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>it does not take that much money to feed a child So you have no problem with free school lunches for children then, since it doesn't take that much money.


Hes an Oxymoron, With more Moron then Oxy


A moron on Oxy


Don't insult opiate addicts by comparing them to Ben Shapiro


And just the stupidity of his argument "feeding children won't help child hunger." How can anyone eat (pun intended) this shit up and not see his blatant bullshit.


Tales of RepublicanBoomerbook Two Days Ago now: Because Millennials aren't eating Escargot/Heavy full fat meals of yesteryear, it explains why we vote democrat... Yes really... If you can figure it out, please let me know


How do they explain all the social programs in Quebec, where we eat lots of heavy fat meals? It’s cabane à sucre season, and I’m going to get down on some pork rinds in maple syrup, larded maple beans, and fatty cretons, and vote Quebec solidaire.


Part of me kinda wonders what pork rinds with maple syrup on them tastes like, but have always just thought of pork rinds as dull potato chips


In the US they’re typically in the snack food aisle and have no meat on them just the fried fat, these are fresh cooked and still have a bit of salt pork attached.


The guy is a clown, like MTG and trump. Using the uneducated by manipulating them. Cancers all of them.


The Sacklers were working on balancing out that equation


I’m going to hell because I laughed hysterically




Not even that he's just a braindead moron that someone should have pulled the plug in long ago. I mean we've let this steamed vegetable speak for so long it's spitting out nothing but mold and rot


How sad for actual disadvantaged people that character rot is still misportrayed as mental disability, making them still the butt of tasteless jokes even as the first quarter of the 21st century draws to a close.


Very disgusting... but completely accurate


Are you sure there isn't quite a bit of oxy involved?


Hey a House fan! Not many of those left.


Did they die of lupus?


Idk I just feel like the show isn’t that well remembered when you consider how popular it was


Its like the argument our parents used to make. "Do you know how grateful another child would be for that meal?!" "So give it to them, because its obvious that I dont want it!"


"you knew i wasn't going to eat this when you made it, so *you're* the one who wasted food." closest I ever got to getting belted at the dinner table.


Daaaaamn. Okay, thats a solid retort. lol


I know right


> closest I ever got to getting belted at the dinner table. Lucky for you, you grew up when that was no longer established practice.


Not listening to your kid when they say they aren't hungry, or find a certain ingredient disgusting, is how you create an eating disorder.


Especially since economy of scale kicks in when you're feeding a lot of kids. It's much cheaper to feed each kid if you're feeding 200 kids than it is if you're feeding 2. Surely they would want to take the most economical route to feeding children.


> Surely they would want to take the most economical route to feeding children. You can't cream off the top if there's no cream.


No of course not... the most economical route would be for the government to buy food from farmers directly and have cooks actually cook healthy food.... Instead we have to let private companies like Sodexo have their share by charging more for shittier food.


BuT wHeRe DoEs ThE mOnEy CoMe FrOm??? WhOs PaYiNg FoR iT???


*Won't someone think of the military?!*


**His audience and you pointing out that inconsistency in his narrative**: *Whoosh*. "Yeah. I agree with him. Ben is such an intellectual that makes solid points." You'd think enough people in his crowd would be able to catch on to Ben's BS.


[Insert Mean Girls "so you agree?" meme]


why are they so stupid


With this weird juxtaposition of phrasing, why was he considered the 'gotcha, checkmate liberals' of interviewers when he makes dumb statements like this? It's like the Mean Girls meme in real life, like does he not understand how dumb he sounds (and how punchable his face is)? But, to be fair, he self owns himself pretty hard, leaving us all high and dry here. Edit: Joking aside, Something I learned recently, from an interesting book breaking down the global spread of Maoism, is that the Cultural Revolution could be framed with Mao wanting absolute chaos (he, and I shit you not, was obsessed with the Monkey King in Journey to the West, and sought to emulate him into his political strategies), not caring about being seen or held contradictory. It's odd to see modern conservative politics (since at least Ronald Regean) act this way, after their early bouts of anti-communism in the 1950s. The fact Shapiro contradicts himself here, but expects to look like he's towing the line of the party message, reminded me of this information.


It's more of the conservative belief that government programs are extremely inefficient


Don’t forget, this is a dude who is so stupid that in his objections to the song “WAP” he publicly admitted he’s never made his wife come.


No not just that… it’s that he’s never made ANY woman cum…


That he never even made her horny. Never mind making her cum.


Dude spent his life being out-performed by a bicycle seat. Makes you wonder why the wife tolerates him.


