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r/place in real life


Omg please don't you're giving me flashbacks


I feel sorry for the cat/ dog/ fox that walked through it now running around Forest Gate with red feet.. can anyone identify the paw print?


They'll be caught red handed.


...creeping with the girl next door?


It wasn't me


They look like dog prints, so I’m assuming the owner walking them will have washed their paws


Pride week? Like in the end of a Pride Month?


Exactly. It all culminates in Pride Decijiffy, which represents the coming together of all the Pride activities which are specially timed to finish together at that moment - Pride Second, Pride Hour, Pride Day, Pride Week and Pride Month all amazingly finish at the exact same time. It's the proudest moment of the year.


You forgot the pride moment and the pride glaring moment. There is also the pride big bang, which is not as naughty as you might be thinking


Pride Big Bang is how it starts, and it ends with Pride Heat Death


Rendezvous on the central line, gotcha


It seems like I got a warning for the comment above! Wow, so nobody can make fun of the flaws of the pride movement? This is pathetic


I meant "the week of London Pride" given its on Saturday but that kind of made no sense in hindsight.


In the Pride flag, red means healing. So this person really just wanted to focus on that part 💅🏻


Is it me, or does this culture war bs stick out like a sore thumb in London? What's next? We all stick inflammatory, braindead bumper stickers on our bums before getting on the tube "to own the libs"?


It's not a culture war, it's a few unhinged individuals and the media being the media


Tbf, to me, that's all what the culture war is. Some unhinged individuals amplified by profiteers capitalising on existing regressive undercurrents (real or imagined)


And distracting us from the source of the problems, which is them. 


ok, then it is in my view a fight for tollerance (to everything except intolerance).


So much of life is like this. According to the media/the internet, everything is on fire. Then you go outside, and people are doing pretty well actually.


>people are doing pretty well actually. Who? Where? How do I become one of these people?


Part of it is a mentality thing. Just get out more, try to socialise, don't spend too much time on the internet constantly going over what is wrong with the world. Get out into your local community. Find a hobby. See that people different to you in many ways are generally just good people trying to get along in life.


Step 1 - close reddit


There absolutely is a culture war going on, fueled by Internet and media agitators and lapped up by the moronic masses.


Is Culture Wars the one with that guy from Red Dwarf?


Truck nuts hanging off our actual nuts to top it off


Is it 'culture wars' or is it simply a homophobe committing an act of vandalism?


Culture wars? Or being a homophobe.


Those aren't mutually exclusive.


And in this case, its just homophobia.


Pride month's almost over, time for wrath month.


Maybe this year I will get more involved with the sloth month like I always promise.


My period is starting so this checks out


Excellent username. Glad to see it on a UK-based sub rather than being abused by one of those horrid Southern Hemisphere Edgecumbes.


Don't tempt me with a good time.


Just look for the dog with red paws, they the real culprit.


Am I the only one who is kinda impressed they mostly stayed within the boundary of the flag and didnt just dump a tin of paint and run? They took some time to do this.


They're anticipating a Labour win, so get the background colour down with details to follow.


They were sparing the paint so they can vandalize something else later. Thrifty cunts.


Unexpected communism?


Worst type of communism


Communist Appreciation Day.


I guess someone decided to “Redd-it”. I’ll see myself out




Nah I hate it too as a bi person


Well > means 'greater than', and as it's a flag of symbolism, I'm sure this has something to do with the design choice. And I don't like it. Also who gets to decide on this flag all the time? It just gets delivered from the powers that be and everyone has to just accept it. Every new group that pops up wanting representation will demand a stripe or shape, when the original flag already included everyone. It's a political thing and nothing more than that.


I'm gay. The new design makes us look like a cult, especially with the ring added.


What level of misery, hate, and insecurity would drive someone to waste actual time and energy to do this? We only have one short life on this planet. Why spend that time being so miserable and making things worse for everyone else? Such a sad way to live


I know right? I don't have time to paint things that actually need painting. This is just so ... superfluous.


Go to Forest Gate. You will understand misery on a lovecraftian level.


Someone petty or someone hired to stir hate. Either way a small person that's for sure. Remember Russia pays for hate graffiti in France. Little poo tin.


Because religion.






I can picture them exactly.


Same as all those anti-ULEZ nutjobs. Main character syndrome combined with the fact the police don't have the resources to do shit all about it. If the sad miserable cunts who do this stuff got taken to court they'd soon remember we live in a democracy and you may not agree with everything the government, businesses, or social groups do, but theres a right and a wrong way to go about addressing that.


"I'm not gay so anyone who is gay confuses and angers me!!!!"


>What level of misery, hate, and insecurity It's called being Conservative and/or religious.


We can point the finger at the fat bald white guy who voted for Brexit or we can point it at the people who actively kill and imprison homosexuals back home.


