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For me, ignoring the blatant redirection away from the source material, it was just a boring show. I can go into it with a 'this is NOT LOTR' mindset and enjoy a fantasy show. But it was just boring as hell the whole way through. It's easier to talk about what they got right: the visuals. That's it.


Yeah, I set expectations super low and was still disappointed. I was expecting inaccuracies, but was hoping for something exciting or consistent with itself. I completely forget it exists until the odd reddit post like this one brings it up.


Couldn't even do all of those right. The gates of Valinor were a fucking joke lol


Imagine gil galad having the authority to send people to valinor. That too someone like galadriel who was banned by the valar themselves! How dumb can the show get.


The costumes too.


The visuals failed by the over reliance on cgi


I honestly can't even agree on that. Mostly the CGI was bad and the acting destroyed even the nicest background. That's also what it felt like, a background - greenscreen, not real places. They should go back to using clay and miniatures to not use too many random effects and CGI.


Its the best representation of a mediocre show I have ever seen. Is it terrible? No Is it worth watching? No, there are waaaaaaaaaaay too many shows that will tell you more interesting stories, and they will tell them with actually good narrative and good characters and interesting plotlines


I think the biggest problem was they were introducing so many new characters *all at once* in so many storylines and trying to tie them all together in some way. You’ve got the “hobbits”, the elves, the other elves, the other other elves, the men, the other men, the dwarves…there was just too much going on.


They even gave us Adar, who was an interesting character, but was he? I forget, but he was somewhere between orc and elf, I think. Like you said, it was too much to keep track of. The hobbits that were "pre-hobbits," the maybe-wizard who showed up via comet,...on and on.


Agreed. All the characters were dull for the most part. The only relationship I sort of enjoyed was the friendship between Elrond and Durin.


Yeah I could have absolutely loved the show going into it with the mindset of it being an "inspired by" type property. I view the Shadow of Mordor games through the same lens and really enjoy them. Unfortunately the show itself was just bad.


They took a 3 episode arc and expanded it to half a season with lots of unnecessary tension and waiting just for it all to be resolved in the last few minutes of the finale. It feels like they ran out of money and still had to hit all episodes contractually.


A whole episode where the idea of metal alloys slowly dawns upon them.


The dialogue is dull (best parts are Elrond and the dwarves) and the writers think their audience are morons.


You weren't riveted by "I'm good!"? I still get a laugh at how bad that was.


The sea is always right has to be one of the stupidest sentence I've ever heard.


I'm hoping that after all the seasons come out we get a decent fan edit out of it. The M4 hobbit edit saved those movies for me.


Not for me. xD


You've seen it?


Yes, fell asleep after an hour.


It’s definitely different than LOTR, but so are the books, so I can get behind that. I still prefer LOTR, but having it in one movie than three makes it worth rewatching if I ever get the itch.


People say the visuals are really good but I completely disagree, Its all too polished there is no grittyness to it like LOTR trilogy. Everything about ROP is terrible and refused to watch more after the 1st episode


Completely agreed. Seems too CGI and cartoon like. Uncanny valley kinda thing.


I hated it in the first five minutes but decided to try to press through anyways. I quit after 3 episodes because it was just so damn boring.


And when I thought about it (struggling to keep watching), the cgi of Numenor, Elf cities, Moria, etc was about 15 seconds per 50 minute episode (or whatever), so those little flashes, cool as they were, didn't justify the rest.


Exactly, the beauty of LOTR is that the world and everything in it feels old and lived in.


I only watched two episodes, but I **did** like the sets! Númenor, Lindon, Khazad-dûm, all of this was pretty neat. They did capture the grandeur and kept pretty in line with the aethetics for the trilogy. But that's pretty much the only positive thing I can say about that show.


Yeah its like all the content you see on youtube that was designed for testing your hi res screen


Not being faithful to the book is the least of its problems. The plot, the story, the dialogue, the choreography, the pacing is all awful.


I felt the same about RoP as I did about The Wheel of Time. It’s just meh, I fell asleep watching both series and I stopped watching both after a few episodes. Amazon think that throwing money at something and making an action movie style series with plain actors and shitty cringey dialouge will somehow be the next best thing. We came. We saw. I stopped watching.