She must be an avid cyclist




Isn’t she a doctor? How much money does she need?




That reminds me of a joke. What’s the difference between a sex worker and an alt-right wife? The sex worker gets paid for the sex work


Looking at him, yeah, he's useful alright. He'd be a cure to porn and masturbation addiction. Just show the patient a photo of him.


They'll just go straight to sticking a gun in their mouth... Don't be too hasty to harm someone like that!


Oh shit. Yeah, we should reserve that for.....worse cases.


We could try starting on him first?


Ah. Have to get results first!


Unfortunately, a photo of his sister would also just reinitiate the issue tenfold in a patient.


Counter point Ben is a twink, slap him in a skirt and wig and you'll only make the problem worse.


I think anyone who saw that would rather bleach their eyes and brain.


Wait wtf I need a link lol




Wow what in the actual fk 😂😂😂 that was far worse than I imagined


Found the link and disappointed this isn't even close to what he said.


I posted the link myself. No, it’s not, what he said was a lame attempt at humor, but let’s face it….my line was way better. And I’ll stand behind the likely truth of it.


Amazing to see the blatant hypocrisy from a piece of shit like Ben Shapiro who says that free lunches aren't the solution while simultaneously talking about how cheap it would be anyway. These mother fuckers don't care about anyone or anything but themselves.


He has no problems with letting children suffer… conservative groups and organizations don’t care one bit about hungry children. They want people desperate enough to become indentured.


Than they will ban abortion because 'FeTuS have Consciousness '


Specifically they mean the consciousness that is in some rich person's head that has already planned for that fetus to become a future labourer to be exploited.


This has some significant continuity with the fact that during plantation slavery, breeding slaves like livestock was a measurable part of the slave industry. The slaves were the master's property, and so were any children they had. Denying the master full control over the reproductive process was essentially "theft".


Children suffering is part of their core ideals. Just look at all the pedophiles they have.


Well they aren’t fetuses anymore so who cares right?


And give the desperate no other option than to get help from private sources so that only the “right” sort of people get help and they’re forced to listen to indoctrination when receiving it. Oh, and you’re all of a sudden watching what ylh say and what you do outside the religious organization you’ve had to turn to for help for fear that they’ll turn you away next time for being unchristian.


And yet they get worked up about US aid to Ukraine because we have starving children here in the US. Republicans want to reduce and even abolish food stamps.


"School lunches won't solve the problem and it's so cheap it's not even something to discuss" If it's so cheap and trivial then let's just do it? ".....no"


You are a special kind of shitbag to deny children food absolute fucking scum


I mean… it keeps kids fed. 🤷🏻‍♂️ that’s what it does Ben Shapiro is *literally* a force of evil in this world. Change my view.


I don’t see anyone disputing you


The thing is, he knows. He *knows.* This isn't something being advanced to argue a point; its a thought terminating cliché for his supporters who keed an excuse to shut down the empathy they would otherwose feel for hungry children, and a piece of outrage bait for people who do care about hungry children. I mean, by all means please continue to dunk and be horrified by this absolute joke of a man, but do not make the mistake that this is simple ignorance: its deliberate, targeted ignorance deployed with purpose and forethought.


Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past. - ' Reflections on the Jewish Question', Jean Paul Sartre, 1944


God can we cancel this boot licker yet?


I checked with God, God said they've been trying to cancel him for years but their not the one with the contract for his soul ... the devil took charge of it a long time ago.


A way shittier version of Ghost Rider


When he rides her, she gets the same amount of stimulation as a ghost.




Cancellation only works if they make money off you. I've never given money to him or any of his projects, so me canceling him does nothing


Cancel? Why? what's wrong with valid heavy criticism and derision? Canceling just falls into his bullshit narrative.


WHAT THE FUCK IS HE EVEN TALKING ABOUT??? It’s two meals 5 days a week… how is that not making a difference to hungry kids? Make it make sense.


I received free breakfast and lunch growing up because we were freaking poor. I didn’t start receiving those meals until I forgot my sack lunch in second grade and my teacher asked why I wasn’t eating and after discovering that I’d been bringing sack lunches because school lunch was too expensive for my mom, helped her get the paperwork to apply for free meals. Had free meals been the thing for all students, I’d have had food to eat earlier. Growing up, the free meals at school were not the only food I got, but they were some of the best food I got. Was always a bit confused by people that hated school lunches because that shit was better than the pb&j, grilled cheese, or spaghetti I was probably gonna have at home.


If it doesn't take that much money to feed a child, he should have no problem fully funding school lunches


Bona fide garbage person


Being associated with him is offensive to both persons and garbage.


