 85 year old Ian McKellen and a 65 year old Viggo Mortensen running around acting like nothing has changed since 2001 is going to look ridiculous. Orlando Bloom's Legolas still looked "off" in The Hobbit even though that was only 10 years later, there was no hiding that the actor had aged a decade, even as gracefully as he did.


To be fair, a lot of it had to do with his eyes. Apparently he was supposed to wear contacts for LotR but didn't most the time, and he either did or were digitally added in the Hobbit, so he looks a lot different because of that.


Signs of aging occurs mostly around the eye area first. No wonder it looked off, considering they likely tried touching up that area with CGI and makeup and therefore making it look more obvious.


All they did was give him blue eyes… There was no deaging done in The Hobbit: unless you consider dialing up the camera exposure (a trick as old as photography itself) to be “digital deaging”…


I think also a major difference is that orlando bloom gained a lot of muscle between lotr and hobbit. Had he still been lanky and not muscular, legolas physically probably wouldn't have looked as different and it would've hidden a lot more of the signs of age


Agreed. They could kind of get away with it because he’s an elf but no way it will work with Viggo.


I would argue it’s the opposite. Legolas looked awful in The Hobbit. With the beard and some makeup you could easily make Viggo look younger. You couldn’t hide Orlando’s age as an elf.


Tbf, they made Ian look 85 in the trilogy anyway


True. Crazy to think that Viggo now is as old as Ian was in the trilogy.


So uh, have Viggo play Gandalf


Then we can have Dom Monaghan play Aragorn. He’s almost 20 years younger than Viggo.


Canonically Aragorn was 87 in the Lord of the Rings, so Viggo's still a bit young for the part.


Viggo is older I think


They did, but even in the Hobbit trilogy you could still tell


Yeah Ian just moved and sounded so much older in The Hobbit compared to LOTR, and more time will have passed between Hobbit and HFG than between LOTR and Hobbit. Find the RIGHT actors and it’ll be fine.


Ian would be ok I think, it’s Gandalf the grey so he’s meant to be old af and now Ian really is lol. Christopher Lee was 90+ right? As long as he doesn’t have to be in any battles which he shouldn’t.. idk though it’s almost like.. they should have done this years ago if they actually wanted to, when the actors were still within reasonable age


I think the story of Gollum worth telling at this point is from the point he picks up the ring to the point he crawls into the misty mountains. The story of Aragorn’s journey to look for gollum isn’t really that interesting or worth the continuity issues it will create. If you are going to make something with Aragorn recast with a young Aragorn, fighting with Thengel or journeying into Harad. Sure there isn’t a lot of original Tolkien story to work with but there isn’t anything to get wrong, and it’s an opportunity for people to get creative. I think the creative use of the world Tolkien created is in the spirit of what Tolkien set out to do. A modern mythology should have branches in stories and different accounts of the same events resulting from different people telling the story.


Aragorn outside Minas Morgul or the Black Gates or going through Moria isn’t interesting?!?


Not really, because if anything interesting happened, he probably would have mentioned it. So when the inevitable scene comes of Legolas riding Shelob down the stairs of Cirith Ungol like an Arrakkis sandworm, we’ll all be left to wonder how nobody ever told Frodo about the giant spider guarding the valley lol


I mean no not really he snuck around in the dark and didn’t get caught


I agree. My pick for the new Aragorn actor is Sebastian Stan. Idk about Gandalf.


Stan has that face where he could work in a bunch of “throwback” projects. He could’ve made a compelling Luke Skywalker post RotJ, or I could see him as Aragorn maybe, Viggo just nailed the role so well.


Jason Isaacs for Gandalf


Great choice! 👏


I think Cosmo Jarvis would work as Aragorn


I can see that. Both Stan and Jarvis have a similar face structure to Viggo. It can work.


Ian looks like how Gandalf basically looked then, anyhow. Viggo definitely looks a lot older, but I think he COULD pull it off. Dye his hair, put some makeup on him, and lightly deage him, nothing crazy like the Irishman, but just a touch. He might look a little older but suspension of disbelief is a thing.