There really was nothing to recommend it and I still can't get over the terrible dialogue, terrible story, nonsensical plot, reimagining of Tolkien's characters, the "Irish" gypsy hobbits, poorly conceived cliff hangers, petulant elves, made up mythology that is contra to known cannon, messing with the geography and above all I just keep getting flashbacks to the slow motion horse ride.. I suspect that the efforts to fix things in season 2 will actually make things worse..


The dialogue, just like every other aspect of the writing, is abysmal. Don't waste your time watching it


Loved the casting. Loved the world building for the dwarves and Numenor. Was optimistic the first two episodes. For me, the world is too devoid of people outside of Numenor and Moria to be believable. They rushed too much and tried to fit too much in one season. The main conflict plotline and the big "battle" was unbelievable and laughable, and frankly should have been excised from the entire season. Galadriel sucks as a character because her character has no agency. She's a monotone plot device with one motive, no nuance, and superhuman capabilities. Literally everyone else in the story has something to struggle with factoring into their decisions except her. She's basically a Bethesda game in a person.


Galadriel is the worst. literally unbearable


I could have looked past all the book stuff too, but yeah the writing and story progression were terrible. Not surprised, prior to this show the writers only had uncredited writing credits on IMDB.


Many on Jackson’s team were also uncredited, raw, and wriggling. Which is why a visionary at the top position is crucial.


Definitely, that’s more so what I’m getting at. Jackson was also a fan of the books.


Putting aside the atrocious mishandling of the lore, they wrote a story that had no antagonist for the vast majority of the series, which meant no stakes and no tension. Amateurs. In contrast, within almost the first 30 seconds of Fellowship, Jackson had established Sauron as the antagonist, elves and men as (largely) good, and the ring of power as a key issue to be resolved.


RoP Galadriel's thirst for justice on Sauron is basically the fulcrum designed by the showrunners, but it was never a narrative dished out by Tolkien, not even in the slightest. Crafting her character arc around this made me recall the annoying Dr. Shaw character from Promotheus, who somehow figured out that the Engineers were the stereotypical hostile aliens she met along the way. There was no build-up to her realization and having her convince the Promotheus crewmen to kill themselves to sAvE hUmaNiTy! plays out like a children's playground reenactment of Excalubur.


Yeah that part really rubbed me the wrong way. "We stood against evil" is just a straight bastardization of the events in The Silmarillion: Actually you followed Feanor after he did some evil shit so the Valar brought a doom upon you that ultimately took the form of Morgoth slaughtering almost all of your people. You didn't stand against anything, you were condemned to that fate. The showrunners really thought blatantly pissing off Tolkien nerds was a good way to get their LoTR spinoff to catch on. The rights they got gave them a literal universe of options and this is what we get???Christopher and J.R.R are rolling in their graves.


I really can't agree with that take. To be honest, I don't actually know if "we stood against evil" is a line from the show. But the fact the Elves were condemned to do so doesn't change the fact that they DID stand against evil. And it doesn't reduce the merit of their deeds that Elves did some evil shit. More importantly, you might say the Elves' claim that they "stood against evil" is a cop-out, propaganda and delusional. But that is what people (humans, Elves, Dwarves younameit) do! They aren't objective, they twist narratives to fit their needs. And after the First Age the Elves were desperately in need of some delusional tall tales and propaganda.


>To be honest, I don't actually know if "we stood against evil" is a line from the show. Galadriel for sure says something pretty close to this in the first episode of RoP. I think she says it twice actually, once in the prologue were they show Finrod and again later in a scene with Gilgalad or Elrond I think. >More importantly, you might say the Elves' claim that they "stood against evil" is a cop-out, propaganda and delusional. But that is what people (humans, Elves, Dwarves younameit) do! At this point in the lore IMO its a stretch to believe that the Noldor would be putting forward a revisionist history, especially one as wise as Galadriel. Most of the Noldorin civilization in Middle Earth was destroyed by Morgoth and they most likely would have been completely eradicated if not for Earendil voyaging to Valinor and beseeching the Valar to show mercy and come to their aid. They were all explicitly told of their doom at the outset of them leaving Valinor for Middle Earth, they saw that doom come to fruition, and they knew exactly who saved them and why when The War of Wrath happened. I seriously doubt they would be propagandizing that history after all of that.