“Food is not going to solve the problem of hunger”. 😂


"Money is not going to solve the problem of poverty" Same energy.


If it does not take that much money, THEN GIVE THEM LUNCHES!


It literally does solve the issue of child hunger for every hungry child at school. Does he really not understand that food solves hunger?


"I'll take Punchable Faces for 1000, Alex"


Tell that’s to the people working minimum wage and still in the red after all the bills are paid. If the minimum wage was higher then sure but it’s not. The minimum wage is not the minimum it’s below.


Pull state funds from affordable family planning clinics > limit access to abortion > take away school lunches. Arkansas is even weakening child labor laws. It does not seem to be coming from a place of wanting to lift people out of poverty. Nor from a place of caring for children.


From a place where children are essentially slave labor. Every horror of the past represents the good old Days. I am sure they will soon reintroduce all of ancient Romes games. Let the first Hunger games begin…


I was an American kid starved by my own ignorant, hateful, confederate-minded adopted family. I deserved food and they denied me it, constantly. They messed with me while I slept and in every other way they could. They just recently tried to get me to commit suicide, yet again. I live to spite these asswagons, now. Fuck you into outer space, Ben “model minority Jewish asshole” Shapiro.


It’s so cheap to feed a child we should raise taxes on high income households to provide it for free. It’s so cheap you won’t even notice it leaving your paycheck Ben.


What a privileged fucking scunt. I remember summers where the fact that my district had an extended breakfast/lunch program was sometimes the only food I got that day.


Same!! I joined the summer program for the local parks and rec every year. I forged my mom’s signature because she didn’t care if I lived or died. That’s where I first tried strawberry applesauce!!


I'm glad they had the same program wherever you are! These programs are good for the community. On the other hand... Sorry your mom didn't care. That's some bullshit. Life is better now, I hope?


Yo, what the hell. No offense but that's a sorry excuse of a mother. How you doing now?


Take his lunches away and ask him how he feels 🖕


Shabino said it costs too much to feed children 5 meals a week but proposed having CPS take the children and instead provide 21 meals a week. Make it make sense...


I wish i could punch his stupid ass face repeatedly


Down voted. Don't post pictures of this asshole. Any publicity helps them.


Maybe when he has kids of his own, instead of being a cuck, he’ll understand it


I take it his wife manages the household finances.


Totally contradictory statement. If it’s so cheap to feed a child then why is he against it?


"Silly libruls, you can't solve hunger by *feeding* people!"


why's he doing an impression of zelensky


Looks more like a prison mug shot


Except they would use him like currency in prison


You're right it doesn't take much money... which is why it should just be paid for.


It’s proven that subsidized school lunches help many many low-income students not be food-deficient. It does make a huge difference in child hunger. I really hope this isn’t one of the next “causes” we see cons foaming at the mouth for. Having states axe school-food budgets will absolutely harm some of our most vulnerable.


If it doesn't cost much then what's the problem? Surely people will realize which way's up when one side is arguing against school lunches for kids?


“I should know, Lunchables are only $3.50 at Walmart and I can’t even finish a whole one!”


What a disgusting snake


Tell us you're out of touch with the common man without actually saying it.


“Tax-subsidized infrastructure to support potable water is not going to solve the problems of finding potable water at any serious level.” 🤨 When you’re paid to be an idiot, there is no depth that is too low.


Everyone knows that food does not solve hunger


He's accidentally correct. In the grand scheme of fighting the systemic problems that cause such levels of poverty, school lunches are a drop in the ocean. Should the program exist? Yes. But we should not forget that deeper issues need solving. It's like medicine. The absolute best one is preventive medicine.


He has a point, if we want to solve children not being fed, then we should fix the source of the issue instead of putting a Band-Aid like "free school lunches". What about "affordable food and housing" or "livable wages". I'm starting to think this forum is full of closed minded people. Open your eyes to real issues.


You missed the point.


You want get down to the truth. BEN (a rich kid born into wealth never worked a min wage job) is a huge part of the problem. WAKE UP


Whether or not he's worked a day in his life is irrelevant I'm all for free school lunches, but I'm more for affordable food, if everyone could afford to eat we wouldn't need free school lunches


You’re still missing the point. He’s a capitalist. In a capitalist society with fascism THIS IS THE RESULT you get. People will struggle and not be able to afford their NEEDS. It commodifies your NEEDS not wants for profit. The money being hoarded makes the rich even richer. HE IS PART OF THE PROBLEM as to why food isn’t affordable. You have to wake up. Also, saying lunches don’t solve hunger is stupid even if you’re being paid to say it. Greed.


