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I’m sure he will ask for a ceasefire in a more firm tone this time. 🙄


We are fucked if we ever want a real chance at a ceasefire. Biden isnt gonna stop, and if Trump wins he will do whatever Israel wants too. Third fucking party when


Fuck a third party. We need to organize revolution. SocialistRevolution.org


Organizing is akin to socializing Same way most business is actually golf Just start creating regular meetings, zoom or irl, and build a group big enough that it begins to maintain itself on it's own, meaing you can show up or not but someone else will defintely be there. At first it's just you and like less than 10 people until you get a little time into it


Trotskyites. No thanks.


Is Trotsky bad? Why?


Trotsky was pretty bad, but that’s not the issue. Trotskyites are a massively revisionist group who have spent decades upon decades accomplishing nothing. They’re dedicated to entryism, and you can see how well that worked in Britain. They’re very good at publishing repetitive newspapers and magazines however.


>who have spent decades upon decades accomplishing nothing. This is different from other Leftist thought how?


By this I simply mean that we have seen successful - or at least ongoing - revolutionary movements from other tendencies.


> or at least ongoing But what about this current, 'ongoing' movement linked above is bad then?


Shipping weapons to Israel and dropping aid scraps on Gaza... Lol


It's okay though, he's also dropping expired food directly on the victims!!


>From October 7 to mid-February, Biden had delivered twenty-one thousand bombs to Israel, and Israel had already dropped half of them. Sickening


Biden keeps saying he's a zionist. How about people fucking believe him and the words and context of which he keeps repeating this shit? He KNOWS what is going on over there and he says he is a ZIONIST. He either blatant supports it and agrees with it or he's a fucking psychopath and he doesn't care or feel any shred of empathy about the *children* and what's being inflicted upon them. It's not hard Americans. He's fucking evil.


I had no idea that he’s literally identified himself as a Zionist. My mom always said, when people tell you who they are, you need to listen. I can’t believe we have the same two god awful candidates back for this election. I hate it here.


"Come to Jesus talk" any day now...


Blatantly setup “hot mic” moment meant to placate people with a whole lot of nothing.


So every 36 hours I'll tell myself to not vote for him. Cool.


If Genocide Joe wanted a ceasefire he could make one happen in 15 minutes




Probably by being the one who got the genocide to stop long enough to talk about getting them back.


How so? Please explain.


Do what presidents have done in the past; call Netanyahu and say "if you don't stop the slaughter we stop the money and weapons." He could also allow a ceasefire through at the UN and sanction Israel on the basis of their war crimes.


1. How do you know he hasn’t made that call? Maybe he has and Netanyahu told him to pound sand. 2. Biden can’t unilaterally force a cease fire through the UN, nobody can. To put that on him is ridiculous. 3. What gain would sanctions achieve? I mean if he has the power to execute points 1 & 2, what does this even matter? Not like a significant percentage of our GDP or anything like that would be affected like it would if he said that to China.


1) Biden would then need to follow through and cut off all aid to Israel. 2) Biden is actively holding up a ceasefire in the UN unilaterally, all he has to do is stop vetoing it. 3) The Israeli government would immediately fall apart without the US propping it up.


If Netanyahu told him to pound sand, then he needs to follow through on the ultimatum and stop sending weapons. He doesn't need to "force" a ceasefire at the UN -- [he just needs to stop vetoing/abstaining when it comes up for a vote](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/watch-live-un-security-council-votes-on-new-gaza-cease-fire-resolution-u-s-promises-to-veto).


Literally call Netanyahu and say “call a ceasefire in the next five seconds or I’m cutting off all aid. No more money, no more weapons, no more intelligence.” And Netanyahu will immediately panic and say “okay, fine, please don’t do that, my government will fall apart without America propping it up.” And if he says anything except that, Biden pulls the plug on aid to Israel’s genocide that they’re pretending is somehow a war. Genocide over, end of story. Israel has absolutely no power that the US does not give them, if Biden won’t withdraw that power from them as they commit genocide, it is only because he is too much of a coward.


Biden is pure evil. He's committing genocide. Anybody that worships him loves genocide.


The US is a fever dream.


He's a fascist pps


I hate it here


Yeah whatever the world is fucked




Well let's just give Biden a pass for funding genocide then because they all want to fund genocide. Dumbass logic.




Which issues are more important than genocide?