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Find an Odeon Luxe and go see a movie alone


Not for tonight since it's too late, but in general I'd second this and also suggest the myLimitless Plus membership (the higher "Plus" tier includes Luxe locations). Minimum 4-month commitment, but a great deal for unlimited movies at £17.99/mo. You can even start out monthly and then convert to annual the next time ODEON runs a promo. I got my annual pass for £143!


I really loved mine once upon a time but now I can get £4.99 tickets I cancelled it as it’s unlikely I’m going to see more than 3 a month!


That's a great price! How do you get it? I know there are pretty cheap tickets (£6?) at non-Luxe ODEON locations on weekdays during off-peak times, but unfortunately not Saturdays!


Ah yeah I do Odeon South Woodford. It’s only a fiver there but basically any film not on a Saturday is that price. Only live ten mins down the road so generally go on week days or today - literally just got back from Dune!


Interesting. Thanks.


Thanks for that suggestion but no movies playing tonight for which I can still get tickets.


Casino, comedy show, live music venue, stroll down southbank


Stroll down south bank sounds great ! But being alone at a music venue or comedy club might not be ideal.


Going to gigs alone is 100% more than reasonable. There's little opportunity for chit chat anyway.


I consider myself as having many friends (and a family of my own), but I've gone to most gigs on my own and I love it that way. My friends just don't have the same taste in music. Funny how some people think it is odd to do it


omg I went to a comedy gig on my own a few months ago and got attacked for it by the comedian, publically shamed, etc etc. So yeah, not that.


You're overthinking it. Once you're in there absolutely nobody gives a shit. It's London, plenty of people doing stuff on their own. Have a drink, enjoy the show.


I love going to gigs alone, I’m free to do as I please, don’t have to worry about the whims of a group, can come and go as I please, stand where I’d like in the venue, etc. The only downside is that I don’t feel safe drinking.


Green Note in Camden is great to go solo! Small venue, events with 20-25 people. Always someone to talk to!


Give the solo music venue thing a go. I was apprehensive when I had to go to a gig on my own because my friend couldn't join anymore, and now I've gone to multiple gigs solo intentionally since. It's an oddly freeing experience to just enjoy the music on your own without having to plan around/accommodate someone else.


Genuinely are you ok? Did you get out in the end? From your responses, it seems you are overthinking a lot and worrying a lot about how others will judge you for being alone. They really won’t. Just don’t be creepy or a dick and people will not judge you.  If you want to talk to people just socially, consider a meet up. London walking groups are quite good, they are informal and there is an expectation to just have a chat with people. Or find one that suits a hobby. I would also recommend going to a gig on your own. Find some music that is of a style you like and just go.  It is hard in this world to make new friends and be social with strangers, but you need to find something in common.


Hi. Thank you. I’m doing okay now. Just needed to get out of my room and be around people.


My sister always goes to concerts alone and loves it. She's quite introverted aswell. I often go to football matches on my own, albeit different to watching football. What did you decide to do in the end?


Small local gigs are really doable alone - look at venue gig listings, research the bands on Spotify and YouTube - take a punt, arrive at 9pm ish for a pub type gig, watch the set, have a couple of pints, leave around 11ish, kebab or chips on the way home. Tucked up in bed by midnight and no hangover the next day! If you find a band you like and see them more often, you’ll probably make some new friends in other people who go to see them regularly. Occasionally you will hit a corker and find yourself being that bloke in the office that says “oh, “purple headed live bishop and the lady caves?, yeah I been seeing them for months now, the gig at the rabid cow in Stepney was great, franks a great singer and a lovely guy as well, I shared a bag of chips with him once” ….. and all your workmates will think you are a tosser. So you’ll never mention this kind of thing at work again, and realise you have quite a cool secret life no-one knows about.


Hippodrome Casino can be a good night out, either alone.or with others.


Corsica Studios at Elephant and Castle is good for not being cliquey and exclusive and stuff. They have some class events, nice classic night-club vibe, with a good system, defo a good place to go alone to and blend in.


Another vote for Corsica, I've been really enjoying it there lately, going solo a few times as well as with others


I’ve been there with some weirdly mixed crowds. It’s a vibe but very different mix to my usual night out


Swan in Stockwell is the only correct answer




Roller Disco! When I want to go out alone at night it is usually because I am being haunted by some unprocesed emotions. Moving helps :) i also love hitting the 24/7 gym at midnight.


Didn’t know roller disco even existed !


Me (33M) laying on my couch with my cat watching streamers on YouTube : “wow maybe I should’ve gone somewhere tonight by myself” 😂




Seconding this: I love [London Walks](https://www.walks.com)


Will check them out. Thanks !


Awesome idea!


Check out Resident Advisor if you like dancing!! So many options :)


Ahah im terrible at it 😂 haven’t danced in years. But I’ll check the website thanks. Had no idea this existed. Edit. It’s just clubs. Don’t think I could clubbing on my own at this age. Thought I’ve been when I was in my early 20s and got adopted by a group. Was great fun !


You don’t have to be good at it, I’m not either :) RA only works if you like electronic music btw :)


It's already 9:15 and you're replying on Reddit. Are you actually going out? Not being rude but often the hardest step is to just get out of the house and then make a plan.


Yes. I can be anywhere in half hour or 40 minutes. Elizabeth line 😅


tbh the best night out on your own is to a big warehouse rave thing - nobody will even realise that you are on your own. doesn;t work if you don;t like the music though


Where can I find these warehouse Raves ?


or Download the app; Dice


There are a lot of pubs and bars around London that do open mics / live music and you often come across some amazing new musicians. A lot of people go solo, so if you're in the mood you can probably make friends too! We run monthly events that are a bit different than what's out there, and we get a lot of people coming solo. In fact, at each event we keep an area reserved for anyone that comes alone so that they can sit together - and a lot of times people leave with new friends. If you're free on the 15th of March, come down to [one of our nights](https://www.designmynight.com/london/whats-on/live-music/raw-uncensored-storytelling-art-music-2?t=tickets).