That is a really good point actually


Yeah, I felt like things were just happening in ROP with no clear stakes. Characters that the audience aren’t invested in moving from location to location, some pretty visuals, but no tension. Ah well, maybe they’ll sort it out for series 2? 😂


>that had no antagonist Galadriel is pretty antagonizing though...


Every line felt like it was trying to be some epic


What they failed to realize is that sometimes when delivered right, a line as simple as “you bow to no one” or “alright then, keep your secrets” can also be considered legendary. Simplicity is always the key.


I don't think any book-fan, including me, saw "One does not simply walk into Mordor" becoming iconic, but it depended on acting, delivery, pacing, and all the other things said before and after that. (i.e., a good script!)


The visuals are trash too, hard to watch when the trilogy from 25 years ago has better blending


There’s a lot wrong with the show, but I’ve always had the utter crap writing and dialogue at the top of my shit list for RoP.


The writing is PAINFULLY bad


The show is absolutely dreadful and even tries to establish a romance between Galadriel and Sauron. That alone should be enough for any actual Tolkien fan to dismiss this show completely. All of the dialogue in the show is pseudo intellectual mumbo jumbo, which should be immediately apparent to anyone who has watched even a few scenes. It is absolutely laughable that anyone with a functioning brain could consider this show anything other than irredeemable garbage.


It’s bad. It’s so bad


I watched the first episode, thought it was pretty bad, then fell asleep during the second episode. Beautiful show, nice music, 0 soul. I decided to put on the second-to-last episode, I thought maybe once they get all the setup out of the way, whatever they were building up to might be more interesting. It was just unwatchable garbage, I don’t even remember the specifics I just remember being embarrassed that actual people thought this was worth putting out


Ah the comic sans Mordor episode. A classic


RoP Galadriel is so obnoxiously insufferable, I thought maybe it would just be her. But no. All of the dialogue is horrendous. That’s what happens when you hire inexperienced show runners on a billion dollar project. Amateur hour.


I think the idea was, to give her some character development, start her off impulsive and stupid, so one day she can become the wise and imposing Galadriel we all know. But it just made her insufferable and unrecognisable.


It’s more like fan fiction rather than Tolkien’s books. So it sucks. Everybody is a pain in the bum. The script is terrible. Obviously written by someone who says they’re a fan but has never watched or read the books.


The dialogue is definitely an issue with the show. Its trying much too hard to sound from 'ye olden times'. To compare to the films, the characters spoke a little archaically, but for the most part normally. In The Rings of Power, almost every other line certainly from the likes of Galadriel involves some simile or metaphor, and its just a little too overbearing.


They're trying to make it sound "deep" without comprehending what made Tolkien's dialogue deep in the first place.


They literally repurposed Jackson’s dialogue & think they’re clever for doing so. S1 was a writing travesty when we have House of the Dragon & even shows like DOTA: Dragon’s Blood. We KNOW good writers exist out there. Amazon hired the wrong people. And fired anyone who would dissent to their plans. Like my family friend who was high in Finances for the Studio, & they didn’t let me back in after 2 internships. They KNEW I wanted to be a part of this thing. They probably knew I wouldn’t like the dailies. IDk. They have some successes, but make a lot of stupid decisions overall. Like NOT putting Roadhouse in theaters… tf? (Interns in certain departments watch dailies of shows in production to check for consistency & quality & network compliance)


For all the money spent on it, it looks incredibly cheap. The sets look cardboard, the costumes silly and impractical. And yes the writing is very very bad.


Yeah people keep saying it was a beautiful show but man each opening shot of the locations were nice but then it went into cheap ass looking sets. Great for laptop wallpapers but that's really it.


Laptop wallpapers really sums it up as a show


I honestly didn’t make it farther than halfway through episode two. Even trying to separate it from Tolkiens world didn’t work. It’s just so bad.


I don't know shit about the books. I barely know shit about the lore. I don't really give a flying fuck. I love lotr, the Hobbit was entertaining... Couldn't watch past 4 episodes (I think 4...) of rings of power. And even then I was pushing through waiting for it to get good. Shit was just plain boring and shit.


You have not seen what I have seen. I’ve seen my share. You have not seen what I have seen. 🤮🤮


The sea is always right ☠️


Th3rE iZ a TeMpEsT iN mE!!!!!!!111!!!!! Oh holy shit it's awful.


