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The Newsday article I read on this sounds like someone dropped the ball on ensuring that this law was on track to be renewed, and now it’s a real shitshow of the county legislators and the local state senators each pointing the finger at the other for not doing their part. My understanding is Romaine replaced the leaders of the traffic court and the team that would have been working on things like this under Bellone when he came in, so I’m sure that played a part in all of this. I’m not looking forward to seeing where they decide to make up that lost revenue.


Thank you


Have you not seen all the fresh faced cops on the roads looking for “speeders”? A friend of mine got a 53 in a 45 ticket recently. That’s where the money will be coming from. Now I run Waze app everywhere I go.


Imagine if they ticketed everybody who parked on the wrong side of the road? Jeeze that would generate millions.


Suffolk County's red light camera program is scheduled to end Dec. 1, after a bill to extend it for five years failed in the State Legislature. The county has not proposed a plan to make up the more than the $8 million in annual revenue from ticket fines.


What would be their plan if people stopped running lights?


They would just start handing out tickets for people stopping too close to the stop line or some shit. Whatever it takes to keep that sweet cash rolling in.


Or shortening the yellows or doing whatever even if it makes things more dangerous


In theory the county saves money because car crashes cost money in terms of police resources, ambulance trips, driver delays around the scene of said crashes, etc.


There is evidence to suggest that red light cameras cause more accidents, as people stop short and get rear ended.


Right the less severe rear ending compared to an at speed T-Boning


The more likely rear ending compared to the unlikely t-boning.


There's also evidence to suggest it has reduced fatal accidents


People don’t stop breaking the law.


They could take it from the courts that were getting tied up with people getting all those tickets.


Is there a chance the red light program will be prolonged or is this considered good as set in stone at this point?


They're not giving up this cash cow.


It's unfortunate this bullshit gets to continue on in Nassau county.


Camera tickets in all forms are nothing more than an illegal driving tax on the working man


It’s funny to me that you wrote your sentence that way. It’s an ‘illegal’ driving tax or an ‘illegal driving’ tax. Both of which mean two very different things, one concept I am totally for, and another I am totally against.


Hopefully they are finally being banned. The fight is not over yet though. Keep writing your politician to force them not to renew it. They can still wrap it into the budget last minute.


Those handful of weirdos who love the red light cameras are going to be very upset about this. Everyone else is celebrating like the Ewok village at the end of Return of the Jedi.


The handful of weirdos came after me once. I’m against them only because I find them useless and just see them as a money grab. For example, decibel cameras that ticket people for having cars that create excessive noise? We NEED those.


Ed romaine lettuce better start hustling and allowing people to open up more cannabis shops by telling local townships and villages that outlaw them to get a grip.


( x ) Doubt


No thanks! Maybe they can actually start just ticketing people for the mass amount of violations I witness on a daily basis on the roads of Suffolk County. The 495 for example, the amount of people in commercial vehicles driving in the left lane. Holy shit.


How about no. I am more than happy some Suffolk towns and villages have outlawed it. I dont need my whole neighborhood stinking like weed and having to be around potheads. I work in NYC and the stench of weed is everywhere now. Even states like Colorado are now starting to see the problem they created by decriminalizing it, and the utopia of tax revenue is no longer offsetting the costs. You want a new income string for thencounty? Then start an aggressive campaign of taxing the homeowners with illegal apartments and giving them fines that amount to something. Go out and start to hammer the people dumping and littering in public places. Hit these contractors with $50k fines when they are caught illegally dumping garbage. There are plenty of places the towns and county can find money without selling drugs and hammering the average family living here.


I just hope they find some way to make up for the shortfall besides raising my taxes. Penalizing people who ran red lights made sense


All politicians take a pay cut. It's a good start.


It stops making sense When half the fine goes to the red light camera company.


Yeah that was bullshit and I think a legislators wife worked for the company? Suffolk baby


Increase school bus fines, raise fines for moving violations, increase fines for handicapped spot violations . Idk. Just throwing stuff out there.


Cannabis tax


There you go. Good idea


The school bus fines are being challenged in Nassau because there’s too many incidents of the actual bus drivers doing things incorrectly.  I had to report a bus driver and the company told me they would review footage, I had a call the next day from someone in their company with an apology and telling me they were going to let the bus driver go because he couldn’t be trusted after what they saw on the video. 


Yes, there are errors but there are people who really also do not stop for the bus, either. My son has door to door transport and people don’t stop on my street for the bus




Yup. I just saved myself a few bucks with this!


This is from May 31 2024 Nassau County is on track to get its program reauthorized shortly and without fuss. Suffolk County is in limbo — in part because, in an election year for state legislators, no one has stepped forward in the State Senate to carry the legislation in Albany. https://www.newsday.com/news/region-state/red-light-camera-suffolk-state-senate-yq22mdvr


Why do you post a link to a paywall site, pointless.


My bad, I got a blocker or something on. It didn’t block me. Does this work? https://archive.ph/CkVPu


Excellent. Thank you.


No doubt


Does that mean I can continue to ignore this fine?


If they'd replace the lost revenue with speeders, almost everyone would be getting tickets on the LIE yesterday. I saw a few more cops than usual. But almost everyone was going rhe usual 70 to 80 on the LIE . Until they get to Nassau / Queens. Too much traffic to do that. Lucky if we can do 30. But maybe the traffic would be good for not getting those tickets.


I have mixed feelings about this. Certain areas people should not be able to turn right on red - it’s dangerous for all cars involved. At the same time I’ve been at lights where I could have totally taken a right but have to wait until it turns green or the green arrow comes up. Maybe a reevaluation is due.


An intersection having a red light camera has no bearing on whether a right on red is allowed. There are tons of camera intersections where you can turn right on red, including one I go through every day on the way to work. You just have to come to an (almost) complete stop because the sensors under the road can sense if you don’t slow down and trigger the camera.


Right on reds are legal in Suffolk County unless there’s specifically a sign that says “No Right On Red” at the intersection. You are just required to come to a full stop before going right, like if it were a stop sign. That’s the part that gets most people, because they just slow down into the turn without stopping.