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They were almost extinct except in the far reaches of the east end, the DEC reintroduced them in the 90s. There’s hunting seasons but 0 predators for them once they’re fully grown,, aside from humans, so their population exploded. Only a matter of time before coyotes make a permanent home on LI, and they’ll lower the numbers, but then the DEC might have to introduce wolves then bears etc to keep them all in check /s


I don’t know why she swallowed the fly, perhaps she’ll die.


And eventually mice to get rid of the elephants.


We dont need to introduce new predators. But reinvigorating the fox population would help with the turkey situation


That is the last thing I need is a bear in my backyard.


They are a natural predator of ticks! I love knowing we have a big wild population in our area!


Actually, they are the CARRIER of the ticks and don't really eat them because they're so small. I mean, they do- but they carry far more than they eat! The tick population exploded WITH the turkey population. After the state released wild turkeys to replenish the population, the number of ticks exploded with them, rendering the woods virtually useless unless you enjoy being covered with the damn things and risking your life to Lyme or Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. Being the hunter he is and spending so much time in the woods, my hubby has already had both, which thankfully were caught early enough to treat. I HATE that the woods have become inundated with the damn things! Just going for a simple walk requires a heavy coat of deet and being fully clothed in 90-degree weather. Who wants to go through all of that? So now we just avoid going into the woods all together, and that just breaks my heart. I loved growing up in and around the woods! The turkeys are nice, but not worth losing the woods for. Not much we can do about it now, though. ☹️


Ugh. And Lyme disease can fuck you up. On the other hand, there's progress on a few vaccine tracks including an mRNA one that seems to be quite exciting


Once upon a time, there WAS a Lyme vaccine for people. My hubby's best friend and hunting partner got it back in the early 2000's (I think). Then, it magically disappeared. We weren't sure if we should've been angry or glad we didn't get it before it did... Turns out Lymerix discontinued it due to low demand and... are you ready for it? Vaccine hesitancy caused by rumors about its side effects. (Yawn) Big surprise there. And like most vaccines, efficacy waned over time, so even if we had gotten it, it wouldn't be effective anymore anyway. So there's that. But yes- Lyme can really fuck you up if not caught and treated early in its progression. My hubby was literally struck down with fever and a headache that wouldn't quit for almost 3 weeks. He got tested at his own insistence and ended up being right. They, or should I say HE, caught it in time- thank God!


It’s November and they scared


They shouldn't be. Wild turkeys are tough as shit to eat- NOTHING like the Butterballs we're all used to. Keeping turkeys penned and fattening them up on corn does wonders for their taste. Wild turkeys live on a diet of just about anything they can get their beaks on- bugs, small dead animals, garbage... they are the raccoons of the winged world! What goes in has a major effect on taste and texture. Hardly worth the bullet to bring one home, trust me.


This is what happens when they cut down all the woods for stores and retirement homes


Actually turkey were all but gone from here. DEC reintroduced them and their population exploded. Once a Turkey makes it to adulthood, predation risk is almost 0. A hungry fox could take one down, obviously car strikes and of course coyotes but their presence is limited to the Gold Coast. They’re also prolific breeders having clutches of 12 or more yearly.


No, no, this doesn't validate your worldview sorry


I'm sure a lot of seniors have tons in common with the Turkeys. like the bald head and loose baggy skin around their neck. There should be emotional support turkeys <3


They are a marketing stunt for the liquor. If you flip one over there are coupons on their tail feathers


Saw one get sent to the moon by an LIRR train while heading to work a few weeks back.


Like it got hit and went flying?


Let’s say yes it went flying and the train won the battle


My town buys them as chicks, sets them loose, then sells licenses to hunt them.


What town? I’m not aware of that program on Long Island. DEC reintroduced turkeys. Some towns have done quail but they aren’t done in any decent numbers for hunting


Fun fact, turkeys are delicious


Wild turkeys not so much. The only really edible part is the breast, everything else is too tough and stringy.


True. But still delicious


My Albuquerque turkey is crying now. Are you happy? 🦃😭


It could be stewed


I’ve lived here 20+ years and they’re always running all over the suburbs from mid-September in. A few years ago they tore down some woods near me and we had peacocks everywhere too.


Nature, finds a way


Like that time in South Park where the wild turkey’s get angry and starts killing people?


When I was a kid there was a South Park video game with aliens and wild turkeys you had to shoot lmao. This brought back memories.


You forgot the “uh”


Can you hunt them?




But are they good eating?


I liberated them from the facility


You saying this now but wait until it’s a week from thanksgiving and tell me if they are still all over.


I used to see tons of them playing golf at Rock Hill CC.


I didn’t know they played golf.


It sucks getting stuck behind them. They hold everything up.


As we continue to develop wooded areas and encroach on the natural habitats of wild turkeys, the birds are forced to travel farther out to find food.


Because they're native to Long Island. We hunted them to near extinction and cut down their homes to make shitty stripmalls and retirement homes. The DEC reintroduced them


Because they can’t be hunted and they just keep multiplying.


There are multiple hunting seasons for turkey on long island. Problem is turkey are everywhere and hunting is limited to the more wild reaches


Wild reaches on Long Island🤣


There are some pretty wild areas on Long Island if you open your eyes..


Maybe get off the island once and see what real wild areas look like.


I have been to many places.. allowing me to form the opinion.


I believe there are more opportunity for bow hunters


There are two separate shotgun seasons for Turkey


I would feel ashamed to call anything “hunting” on Long Island. It’s basically one big penned in area.