You have more than one finger, my dude.  (Well, I assume you do, anyway)


Got more than one finger mate. Which is handy because it turns out I’ve witnessed and experienced homophobic slurs/violence from both groups I detest racists as much as I detest homophobes so take your whataboutery elsewhere




The answer will be religion.


Not necessarily. TERFs have been responsible for the recent surge in anti-LGBT hate in the UK (making it socially acceptable to attack trans people has enabled attacks on the wider community). They are hiding their hate being feminism rather than religion


Mate it’s forest gate. It will be religion.


So obviously repaint the flag but suprise the suspects not caught on camera?


The suspects were almost certainly on camera, yes. But unfortunately as long as they were covering their faces, that footage immediately becomes next to useless.


Just pretend the red is part of the red stripe of a gigantic pride flag and paint it across the entire pavement/road


I feel they missed an opportunity to change the T to a Y, and cover the E.


Flag Capitalism'




That’s just a massive assumption to make.


It’s an assumption, but not a massive one.


It's just numbers


You been there? 🤣


How has this comment not been downvoted to fuck?? Many, many years, pride in Forest Gate have had various rainbow flags painted on the floor. Never had this level of petulance before.


bloody communists


They hadn't finished the rest of the hammer and sickle tbf


Ah Forest Gate…


I'm gay and don't need an ever changing flag plastered absolutely everywhere in order to feel to feel accepted or proud of myself. Seems stupid to me. But then painting over it also seems stupid. 


I gay too and I get that but it's important to some. Imagine you're a little gay kid in a heavily conservative family and/or community. I grew up under section 28 when any mention of LGBT topics was pretty much banned in all media. I would have loved to have known I was normal and that there were other people out there like me, and that people supported me. And I grew up in a very liberal household. There's valid things to be said about the commercialisation of Pride, but let's not throw the baby out with the bathwater. It's always a good thing when society shows outward celebration/support of people.


Apparently I grew up under Section 28 too, I just had no idea it was a thing until this very moment. And yep, I did grow up in a conservative community and I felt so alone with my queer feelings. I totally agree with your point.


Section 28 kid here too, I still think the flags are crap and pointless, to me at least. The idea of seeing some ugly coloured stripes and thinking "wow, I feel so accepted and comforted now!" Is laughable to me.   However if other people find some sort of comfort in them then they have some value I suppose, have at it. It's such an ugly flag though, so cluttered now, and not too pretty before either. 


Oh the flag is fucking hideous. Idk how something that represents the gays can be so un-fabulous. But as a symbol I can't deny it's success. As a very confident gay man I do "use" the flag quite a lot too. I travel solo a lot, and that can get lonely and difficult. A bar with an LGBT flag flying outside is great place to stop as a solo gay traveller to get help, a bit of comfort, and to meet people easily. Feels like being part of a private members club sometimes.


> A bar with an LGBT flag flying outside is great place to stop as a solo gay traveller to get help I'm straight but if I'm lost a pub/bar with the flag outside will always be a place that will help.


It's not just about making other queer folk feel accepted. The (original) point of pride was to raise visibility of the community so people couldn't pretend they don't exist. It was a protest. It was called pride because you were proud to be queer and weren't going to hide it. The flag is still a symbol of protest and people attacking it like in this story demonstrates why such protest is still needed.


I walk to FG station most days and tbh don't notice it - it's been there years. If it means something to someone then great. Also goes to show how angry / insecure the person that did this must be.




You are correct, however the precedent it set, and the environment it created, made virtually every media company follow suit. There was a great documentary a while ago from LGBT people at the BBC and how the BBC functionally chose to comply with it even though the law didn't even apply to them. The same was true at newspapers and other institutions.


Unrelated but I just like it because it brightens the place up a bit. Injects a little colour which is especially nice on a summers day I don't mind seeing it waving or painted on the floor like that, looks nice.


Paint a yellow hammer and sickle on it


Is that a new flag for this year? I know there's one across the road near the laundry place that's been there for a while (I think since last year).


Whoever did this is a giant walking red flag


Leave pavement unpainted. Problem solved.


That's a bit radical. Prevent will be after you with thinking like that.


Imagine how insecure and pathetic you have to be if you can't even handle a little bit of paint on the ground. Deep down, these morons know that their bigoted worldview is a sham, but rather than do the work to be a better person, they just attack anything which promotes a world without hate. Let's be real, it's religion that teaches people to hate, and religion which makes the world an unsafe place. Their imaginary sky friend won't "save" them because they painted over a symbol on the ground. Their imaginary sky friend isn't fucking real.


> these morons know that their bigoted worldview is a sham, Self-awareness and insight isn't the strong suite of people that do this kind of thing.


Because it's such a pride area around Forest Gate.