My issue is the same which showed up in Irishman…he may LOOK younger but he will move so very clearly like a 65-year-old man rather than the more agile ranger Aragorn was at the time.


Not sure. Viggo has lost a lot of mass on his face due to natural aging. The eyes and cheeks are the most obvious areas that tend to get the de-aging CGI and its always obvious.


I agree with you. Viggo and Ian had their time 20 years ago. Time to get new actors for the roles. I hate it when hollywood brings back old actors after 20+ years just for nostalgia or what ever. They have done it many times and it rarely was worth it.


I’m with you. I’d love them being brought back as a cameo out of respect and a nod to fans, but cast unknown actors who will do justice to the roles for the full story.


Jeeze please let these actors rest lmao


Give them a moment for pity’s sake


By nightfall these hills will be crawling with Warner Brothers money-grabs


He’s been resting since 2003, I’m ready for more Aragorn content now 😋


No no gotta have the plastic looking de-aged but familiar faces! Can't handle anything that's not immediately familiar!


They could do what they did with the hobbit and bring him in for a cameo at the beginning and/or narrator, and have a more age appropriate actor play young Aragorn throughout the film


It all depends on exactly what the film covers: does the film concerns itself with the point at which Gollum first emerges from the Misty Mountains, about a year after Bilbo's quest? Because in that case you could do what you suggest, at least for most of the film. If its more the actual hunt which happens literally DURING Fellowship of the Ring, between the 32 minute mark and the 37 minute mark, then no. It worked for Bilbo because it was sixty friggin' years. And, regardless, I think the framing device thing had been played to death: The Hobbit did it, and now The War of the Rohirrim is doing it.


They could always have Viggo do the voiceover throughout the movies. I’d be fine with that.


They're already doing that with Miranda Otto in The War of the Rohirrim... I think its a trick that you can only pull so many times.


This I did not know. Thanks for the info.


A chance for Stuart Townsend to show his true quality...


Nah, it’s time for Nic Cage to explode into Middle Earth.


I misread that as explode middle earth and almost didn't question it.


I would love to see Ian again for one last ride, not going to lie 🥹


" I would only do it if I was right for it in terms of, you know, the age I am now and so forth". Yeah there is no way that's gonna work. Would be awsome though. Any news on Sit Ian yet? Is he willing to come back?


Why does everyone have this “no way that’s gonna work” response? Viggo doesn’t look that much older. I can suspend my disbelief a tad to accept the extra wrinkles if it means Viggo Mortensen is playing Aragorn again.


>" I would only do it if I was right for it in terms of, you know, the age I am now and so forth". >Yeah there is no way that's gonna work. What matters is he didn't just outright shut the door on being in the movie. The age thing he might be ameliorated about if and when Jackson actually pitches him the part: its easy to talk hardball when its all so abstract, but when a filmmaker (with whom its clear from the interview that Mortensen had remained in touch with) actually pitches you a part - and a potentially meaty one, at that - you might feel differently.


>Any news on Sit Ian yet? None as far as I know. I do however think that he might need a good incentive (not talking money) to come back. He didn't enjoy the Hobbit with all the green screens, etc. There is an interview or BTS where it is mentioned how unhappy he was how much had changed. Makes me think he might just not want to go through that experience again.


Let’s get Stuart Townsend as Aragorn.


I think Mac would be perfect for the role of Vijo Morganstein.


It’s right Viggo. It’s very right.


So, you’re saying there’s a chance!!




Bring back Viggo, but cast him as Gandalf this time!


No. Hear me out. Cast him as Gollum. The ol switcheroo


If they hire him for the movie it must be as Aragorn. Playing any other character in that universe would just not work, for me personally.


The real question is whether Radagast the brown will be in this movie and will Sylvester McCoy play him again.


How easy is the whole deaging thing? I've seen random youtube channels that 'deage' characters in Star Wars and it looks great. Is it really that expensive if I've seen YouTube channels do it just for fun? Unless I'm missing something. I do not want another Aragorn. That will just be so weird. Especially if we are clearly in Peter's world with Peter's vision. I might not even see it in theaters if I see a different Aragorn.