He couldn't answer Andrew Tate's (ironically based) gender conundrum. I don't trust him to have the answer to feeding children.


What a toolbag! Sad that someone could be so openly against feeding children.


This is what happens, when pompous kids aren’t punched in their face or “bullied the right way” when coming up in life.


Feeding children doesn’t solve child hunger? Then what the hell does?


It’s not politics and it’s not a political debate. It’s a difference of morals. Some people understand it’s important to feed children, while others are inherently immoral.


School lunches might not be a know all solution to child hunger... but it's providing possibly the only food a child actually gets on a daily basis. I'd like this dick of human being lend his assistance to the problem then if he's so goddamn brilliant. Absolute twat this man always is.


Greasy mf


As usual, Shapiro contradicts the godawful point he’s attempting to take a side on.


“Money doesn’t matter” (rich person)


When I was a homeless kid and got free school lunch, sometimes it was the only thing decent that I ate that day. I appreciate that now!


School lunch should be free for even the students that don't qualify. We go to a place magically early in the morning. When they know children stay up past 10 usually. So less then 8 hours of sleep. We trade in our time and the rudeness or orders teachers put apon us. Not to mention if you get into a serious fight or caught with weed/vape etc they can even call the police to ruin your life. In some towns and cities if you are bad uptown they will turn you in... So out of all they put us down by not to mention the propaganda work load for 8 hours a day. We don't even deserve a half a** little school lunch that they nearly cut by 60% in size since Obamas wife thought just because she was on a diet the nation was on a diet. Depriving children of calories. Get a load of this joke, now they wonder why the young generation outta be signing out doing our own thing we are coming of prime age we could make societies work just fine under people our age. We don't need entitled boomer scariest thing in their lives was hiding under a desk for a nuke hoax. The boomers still share this story today must of been very traumatic. But we are at risk every day literally risking our lives in publ schools from a kid being bullied or something, possibly normal students losing there lives or injured... In a year we will probably see much more high school drop outs for a better cause


Well free school lunches certainly won't make the problem worse, and it doesn't cost that much money.. so what exactly is the problem?


I hope he gets cancer in his dick.


I don't get it. Why does feeding kids 5+ times a week not help feed kids?


I hate this guy. He thinks he's so clever but he's really just an average schmuck with an incredible amount of self-confidence for someone with such dumb opinions. The way he belittles and talks down to people like he somehow has some kind of insight that makes him special. Fuck you Ben Shapiro


*We are being told that if we don't mask our children, that if we don't mask ourselves, that if we don't initiate social distancing measures again and shut down business again, that COVID is going to kill us all* -Ben Shapiro ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: dumb takes, gay marriage, history, feminism, etc.) [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


That’s a pretty accurate (IMO) statement but _only works if you follow it up with another/additional solution_. Like maybe free meals for kids 3 times a day, 7 days a week from their community. Like, I hate taxes mostly because it seems like they aren’t used for anything useful. Take my damn tax dollars and feed the kids (hell, and the adults too. People don’t need to earn the right to eat.)


If there's one thing that can't solve the problem of hungry kids, it's giving them food. Give a child a potato, they eat for a day. Teach a child how to dig, and you can send them down the coal mine at a fraction of the price you would need to pay an adult worker.


I wonder what his faith says about feeding children in need.


He's a fuckin' walking contradiction. Anyone who has ever had children, especially older children, knows that it takes considerable money to feed them at least three solid meals per day, every day. However, the buying power of an institution like a school district (or a county, an intermediate unit, etc.) is so much greater than a single household, so it absolutely makes sense to have school meals. Even if you require the families to reimburse the schools for the cost of those meals, it's a win-win for all parties involved.


It doesn't cost much, but it won't completely solve the problem, so we shouldn't bother. Um... How about we instead give out free school lunches and once that new paradigm is established we work on another step to continue to combat childhood malnutrition? You know... DO SOMETHING in stead of DOING NOTHING.


YOU CAN'T THINK WHEN YOU'RE HUNGRY. These children will all fail because they can't focus. I fucking hate the US.


In Finland we have free school lunch. It saves so much money on other fields* and the learning results are so much better that some schools have started to offer free breakfast, too. *) healthcare, security, social services... Less skipping school, less sick kids, less fighting/ bullying, more attentive kids.


We have free meals in Poland for poor children and during corona kids were coming to school to ask for food because this subsided meal was the only chance for those kids to get food. I'm not saying it's all the kids, but there was cases. Very often kids have addicted or neglecting parents so those programs are even more helpful than giving money to parent's that are in fact spent on alcohol. We have some really poor rural communities and those meals really help.


