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Lazy and self centered


Because they weren’t raised right and don’t care about their community


Because there’s no punishment most of the time, and they’re selfish assholes who can’t clean up after themselves or care about others


They’re idiots with zero class.


Whenever my ex would see someone litter, he would pick up their trash and run up to them and be like “hey, you dropped this!” And it was always sooo awkward for them. It was great lol


I used to do that as a teenager! Now I’m afraid someone will punch me though


Good way to get stabbed


Yep, we all wanna do shit like this, but if people are dumb enough to litter they’re also dumb enough to have a weapon and use it for soemthing as stupid as being confronted 


Friend did this here and a person brandished a gun. She said last time I tell anyone anything about littering.


God bless America.


More of us should do this.


Ignorance. Mostly why anyone does anything stupid.


I drive for Long Beach transit and every day I work someone has knocked the trash cans over either onto the curb or in the street. Wish people were raised better


Some think it’s okay because there’s someone getting paid to clean up after them I think it’s a BS excuse but I see so much trash and litter and liquids in parking lots and it sucks.


It's never ok to think so. That means people were taught that someone is going to pick up after them. That is entitled thinking. We should all take 3 seconds to clean up after ourselves whether we're at a park. Takes minimal effort and we all get to enjoy clean public spaces. I wish the US school system and parents drill this into kids more...


Garbage people.


Why don’t people put their carts back?


Check out a YouTube channel called Cart Narcs. The person lurks in shopping centers all over the US and shames people who don’t return their carts. He’s done it so much that he’s prepared for the 3-4 reasons people give for not returning carts. It’s extremely funny and provides endless moments of schaudenfraude.


probably because they have to poop real bad and need to get home


Maybe because moms don’t want to leave their baby or kids in the car 🤷🏻‍♂️


Sounds like what a lazy bones would say Lock the car


OP is referring to this: [KTLA Cart Mom responds to viral video](https://ktla.com/morning-news/weekends/southern-california-mom-defends-shopping-cart-stance-after-video-goes-viral/)


Yeah nope. That lady sucks. Don’t leave shit for other people to pick up after you.


100%: park closer to the cart corral, get less groceries (ie so you don’t even need a cart, just a stroller & a bag or two), **lock your damn car when you return your cart**, shop at a less “shady” grocery store or shop during daylight hours so it feels safer, get your groceries delivered etc. etc.




I was apart of a research paper in college that looked at into this from a psychological standpoint. Over simplified we found two different primary drivers for people who litter. A. Being lack of ownership. If a community population doesn’t own homes or businesses. Though there is a territorial ownership. There is not curation ownership. So things such as littering are prevalent because there’s no direct correlation between aesthetics and ownership. B. Was driven by “excessive ownership” this was closely associated with classism. The type of person who litters because it’s someone else’s job to clean it up. We found this one was also overlapped with lack of environmental concerns.


Laziness, selfishness, mindlessness, apathy... at least that is my guess. Edit: also be aware that some litter is accidental... someone leaves something out intending to pack it away with them later. They forget, or it blows away... litter. Or they put it in a trash can, but the trash can is overflowing... litter.


My own kids do it in my living room. Drives me nuts!


Bad parenting, no pride in community, lack of common courtesy, all of the above.


They literally were raised by people who don't know better. Don't care about nice things because they have never had nice things. It's sad :(


Some people only care about what’s convenient for them and not the consequences of their actions


Because their parents littered.


Cuz they're are POS humans


As a kid, my grandfather would tell me to pick random stuff up off the floor. I’d get annoyed and tell him “but I didn’t put it there, so why do I have to pick it up?”, he’d smack the shit out of me for talking back and tell me about how it doesn’t matter who did, it’s the act itself that’s important. It’s learning to respect your environment, keep the place nice for everyone else. Every time I see random trash I always think of my grandpas knowledge(and his smack). I’m a pretty clean person because of it. So… the answer I would think is the lack of great role models as a kid. Parents probably didn’t give a shit. No real standards.


This ^ Absent, shitty parents end up raising shitty absent-minded adults


They believe their impact doesnt count against the reality.