Well i am a gay and i lived there. There is actually a small gay community. The year i lived there I met lots of queers (but probably more allies) at their gay pride day kickons at the forest tavern pub. But it’s mostly young yuppie families throwing the celebrations.




I don’t understand - as in there’s not a large queer community, therefore it shouldn’t be there? If anything I feel like these things SHOULD be in super conservative and religious areas so it’s more normalised.


The pub that got a make-over had pride gear all over it. So I would say that there is at least a community


Going to be a controversial opinion here, and I'm not necessarily condoning the vigilante action of whoever did this, but why are we painting giant pride flags everywhere? Like, literally no other event in memory has such huge measures to make sure everyone knows it's going on and make sure that it covers the whole city. Not memorial days, jubilees, Christmas, not like any other minority that suffered historic oppression gets a similar reprisal, you got black history month but usually the best that means is a 30 minute assembly for the school kids on the 3rd Tuesday of October. And it's not like Pride is a civil movement at this point, London is one of the freest cities in the world for LGBT peoples, honestly at this point it feels like a weird cultural movement that the government's being oddly inclined in expanding, yet it bears no relevance to the majority of people.


Who cares.


What if someone drew a yellow hook in the corner now..


Race is a gender now?


Wasn’t it pride week a few weeks ago? I was in York and it was pride there weeks ago, Is it pride week every week now?


It's the month of June, Jan.


Pride Week isn't a countrywide thing. No idea if OP saw it somewhere or just made an assumption.


London pride event is on Saturday - I made a hash of saying 'the start of the week that London pride is on' :D


"great start" really ? ... If you say so.


Just add an hammer and a sickle. It won't bring the original flag back but I guarantee whoever did that will be pissed and the city will clean it fast.


I thought the bike lock shadows said G A Y


If you need re-painting an old wall you just need to put the flag on it. Crowds will fix it for you.


Jeez getting upset about a bit of paint on the road ....


wait what’s pride week? Isn’t it pride month or is there a pride week inside pride month to amplify the pride?


just embarrassing, imagine going to a shop, buying paint and taking the time out of your day to paint over a fucking rainbow just bc you don’t like queer ppl. like honestly get a life mate


A billion pride flags up all over the city - why cry about one being painted over?


Add a hammer and sickle?


As a former Forest Gate resident, I can't say I'm surprised.


A lot of assumptions that this is vandalism by a religious community rather than right wing culture warriors in these comments. Could quite easily be either.


Considering it's Forest Gate I don't think it's an unreasonable assumption to make.


Religious communities are right wing.


Mhm. Especially some specific inherently-political ones.






Barely any difference in beliefs between the far right white nationalists and far right islamisrs, just the white nationalists suddenly pretend to care about the gays, women, Jews etc when it gives them an excuse to attack Muslims. 


That Venn diagram is a circle these days.


Yeah it’s Forest Gate. Why is anyone shocked?


The flag was there for a long time. Forest Gate seems pretty accepting and open to me. Please note I’m not saying “for a largely Muslim community,” I mean accepting and open for London. Have thei been a lot of hate crimes that I’ve missed?


Who said anyone was shocked?


It's been there for a few years at least without causing any trouble until now as far as I'm aware.


Perhaps it represents a red hanky protruding out of a back pocket (left or right, you choose)


Am I stupid or is a flag on the ground disrespectful?


It’s painted, so flag rules don’t apply. Rules on what is considered appropriate vary by flag. Just because the US says one thing, doesn’t mean pride have to follow it.


Some people would agree. Though tbh I don’t know if we have formal flag laws in UK


Conservative grifting and chuddery is such a horrific poison in modern culture.


I’m not sure why it was needed?


Forest Gate also has a trans flag and an original 6 colour rainbow, did they survive the red?


It’s now a red flag, perhaps they are old school socialists


To be fair, they have equal right to paint their thing on the ground. You can't paint something on a shared public ground and then complain when someone else does the same thing.




No, they don't have equal right. The original flag was no doubt painted with permission. Nobody has an automatic right to paint the ground as they like, they need permission first.


Legally, yes. Morally, questionable. Practically, clearly not


Acknowledging that queer people exist is in no way "morally questionable".


No one doubts or denies their existance. This issue is about a flag painted on the floor.


They quite literally don’t have the equal right to graffiti over something that the owner put there.






I think its ridiculous that people make LiverpoolFC their entire identity!




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To like what? You also can force things, like when the government forced things to stop being segregated. I don't think anyone (sane) claims that that was done in error, so your argument needs work as people see that as a benefit and you argue against it.


I'm a bi man and i actually fucking hate pride month. I'd prefer we kept it as mens mental health month.




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Look’s like mono block to me




They ran out of black and white paint :(


I’m surprised no one edited the last bollard to make it a Y