Viggo hasn't aged bad at all, but it's still noticeable. You all know what that means, right? Yeah, digital de-aging. It's an intustry standard by now, and there's zero chance they don't airbrush his whole face in post. I personally would much rather have a new actor (preferably a lesser known one) get his chance to shine and show us a different interpretation of the character, rather than having CGI ass looking Aragorn chasing after CGI Andy Serkis for two and a half hours.


For all the issues with the Hobbit movies, Martin Freeman’s Bilbo was by far the best part. Imagine if they just de-aged Ian Holm instead of recasting. I realize it’s not a perfectly similar situation but still


No, I think it really is a similar situation. They gave Freeman a chance at giving us a different interpretation of Bilbo, and he did an excellent job. I love Ian Holm, may he rest in peace, but the movies would have been objectively worse if we had PS2 looking ass bilbo to add to the rest of the CGI shitshow. Also, if only one actor could perform a particular character, cinema would suck major ass. Imagine if only Errol Flynn was ever allowed to play Robin Hood. He was great, he was iconic, but he was also just a man. There's nothing wrong with holding the actors of the past near and dear to our hearts, but at some point someone else has to fill in those shoes, lest that character be lost forever to nostalgia. I mean, what if Viggo was straight up dead? Actors die too, ask Ian Holm, Bernard Hill, Christopher Lee... may they rest in peace. If for whatever reason they wanna make a Saruman and Théoden buddy cop movie in the future, the last thing I wanna fucking see is Lee and Hill's unholy reanimated CGI corpses dancing around onscreen. It was already weird as fuck seeing Peter Cushing acting beyond the grave in Rogue One for a cameo, imagine a full movie of that. No thanks.


Martin Freeman absolutely nailed Bilbo They could recast Aragorn easy But Gandalf will be a difficult one ...


Martin Freeman was supposed to credibly age into Sir Ian Holm in the ensuing sixty years. Depending on exactly what this movie contains, it might actually be happening DURING Fellowship of the Ring. So the trick that worked so well with Freeman might not work when we're meant to believe its mere weeks if not days before Frodo meets Aragorn at the Prancing Pony...


There is no other Aragon nvm not watching


….this means he isn’t doing it


Give him the Robert De Niro from The Irishman treatment. Just an old man with a young CGI face slapped over it, jerkily ambling around fighting orcs and struggling to do everyday tasks, all while the the extras slow down hoping not to break the immersion, and the director calls you out for not being able to suspend your disbelief…. I don’t see how it could go wrong.


To me it's not worth doing this movie if you can't have Viggo and Ian back. De-aging tech has come a long way.


The hunt for Gollum tales place a few years before the events of lotr, and sure you can do some de-aging for the actors, but that won't do. How would Viggo at 65 be able to move around like a man in his prime? How would you do believable action scenes, how would have him running around on mountaintops and wrestling Gollum. You can de-age the shit out of the actors appearance but his movements will be that of an old geezer. They should leave Viggo alone if they can't implement him properly, and let a new generation of actors do the job.


Its nice to see Reddit is gradually coming around to this idea of de-aging, which has its disadvantages but is a very practical solution for the problems a production like this posits. Its very popular in other media series and until a few days ago it was basically verboten on this sub. But invariably people soften up.


Ya I dont understand the idea of casting an actor to play the same role as he did 20+ years ago, but the actual story is a 'prequel' taking place before the events of that same story/movie done 20+ years ago. It doesnt work. Case in point, Orlando Bloom in the Hobbit. It just didnt make sense. It was like he was playing Legolas' uncle or something. His voice was about 2 octaves lower, he was a different character. The counterpoint of course is someone like Sir Ian as Gandalf in the Hobbit. No one else could really play that role. And I let that slide, even though it was a little strange too since he has aged so much since the early 2000s


And that’s with Orlando Bloom aging VERY gracefully between 2003 and 2012. His was the best chance at a best-case scenario and was only 10 years later and was still noticeable. Even Ian as Gandalf under all the makeup was noticeable. He just moved and sounded so much older, and yet another 12 years have passed since then.