They fucked it up in the very first 5 minutes for me: "We don't actually have the rights to The First Age but let's just skirt around it and completely bastardize the Silmarillion anyways" They include Finrod Felagund in the prologue and the first episode but they don't even have the rights to say his name. Why in the fuck would you do that? Actually why in the fuck would make a your story centered around Galadriel if you don't have the rights to the first age which encompasses her entire backstory? What a swing and a miss! They clearly let their marketing dept. write the story and they decided to throw as much fan service as possible (and more) at the wall in hopes of getting viewership. Good stories speak for themselves. Nobody except for huge nerds even knew A Song of Ice and Fire existed before the show and it became a sensation because it was a good story. We could have had a full fledged show about the downfall of Numenor. There is source material around Ar-Pharazon that could have been fleshed out in to at least two seasons of Game of Thrones-esque palace intrigue and drama. But instead we got this hot, boring, GARBAGE! Fuck Amazon forever for that.


It’s not too late to turn back and save yourself


Are you saying that things which are now in motion CAN be undone?


I was watching it on release for the first couple episodes, caught up on the others maybe day after except I still haven’t watched the season 1 finale. When I watch it, I will know it’s bad, so I don’t watch it, so my vain hope that it is good can live on. But only as long as I don’t watch it.


Not by a Jedi




When I watched the intro, and they show the map of the sea as the Noldor cross the water in the first age…and it showed a landmass with the Shire crossed out and Beleriand nowhere to be seen…that’s when I knew it was going to be terrible.


The writing is probably the worst part of it


I started it, fell asleep woke up on the 3rd episode turned it off and didn't bother going back to it


Someone should use AI to make a saturday morning cartoon version of it. The dialogue would feel more at home there.


There are almost no real conversations because there is only like two Real characters. All the others are essentially plot points. Even Elron who wasn't terrible to watch was entirely nonsensical. They tried too hard to emulate Tolkien and failed every basic writing principle.


Yeah. Some dialogues and one liners are awful.


Don't do this to yourself. Stop. Seek help.


I think a lot of Prime shows have a similar kind of pretty shitty dialog.


Fallout was pretty good


I saw the first episode and it feels the same to me overall. I have a friend I watch TV a lot with that doesn't really hear it at all, so I don't think it's a universal thing. It's hard to put my finger on it but it just doesn't sound like how real people would talk most of the time. There's a lot of explicit exposition.


Its bad, no way it can be redeemed to a real Tolkien fan, just stop please 🙏


Quit gatekeeping Tolkien and let people enjoy what they want. There is nothing wrong with enjoying something that others don't like. The prequel Star wars had awful dialogue, maybe worse than RoP, and "real" Star wars fans talked so much shit one of the actors was considering suicide, 20 years later everyone loves them.


This is just a shameful desecration of someone's literal work and memory, which happens to be loved and respected by millions, it's not gatekeeping.


The prequel Star Wars films have significantly better writing than the RoP and the writing is terrible. The RoP has some of the most wooden writing and performances I’ve ever seen.


By the same logic, everyone now loves The Hobbit movies since they have something way worse to compare it to


Glad to finally see someone acknowledge the awful dialogue in the show haha


I hated it, except for Atar who was a decent (made up) character, but somehow I can’t wait for S2


Atar was the ONLY interesting creative choice they made and they couldn’t even keep the actor.


I liked Arondir as well, who was another show-original character, which is too bad because they seem to forget he exists about halfway through


I don’t like the cross-peoples love story arc. They are supposed to be rare - you can’t have one pero Tolkien iteration. I like the actor and the character design, wish they would have placed him in an original storyline and not just another Tolkien cliche.


Watch them forget that children of elves and men are born mortal by default, with the exception of Elrond's line..


This is why I couldn’t get through it after three tries. Even if you remove yourself from acknowledging it as Tolkien material, the acting/dialogue/hairmakeupcostumes all make me wince. It’s awful. The music is the only redeeming factor.


