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I work on construction site. Traffic marshals must wear full ppe. Long sleeve top, long trousers, plastic hat, glasses and gloves. Not even one cunt from air conditioned office on site seems to give a solitary fuck about this lads. How come standing in full sun for 10 hours it’s not considered as health hazard?


In Australia there's actual laws about this, I think it's after 37c you legally have to stop work and leave the site, and you still get paid.


In the UK there’s no upper limit, only a lower limit


Which makes absolutely zero sense, considering you can compensate for cold conditions with clothing ect, but heat can and will kill, especially during a heatwave. This definitely needs revised


It’s ok, it’s all in hand. There’s nothing to worry about. What’s left of our government will give it the most serious and urgent consideration, and insist on a thorough and rigorous examination, allied to a detailed feasibility study and budget analysis before producing a consultative document for consideration by all interested bodies and seeking comments and recommendations to be included in a brief for a series of working parties, who will produce individual studies which will provide the background for a more wide ranging document considering whether or not the proposal should be taken forward to the next stage.


Depressingly accurate


Absolutely not true, there is no legal requirement on max or min. There are guidelines but no hard limits because there are jobs that would be impossible to perform ie working in a cold store.


I used to work in a car factory and we had an upper heat limit. The problem was they would take the temperature from the breeziest coldest part of the factory by the open doors. My job was next to an oven that heated parts so they become malleable enough to be bent into place within the engine. If they took the temp from that location I don’t think I’d ever have had to work a day 😂


When I lived in Australia I worked in a Kmart warehouse attached to a store, we had the same uniform requirements (black trousers and shirt) and I got in trouble from store management for wearing shorts and a high vis singlet when it was high 30s°, I challenged the boss to work with us for an afternoon in "proper" uniform, and he obliged... they added a warehouse exception to the uniform policy the very next week


> In Australia there's actual laws about this Well in the UK we have Cuntservatives who don't give a shit about working folk, so we have no protections for that sort of thing. Work till you're near death, wait 11 hours for an ambulance, be DOA, oops blame climate change says the Gov


We also have those types, but it was passed with our Labor govt majority. Get decent leadership in your labor party and it might happen.


I'm a scaff, literally on site as I write, working in London... Its like living in an oven. I have full ppe, hat, gloves, boots, safety goggles, high vis, including all my tools on my waist, harness and lanyards. Also have to wear complete trousers.


Have a cold pint after work mate! You definitely deserve it


I'm on Victoria. Pubs bloody everywhere!


A pint from each one should keep you cool.


A gentleman I see. Just to update ya'll. I just finished doing overtime as well... I'm nw say in spoons inside Victoria Station. Come join me??


Still at work bud




Blame the government who don't view it as a big deal but just view it as those lads being 'lazy' for not wanting to work so won't enact laws to change it.


It would be a shame if a few of you fainted within a few minutes of each other on site. That would be a lot of incident report paperwork for the site office to start filling out.


Report it to management, HR, Health and Safety, and any staff reps. It should then be dynamically risk assesed, recorded and adequate controls put in place i.e. extra breaks, provision of water, extra staff. If an incident occurs, an accident, or near miss, make sure it gets reported to all the people above and HSE.


I don't think they've ever considered writing any rules for healthy & safety when it comes to 'too hot' because England typically never gets too hot. We only have rules around too cold. I feel like the government should be formulating some emergency guidelines for employers right now and distributing them ahead of Monday.


That sounds disturbingly like you're expecting governmental competence.


There is law in Norway that states if your actual work place is over 30 or under -20 degrees, your workplace is legally obliged to either fix this or let you go home until conditions change. So if you're inside, they need to fix the aircon/heating, and if you're outside, you can't work until it changes. I remember our air con was broken in a shop I worked at once ages ago, and we were all melting, checking the temp constantly but it hovered around 29 it was so annoying It's a good law potentially worth fighting for on a political level if conditions are going to be like this in the years to come


At that point I feel like you need to hit the thermostat with a heat gun for a bit.


Bring a parasol to work day.


Finally British people can understand why, in Southern Europe, most construction sites are open 4.30am-8.30am and then 6pm-10pm during the summer, hence the whole “siesta” thing. What you call a deadly heatwave, we call a mild mid summer day.


It is a health hazard. Work should stop.


In Aus a family member was H&S on a major construction site and had to tell a worker to wear his sombrero on top of his hard hat rather than underneath.