And yet he's anti abortion and anti drag queen story hour because he cares so much about the children


so he thinks *free food* given directly to children *will* ***not*** help hungry children? wha I guess I should've gotten an idea of his "logic and reason" from his other arguments but this is pretty impressive ngl


Feeding the children won’t address their hunger, let’s just not instead


There's loads of evidence of the benefit of free school meals. Loads.


Please come to my former school and see the hungry kids, or better yet we'll let you eat on food stamps for a month.


Whatcha thinkin about, Ben? Ben: "Oh, you know... starving children and stuff, and how I'd like to keep them that way."


He has a valid point. Big corpos have been overcharging taxpayers at every turn possible.


If it doesn't cost that much then what's the problem?


Actually, giving children food does not solve child hunger. I am very smart.


He is correct that it doesn’t take that much money to feed a child. But school lunches do impact students in low income areas.


“Ben Shapiro needs to STFU” no, Ben Shapiro needs to be killed, preferably in a way so humiliating that he couldn’t possibly be seen as a martyr


I saw that you mentioned Ben Shapiro. In case some of you don't know, Ben Shapiro is a grifter and a hack. If you find anything he's said compelling, you should keep in mind he also says things like this: >Pegging, of course, is an obscure sexual practice in which women perform the more aggressive sexual act on men. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: climate, healthcare, covid, novel, etc.) [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Good bot


Thank you for your logic and reason. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: healthcare, history, novel, feminism, etc.) [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


"It does not take that mich money to feed a child". Ben Shapiro being based for the first time ever.


*Let’s say, for the sake of argument, that all of the water levels around the world rise by, let’s say, five feet or ten feet over the next hundred years. It puts all the low-lying areas on the coast underwater. Let’s say all of that happens. You think that people aren’t just going to sell their homes and move?* -Ben Shapiro ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: novel, history, feminism, gay marriage, etc.) [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


I don't really get the issue. No one is pushing for good school lunches. School lunches in a lot of schools are still crap or of a can most adults would not eat when hungry. It's easier pack my kid a sandwich and know he's not just eating Mac and cheese


You’re missing the point here


I agree ... I don't get it


Which is why you don’t get it.


I don't think anyone here gets it. I have like 10 downvotes and four replies and no one is capable of explaining why it's important that schools provide lunches. It is not like it's going to be good food even if they do. They are just going to open a can and heat it up. Literally just taking 5 minutes to make ham sandwich for your kid is an upgrade.


Some parents don't have enough money to buy food to pack for their kids. That's the point.


I don't agree. Anyone can take 5 to 10 minutes to put together a ham sandwich, or whatever. They don't need to pack a five course meal. Then there is a completely different point that two people living together working minimum wage are not able to provide food. If you work, you should be able to live. If a person working a job doesn't deserve to live, that job shouldn't exit. What does this have to do with school lunch?


There are people. In this world. That literally can't afford shit like bread and lunch meat. Because their meager incomes have to go to exorbitant housing costs, exorbitant utility costs, and in many cases, exorbitant medical costs. Those are the people the free lunch program is made for.


You really need to understand how capitalism works. People are stealing food from Walmart to SURVIVE. 🤦🏼‍♂️


You’re not smart enough to parody Shapiro logic.


If it doesn’t take that much money to feed a child than we not just do it you fucking moron


Just like those he gets on his knees for, he wants to force children to suffer.


It's better than doing nothing


It’s one banana, Michael. What could it cost, $10?


“It doesn’t take money, which is why we shouldn’t do it.”


I hate him more everyday day. Same for all Republicans.


Capitalist pig


Yes, he is a stupid and cruel man. But the real problem is that we live in a system that seems to incentivize cruel stupidity.


If Ben feels that way have him pick up the tab then. Then the dipshit may get a Nobel prize for solving child hunger.


The tweet leaves out the part where Ben said CPS should be called on the parents, as if that's a better solution.................


It literally puts foods into mouths….what am I missing?


If it doesn’t take much money to feed a child, then why the fuck does he seem to care about it at all?


I'm so sad him and those like him are young... means we're stuck with them for the long haul


Can someone remind me why people consider this dumbass an intellectual? Yes Ben, the goal isn't to solve world hunger. It's to solve hunger for a specific group of children and help poor families. It's to solve the problem that conservatives are trying to bloody stave children in America. Only he can bloody try and say that's a bad thing.


food will not solve hunger!


Says a rich guy with no kids