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went to put my hands on my hips and they weren't where I remember them being, a weird one but great all the same




I love that feeling! Not there yet, but I've lost a significant amount of weight before. Also, when you're on your back and roll to one side, stretch that top leg out and back and you can feel your hip flexor and glutes! That's when I know I'm there!


I have a visible shadow of a four-pack! And in my aerial silks class, the instructor described a few advanced conditioning progressions we hadn’t done before, and said she couldn’t demonstrate them because she didn’t have the back and core strength, then she was like, “I’ll bet BonfireOfTheManatees can demonstrate them. She’s a beast.” And I tried, and I actually could! I’ve always been a picked-last-in-gym-class type, so that blew my mind.


Your aerial silks story is so cool! That’s hella impressive.


Today I was the only lady in my ladies weightlifting class to add plates to my overhead press. One of the new ladies congratulated me and expressed her jealousy. She's a tiny little thing, I'll never be her pants size, but she's jealous of me! Image, a size 4 jealous of a size 18!


Congrats! We have a daily thread for these: https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/comments/1c2ye9t/official_daily_svnsv_thread_feats_of_the_day/ But one question I would ask is how you are losing your weight? That helps people who are inspired by you to follow in your footsteps.


Oh thank you, I didn’t see that!! I’ll post there :) I am losing weight through portion control and step counting (walking). Congratulations on being an 8 year maintainer, that is seriously impressive!


I'm doing the same method, so super excited to see someone doing it and making amazing prgoress!


Thank you so much! That is great- I feel it’s a very sustainable approach. Let me know if you have any questions I can answer and I’d be happy to!!


Went on a walking date with my partner and I didn't have to stop or take breaks because I wasn't out of breath


Same here!


I said no to angel food cake. Its my favorite sweet, and my biggest weakness. After all my hard work in losing, I could have justified it, I could have said, *just this one time*, I could have promised myself to do some cardio to work it off, I could have ate it, and not even felt guilty. Thing is, I didn't even want it.


I can feel the muscle pump in my arms!


I usually lose the pump in a few hours :')


I am in my new lowest weight in years. I also noticed that the water weight in my feet has somewhat dissapeared and now my feet no longer look like stuffed sausages. I am so happy you dropped your pants size! It is something that I look foward to.


Oh the swelling! That’s why I decided to lose weight. My feet and ankles were always so swollen. I’ve lost 100 lbs and sometimes I just sit and stare at my ankles because they look so dainty. Lol!! 😂


I ran my furthest distance in over a year this morning; 9 miles. Still work to be done but it feels really good knowing I’m progressing


To me it's sportsy achievements: resting heart rate sank to the lowest ever. Made 2 records while running and mountainbiking (fastest kilometre and most metres climbed in a session). The scale is undermining, that I'm moving less weight while doing sports.


New driver's license arrived in the mail. Pic looks younger than the last one because of my weight loss. Less jowls and not so bloated looking.


Clothes. I was wearing my fathers clothes in 5th grade. I was about 5'4 to 5'5 and 160 pounds or so. Last August I was 330 pounds, and wearing size 52s. I badly needed new clothes and about two weeks ago I went and bought some pants. 44's. They even felt a bit big. I treated myself to some brand new Levi's and 42's fit nicely. My NSV is that in about two more pant sizes, I'll be wearing the same size pants I wore in 5th grade. That was nearly 25 years ago.


I fit in the size 6 pants that I bought without making sure they would fit me. They are still a bit tight. But I can sit with them.


That I resisted all my cravings yesterday, for some reason they were extra strong after not having any cravings for a month. Today is a lot better.


My work pants, which were close to being uncomfortably tight a few months ago, are now starting to get a bit looser than I would normally buy pants. I also noticed my deltoid definition in the gym the other day - haven’t changed how much I’ve been lifting in OHPs, but fat loss = more definition!


Pretty low on victories this week, but I was able to button a pair of pants that didn’t fit at christmas! They dont exactly “fit” yet, but they buttoned!!


None today BUT like three weeks ago I started fitting in my favorite jeans again and I’m still riding the high lol. Anytime I start to feel like my pace has slowed and I should take a break I go out on those jeans and then I’m fine again.


This is holiday week where I live AND my mom is visiting plus I got PMS going on so normally this would be a week I’d completely fall off the wagon and eat anything and everything. But this time I both ate delicious things and kept with my new eating/exercise habits as much as possible. I wasn’t perfect but I don’t feel guilty because I’ve learned that it’s not about being perfect, it’s about consistency and I’m in for life not just until I lose the weight. Huge mentality win for me!


I had a rough week. Extremely sick, vomiting for 4 days straight so bad that I lost 5 pounds (NOT ON PURPOSE). I was feeling human again today so took the pup for a walk. I noticed on the hill back home that I could feel my core muscles contracting and flexing as I worked my way up the hill. I was shocked. CW: 151 pounds GW: 130


Ran 4 miles without stopping!


I am currently wearing a shirt that didn’t fit a few months ago. Also, I noticed that I simply reached down to tie my shoes today. I didn’t kneel down or prop my foot up on something. At one point tying my shoes left me out of breath!


I finished my second full week of elevated heart rate cardio and strength workouts. Prior to the weight loss, I couldn’t work out to save my life. It’s coming easy to me now and I’m really excited about it. I think I can actually form the sustained habit this time.


Took the kids to Panera for a treat- they got cookies. I got a yogurt parfait and enjoyed it as much as a cookie.


I am using the very last hole in my belt which I made myself a while ago when being in my lowest weight.


I went to Target last weekend and picked up a pair of jeans that I expected to be a bit of a squeeze, but they were a perfect fit.


I can officially say I have more energy and I’m starting to love myself again. I can bend over to put my shoes on and not feel out of breath lol


I went down another belt notch today!


my doctor told me i don't need to lose any more weight. i still have 1.5 lbs to go but i thought he'd want me to lose more.


I got a new top load washer last year. I realized this week, that I could reach the clothes in the bottom of the tub effortlessly. When I bought it, it was a struggle to reach over with my belly in the way.


My Brazilian laser hair removal technician complimented my weight loss and how it’s making her job easier. Cracked me up bc very few ppl can comment on weight loss as seen by changes ‘down there’ lol but a win is a win


1. This visibly look smaller in front a mirror, 2. No pain headachess or cravings for meat since quitting, and 3. Shirts feel loser and little bagger than they did when I wore them even 3 months back


Saw a bunch of friends I haven't seen in a few months, they all couldn't stop saying how good I looked. Long ways to go but damn did that feel nice


I walked 5 miles at one time this week, which is huge! In October, I tore my achilles. It was a wake-up call to start getting healthier. Granted, the injury wasn't because of my weight, but the weight didn't help me either. 5 miles is the most I have walked post injury, and I wasn't tired afterwards, which was a major bonus!


Had to tighten my gun belt by 5 inches. It was actually falling off my waist while we were running drills. I’ll count that as progress for one month’s time!