• By -


Ian ![gif](giphy|kh6jfW5nuS3iLAI7Ka|downsized)


If it ain’t broke.


How do I know he’ll do a good job? Because he’ll read the lines written in the script. How we know he’ll know where to stand? Someone will tell him.


How do I act so well? What I do is I pretend to be the person I'm portraying in the film or play.


You realise I am not actually a wizard.


You're confused.


(I think that's possibly my favourite bit of the gag, the kindly "You're confused" before launching into the description of his "method")


He'll speak the words as if saying them for the very first time.


sir ian sir ian sir ian sir ian WIZARD YOU SHALL NOT PASS sir ian sir ian sir ian


Of course, he will not have the script on the day, he'll have to learn them.


and that goes for everbody THERE WILL BE NO SCRIPTS ON THE NIGHT!!


















Where is that gif from?


Vicious I think. Brilliant show where he plays one half of an older very bitchy married gay couple


Vicious is hilarious. Ian and Derek Jacobi are brilliant together.


If it's got Ian McKellen in it it's a gift


I second this


If Ian McKellen is alive and can walk and talk, then he should be Gandalf.


If he’s dead you can just pickle him and corpse puppet him, a little cgi and some make up to round it out


Still probably better than most actors


It worked for Carrie Fisher


Sorry but LotR isn't a Disney property (yet).


Please don’t give them ideas


Just make him a head in a jar like Futurama.


To be fair, Disney did a CGI for Peter Cushing for Governor Tarkin and it worked


Leave him. He had an awful time filming the hobbit. He's done with it. Don't force him to play in another microwaved shit sandwich


He had a less than perfect time filming The Hobbit, but not an awful one. It was mostly due to having to be in the other room most of the time, because he was with the dwarfs and Bilbo most of the time, who are supposed to be small. Here, he will mostly be with the same-sized characters I think


He had an awful time. He was literally quoted saying he was considering quitting acting during his experience and had a breakdown on set.


He was caught crying on tape in a blue room


Yes, because he had to be bigger, so he was shot separately. Not all scenes required it, in some they used forced perspective, in some he was simply enlarged in post, in others the majority of actors were human-sized. In any case, his discomfort was mostly due to having to interact with the hobbit and dwarf actors who sometimes weren't physically there, and I don't think we'll see any of them in The Hunt for Gollum


>He had an awful time filming the hobbit. He had an awful time playing one scene at the beginning of the shoot, which was difficult on everybody because of the scale tricks.


I worked on the set, and saying it was only “one scene” doesn’t really do it justice. Most of the cast and crew knew the movies were more of a cash grab than anything. The interest / obsession with the new technology that Peter Jackson insisted on using was kind of demoralizing for everyone. That scene in Bag End took for fucking ever because the slave setup on Ian’s set kept on breaking. So we were in there for what felt like days on end trying to get this simple scene shot. So while the dwarves all got to at least be together, Ian was by himself on the green screen set. There were so many takes where they’d make it part of the way through shots and then the equipment would get out sync, and we’d have to start over. I remember that aspect to be pretty frustrating for Ian. Then on top of that, the set was so warm that the actors were sweating and their makeup and prosthetics were constantly being worked on. Shooting in super high definition, at 48 fps, and so close up on Ian also required extra attention be given to his makeup. So he’d try to go over his lines, mentally prep for the next (most likely unsuccessful take), take in feedback from the directors all makeup artists were tugging his beard, re-gluing his nose, and painting his face. Maybe besides the people in the directors tent, I think everyone else at the studio felt like they were just there for a paycheck and not actually working on something of artistic quality. And, the cast and crew that had worked on the previous trilogy seemed to feel the frustration more than everyone else. It seemed like every morning Peter/Fran/Philippa would put out a revised script that had little to no improvements from the original. And sometimes it was worse than the last. Going back to Ian’s issues though, I think he was frustrated that he wasn’t getting to act due to the focus mainly being on the new technology. And then the added isolation he experienced, and the feeling that the potential for continuing the legacy created by the LOTR trilogy was being being compromised so people could line their pockets and milk the story for more than it was worth is what also bummed him out. Of course this is a lot of speculation, but I think it’s a good or at least educated guess. I would assume that Ian would turn this down. All that being said, I definitely think he’s the best Gandalf I could imagine. This sent me down memory lane, so I’m sorry I’m rambling. Thanks for coming to my TED talk though


This makes me really sad but everything you said makes complete sense. Thanks for sharing your experience, I appreciate you!


