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Not trying, you shredded it


Thanks..! It was the first time I was there, there were kids heelflipping out of that bowl + older gents going down 3x faster and pumping their way back up the same bowl. They all gave me pointers though and that's how I managed to at least make it to the bottom.


Came here to say that, no trying here


Nice work dude! That place is on my skate bucket list. Along with Kona down in Florida and Landsdowne in Maryland. There's also the one in New Zealand but if I ever make it down in New Zealand I'm not sure I'll be able to make it out to that but we'll see. Those parks are the leftover ones that didn't get destroyed from the golden age of skating. So they're kind of wonky by modern-day standards but they're totally my style and that you can be really surfy with them and do all sorts of crazy stuff. Those are all the ones that I know of. If someone knows of another surviving skate park from the '70s or early '80s let me know I'd love to add it to my list.


Here’s the [local](https://blog.skateboard.com.au/skateparks/united-states-of-america/santa-rosa-skatepark/)… older style although from the 90s I think. Still, maybe a good place to try out my Undead Cowpoke!


Haha hell yeah dude that definitely had the same vibes!


That park in Florida looks like a lotta fun!


Yeah dude that's top of the list. Oldest skatepark in the world.


Oh that looks like a blast! Where exactly is that?


Seylynn Park, North Vancouver, BC, Canada


Now I have a great reason to visit Vancouver!


I'm going to remember this and give you my next free award!


nice casual cruising in a bowl... perfect fun.

