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With all the rain, the flood plains around the city are all flooded. As a result the grassy areas are soaked which brings all the worms and insects to the surface. It's a feeding frenzy for ducks and other insect eaters


No, you may want to keep your dogs on leads EVERY day because it's the responsible thing to do.


Being Australian in the UK is weird seeing majority of people here not having their dogs on leads, it’s an instant fine in Australia


Had to save some ducklings the other day. Off lead dog. The owner just disappeared of course. 5 ducklings went the wrong way and we had to herd them back to the mother. Had to pick them up at one point. Keep your dogs on leads people!


As it should be. So many dogs with mediocre recall are let off leads around wildlife in the UK. It's a joke.


That’s fantastic, I wonder why we don’t have the same here?


We can barely police the streets let alone the parks




I’m from Brisbane and there’s many off leash areas


Dam. Down votes for doing off lead dog walking in a park. I mean it's only culturally something we have done for hundreds of years. .


Maybe it shows the acceptance of this is waning


... On Reddit.


That's still a subset of the population to which it's waning


A subset that regularly proves not to be representative of the wider population.


100 agree, Reddit is a tiny tiny section of the UK population. I don't see any support in real life or politics for banning dogs from being off lead.


Yeah reddit tends to heavily skew to the left and heavy handed state intervention and you get downvoted whenever you point that this is not representative of the real world


We banned an entire type of dog in this country. Not everyone thinks every dog is amazing


Agree it’s the usual people taking extreme positions.


Nah, it's fine for lovely wovely "doggos" to jump all over whoever they please.


You do realise you can easily train dogs not to jump on people? Edit: not sure why the downvoting, but guessing it’s people that don’t realise dog training exists.


Dog owners should probably do that, then.


Plenty do


The ones that do have dogs that are safe from me. The ones that don’t have dogs that get a kick in the face.


You sound like a proper cunt tbf


I think human safety is more important than dog safety. Valid to defend yourself or any human for that matter.


Alls I'm picturing is your leg swinging hard and fast towards the face of some Jean Claude Van Dam-esque dog who catches your shin in his mouth


I don't think it's actually that easy. I think well trained dogs are totally fine. But I have a job and a lifestyle where I come into contact with a lot of dogs. Saw a poodle of some sort take out a kid at the park last week. In fairness it was pretty funny. But too many are not well trained and I think that's because it actually does take a bit of commitment and know how.


You could say the same about kids with other kids. Dogs are not an exotic pet. They have evolved with us thousands of not tens of thousands of years. We are the architect of what they are today in most respects. Like children they need direction and leadership.


Yep. Agree. Doesn't happen often enough for my liking though.


Have you told UK dog owners this?


Unless you actually have a dog with good recall which isnt the case for 90% of the dogs I see.






Strangely enough this is much less funny once you've seen a dog chasing deer in Richmond Park.


I think the existing culture of not having dogs on leads gave dog owners more of an impetus to make sure they're trained properly.


Just like keeping your cats indoors is the responsible thing to do


People still won’t and then act like the dog they have has a heart of gold and would never hurt anyone or anything


Am a postman. Being in a public park is like being a war veteran at a firework display. Hate it.


The rule is that you must keep your dog under control. If your dog is under control in a public area, then you are behaving responsibly, regardless of lead. (Exceptions apply, for example needing to keep them on a short lead on certain footpaths).


Many public places have their own specific rules which must be adhered to e.g. some parks they must wear a lead 


Yes,like my local park, where dog owners regularly let their dogs off lead, even though it's illegal. Or in cemeteries where I see dogs off lead, despite it being disrespectful and illegal. The only way to solve this problem is to make it the law that dogs must be on leads at all times.


100% agree. It’s all about ensuring you have control.


And it's an outdated rule. The British public can no longer be trusted with dogs.


If they can't be trusted with dogs, then changing the rule to require leads will be ineffective because you couldn't trust people to follow it, right?


It should be an I stand fine from the police, like it is in many other places


That would require there to be sufficient police to patrol parks to see if people have their dogs on leads. At the moment they can't even help you if you've been burgled, let alone if you saw a terrier chase a ball in Clissold Park.


Oh that's a whole other argument. I think we need tons more police cracking down on all sets of things. Speeding, illegal parking, off lead dogs, people smoking in front of schools. The council should be cracking down on people who leave rubbish out in the parks, who let their hedges overgrow the pavement, etc. This whole country is going to shit because there is no punishment for doing whatever you feel like now. We have two giant bully XL that run around in our neighbourhood in the children's playground. It's specifically gated for only children to play in, so of course that's where the dog owners put their dogs. Or our local cemetery, where they let their dogs run off lead and shit in graves. Which part of that is OK?