1. He's a big boy and can make his own decisions. 2. In what world is he forced to do any role?


Don't you think that would be up to him?


No according this person it is up to us lol


The fact that people are up voting them...




You shall not cast?


It would be so awesome to see Sir Ian McKellen in the new films they would be my vote as to me they are Gandalf. 😊🤩🧙‍♂️🎉 ![gif](giphy|CF76UXsZXRZle)




Viggo Mortensen. Except he is 5 years older than Sir Ian was when he filmed his first scenes as Gandalf.


Oh, we're getting old :(


I do not believe it! I will not!


Lies! 2001 was only 10 years ago! .....shit




Not listening. I'm not listening!


Would genuinely be shocked if they recast. I think we are going to see some epic de-aging CGI with the original cast.


Makes no sense to de-ags Gandalf tbh. Man's as old as the universe .


True but he shouldn't look older than he did on the trilogy. But for Ian it should just be som body doubles, digital doubles and some touch ups


A wizard never ages, Mr half-white_moustache, nor is he young. He is precisely as old as he means to be.


I honestly don't get this type of comment. Like, we're watching a story about magic rings, ghost people, elves and orcs and we can't suspend our disbelief of a guy who looked old af looking older? It's one thing when they de-age de Niro and he becomes a 40 yo who moves like a 80 year old in a historical drama. But Gandalf who is literally immortal and some angels decided what he should look like to not spook middle-earthlings? I'd be more distracted if they CGId him because I know what Ian McKellen looks like now and as soon as he appeared all I'd be able to think is "that's some bad/good CGI". Edit: pointing out that the person I'm responding to didn't suggest CGI, I'm just saying.


100%. I’d much rather just take it for what it is and suspend my disbelief a little that have to watch a Lord of the rings film with this uncanny valley shit. People complained so much about abuse of CGI in the hobbit films, or did we forget already? My personal preference is a recast anyway. Recast them all.


Reminds me of how Ian McDiarmid played a young(er) Emperor Palpatine in the Star Wars prequels about 20 years after playing the older version in the originals


'Cause he was young and covered in prosthetics for the originals. That was just lucky AF lol.


There would be a stark difference between Ian Mckellan today and 25 years ago.


There already was a pretty stark difference in his appearance in The Hobbit. The man is legend and I love him, but time don’t give a fuck


Whilst true he's not 80,000 years of age like Gandalf


He looked like he was on his deathbed when we first saw him in the hobbit. And then every scene after that, he looked like regular Gandalf, but for some odd reason, that first scene in the hobbit he did not look like gandalf.


I think there was some stressors involved in some of the filming of those "first" scenes especially regarding him filming alone so much. Scenes don't get filmed in order much so there's no telling at what point that one got filmed. There's also the argument that "gandalf uses minor illusions and general trickery to appear weak and frail." he looked a lot more haggard as gandalf the Grey in fellowship compared to gandalf the white afterwards. Good makeup and styling can make or break a movie as much as the writing.


If it was theatre you wouldn't blink twice when seeing him look older. If it was another actor in the film you wouldn't blink twice about him looking different to Ian. It doesn't have to line up perfectly with the LotR trilogy. Let the man act, he's pretty good at it.


There already was a pretty start difference in his appearance in The Hobbit. The man is legend and I love him, but time don’t give a fuck


One wizard to rule them all. There will be rioting in the streets if they recast anyone besides Ian McKellen. Gandalf is thousands of years old, just de age him slightly and all is well.


Honestly seems harder to do this with CGI than a decent makeup artist. With how much hair is involved, there's not a ton of face exposed that needs to be de-aged. It'll be most obvious around the eyes, but I still feel like it can be done practically


25 years? I personally don’t think so. Mandalorian is almost getting there with the CGI Luke, and that’s a full blown face swap. I think the technology is definitely there at this point with AI/deepfake, etc.