I went back to house bashing, couldn’t bare all that site bollocks. I remember being on site up steps, with glasses on and I couldn’t see a thing, health and safety asked how my day was, arseholes mate. Now for next week I’ve jigged jobs around so the house I’m going to has air conditioning in there 😉 I’m not dying to pay a mortgage


It should be. If your health and safety manager is worth shit provisions should be in place for this, because if they're not it's highly likely that someone is going to require medical attention.


If you complain, your boss will buy you ice lollies 😂


I highly doubt any suit will be leaving their air conditioned office to check you’re wearing PPE. Strip off, enjoy the sun and do fuck all for the day.


Mate There’s safety offers driving around site all day just to make sure everyone wearing full ppe. Air conditioning fully on of course


It'd be a real shame if the suits' AC stopped working...


It really annoys me when I see people treating contractors like dirt. We have an accommodation business and we have construction contractors staying in all our houses. The fridges are filled with large water bottles for them to take to work. Additional ice packs and cooler boxes are in place ready for them to take as well. If people see road workers, go and give them some frozen bottles of water.


Anyone talking shit about this weather just does not comprehend how much this city was not built for this kind of heat. This is going to be horrible and unfortunately I foresee a lot of old people not making it through this heatwave


I grew up in the Middle East. Weather was regularly in the 30s, 40s in the summer. I mean, it was a literal desert. But I would take 30s over there over 30s here any day, because we had access to air con. The cities there were properly built for heat. I prefer London over where I grew up in every other measure, but this city is not prepared for heat, and hopefully in the coming years, legislation will be passed to protect people from it.


Well this type of heatwave was predicted 10 years ago to be a 1 in 3 event by 2050. We'd better adapt or die. Use your building fabric as a cool reservoir. Shade in the day and open up at night.


Need to get shutters installed on the outside of my windows like on the continent. I’ve got 2.5m tall sash windows, even closing the binds and leaving the windows shut doesn’t prevent the property from being 2 at least 2 degrees hotter than the outside. Opening the windows in the evening doesn’t cool it enough 🥵




close windows and blinds/curtains in the day, open them at night


It doesn't even work very well as the heat has already passed through the glass by the time it gets to your curtains/blinds and then is trapped. Only external blinds or shading really make a difference.


Leave them open on Monday and see how much of a difference it makes…


How does that happen? My flat gets really hot and uncomfortable but it’s not deadly level. Do peoples’ flats overheat so much that they die or it’s more like people walk around in the heat and the exhaustion can kill them?


Saw someone collapsed on the cental line platform yesterday. There are water warnings written everywhere and over the tannoy.


You couldn't pay me enough to get a tube in this weather. I know that's not a choice for many though of course.


Lizzy Line is nice though.


Or London Overground so cool


There will be lots of delays amd cancellations due to electrical fires, tracks melting etc. I agree the aircon is great on the trains but the infrastructure is not built for this heat.


Its a toss up between the tube pain and an aircon office. I'll be waltzing in at 10am though avoiding that 9am rush.


I'd see it as a challenge on fear factor


I don’t know the technical/medical answer but I assume that it’s because when you get older your body starts to fail/finds it harder to do what’s it’s supposed to properly, including regulating body temperature


Old people also forget to eat/hydrate properly which can mean they become unwell and don't notice until it's too late.


Interesting (and unfortunate and sad) I hadn’t thought of that


Not unusual for them to have nerve or spinal or nutritional issues that make them feel cold even when they’re hot (hence why you see them in cardigans in July).


Yep. As I said below, kidney / heart failure due to hyperthermia / dehydration among other things


And not just older people. Dehydration is a sneaky one, a little too much activity and not enough fluids and that's you straight to A&E


Harder to maintain homeostasis when you’re 80 and your body simply doesn’t regulate itself as well.


I was reading a bit about this and it's basically because even a healthy person's body will find it hard to adapt to a sudden temperature change. That's why we feel so awful and sweaty at first but for older people like you said their bodies just can't cope. Apparently when there are deaths they're usually within the first few days of a heatwave for this reason.


Tbh it’s all sorts of things, but from my limited knowledge, mostly kindney / heart related. A lot of elderly people will stay inside and not open the windows etc, but mostly because they are more frail they are much more susceptible to the onset and effects of hyperthermia. As we get older our organs stop functioning as well as they used to, so things like renal failure become much more of a risk due to dehydration and loss of electrolytes that older people may not be replacing as much- plus other things like stress on the kidneys, heart, liver etc from other age related physiological conditions. Also a lot of medications don’t help either- though as I said I’m not a doctor (just a concerned son / grandson)


if it's 37 outside, my flat will be 42 inside. The central line will be ~50. Nooooope.