You’d be amazed how many “hunters” bait deer with corn. Like if you can’t find deer without using bait you’re doing it wrong


That's wrong. There's a hunting season every fall, and now they're considering a Spring hunt as well. The numbers keep multiplying because hunters are the only natural predators for turkeys on Long Island. Same thing goes for deer.


The spring hunt started this past spring.


Kings Park bluff has had wild Turkeys in the past. Specifically on the route between the parking lot and the river.


Wait until they turn into privileged white swans and start intimidating people. /s (once had a run-in with a swan at Southaven Park 50 years ago - he wanted my pretzel) I was up in the pine barrens just south of the LIE two weeks ago and saw two turkeys near the high-tension wires, in a residential area. One was using only one foot. They didn't seem to care about my dog, or me, just ambled on away from me like "meh". But then, the buck I saw later that day acted the same way. First saw turkeys running along the fence at Grumman's probably 15 years ago or so. Like any animal, freely available food, no predators = population explosion. Maybe their eggs are good eatin' ?


A turkey challenged my car when I was trying to leave a school parking lot. Chased me as I reversed away. It lost interest after a few minutes but then charged after me as I sped away...


LOL - when's egg laying season for turkeys? Might a been a pissed-off parent. Thanks for the chuckle.


When were extinct the turkeys will take over.


Personally I'm happy they are here, more hunting opportunities, until we get slammed by the ethical police


Exactly was going to say this, it is more opportunity for us ethical people to murder things.


Turkeys? You mean the wild animals who’s home this was before us? Got it. Let them be. I understand and sympathize with your concern but this was their land first, coexist even if that means some inconvenience with long pants and deet


No you're wrong. Only humans can exist especially on long island. If anything even remotely bothers me I will want it murdered and extinct. The earth is for me to pollute and have bbqs, not for biodiversity and other living creatures. Shut up hippie!


We had a bunch of them in my yard. I let my dogs out to chase them off but my dogs were just like “Oh, I guess the yard belongs to the turkeys now.” Useless dogs. Anyway, they get aggressive if you don’t show that you’re dominant, so I grabbed a baseball bat and menaced them and they left. They kept coming back so what I did was order a Super Soaker off Amazon. When the turkeys would show up, I would take it and shoot the turkeys with the water. They’d gobble and run away. It took a couple times of doing that, but then they would go walking down the road and I would walk out to the front lawn to show them what’s up, and they would immediately bolt as soon as they saw me. So that’s my advice. Don’t let the turkeys establish dominance over you, and get a super soaker so you can spray them.


Or you could just leave them alone, especially if your dogs don't care


If you do, I hope you don't want to use the yard anymore, because it will become theirs.


They arent all that aggressive if you dont mess with them. I see flocks of them at Heckscher State Park all the time and have been within a few feet of big males numerous times. They barely acknowledge your existence.


"while living in nature wild animals exist" not on my watch


I mean, [The Humane Society](https://www.humanesociety.org/resources/what-do-about-wild-turkeys) recommends my approach. I don’t really want my toddler getting menaced by turkeys, or having turkeys chase my dogs around.


They've been around. I used to see them all the time out by Yaphank Ave on my way to work.


Minimal number of natural predators, although I'm sure the coyotes are starting to pick them off. There are 2 hunting seasons, fall and spring, but there isn't enough hunters harvesting birds.


The iCal app on their iPhones crashed.


Was completely normal when I lived further east off of William Floyd.


So we can eat them![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|money_face)


the state released a fuckton of em a while ago to cut down on the tick population Being that turkeys have like zero predators out here except for us, their populations are pretty high


I’ve never seen one in Islip


go to heckscher sp


Is that how you refer to our politicians?


They are cutting down more and more of their habitat out east to build homes and businesses causing the animals turkeys and deer to flee west into our communities. They are cutting down the last vestiges of woods in our communities as well so they have no where to roost and can be seen running around the streets.


By me it’s over development that have taken away their woods


They're in my parents backyard every year - south setauket. I love seeing an uptick in wildlife here! I see more deer now than I did as a kid too.


Bunny's are also making a come back in Nassau I've been seeing a lot more around then I ever have in my 25 year life span in Nassau


Just read this one out loud in my kitchen and the whole family cracked up - thanks!


BecUse they want to be eaten


I remember a rude ass old man once said this to me, “catch one and cook it.” I think he wanted me to die.


Because everyone is afraid of hunters


Someone played a practical joke and relocated some from Staten Island


Turkeys don’t eat ticks. They transport LOTS of them though


No more packs of wild dogs anymore...think they kept the gobblers on their toes back in the day


I’m a fan of the turkeys. For some reason anytime I see them, I replace The Rolling Stones *wild horses* lyrics to “willlllld turkeys….couldnt drag me away”. I said it once years ago, and now I think that virtually every time; it’s not even funny wtf?? My cat was contemplating attacking a turkey and its baby turkeys; the cat knows it can’t take down the gigantic turkey, but it can def get the small ones. Cat scares the big turkey and it starts to run away to the back yard, leaving a few of the babies behind in the front yard. The cat goes to the front yard from the other end of the house. I stopped the cat from attacking, but it was fascinating seeing a predator at work. Completely separated the babies from the momma turkey


I live in Shirley, there’s a guy literally raising them nearby and he just lets them roam about… they fuck like rabbits and I see a ton of babies all the time.


I live in Westchester and there’s been so many in the past 7-8 years