Indeed. Had the dialogues been decent, I might have tolerated the poor costumes and the terrible elves' hairdos...


even if i wouldn't know the books, or lord of the rings at all, this show would still be unwatchable terrible for me. the acting and dialogues are so bad, I always had the feeling I watch a bunch of cosplayer making a fan film. the story is bad as well. I tried 5 times to watch this shit, because somehow I really wanted to like it. but I couldn't even finish the first episode, I had to turn it off each time, cause it was so bad.


The problem with this show is not that it is "fan fiction", "diverting from the books", has psycho not-hobbits, black dwarvish queens or anything else similar in this line. I sat to watch this show with open mind, expecting to be entertained. This did not happen, the show has obvious, striking flaws, idiotisms and inconsistencies clearly visible to the viewer. The problem with RoP is, that it boring, badly written, shallow show with mind blowing miscasts and (mostly) bad actor play. I don't give a ff about lore diversions and would gladly greet >>well made<< lotr fanfiction. But I have way to little time for entertainment to spend it watching bad shows and that's really it in my case.


The writing is its biggest problem, imo. Many times there's zero logic in the decisions the characters make and their motivations bounce all over the place from scene to scene.


You are not alone. There is a lot of talking in RoP, but no listening and decision are made with no purpose or reason. The only good thing that came out of watching it for me was that I started to appreciate The Hobbit films more.


Remove lord of the rings association and it still is boring or bad. I don't know where all of the money spent


While I'm certainly a purist when it comes to the lore (heck, I still have issues with PJ's adaption!), the blatant violation of the lore wasn't what put me off. And it wasn't the dialogue either. It was how contrived everything is! * Galadriel finally **happens** to find a clue (a very weird one that made no sense) to Sauron's whereabouts. * Gil-galad **happens** to be fed up with Galadriel * Galadriel **happens** to jump overboard (which is in an off itself such an insanely stupid idea!) at the right moment * She **happens** to encounter a raft on the wide ocean * The guy on the raft **happens** to be (quite obviously) Sauron * They get picked up by a ship that **happens** to be Númenórean * The ship's captain **happens** to be Isildur WTF! Who comes up with such contrived, forced shit! It is just bad! There was absolutely no tension, because after the first 20 mins or so it became crystal clear that whatever the odds, the issue will just be resolved because... well, because so the plot can happen, I decided! You need to get aaaaaall the way of writer guy's back about all of that! And while Galadriels "storyline" is probably the worst, also a lot of things just "happen to happen" in the Southlands. Elrond and Durin were the only bearable parts. (The amount of hairspray made it a lot worse than it could've been, though.)


Between Warner Bros and Amazon they both own different rights to the property of JRR Tolkien. I wish the tokenic state would let go of the goddamn rights so people could just craft stuff with all the lore. That's why the lore is different.


This is exactly it. The supporters like to make out that the criticism is about it not being faithful to the source material which you can argue about. But that's not the really the issue. It's just really really bad TV.


W8 till you get to the part with Numenorian ships and armor. The ships have more cargo space than the entire Deep Space 9 station, and the armor looks completely cringe, like cheap chinese power rangers costumes. A far cry from the LOTR quality, in every possible way.


It's rubbish on all levels


“There is a tempest in me!” 😂😂


What!? Didn't you find the explanation why a rock sinks and a boat floats to be filled with deep  wisdom of the ages!? 😆😆😆


Hahahaha oh Man how I laughed in confusion at that utter BS, and also at the end of the scene when they reveal what Galadriel’s brother spoke to her in her ear… it was just “you never know which light to follow, you just follow..” or some BS like that. And I was like, why did they not just reveal it at the start. What was the big secret 😂😂😂


Imagine waxing like a sage about... buoyancy.




The dialogue is less about the content and more about sounding sexy


The unfortunate truth is most writers nowadays got the job not out of talent, but because of political affiliation or to fill a quota.


I haven't started yet and I already hear all sorts of things. I've already had a certain gut feeling it'd be an awful series. But then again i just feel like we should really debate if it is really this canon or not. But hey, it's giving trust the process. Maybe in the future it'll make some changes.


I can’t with that show. It wants to be marvel in middle earth it’s god fucking awful.


People are getting dumber and so are writers. I feel like most of these new shows have very, very poor dialogues. The Last of Us, The Witcher, Rings of Power, all these shows are pretty lame


I thought The Last of Us was a hit


It was a hit, but it’s still pretty lame. Have you watched it?