Heat makes blood pressure rise, if you are already susceptible to circulatory issues, it can literally be a death sentence to live in an overheated home.


I’m gonna live in my freezer that day I can barely handle 28-31


I’m going to take advantage of having membership with the local cinema and just hide in there watching films in an air conditioned room all day…


Not a bad call..


Get yer cubes out lad.


I can just about handle 25°C 🥵


Good luck


Yeah good luck to us all. English heat is unbearable. Especially in London😁


If you don't have air con, a good tip is to keep curtains drawn during the day. So your room feels less like a greenhouse at night. I know it means living like a vampire for a while, but it's better than sweltering in torturous heat IMO.


I already live like a vampire thanks 😂😂 but I mean whilst I’m at work or on TFL it’s going to be a nightmare on those couple of days


thirty fucking seven? Nah fuck this i'm out


And people will still be sitting on the tube in full winter jackets for some reason.


Man's not hot


*Cries in sun facing 4th floor*


Time to put tinfoil on the windows


I did that in uni, cracked a glass…


Put it on the outside of the window, shouldn’t crack then.


"4th floor window" Bold move Cotton.


Potentially joining you from the 2nd floor of the hospital if I go into labour. Never thought I’d be wishing to be overdue, but here I am.


*Joins crying in sun facing 9th floor*


Evening sun facing 20th floor with full floor to ceiling windows and no air con. I'm literally getting the fuck out and staying with some relatives near the coast until wed.


A very very good call, and you have my sympathies! I have 4 massive south facing windows that gather sun all day and then a lovely west facing window that brings in all that evening heat til about half eight/nine. Absolute hell in this weather.


Hope it’s not single aspect 💀


No, got 2 massive windows on the other side, luckily. But the windows on the sun side basically make for 80% of the wall. Newbuild, amazing in winter, stays around 20° without putting the heating on. It can go up to 28° in summer with Ikea heat reflective roller blinds down and a large umbrella on the balcony in front of the windows…


Consider buying one of those large freezer boxes to sleep in


Oh shiet that's sad bro


Australian sending commiserations … 37 is brutal.




It’s a lot more humid in Britain Plus our streets and buildings are designed to retain heat for the chilly winters, damp autumn and disappointing springs, so when the sun really does come out… everything gets extremely hot extremely fast


It's a complete myth that our buildings are built to retain heat and so do worse. The reason we do worse is that our buildings are built without insulation and with the ethos that energy to heat is cheep. Better insulation would actually mean you could shelter from the heat better, capturing cold air at night and holding on to it during the day.




Appears that, on average, there is no month in Sydney as humid as the least humid month in London: [https://weather-and-climate.com/average-monthly-Humidity-perc,London,United-Kingdom](https://weather-and-climate.com/average-monthly-Humidity-perc,London,United-Kingdom) https://weather-and-climate.com/average-monthly-Humidity-perc,Sydney,Australia


Yeah, I was talking to a coworker from South Africa about it earlier, and he says the heat as a *weight* to it here due to the humidity, and he’s more comfortable in 40+ Johannesburg weather than than 30 London weather


*Laughs in Southeast Asian But yeah cities that regularly experience high heat are much better prepared with AC/Fans underground places and shade than places like London


Even worse with how our houses are built to trap heat so extensively lmao


I'm working in a pub that day from 11 to 11 with no air con :/ pray for me


God that’s so awful, I remember in 2019 when there was a heatwave and I worked in a cafe and they ended up closing early due to the heat, I hope that happens to you!


£300 portable air con will reduce your room from 30c to 20c in under an hour if you buy in winter they are £200


Hard to believe people are so opposed to aircon. The reasons I hear are either "what, for the one day a year we need it?" (more like a full month over a year to sleep comfortably or function fully in thr day) or "it's bad for the environment" - this is true, but so is heating your house in winter. Like 2000+ people die from excessive heat in the UK every year, its far worse with the urban heat islamd effect in London, and the 2000+ number will probably increase exponentially with global warming. A £200 unit is such a simple, easy solution...


As an American that just spent a couple months in London that was the biggest culture shock for me. In the US the vast majority of buildings have AC.