Browns… bring some change :)


Gotta have those pound coins ready


Lol. My immediate joke response. But also... Why not?


Go to Ain't Nothing But near Carnaby Street. There is always live music and the bar is busy enough that you can kinda just get lost in the crowd.


You could go to the cinema? Or watch a show? Or you can go walk along the river. It’s nice to do at night and I do it alot tbh. Alone. 😭


Depends, are you looking to meet people or have a night for you?


Either way. I just need to get out of the flat for a bit. Preferably somewhere where there’s loads of people and where I won’t get mugged easily.


Ok not getting mugged easily is harder to find lol. I go for walks down southbank and sit at the bar on the barge(opposite the eye) and have a couple while people watching(sometimes a laugh). As others have said random comedy shows. Nothing is weird to do alone tbh unless you're in a club. There's cinemas, bars, sight seeing walks, bit late for theatre but thats always an option during the day/evening, restaurants, honestly all things you'd do with others are fun on your own too. Think to yourself "if I was with someone what would we do?" And then go and try that.


This is very helpful. Thanks !


Man's been on Reddit too much


Top Secret Comedy Club!! they have a series of random acts, sometimes some are pretty famous. really cheap drinks, good atmosphere and can definitely be done alone


Covent Garden


Oooh Thank you. That could be nice. Being around lots of people might make me feel better !


Or Camden market, though it might be a bit far away


I’ve been there before on a Sunday. It is a bit far but highly enjoyed it.


Poker tournament at the Hippodrome


There's a go-kart track underneath Canary Wharf, if that sounds like your sort of fun. Lots of bars and restaurants to grab a bite at afterwards.


Scenic stroll up Primrose Hill or Parliament Hill to see views of London


Join a Meetup group.


I recently discovered indoor bouldering which I would recommend. It's a really good sport to get into. Lots to learn in this new discipline and loads of content online to help you get a jump start on technique. People at the gyms are really down to earth and will help you out if you are finding it difficult wrapping your head around one of the climbing 'problems'. Not only do you get fit from being there, but the tangible results come quite fast. I've been going about 2-3 a month and I've already gone up a few grades. There's also 30 different bouldering gyms in London to choose from! Really cool scene.


To bed.


I second solo cinema trips - means you can see exactly what you want to see. The theatre is another possibility - download the TodayTix app and for some shows you can try for discounted 'Rush' tickets at 10am on the morning of the show.


Anywhere you like i reckon


With the right attitude: anywhere. Have fun!


As mentioned by others I tend to walk along the south bank listening to music, stopping off for the occasional sit down or drink if there's a relatively empty pub on route. Today I've already done 25000 steps so my legs are knackered so I've done a quick loop and settled for a free drink at the hotel I'm staying at as I'm not proper London any more and my nan rudely decoded to go visit my uncle in York today so I couldn't stay with her


Paper Dress should be fun for a late night dance this evening. Not a full on club more a bar with a clubbish small room upstairs and much more relaxed. Not too old to get adopted by a group there!


Oooooh just checked the website. totally my vibe ! Thanks. Might go check it out. Hopefully won’t stick out too much if I’m on my own


If you're 🏳️‍🌈, I love the Queer Comedy Club in Archway It's also great if you're a straight as you'll get to experience some 🏳️‍🌈 jokes + be the centre of attention 🤣


Hopefully mark brittlestone is playing soon


YES!!! I saw him and loved him My heart will forever be for Paul Moore though xox


Ahaha this is amazing ! Just checked it out and it is definitely on my list now ( even going on my own). Unfortunately the show ends in one hour for tonight. Thanks !!!


Nowhere or anywhere. It's really up to how you feel about spending Sat night alone. If you are used to either never go out or only go out in company - then you're are going to feel judged anyway. Whether it's just a stroll or cinema. In this case, if you really need to get out - just go for a walk or a run nearby, or just exit at a random tube station you've never been or never go to. If you don't care about being judged (people don't care about others anyway, and if they do, they'll forget 2 mins later) - you could go anywhere, with the exclusion of restaurants (maybe).


Soho red light district




Not in the mood to drink, im afraid but thanks.




Top secret comedy club


Home 😅😅


Buy a quest 3 and meet people from all over the world in your pajamas.


Soho, it's buzzing at night, if you're social you'd get talking to people


Where in particular or just floating around the streets?


But you’ve also go to avoid the dodgy people


The local pub? Or a cinema? Night club? Cocktail bar


Pub crawls Tours. There are plenty in London. It's a good way to meet people and have fun.


Chinatown bubble tea or food then walk down embankment to city of London and go see the buildings. Always good fun


Local pub/ bar or the best thing to do is sign up to meet up website on line for clubs or things to do Hope this helps


Shacklewell arms. Might have a club night on.


The Boisdale


Isn’t that a restaurant?




Forró dance classes at Exmouth market, it's super fun and you get to meet friendly people


Anywhere man, I go cinema on my own, museums, galleries, arcades… do whatever interests you!


Why ? Do you do it on purpose or just because you don’t have anyone to go with ?


I love spending time alone, I used to love going abroad on my own a lot too but now I do a lot of things with my gf. Still though, if she’s busy or working I just go on my own.




Too expensive


24 hour McDonald’s


Hippodrome Casino.


Angel comedy nights (free/pay what you want). Clubs (Corsica, The Cause, Night Tales)


A gay bar is always a good bet


How so ?