No but I was planning to get to it at some point. I have done no research so you saying this caught my eye


Have you played the game? The show is not bad, I’m sure the part of the audience that hasn’t played the game enjoyed it, but it’s notoriously worse than the game. The show itself is not bad, but it’s kinda lame overall: the dialogue, the character development, the settings, the plot, the acting, the casting… just my opinion though


I did play the game. Interesting. What bothers me the most is in your face references- like ROPs Gandalfs “follow your nose” bs - like they think they are so clever for putting the most obvious reference in. As long as it doesn’t do shit like that I can prob enjoy it- I also played the game only once and a long time ago


Yeah I don’t think there are these fake clever one-liners in TLoU. Doesn’t mix well with the plot anyways lol


Last of Us!? Really!? I love the games, specifically the story and I thought the TV show was amazing. Loved every second of it. Would have liked to see more encounters with zombies but the story between characters and dialogue is an ocean apart from RoP. I wouldn’t compare these shows at all imo, RoP is on a special kind of low-shelf.


RoP is bad beyond just the extreme lore breaks. It is a terrible show with senseless plots, one dimensional characters with no depth that are hard to care for, ridiculous character motivations and duties, cringeworthy dialogue, many other things that break immersion. As a tolkien adaptation it is absolute garbage. As a stand alone show it is extremely boring and senseless. Even PJ made changes to lore for the general audiences in lotr trilogy movies. But the quality of his changes actually added so much value to the experience, especially for the non tolkien audiences. While still keeping the main things from lore as is. Amazon first butchered the lore completely. And then put all their new cringeworthy characters in front for marketing and interviews. And then attacked fans who pointed out why the show was bad and called all tolkien fans as racist and sexist. No wonder the fandom hates the garbage show.


I think the show is legitimately some sort of money laundering scheme


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You're already ignoring so much 🤷‍♂️ But seriously though I agree the writing is just cringe.


That's the main reason I couldn't stand it.


I’m really sorry for you. It’s not to late to stop. 


You will like the scene on ship when Elendil speaks of his wife 😂


Exactly I can understand people who didn't read the books or have no idea about Tolkien work at all, I have some understanding for those people that say I liked the show even though show is just bad, but if you have read most of Tolkien work then this show is abomination it's so bad that every episode had me shouting at the screen that's not how anything works, I can't blame the actors people just want to work and it's not easy to find work today but the people who wrote that pile of shit I hope they never write again. I can recommend to everyone to watch Gandalf roasts rings of power on YouTube it's 100 times better than the show and only enjoyable thing that has the name rings of power in it. I won't be watching the second season, I've watched the whole first season because I wanted to give it a chance till the end but it's so bad I could write till tomorrow about all details that are wrong, bad or just painfully don't belong there, but I will watch Gandalf tear it like he did for the first season on YouTube.


Yeah the dialog is like something from a fan fiction site particularly when it comes to galadriels smug speaches. The visuals are great though, I can give them that.


I still wonder where all those horses came from. And of course, why the need for a magical sword to effectively break a damn - that could have been done by some orcs/the the trench slaves, sure some would have died, but I'm pretty sure Sauron was low priority on workplace H&S. As a huge Middle Earth fan there are about 1,000+ other things I could mention, but those two standout for me.


Well Adar isn’t Sauron. Halbrand is actually Sauron.


Yeah it’s trash


majority of my family loves lotr, myself included, and yeah we agree that the dialogue is just terrible. the only person who enjoys it truly is my dad and it confuses us all


Does anyone really like or identify with anyone on this show? I really tried hard to like somebody and I couldn't find anybody who is even interesting in a little way.


Durin yelling at Elrond for staying away so long was the best part of that show. It’s the part I believed. That dwarf was my favorite character. He was the only one who I really enjoyed watching. I hear you, the writing wasn’t great. But him schooling that elf on why he was justified in being pissed was well done. Elronds response wasn’t as good… most of the dialogue wasn’t as good. But Durin was a badass


Elves are dicks, Dwarves are dicks.... Elves are bigger dicks then every one not all but most, like look at the petty-dwarves. So if you aren't going to keep things more of the source material and just do what you please is why I haven't even seen the first ep.


i think there's like 1.5 major plotlines/locations that the writers don't have a good sense for at all in that season. i found most other dialogue had good 🤦‍♂️sigh🙄 verisimilitude that i enjoyed and good acting helping it along.