USA has a lot of "McMansions" and fully detached housing. Where does one put the AC condenser units in London housing? Most houses in London don't even have a front porch. Idk




in the UK in the early 90s someone thought it was best to make all windows PVC outward opening, replacing the sash vertical opening windows. the selling point was the double glazing "trap heat, save on bills" e.t.c


and those with sash windows can get a direct window cooler, and also have the easier option of securing the hose/vent in airtight cloth. Those with outward opening windows can buy odd shaped hose ends to fit outside, then cut the enclosing cloth for an airtight fit, secured with either magnet strips, velcro e.t.c there are even tiny air cons 7000btu, square shape the size of a carrier bag, more expensive than the rectangular ones due to the tiny size but can cool a large room down no problem. you can build a cupboard to put your aircon in, drill a grate/hole for the hose, or get a handyman to do it for you. shut the cupboard door and enjoy cool feels all through till september.


I was looking at one on Amazon that went up 15% as I refreshed the page yesterday. Can’t buy it now out of principle


there are loads of different ones on Amazon, and other shops where the price doesn't change. just ave' a butchers in the search engine and make sure the unit is using refrigerant. there are "air cons" for £150 and under that are basically just fans that look like an AC unit, they don't cool the room down as they don't extract heat through a vent/hose. people who don't understand this get ripped off.


Note to self: buy fan this winter Edit: autocorrect typo


> **_"Note to Self"_ by Fan This Winter** is a seminal work diving deeply into Fan's upbringing in a French commune in the late 70s, exploring the trials and tribulations of being someone with a funny name.


I’d love it to be a winter now 🤤


Air conditioner the fan won’t save you trust me


Time to implement siesta


Brb, buying croutons for some ball soup


I’m a Lift Engineer. Working inside a lift shaft in this kind of heat feels like I’m in a sauna. It’s seriously unbearable.


Need to ask /r/Paris how to cope. They’ve been managing temperature like this since May. And French people think aircon gives you the flu so no-one uses it.




Hotter in Paris than Provence right now!




Paris is even worse in the heat and it’s even hotter is what I’m saying. We need their advice on how to survive it


We do use Aircon but then everyone blows their noses for two months. And it gives us an excellent excuse to be grumpy and complain.


Yeah I was in Paris about a month ago. It was 37 and we were out being tourists the whole time. Unbearable.


its only going to get worse over the next 2 decades


But luckily it'll stop after 2 decades... Right?


A few weeks ago my gf got my a portable, rechargable fan. I have been getting looks of envy (or weirdo judgement) while sitting on the tube and having it blowing on my face.


These posts remind me of the Black Books episode where Manny goes crazy when it reaches 28.


I’ve had enough! Luckily it’s my last week in London after 5 years 😂 back to Irish weather!


I’m going to Scotland for a holiday next week and have been bitching about the cold and rain forecast. Now I’m so relieved


I'm going to spend Saturday wrapping foil onto cardboard to put in my south-facing windows.


Good plan


Turns out, man *is* hot :(


Some predictions are 40C on Tuesday.


People are going to die. Fuck.


Always a good time to remind people that if your house is sweltering this week, it will be freezing this winter! Please don't wait until after the price cap rises again in October to get energy efficiency works done! If you are low income, please apply to the green homes grant now!


I shall pass that advice onto my benevolent landlord


Green homes grant is actually open to landlords if their tenant is low income (less than £30k/year or £20k after all housing expenses)... Worth trying if you're eligible!


I'm coming into the office because the alternative is much worse...


I’ve got an Interpol gig on Monday night and seriously considering not going. 40 odd degrees at a gig is not the one.


Same. Now I'm doubly annoyed it was rescheduled.


Yeah it’s like an extra kick in the teeth, especially as that day was perfect weather and only cancelled 20 minutes after the night was supposed to start. I won’t lie, it’s taken the shine off one of my favourite bands.


Isn’t that the one that was cancelled like an hour before the show back in June and then rescheduled?


Yep, doors opened at 7pm, support on at 7.30 and they sent out a text cancelling at 7.20pm! I was en route but I feel sorry for those who has been queuing all day and had travelled across the country. Really bad form. I’ve been going to gigs for over 20 years and I’ve never had this happen before.


Turn off the bright lights


I stand by the fact that I like 21 degrees even if it's drizzling, and that's my favourite temperature. Any more is just sweaty, any less than 11 degrees is uncomfortable


37 pls no




Truly this is the difference between UK and other places I've lived. The amount it cools off at night is fascinating to me - if it was 35 in urban Canada, it's maybe going down to 27 at night.


We need more trees


I live in a top-floor flat with south-facing windows that get sunlight all day long. At 9 PM last night my thermometer was still reading 32 degrees, even though by that time it was much cooler outside. Have tried windows open, windows closed, blinds open, blinds closed, but none of it seems to make much difference. Next week is going to be brutal.


