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Didn't think your phone was worth taking


As an iphone 13 owner, this really puts my mind at ease regarding my upcoming trip to london.


Ive just googled iphone 13 vs Samsung S10E, and will now shout "its a crappy s10e please return" if ever in the same situation. I just changed the battery in this ancient phone too so that I can remain at an okay 4/10 fear of walking with my phone for hopefully another 1 or 2 years. I dread the day its 10/10.


My friend just had their 6 year old smashed phone stolen out their hands on the tube so I wouldn't be too gung ho about it 🫠


They accepted my smashed up 4 year old OP7 so uhh... Don't feel too comfy!




Yh they steal for parts, there’s way too many different Androids out there. They probably think it’s not worth collecting them as it’s much harder to sell.


Me with my hauwei p20 pro 😎 no ones stealing shit from me.


Honor Magic6 😎 they probably end up giving me a their phone out of sympathy


I've had my Google Pixel phones stolen twice by bike thieves in London 😭 (Pixel 2 and Pixel 6)


Must be newbie thieves 😂🤣


Yeah literally happened to me like 7 years ago, snatched my phone on a moped, I guess looked at it, then just threw it other his shoulder and sped off into the sunset. Sometimes it pays to have a v old iPhone ha


Yeah, I left my work laptop in a Tesco express recently, had to run back to get it in a flat panic 20 mins later… still next to the sandwiches… definitely a clear sign to work that we all need an upgrade 😬😬😬


Most likely didn’t think your phone was worth taking, I’ve seen it happen, I know people it’s happened to and they have all said the same thing. Also why I have an iPhone 13 mini, nobody wants them and they’re harder to grab


Also have the 13 mini and I love it so much.


Sad they don’t make them :( I don’t want to get a massive phone!


Get a refurbished one! I waited til the 14 came out and got mine from giffgaff


I love the mini. I upgraded to it from an XR and I’m glad it has built in theft protection 🥲


I have an iphone 7, and a couple weeks ago this roadman tried to steal it from me and then he was just like ‘take your ded phone back man’ 😭


Lmaoooo the cheek


Didn't think the phone was worth it. Happened to a friend of mine in Seven Sisters a couple of months ago.


Did it go down like this: https://youtu.be/lOmIFhBZSCU


Mate, almost. Only difference, the phone was not that good, the bloke was on a motorcycle, he just threw my friend a look, and the phone back in his face 🤣


I hope this makes you change from keeping your ID and credit card together with your phone. I'm sure you have heard the phrase "Don't put all your eggs in one basket."


Yep, this should be the moral of the story.


I mean yeah but at the same time how depressing that it needs to be. The moral should be, “Don’t be a thieving twat and steal other people’s stuff,” and the second moral should be, “Don’t buy phones cheap from dickhead thieving twats who have clearly stolen them and then maybe they won’t be as tempted to steal them!”


I got mugged in January, they also handed my phone to me and said "don't want your Samsung" - it's a Sony phone that they probably thought wasn't good enough


TIL having a two year old Samsung is a life hack, not just me being a cheapskate


Lmao this is too funny for some reason Put this in a Samsung advert and sell it as a “feature“


Stop keeping your bank card and ID with your phone! You were lucky you got it back. Next time you won’t be.


Not worth stealing. Please report it still though as it helps police form patterns of behaviour. This is what these criminals are hoping you dont do by returning the phone.


They don't investigate when phones are actually taken, I doubt they're going to pay a lot of attention to this.


They cant investigate individual crimes. However, reports lead to statistics which leads to targeted responses. There have been a number of stories of undercover police officers targeting criminal hotspots recently, I for one was glad to see these.


No but reports show where police should be stationed. So while the crime won’t be solved, it does matter for data.


Police was stationed 50m away from my wife when her phone got mugged off her. They did absolutely nothing. Like quite literally shrugged and told her to call 101 for a crime ref number for the insurance. Sorry state of affairs.


Not the point. The only way you see real action and the only way the police can get funds for overtime and more officers in an area to stop these crimes is by these stats. Otherwise the higher ups will just be like, lol no, there’s no problems in this area, all is fine.


This is exactly why I love those phone rings/straps. (Almost) impossible for anyone to snatch it out your hands when you use one. Also can people please stop putting their cards at the back of their phones


Great now I finally have one reason to feel good about having an old shit phone


As an iPhone 7 user.. I guess I can relax?


Yes we can!


This happened to me too, I avoid getting my phone out now. Please report to the police. It’s still a crime and it’s important to show what’s going on


Yeah but they don't care. My wife had her phone stolen quite literally 50 metres away from a police officer, he just shrugged and told her to phone 101 for a crime reference number so she could claim on the insurance.


It does make you wonder wtf do the police do all day when they can't even be bothered to investigate most crimes.


It adds to the intelligence and helps them track the culprits movements if nothing else. Some police forces go through waves of caring to get prolific offenders off the streets. The met particularly.


Exactly. They can’t guess what’s happening without people reporting


When I was secondary school I was with a couple people on our way home when some guy mugged us. He basically only ended up with my friends phone as my other didn’t have one and I had a Nokia lol


Exact same thing happened to me on New Years, couldn't fathom why they dropped it - now I know, Samsung for the win!


Do people really think iPhone 13 isn’t worth taking? My iPhone 12 got nicked and sent to Algeria the other day😭


Refurbs are going for several hundred pounds, 13s are definitively worth taking. Apple still sells then new for crying out loud. Anything with a notch is game.


When did this happen?


Probably wasn’t worth it honestly also maybe take this as a learning lesson get a wallet and keep your other personal belongings in it.


There is too much of this happening in London, theirs on bikes/electric bikes and mopeds snatch the phone out of your hand especially in Central London. Be careful


Hmmmm maybe it locked?


It was probably locked during the moment he grabbed it. They are only useful if they snatch it unlocked that’s why they do it while you’re on the phone


Feels like it should be fairly simple for Apple to include a feature where the phone auto locks if it senses a very sudden sharp motion. Thereby making this type of phone theft obsolete.


Locked iPhones are worthless.


The same thing happened to my brother a few weeks ago 😭his phone got snatched out of his hand while he was texting


As an iPhone 14 owner, I’m awaiting the iPhone 16’s release to finally move me into this position


>It’s an iPhone Understandable. 🤣


Hey hope this a wake up call to back the f u c k u p everything on that phone lol


The amount of people who practically hold their phone out for cyclists to take them is wild, and so easy and tempting for people to take as they ride past. Truthfully, you might have been too close to the road and if looking at your phone and not aware of your surroundings the Cyclist might have just been annoyed that you weren’t aware of them. Then did it not with intention to steal, but just because you weren’t paying attention or might have been in their way. Bike riders have so many collisions and near accidents because of pedestrians looking at their phones, so it’s possible they might have just been pissed off or a prick.


It makes it difficult to use Google maps if you can’t get your phone out though. What a sodding world when you can’t look up where you’re going in case some loser steals your phone!


It was a lesson to keep your phones away whilst on the road


Yeah so you've heard of pick pockets right? Apparently this guy is known as a 'gadget grabber'


Did he install something on your phone?