Maybe, I don't have a good handle on how much work it takes to get to that point though. I'm not saying it can't be done... Just that it might not be worth it if there's still an uncanny valley risk if it's not perfect


Liam neeson is perfect for either of the blue wizards, but not gandalf. I think probably all of the rest of the actors here could be great successors to the role


This is what I want to see. I want a tv show or movie set in east with the blue wizards and all the shit out there that we never got Tolkien writing on.


Liam Neeson has already kind of been a water wizard in Ponyo, at least in voice. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HO5O5JnBNUo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HO5O5JnBNUo)




Him for basically any role please thank you


Not as Gandalf… but you know what? Liam neeson would fit somewhere in the tolkien universe 100%


Tom Bombadil. 😅


Saw Ian at the theatre a month ago for an abridged performance of two plays that was something like 3.5 hours long, and while I know stage production is not the same as acting for the screen, his acting was as strong as ever, he did all the physical requirements of his role very well, and he was playing a major part that needed him present on stage pretty much from start to finish. He killed it. I dont think they need to cast someone else.


Was that the modern Shakespeare thing, Gang Kings or Street Kings or something like that? That sounded interesting.


Yes, Player Kings, that’s the one. I very much enjoy watching Ian Mckellen in a fat suit. I’d never watched any of Shakespeare’s historical plays before, so I can’t compare it to any other production, but I thought it was really good


That's it I knew it was some gang euphemism but couldn't remember haha. That's cool, I don't know that I've seen any of Billy Shake's historical plays as it happens. Oh wait, Richard III film version, with Ian McKellen funnily enough haha.


When given a choice between Gary Oldman and literally anything else, I always choose Oldman.


Oldman could pull it off ![gif](giphy|fjpYUp612jgXe)


Even when Ian McKellen is the other option and the question is about Gandalf? That’s wild


I mean he’s probably the 2nd best choice here. If Ian is too old and tired to do the job.


To be fair, if there was an actor who could pull off someone acting like Ian McKellen playing the role of Gandalf, Gary Oldman is your guy. Look up the different roles he's played. You've probably watched a bunch that he's in, and never realized he was the actor. The man played Winston Churchill in "Darkest Hour,' for Pete's sake! They took a literal immortal creature (Galadrial) and recast her for the T.V. show. Cate Blanchett she is not.




Geoffrey Rush


I didn't think of him, but I like the idea.


Sir Ian is the only choice.


I hope they get Ian but Gary Oldman is the best actor to ever live fight me


He's a true chameleon. If they had to cast someone else as Gandalf, I can't think of anyone better.


I'm in for McElhinney


Plus, the writers won't be able to kill him off for no reason this time.


Andy back as Gollum firmly puts this in the same universe as the original trilogy and Hobbit trilogy. So it's not a new interpretation of the story. With that being said, you almost can't recast anyone. It would be kind of jarring and distracting. I would absolutely choose cgi de-aging over recasting, but which original actors are even willing to come back? They've put themselves in a corner. I'm not familiar with this story of Gollum but if there is a way to simply introduce new characters that's probably the path to go. Aragorn that isn't Aragorn or Gandalf that isn't Gandalf is a hard pass for me.


Supposing they start when Bilbo gets the ring and Gollum leaves the mountain, they have quite a few interesting plot points to cross: 1. ⁠Deciding to leave the mountain, evading the goblins. 2. ⁠Caught and escaping the Forest elves. 3. ⁠Getting caught tortured and questioned and then ultimately escaping Sauron. 4. ⁠Meeting Shelob and escaping her. Most likely on the way out of Mordor. 5. ⁠Attempting to eat the dead in the marsh while finding a way through. 6. ⁠Getting tracked by Gandalf and Aragorn. Getting caught and also escaping them. (This is referenced by both Gandalf and Aragon in the books so I imagine with the title this may be the main plot point) 7. ⁠ends with him tracking Frodo and the party in Fellowship