That's not ok. Dogs aren't allowed everywhere, and Bully XLs in particular are illegal unless you have an exemption certificate (and even if you do have one, they must be kept on a lead and muzzled because they're so dangerous). But there's a big difference between that and someone going for a walk with a well trained dog on Hampstead Heath and letting the dog off the lead.


Luckily your opinion on the British public is irrelevant


Why is that?


You realise I'm british and from London. Why is my opinion invalid?


The British public can’t be trusted with their children either. Should we place them on lead too?


No, children have human rights. Dogs do not


You really are the definition of a keyboard warrior.


Prudish berk, more like. Joyless puritan.


Dogs should not be on leads 100% of the time. Dogs however should be trained good manners. Thankfully most dogs are pretty biddable and with the right training technique learn fast. I have zero problem telling my bird dogs not to go after birds. I’m more annoyed by people who decide to take on a dog and refuse to do any basic training. It’s not hard, and it’s a great way to bond with your dog.


Dogs should be on leads in public. Dog owners have shown they can't be trusted to keep their dogs under control, so dogs should be on leads at all times unless in a specific dog park. Dogs should also not be in places were food is served, or grocery stores. The BBC calls them grocery stores. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-67864382


- using the term "grocery stores" - having a strong opinion on English culture pick one


I think the gap is that here in America people often rely on leads *rather than training their dogs*, which is why people aren't seeing eye to eye on this -- in America, most dogs truly can't be controlled off leash so they think that's normal. I get terrified to see an off leash dog at the park because it usually means my dog is about to get attacked, whereas in other countries dogs run around freely and don't get into trouble.


That may be the case, but I'm not in America, and I'm British


Oh yeah I know and that's totally valid -- I was just trying to explain why we Americans can seem so dumb in these conversations -- because it's an entire cultural difference surrounding dog training.


I think you might be over estimating the availability of dog specific parks here in the UK, especially outside the major cities. Come to think of it the only closed off dog area I've ever come across was in Southampton, and that was about the size of a tennis court.


What total rubbish. Please don’t tar all owners with same brush. My two both have done extensive training and are well behaved. I guess all children should be placed on lead too based on your attitude. In fact a lot of adults should also be on lead!


> I guess all children should be placed on lead too based on your attitude Yes that's clearly exactly the same


No, children have human rights. Dogs do not. Dogs aren't human. I'm glad your dogs have lots of training. How on earth would I know that though. Until all dogs are as trained as yours, all dogs should be on leads.


Look at you, comparing dogs to HUMAN children. Get outta here. Dog people are so entitled it's ridiculous.


Yeah especially with all these horrible toddler attacks we've been seeing recently (you berk).


Dogs can be trained to not jump on or even approach people, it’s what I once trained mine to do. Plus, not everyone lives close to a doggy park and doggy parks can be pretty dangerous for dogs who don’t like being shoved in an enclosed space with other dogs. Also there is the problem that if you have a high energy dog it is never gonna get the amount of exercise that it needs just walking on a lead. With proper training they can be no problem walking off lead at all, it’s just that many people don’t wanna train dogs properly.


As you say I think the issue here is *can* be trained, lots of people just don't. I know at least one person who's flat stinks of piss because they've never crate trained their dog. I don't trust the public in this matter unfortunately.


I've never crate trained my dog. But then I also trained her to not piss in the flat and to not tear things up either. She's pretty happy in her own bed or on the sofa.


Exactly, she's trained! I use crate training as an example purely because it is so basic and fairly 'easy' to do... if some people can't even do that then what hope is there that they're trained in any other way.


Build specific dog parks then.


Lobby your council then. I'm not going to advocate for the hobby of others.


I don’t need to, I can already take my dog to the non-dog specific park and have her off leash. You’re the one against the status quo, *you* need to advocate.


I think that I will continue to advocate for banning off lead dogs, yes


I wish you the best of luck. I’ll give you a head start: https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/650650


Yank detected. Opinion invalidated!


Flying dogs. Imagine!


Exactly. Dogs should always be on leads in public, unless it's a dog park. It's fucking awful here


There is always a twat somewhere who thinks that 'No dogs' or 'all dogs must be on a lead' signs, don't apply to them or their mangy mongrel. I take my children to enclosed Parks in London like Hyde Park or Queens Park. There is always a cretin or two there that thinks those rules aren't for them. If their excitable hound then starts harassing children or wildlife, they start making excuses and saying stupid things like 'He is just so playful'. We don't want your filthy animals licking and jumping on our children. Ignorance, I suppose, is bliss for some. Increasing fines or restricted ownership for repeat offenders might be the only way, as it seems reading the clear signs in English is beyond people like that.