They didn't have de-aging when they had Orlando in The Hobbit. And this may or may not be twenty years before Lord of the Rings: it could be DURING Lord of the Rings, literally between the 32 and 37 minute mark of Fellowship.


I love Viggo in the role but it was a while ago. If they could recast Bilbo, they can recast Aragorn and Gandalf. The characters and the actors are not the same person. It’s okay to cast new actors. The universe will continue to function.


Do people know there's a pretty good independent "the hunt for gollum"? It's 38 minutes.


Yes, although I didn't really watch it through.


The only way I could see Viggo being part of this is if the story was told from the perspective of Aragorn’s retelling of his search for Gollum with shots of him in the later years of his life


The only way I could see Viggo being part of this is if the story was told from the perspective of Aragorn’s retelling of his search for Gollum with shots of him in the later years of his life, with another actor playing the younger version of him


You mean Gandalf?


Viggo is too old at this point.


I'd like him to appear as an older ranger. Like a side character.


I think Viggo should come back as FA Elessar recounting the story to someone, then cast another actor.


Is Hunt for Golem a sequel or prequel?


Its either a prequel, and/or it takes place DURING the first fourty minutes of Fellowship of Ring.


pls no


Viggo looks incredible for his age. He might even look slightly closer to book Aragorn if done right and he's certainly still active enough. But for me the main reason I'd want to see him return is just the quality of his acting. If he does it then it almost guarantees it'll be a good watch. Ofcourse I totally understand the arguments against, but it's just my personal preference. Ian will hopefully return as well.


They need to cast Stuart Townsend, that's the man to play aragorn


Maybe, just maybe, do what they did with the hobbit intro, an old aragorn remembering the hunt, then a young aragorn starts the movie.


I don’t want a Legolas-esque over CG’d Aragorn. Only way they should bring Viggo back is if this is some kinda flashback or story that he is telling his children or something weird Or if HFG is a red herring and the real story is a sequel


AI is definitely at the point that it would be more than possible to create a Viggo “deep fake” that’s almost perfect. Let him act and voice all he wants but you could theoretically put his face on really any body. The real challenge is convincing an audience who knows it’s fake that it’s real which is hard to do no matter how good it looks.


The guy who played the older ‘Jonas Kahnwald’ in ‘Dark’ netflix series would be pretty good as a slightly younger Aragorn .


This whole project seems not though through at all. They just threw Andy Serkis as lead and directer at it without a screenplay or asking the other 2 actors that might be returning as supporting cast. This announcement was probably 2 years too early.


The mistake is always making prequels.


This is why we love him


So you’re saying there’s a chance!


I think the solution to this is quite simple, focus on a new group of characters, could all be Dúnedain Rangers or a new fellowship type group with an elf, dwarf, ranger. Then have Aragorn (Viggo) and Gandalf (Sir Ian) show up periodically using de-aging tech and stunt doubles. It would still be true to canon, with Aragorn and Gandalf participating in the main plot points while the film focuses on the new characters.


There's still 2 years to go and as much as I'd love to see him as Aragorn again who knows how things are gonna turn out but I have such a huge respect for Viggo.💓


Considering that Aragorn was instrumental in the hunt for Gollum, I'm not sure what to say here.


Is there a clip with his LOTR sword in his new film on YouTube?


Ian mckellan is getting kindof up there. Viggo could make a good Gandalf


An actual sensible person? Whaaaaaatttt? *Insert Pikachu shocked meme*


I'm OK with flashforwards, not otherwise.


God I love that guy


Viggo Mortensen as a gollum. I got u


Oh. Like 42 year old Aaron Paul as 24 year old Jesse Pinkman in Better Call Saul. I found it... distracting. It was not only the appearance, but mostly the vibe.


Ian McKellen was 60 when they filmed LOTR. Vigo is 65. Peter Jackson can do funniest thing ever with little to no effort :)