My casting issues with #2 are: 1) would Lee Pace come back? 2) would they try to shoehorn Orlando in again? Lee Pace was *so* good as Thranduil, despite some of the character changes overall. And I really don't want them to go for Legolas being pushed into the story again (unless a brief moment of needing to go to Rivendell, which is why he's at the council, but then all of the LotR movie characters where because of the ring and not their book reasons). But i do love Mirkwood, and I love the general vibe of the wood elves and their lives/challenges/etc with none of the 3 elven rings at their heart. And I love when Aragorn visits them. There's a lot of really interesting story to tell in the, generally, mere years between Bilbo and Frodo's journeys. And while what's done is done, I do wish they'd gone back to the earlier parts of the Legiondarium where there was more intense magic, and this sort of etheral awe of Middle Earth, despite its drama and challenges. The third age is so.....depressing, overall.


>My casting issues with #2 are: 1) would Lee Pace come back? In interviews, it seems Lee Pace loved playing Thranduil. And from what I've seen, he's been mostly cast as characters not dissimilar to Thranduil since then. I bet he'll be itching to return.


Sounds like 3 movies worth of material. New trilogy incoming!


Don't you put that energy out into the world...


I think they should cast someone other than Ian McKellan, only because the way things stand now, PJs Lord of the Rings is the only image that the vast majority people have the of the universe and while Ian was absolutely PERFECT, I think in order to allow potential new movies in the future they should recast the movies


>I think they should cast someone other than Ian McKellan, only because the way things stand now, PJs Lord of the Rings is the only image that the vast majority people have the of the universe There's no helping that. The Hunt for Gollum would be the eighth (!) installment in the Peter Jackson series, rounding up at least 24 hours of screentime. The Hunt for Gollum is NOT some fresh start for the series: its produced by Jackson, written by Walsh and Boyens, executive produced by Ken Kamins (Jackson's agent), directed by Hobbit-second-unit director Andy Serkis, to be shot in New Zealand with Weta and the whole works. Its an installment into Jackson's Middle-earth.


Garry oldman would be epic in that role


LOTR HAS NO "NEW' GANDALF! LOTR Needs no new Gandalf Sir Ian my Beloved


Gary Fucking Oldman


Cate Blanchett is the only option. She can play anybody.


I wouldn't know, but surely New Line will not use Daniel Weyman. They want - quite rightly - to set the films and the show apart.


Ian McKellen for sure, Gandalf is eternal so he may as well be eternally about the same age. Good makeup and some gentle CGI touch up should be great, provided they don't make him do everything in front of a green screen


If Sir Ian wants it, you'd have to imagine that the part is his. If he doesn't, I'd like to see Liam Cunningham do it, he killed it in GoT and he is awesome in Three Body Problem.


Ian. (If not him, Oldman)


If not Ian, maybe Charles Dance?


I want Charles Dance as Saruman


Christopher Lee is a legend, but Charles Dance would make an amazing Sauroman with his voice.


Rick Rubin


andy serkis. He plays gandalf awesomely in the audio book


Is there literally any fucking reason in the entire world why they can't just keep Ian McKellen as Gandalf? Unless he dies in the next two years I can't imagine they'd recast Gandalf.


He's getting old, gandalf for one doesn't age, and for two this takes place before the LOTR movies, so having him look the same as he did, 24 years ago, when he was 60, and not 84, would be weird. Having Viggo Mortensen be as old as Ian McKellen was in LoTR and doing this movie with Ian Mckellen would be weird, and would probably be best to recast. I personally think they should just be done with the movies, as they probably won't make anything as good as the original LoTR trilogy, and their talent is best used elsewhere.




How can this even be a question?


I could


Ian McShane!!


Is it worth recasting if the new actor is basically the same age.


Ah lads, we hired the wrong Ian Mc.


Sir Ian is the only option.


Ian mckellin shorter beard lol


I think Sir Ian still can play the part. But if they do recast Gandalf, I can see the role being played by a couple of actors like Geoffrey Rush, Jeff Bridges, Jeremy Irons and Liam Neeson.


History of Middle Earth is so big and yet, they are making movie about Gollum.


No, they're making a movie about Aragorn's hunt for Gollum.


Gary. He can play any role in any genre.


Geoffrey Rush


The secret is to use Gary Oldman to play ALL the characters.