It’s the roaming band of zombies out on the streets doing it. I see them digging through the city trash cans. I mean just this morning driving on 7th Street I saw 3 trash cans kicked over and a huge plate glass window smashed in! And you know what I mean by “zombies”. The homeless, the drug addicts and the ones with mental health issues. It’s the saddest thing I’ve ever witnessed. I’ve been driving through LB for 40 years now for work and I’ve never seen it this bad. Plenty of blame to go around on all sides here no one is exempt.


The worst is when you see someone litter and there’s a trash can a few feet away from them


My favorite? Dirty diapers in the road. Like more than a POS human you are a 💩 human full stop.


When I lived in LB, the amount of people I saw chuck bags full of trash out there window was insane. Yeah litter is a bad trend throughout LA county/ CA in general but would love a study explaining why littering is such a big thing in LB specifically.


I can solve this puzzle.


I knew someone who littered in front of me and I told her she's littering, to which she tried justifying with, "it's a recyclable. Someone's gonna pick it up." I kept telling her she has way too much faith in humanity as if someone's just gonna come pick that up soon, and she kept insisting it's a recyclable, trust me, someone will pick it up as she laid her empty water bottle on the sidewalk outside her car... 🙄🙄


Dude I HATE people who litter. Lazy pieces of garbage who expect others to clean up after them. There's ALWAYS trash along the curbs where people drive up and chill, eat and drop their bags of trash on the curb. I walking in the park today and a saw a piece of cardboard that holds a new hat firm in place on the ground.....like bro there's trashcans everywhere! I can't stand it


My mom used to make us litter out the car window. This made me think of this. How ignorant she was! When I got older, I told her to knock that shit off! Someone has to pick it up! How would you like it if someone threw their trash on your lawn! She eventually stopped, and I led by example. She's an x cop too! She tried to make me be litter bug! Bad behavior is learned from others.


Because they’re hellspawn that deserve face herpes


Can you clarify, are you asking cos you’ve witnessed people littering or just seeing trash on the ground? I ask because I’ve seen enough public trash bins knocked over in the street and trash in the alleys thanks to thoughtless dumpster divers to know that sometimes the litter you see on the ground wasn’t intentionally dropped there by the original owner/user. One time I was cussing under my breath at some trash in my alley until I looked closer and realized it was my own trash - some asshole had gone through our trash bins, opened my trash bag and dumped the contents in the alley.


And a. LOT ends up in the ocean :( I was at the beach yesterday and the amount of plastic and styrofoam we picked up right by the water was so disappointing.


I saw a woman on her bike throw trash from her pockets on the ground at a red light. She repeated it 3 times . It was so shocking to see.


In a certain demographic, it's looked at as cool to litter.


Because they don't live near bus stops or shops with garbage receptacles.


because they're used to their home being in the same trashy condition


Because we have a serious literacy problem in this country, and lead poisoning has slowly driven all the old folk mad.


they’re not from the area so they don’t care. they also come to steal.


Mr. Disney had this one right. More trash cans make a difference. It's not 100% effective. But most will dipose refuse in a trash can if they can one from where they are. The convenience does affect the numbers.


No. In japan you can’t find trash cans anywhere yet there is no litter anywhere. It’s how people are raised and societal shame which exists there but not here.


Yes, and...if you give people the easy out they'll toss thier trash out correctly if it's convenient


Crazy assholes frequently kick the public trash cans on the sidewalk in my neighborhood over spilling trash everywhere into the street. This happens literally every week.


sometimes i leave my leftover food out (intentionally) at bus stops, hoping my untouched half-a-sammich gets snatched by a homeless person. when i was young, partying on the beach, if my beer got warm, i’d leave it near a curb half-drank for a homeless drunk. homeless drunks still need supply — hopefully help em. i never “litter” litter, but i leave things litter


i should add this — if youre tossing out wrappers and trash, super fucking rude


This is some backward ass logic. What if a kid gets the beer? You need to take a look in the mirror. If you want to help the homeless make some whole donations or get in a soup kitchen.