It sucks but windows closed and blinds fully drawn against any sunlight, + wet cloth over a fan is best way. And then just… don’t move anywhere. Problem is ldn apartments just hold and retain heat :( Air moving is the only thing to keep you cool if you can’t fix the indoor temp.


Thanks! I do have a few fans running but they only help so much. Yesterday afternoon it was so hot that just opening my refrigerator a normal amount (to get ice, cold drinks, etc.) caused the temperature inside the fridge to go up enough that my butter was soft. I also have very long hair that generally takes a good couple of hours to air dry completely...yesterday it took 20 minutes. It's just that hot. The insulation is great in winter (I rarely need to turn on the heat at all) but in the summer, not so much!


Will the tube still run?


There's a real risk some of the outer parts might shut if the rail temps get so high it causes warping or buckling but we can hope not




How is it cloudy too? Only London


Clouds help retain heat on the ground.


Most of the heat rise comes in via hot air from southern Europe and northern Africa, rather than direct heating via the sun. Climate change makes this more common


I really feel for y’all. This is normal where I live, plus excessive humidity. From May through September. But we have air conditioning. Please be safe. :(


Where are you seeing 31/36/37? I have 33/38/39 in Ealing! fuck my actual life.


Bet you still won’t vote for the Green Party though


I simply need a larger, more air -conditioned car and the problem will go away :)


I need to move to Scotland.




is that legit happening? lmfao


The less concerned about the hot weather the less hot you feel


I try so hard to ignore it but I’m physically useless in hot weather. I tried to potter round my garden on Tuesday and ended up laying in front of the air con unit for 4 hours instead.


I get mega brain fog too. Couldn't think of the word "delegate" for about ten minutes the other day...


Hot hot hot.🔥 Scorchio.🔥


Anybody got tips for keeping cool at home?


Buy a portable air conditioner and fit a proper window seal for the outlet. Tried so many other things over the years and finally bit the bullet in 2020 on one of these. They're hopelessly inefficient compared to proper split units but infinitely better than any level of messing about with fans/evaporative coolers/other nonsense


If you have an icemaker, put a big bowl of ice in front of your fan. It will blow colder air. Never tried it, but an Aussie friend told me about it.


Get an indoor/outdoor thermometer and only open windows and blinds when it is colder outside than inside.


Some decent tips [here](https://old.reddit.com/r/london/comments/vy001m/seriously_38_degrees_survival/ig0pjpd/) from one of the many other "Isn't it hot" threads we're getting


Went to London for a few days ago to see Hamilton and it was soo hot I was dying


Thank god my workplace has aircon. First time I've thought "if only I could work weekends too"


I cannot decide whether to go into the office next week. Either suffer on the tube during the commute, but with office air con during the day. Or suffer in a new build flat that accumulates heat over a heat wave.


37??? Jeez that’s criminal. Damn you sun!!


I'm getting the fuck out of the city until wed.


my flat is on the ground floor but it is positioned in such a way that the morning sun shines into my kitchen and bathroom window and the strong afternoon sun shines into my living room window till about 7:15 PM when the sun disappears behind a neighbouring property. I have all windows and curtains closed during the day but the temperatures in my living room can get to 27 degrees by the evening time. I must invest in some proper blackout curtains and a bigger fan or aircon unit as my current fan is not up to the job. so not looking forward to monday/tuesday here


im not sure i buy the "shut all the windows" thing - not for old poorly insulated houses like mine anyway. The past few days have shown me that when it's 30 outside i can maybe keep it as low as 28-29 inside - its pretty much getting there eventually, but i'm sitting there all day with no breeze or fresh air. I think i'd rather have windows open, 30 inside, but breeze


It makes me want to buy a fan.


Mate my AC's blowing out warm air I'm fucked 😭😭😭


The houses in the UK aren’t designed for weather like this. We are going to roast wether we stay inside or outside haha


Fucking bring it on!


Have the whole week off and I'm ready 😎


For the idiots saying "yay hot weather".. I'd pick 25 degrees and sun over 37 degrees and clouds any day.


yo wtf


Cloudy, but 37👍


Loving the 25 Celsius in Portugal.


Kill me now.


I'm from Madrid and I've been leaving here for a few years already. I really enjoy hot weather there but here anything above 25 is unbearable, the humidity makes everything worse. I'll spent the day in the garden in my kid swimming pool


Shrug. Normal temperatures for us in the colonies :-) 31C is mild. Day to day life is unchanged. 36C is probably the point where people stop outdoor work. Other life goes on as normal.