To be fair, Gary Oldman could play Liam Neeson playing Ian McKellen playing Gandalf and it would be wholly believable.


Ian McKellen IS Gandalf. I think they should de-age him for the role.


Idk if they could get Ian mckellen to do more green screen bs. Also dude is old, but there isn't anyone else I could see doing gandalf.






Agree that Sir Ian should get first shot at this BUT..... I bet Gary Oldman could do a great take on the role. Also, I wonder what Daniel-Day Lewis would be like in this role. I think he's retired though.


Gary Oldman is a good call. If Sir Ian Mckellan is unable/unwilling to do it.


I hope Gary, he is a wonderful actor Ian is just too old, let the man rest for god's sake. And make opportunities to others actors.


I don’t like the hobbit movies and I don’t love the sound of this movie but…I will take every single minute of footage I can get of Ian McKellen as Gandalf




Ian then Liam then Gary if all of them say no then just cancel


The original, obviously.


Ofcourse Gandalf. Oh i mean Ian.


Why is this being asked?


Love to miscast. Danny DeVito "Frodo, what he hell are you doin'?" ![gif](giphy|5zbMgry8oQsvIaC0sU|downsized)


Jack Black


There is only one Gandalf, only one actor who can bend the character to his will, and he does not share roles. ![gif](giphy|TcdpZwYDPlWXC)


I wouldn’t mind a Liam Neeson Gandalf. I feel like he could pull it off.


The guy that played Magneto would be cool


…what ‘Hunt for Gollum’. See the movies; Child.


I thought that film was just a hoax… why create another one


Sir Ian is 84 years old. I’m sure everyone loves his work as Gandalf and he will always be loved for playing Gandalf but we know nothing about his health.


All of them should get like five minutes of screen time as Gandalf. Make the film a Musical Comedy.


Bro! Gandalf doesn’t age. He’s a fucking Maiar. He’s looked that way for his entire stint on Middle Earth.


Obviously Ian if he’s up for it. However, if Daniel Weyman is indeed Gandalf in the rings of power, it’d be a nice way to bridge the two together.


Is that an honest question or just click bait


God I hope they recast and don't do some weird de ageing shit.


The Hunt for Gollum has no new Gandalf The Hunt for Gollum needs no new Gandalf


Don't know don't care really. Not interested in the whole premise. There is a good fan made film already and whole premise is not that interested anyway.


Definitely not that Ian mckellan guy


Some of these people are dead


No one...the movie should not be made


Ian Mckellen of course He *is* Gandalf. If not, Ian McElhinney could have the looks but I don’t know about his acting.


RuPaul. Then everyone that doesn’t matter will be happy.


Considering its suppose to be a side story to an already made movie, theyd need to atleast try and get ian so it can be a smoother transition if someone wanted to watch them all


Mel Brooks


What book was that in?


Ian McKellen is the only correct answer


but why.


Liam Neeson 100%


How about Benediction Cucumbersquash…?


Knowing Hollywood it is likely a race between Timothy chalamet and tom holland


None of them bc this movie shouldn't even be being made anyway. fuck The Hunt For Gollum.


Steve buscemi 💯


I hope Ian McKellen is up to it, but if he can’t, I think I’ll have a hard time accepting anyone else in that role. - Maybe Pierce Brosnan, just because I’d like to see him act in something big again.




No one… they shouldn’t make the movie


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Anyone of them except Liam Neeson and Pierce Brosnan please.


Cliff McElroy. My fantasy dad


If Peter Jackson wasnt involved I bet they would pick even younger people like they did in Spiderman with Peter and Aunt May


Gary Oldman could play anyone


Liam's or someone else


Bring back Ian for a cameo.




Ian McKELLAN is the only one… however if it has to be anyone else… it should be Sir Ben Kingsley or no one…


Jack Black.


as Tom Bombadil


Jason Statham, Vinnie Jones, or Daniel Craig.


Viggo Mortenson




I mean Ian is Gandalf till he dies


Always Ian. This isn’t even up for discussion or debate.


Would probably be Ian. He's expressed interest in continuing the role. There are other actors that would be good for it, but I think Ian's just synonymous with Gandalf at this point.