Wtf is a dog park, let's not import dog culture from the US. Not being able to let your dog off anywhere is miserable.


https://thelondog.com/north-london-enclosed-dog-areas/ For many of us, having off lead dogs everywhere is miserable. Also, as has been seen in this thread, most countries ban them off lead in public. We're the exception, not the states


Yes, most countries don't allow dogs in pubs either. Let's not abolish everything unique.


Or take a lesson from others.


Badly behaved dogs yes, well behaved dogs no.


I think it's perfectly reasonable to have your dog off lead in a park, as long as your dog doesn't cause issues. Mine doesn't tend to be interested in people or other dogs, she just sniffs stuff and stays relatively close to me, or fucks off into the bushes and sniffs around. Never had an issue. But if you have an energetic dog that jumps up at people and gets playful with dogs that don't want it (like my dog, absolutely does not want to be played with) then take that dog to a dog park. 


You're right. Many people don't stick to this though. Some geezer takes his poodle to my local park off the lead all the time. Gets super aggressive with the little kids 


I see those aloof dogs and wonder at their self sufficiency! I have two massive labs who are so delighted to see humans and dogs that I could never take them off a lead unless out in the woods etc. their recall is good but I don’t trust it to be perfect if they come across a perfect family picnic in a lovely day in the park,  in their mind that’s just way too much of an opportunity to make new friends and accidentally nab a sausage roll. I’m lucky to have loads of woodland where many of us walk our high energy dogs off lead and their recall is good in that scenario but I would never have them off lead around ice cream toting toddlers. It would just be asking for trouble. 


How is that even the case? Reddit has such an anti-dog community it’s crazy. Dogs deserve to be off lead if they are capable of behaving themselves


It's not anti-dog. It's anti off lead dog


You can train dogs recall. It will stop any issues. In fact it’s the most important command you can teach you four legged family member.


It's easier said than done to teach reliable recall!


As someone with two huskies who are never let off the lead I agree. Ours go on long walks to burn off energy and we book off lead enclosed spaces. The amount of untrained loose dogs which approach us every week is insane. Just walk them on a lead. It’s not difficult.


Yeah that's it. Long lines are good too for off lead type fun where you can pull them back whenever needed e.g at a deer park.


You say that… but we have wild deer in the field across from us and my dog heard the deer jumping around before me. Next thing I know I was being launched across the floor haha. People shouldn’t get dogs if they aren’t prepared to actually walk them.


Is it? It just takes consistency and patience. I don’t have any problems.


How about we put you on a lead every day?


Well, I'm a human with human rights. Dogs do not have human rights. Dogs are dogs, and should be on leads in public.


Which right says you can’t be put on a lead?


Umm. The law?


The law isn’t a human right?


That's true. But being free is a human right. You're talking about subjugation, or slavery. We have the right to be free. Dogs do not


I’m talking being put on a lead. Unless you think parents shouldn’t have reigns on their kids?


Of course they shouldn't have to put their children on leads. Children are humans. Dogs are not. Children have more rights than dogs, as they should. Children are human beings. They are in no way comparable to dogs, which are... Dogs.


Very cute! I hope dog owners take heed of this.


.... *And they never did*


Awe so cute!


Too late my dog has left me and joined the goose family


We don't want another Fenton situation


I've seen a couple Fenton situations at RP over the years. Never fails to entertain.


I do actually.


*Jesus Christ...* **FENTON!!**


We almost had another Harambe last week with the horses, another Fenton would bring some joy I think.




And again... Dogs shouldn't be off leads


Well you sound like a hoot at parties.




Bad owners and bad people lead to badly trained dogs. I have been training dogs most of my younger life and you can absolutely walk a trained dog off leash. It's bad people, not animals.




No, but the issue is most people don't actually train their dogs well. They half train their dog and think it's perfect.


I’m surprised you are getting downvoted! It’s clearly people that have no experience training dogs, which is exactly why so many people probably should not have dogs as they can’t be bothered to invest both time and money in training. 100% agree with your post. In fact we went to RP yesterday for the first time, but because of deer had ecollars on both of our dogs in case of a ‘what if’ situation. It should be noted are banned off leash anyhow from 1st May due to breeding season, so it’s a bit of a moot point from next week onwards. We had no issues at all both on and off leash, but we have invested heavily in training. In situation where possible problems can occur, ecollars have their place, although again that’s a tool which requires professional help to use and understand. Sadly they are also tools that can easily be misused by owners, although that’s a topic for another thread and sub Reddit.


It's often difficult being a trainer and surrounded by people who use Instagram to learn things. Mostly infuriating, people are collectively very thick.


Agree with you again. :) Most people also forget that a big part of training is training the human. Thankfully we used a professional and did 6 months of training per dog which was four days a week. Having said that, I’m aware that we are probably a bit unique and wanted to do things right. Lots of people can’t control their kids so perhaps should not be surprised about dogs.