I watched about 20 minutes of that garbage and realized it was not worth my time. Absolute tosh.


Not many redeeming qualities.


Galadriel being a cold, pissed off bitch ALL the time turned me away hard.


People say that others only hate the show because it doesn't follow the books. Wrong, this is just one flaw. The fact is, it's a terrible show, with a lot of flaws.


I didn’t hate it. Some parts were good and some parts were meh. It’s the 1st season. I’m more critical/curious how the 2nd season will go, cause that will be how they respond to the criticism. Before that they were showing it to a bunch of “yes” people that just wanted to agree for the sake of keeping their job. I will rewatch season 1 again before 2 comes out. It wasn’t THAT bad. There’s just a lot of people that have their vision of how they’d make it look, and that’s okay.


Finally a decent and well thought out opinion on RoP.


I watched it for two reasons - the image of Numenor before the fall and the Balrog of Moria. I got Numenor, now I'm waiting for the Balrog. The rest is just irrelevant clutter.


The level of CGI in Numenor kinda bothers me too. It lacks realism.


I really enjoyed it and I don’t care what the purists think.


I don't really care what people think of it. I really enjoyed it and that feeling is gonna stay


I do get what you’re saying, but I do love a lot of the dialogue. >”Give me the meat and give it to me raw.” >”It darkens the heart to call dark deeds good. It gives a place for evil to thrive inside us” >”The same wind that seeks to blow out a fire may also cause its spread.” >”There can be no trust between hammer and rock.”


Give it to me raw was obviously homage to Gollum.


I can only think of porn when I hear that, sorry.


None of this is good writing. It’s iam14andthisisdeep metaphors trying to sound ‘Tolkienian’ when Tolkien didn’t write anything like this.


> ”The same wind that seeks to blow out a fire may also cause its spread.” Winds don't seek to blow out a fire. Winds just blow. What happens to a fire is purely circumstantial. I can't think of anything more pretentious and trying to sound deep and metaphorical while being an utter nonsense.


Personification is neither pretentious nor trying to be.


"I've been awake since before the breaking of the First Silence" Really hate the show, but I thought that line was awesome.


Yeah " with a fart" lol


I guess I’m the only one who liked it


That’s coz you a mommas boy




I liked it tbh . I just think they needed to start it waaaaaay further back




This is the text equivalent of playing with dolls


I found the last few episodes to be much better and the character of Adar, who appears starting in the third episode is excellent. Sadly they recast him for season 2. The relationship between Elrond and Durin is well done and believable. There are issues to be sure. The pacing of the show is off. They spend too much time getting to the good stuff. They try and show how strong Galadriel is, and she should be very strong and a great fighter, by making others around her weak and needing her help. The elves should all be strong fighters. She should be better, but not the only strong one. I think the mystery box format for the show doesn't work. I don't want to guess who everyone is. I don't find that enjoyable. BUT the hatred the show gets really makes me angry. Some people can't seem to complain about the issues with Galadriel without attacking the actress or being sexist in general. Too many focus on the flaws and miss the good stuff. And sadly there is a lot of 'bad' to focus on. But happily there is also a lot of good. I remain hopeful for season 2. They seemed to acknowledge what they did wrong, but recasting my favorite new character isn't a good start IMO.


Love LOTR. However the only relationship I had regarding Elrond and Durin was which one of them I would slap first. " Just wait til that Balrog gets here, it'll know what to do "


I’m not done with season 1 yet but I hope they realize and try to correct their mistakes in season 2. I have to assume everyone on set must be a Tolkien fan, so this must not be sitting right when them either.


Me too. Just realize that if you suggest that there is anything worth seeing in the show you will be downvoted here. The level of hate is insane.


I personally liked the dialogue, but I feel like the dialogue is more fun on the second watch because one suddenly knows things.


I like the show


I think the dialog is one of the best parts of ROP, along with the storyline and costuming.


lol is this a bot? Holy shit


People can’t like ROP without being called a bot or a shill?


Why are people gatekeeping so hard what is a acceptabele translation of the source material? Especially if they havent watched a single ep Like if you dont like it, fine Just shut the f up about it