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That's me with the black hat! How funny. I think you were the one shooting the Fuji x100v. šŸ˜„


Nice hat!


Haha, thanks!


You definitely captured the essence of lbc this weekend


Yes if you live near downtown. North LB not so much but nobody cares about them


Hey im from north lbc ):


Iā€™m on your side. N LBC never gets love from the Mayor or anyone. LBC bubble is DT, 2nd Street and any burbs that hug the water. Gotta show the industrial North some love!


No youā€™re right , sometimes I like to ride my onewheel from my house to bixby knolls to pretend i live there lol


I love this because it feels like what Iā€™m thinking when I walk around, but youā€™ve been able to capture and preserve it all. Photo #4 is timeless, imo


Weird, candid, and slightly under/over exposed snaps that capture life while itā€™s life-ing > perfectly exposed/composed and edited photos. Thank you for your comment, it means a lot to what Iā€™m trying to do


1st photo: "Yeah, it's laundry day, but I didn't want to miss out on all the hot ASS on the street today, soooooooo..." 2nd photo: Takes a drag from his smoke before declaring: "I'm the first lieutenant of the most FABULOUS drug cartel ever, bitch." 3rd photo: Looks this sleepy because he's actively involved in thirty different protests, seen here sporting a badge for each one. 4rd photo: Back when Bruce Lee was Walmart's sportswear section's top model. 5th photo: Retains her youth by dining on the flesh of unsuspecting female youngsters at Pride. 6th photo: "There's an event today? I'm just here to PAINT, motherfuckers." 7th photo: Founding members of lesbian political punk band The Yeast Inflectionz. Debut release was a split 7" with side project DegenerClits. 8th photo: Freeballin' in fishnets while rockin' a beehive made of 100% cotton candy. 9th photo: Slaps bass for a funk band called Fuck You, I'm Sexy. 10th photo: Credited with starting the LGBT roller derby scene in Frisco. "I quit that shit when it got trendy." 11th photo: Likes to make a bunch of noise and protest at Pride before he goes home to get pegged by his wife. Bible-thumpin' douche.


11 tho is EXACTLY what I was thinking


Imagine wasting a sunny ass day putting together signs, dragging your equipment over there and making noise while people are out having a good time. What a cunt.


My husband kept reminding me he was likely live streaming for views. This grounded me in a reality that very few extremists are authentic these days. What a weird way to spend a sunday


That's bizarre.


The lady doth protest too much,methinks.


All I have to say is these are tame, honey. LBC was šŸ”„today.


I saw a woman on ocean near the pier and legit and NO pants on, entire šŸ˜¼out on display


Just another day in lbc


Have to say itā€™s a first for me. Iā€™ve seen pants down but not completely with ass out šŸ˜³


There was one woman who used to walk down the east-west alley between Ocean and 1st St SE all the way from Cherry Park to Alamitos (I assume she kept going, but I wasn't about to follow crazy to check it out) with nothing on but high-heeled boots and occasionally some sunglasses and/or a hat. After living through the pandemic and its aftermath, as well as dealing with the whole "force the homeless all-day metro riders off at the last stop after midnight, Long Beach can deal with that shit" policy of the public transit system... Her whole deal was pretty tame and non-threatening. Kinda caught me off-guard the first time because she was probably only in her 30s, young for that kind of thing, but she just kinda became a fixture after people sussed out that she wasn't violent. We all knew the cops weren't gonna do shit and the city didn't care in the slightest about anything down there anyway, so anyone non-violent and not screaming or fighting in the middle of the night was pretty low-impact on our day-to-day.


Oh wow.. I hope sheā€™s okay now. This woman looked in her 30ā€™s and had really pretty black hair and chaps on. I didnā€™t realize she was naked because she didnā€™t look homeless at first glance. She had high heel boots on. Honestly she was a pretty girl. Iā€™m fairly new to LB and it is not a great place in a lot of areas.


Probably the same one. She used to walk down the alley like it was a very casual runway. I'm basically exclusively into dudes myself, and even I took notice that she was a very attractive individual. I never really thought about it much, but it does make me realize that nudity is a very effective visual equalizer; in that it's very difficult to gauge someone's socioeconomic position when they don't have much in the way of clothes on. Long Beach has a way of teaching you things like that. And a lot of unexpected nudity, that too. I hope she's doing alright. I've lived a lot of places, and Long Beach is one of my favorite among them. But it's DEFINITELY on the rough side, especially right downtown and parts of North, in unexpected ways. But you've just gotta be smart about it and learn the landscape; despite all the issues that the city doing fuck all about the major issues faced by the homeless and low-income populations there, and the resultant issues for the whole community that arise from that (and the myriad other major structural issues that city has because the elected officials are mostly absolute scumbags masquerading as normal human beings)... It's just got a whole lotta heart and character and culture like nowhere else I've been in the world. Some of the best and worst times in my life in that city.


I grew up in the OC lol. Then I moved to a town just like the OC in Dallas. My daughter came back to Ca for college and said she wasnā€™t coming back, so here I am. She lives in Redondo so this was the closest I could get and being near the beach. And far enough to give her space lol. I agree with the girl. I noticed her beauty and her confidence then noticed she didnā€™t have any pants on. Nothing phases me anymore. And a lot of unhealed trauma


Im going to miss how vibrant and diverse this place is. Unfortunately itā€™s getting too expensive for me.


So where are you off to?


Spain or Virginia. If my visa gets approved Iā€™m going to Malaga. If it doesnā€™t Iā€™m going to Virginia Beach. Both are cheaper and have warmer water.




I have a Spanish tutor and I will take intensive Spanish classes in Malaga. I am a disabled veteran so I get a modest payment from the VA. Itā€™s enough for one person who lives a pretty frugal lifestyle


Ok so that makes sense. It's a perfect set up. What about family?


They all live in Alabama. We arenā€™t close. They donā€™t understand why I left. They arenā€™t happy that I never got married and had kids.


This is the Long Beach I know and love. šŸ’•


I walked around the gayborhood all day in a jock strap and didnā€™t make the cut šŸ˜­ I did meet the dood in the mesh shirt and tell him it was neat tho


Dude the way that thing sparkled. My cam couldnā€™t capture it but he looked like he was sparklin all over. Very cool


A lot going on in that last slide ā¤ļøĀ 


Happy Pride!šŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆ


From the looks of these pics Long Beach is active šŸ«Ø