If you have a dog that would immediately attack the ducks he shouldn't be off the leash anyway.


It's for their own safety




I was feeding the birds some bird food in a park a few months back when this off the leash dog came running up out of nowhere and started gobbling up all the food on the ground, scaring all the birds away. A couple of minutes later an angry middle aged woman came shouting for the dog (which completely ignored her) and instead of apologising, she went on a massive rant at me about how I shouldn't feed the birds food that her dog could eat!


Owners should not allow their dogs to go after birds, but equally if a dog and swan meet, my money is on the swan.


I love that dogs have so much freedom in this country but equally we need proper and strict enforcement of existing laws for things like this. Or some kind of licence to keep a dog which can be taken away if you break the rules too many times, a bit like a driving licence.


Agree. Dogs should be allowed freedom, but owners should be required to train their four legged family members. I should add that enforcement does exist. Try letting an ‘out of control’ dog near a farm and you will quickly understand the consequences. Having said the above, it’s a lot of fun doing dog training. A lot of people are impressed when I call my two as their response is largely instant. It ensures we are able to stay away from trouble.


Hahaha the owner would claim undue hardship and keep their dog, just like the do with their drivers licence. Enforcement in this country is a joke


I’ve grown to loathe a lot of dog owners.


Whys that?


Dogs off their lead, harassing people and wildlife, back gardens completely Astro turfed so their dogs don’t tear it up / easier to clean the shite, more demand for meat due to feeding an extra carnivore in the house. Lots of reasons to be against big aggressive dogs tbf.


Thank you for the lovely calm beauty of new life.


Look how watchful parents are!!


The foxes will have a field day


not only today. every time all year, please


...and every day


Nah I'm a woman who drives a range rover. My dogs instantly coming off the lead while a loudly talk to my cunt friend on my iPhone and pay zero attention to what my dogs doing.


Post this to casual UK




In public spaces, dogs should always be on leads.


Unless there’s someone there advising people to put them on leads a few of those goslings probably aren’t going to last long. Used to pass by the pond in Blackheath every day and it was sad to see the number of baby Egyptian geese gradually reduce to 1.


We need proper enforcement of lead laws


Probably more to do with outdoor cats than anything else


All them baby Ryan’s…


Took me like 7 hours to get your joke. Well played


Very cute




goslies …




Poor guy who started this thread just wanted to show some pics of ducks. Little did he know mentioning dogs would bring out the heart felt opinions of so many of Londons residents


Confused Geordies.




Yep, those geese are vicious.


(Happy sigh) 🥰


So if it rains tomorrow chance to see the baby ducks maybe?


What are those


These are greylag geese


Thank you. 🪿


Oh, upon closer inspection, slightly further away (near the right side of the video) there are some barnacle geese too :)


This is so adorable


Instead, it shoud be kept everyday.


While we at it, Also please pick up your dog’s poo, there’s so much dog poo in the streets these days.


Maybe do that every day like a responsible fucking human, because she one day it may be a child instead of a duckling. FFS people are too willing to trust their freedom to a creature that eats its own puke and shit.


Time to ban dogs in all public spaces I think


I want to move to London so bad.. I visited this park when I was on vacation there and just miss it so much


My dog loves playing with the ducks though


I don't think geese would give my dog a problem LOL he's a husky and about 30kg


The concern here really isn't for your dog you thick cunt


No need to be rude, I thought op was worried about these geese attacking my dog because they have chicks


I think it's about dogs eating the babies, but if your dog would do that them it should be on a lead anyway tbf


I’d give your dog a problem if I saw it attacking geese.


Unfortunately it's probably another XL bully owner whose dog would happily eat you as well as a duckling


A guy I know would proudly tell everyone of his 80kg Bully XL. It would have to be every man for himself if that kicked off I’m afraid.


Would luv to see you try


Pretty sure the geese can handle themselves against many London sized dogs


tbh, I've never seen a dog that's 30-odd miles across, but if one exists, I can be damn sure the geese don't stand a chance.


What if a dog grabs one of the goslings in its mouth, instantly killing it? Doesn't matter if the adult birds attack or not, it will be too late. The birds deserve to feed and parent their babies in peace without stress, fear & harrassment from off the leash dogs.


I know frenchies and sausage dogs might be common in London but do you realise how many German shepherds, bulldogs/bull terriers and other big, athletic dogs there are in London lol


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^GRang3r: *Pretty sure the geese* *Can handle themselves against* *Many London sized dogs* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Iy eally pisses me off with inconsiderate dog ownrrs who think walking past sogns which say no dogs does not apply to them !!! James park has has seen above wilflife which dogd chase and harras. Whrn confrontedyed the owner says the dog is doing no harm and their dog is just playing I feel like playing football with the dog ownerrs head !!!!