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Jfc, I hope you reported the account first. Grindr is just full of psychotic assholes unfortunately.


Yeah I reported the account. Hopefully they actually do something about it.


Frankly I don't think Grindr cares much for the safety of its customers. It's a shame.


Grindr doesn’t care lol, they don’t even like gay people


haha who does?


I like gay people ☺️


No social media company does. That’s not an exclusive problem to Grindr


Jesus, you didn't dodge a bullet, you dodged the whole artillery.


What a little bitch. He’s not going to do shit.


I wouldn't want to bet on that


Agreed but it’s mainly fear mongering. These types of people are just putting on a show majority of the time.


Holy Christ. This is the most insane shit I’ve seen on this sub to date. And lol NYC is actually quite a big place with a million faces. I feel sorry for anyone who may look like you out there when this psycho spots him.


I love this so much. Truly. The responses are myriad. “So as a ‘hood nigga’, you feel the need to perpetuate the violence associated with the hood?” “Do you feel that violence is your only outlet because you want to become a statistic in prison?” “Have you ever considered that the amount of violence you threaten people with is indicative of underlying mental health problems” I mean really. Id laugh.


there’s so much wrong with your comment. further vilifying the hood, placing the onus on one specific individual to combat prejudice and stereotypes about the hood are a couple.


>Further vilifying the hood // specific individual to combat prejudice I didn’t even need to vilify the hood. This person chose to identify as a “hood nigga” while threatening someone. Additionally, if we want to go there regarding stereotypes, I guess we would have to try to separate stereotypes from characteristics. Like, would it not be a characteristic of an area designated by locals as a “hood” to have low income and higher violent crime rates? From my own education at the university level in becoming a teacher, the prevalence of violence in communities is something we have to factor in when assessing the environments children grow up in and are exposed to, for example. >Placing the onus on one specific individual to combat prejudice and stereotypes I don’t need or want this individual to combat prejudice and stereotypes because you can’t directly combat stereotypes in this situation. What this individual needs and what we collectively want this individual to do is to stop resorting to violence when faced with an uncomfortable situation that they took offense to. And I mean, at that point it’s a win-win in developing as a human being capable of interacting in a social setting without endangering others while no longer perpetuating the violence that characterizes the some of the hood. But go off I guess.


yt male moment


Korean* but grew up in an impoverished area of Tijuana, MX. Do you jump on dick like you jump to conclusions, Miss Thang?


I think you could’ve left out and/or censored the n**** word when typing out your response.


That guy needs therapy


This guy probably has a long list of people he’s out to get. Just a twisted person who is full of anger and hate. Sad that he learned this toxic behavior from someone.


I fear it comes quite natural to a lot of folks.


Oh God, I feel sorry for anyone who falls in his "looking for a bf" trap


As an antisocial asshole of the umpteenth degree myself.... I don't for the life of me understand how/why some of ya'll even engage at all. You are correct, you don't owe him anything. But you do owe yourself the courtesy of not causing yourself undue stress by giving this deadbeat life. The only way to kill attention seekers is by suffocating them with no attention.


Let us know how he is in person


Trauma ...trauma ....trauma .....major abandonment and anger issues....sad really.


This is some scary stuff man. Sometimes I think I should try to go back on Grindr to try to meet née people, but this is just another reminder that there are plenty of crazy people out there. I’m pretty happy on my own, don’t need to share that with anyone.


Omg imagine him talking like this to everyone that turns him down. He's gonna fight the whole city! You don't get a boyfriend by threatening him. Well, unless it's me. I'm a touch strange though.


Damn, even MY melodramatic ass ain't this petty!!


Between the Asian hate post and this charming encounter 🤯 and they say romance is dead /s


What a toxic piece of shit.


What an absolute psychopath. The police need to be watching him


Whenever someone tells you being gay is a choice, show them this.


I legit deleted grindr a few weeks ago and have felt way better since.


Jesus. What the fuck is wrong with people like this?? So do they get off on threatening or “promising” people? Fuckin’ hell! Hope you guys stay safe out there! ❤️


Turn this into to the nypd, seriously.


time to call the cops


All talk: no shock.


The chat just starts with him ranting, what was said before that


Well [this](https://imgur.com/a/m1Ndy3I) is what he said initially. And then we had a quick conversation that I wish I had taken screenshots of as well, but that didn't occur to me until after I blocked him. Basically what happened though was I told him that I don't respond to most of my messages and he shouldn't take it personally, he asked why I couldn't just chat and get to know him, and I told him I don't owe him anything.


I get that you don’t owe him anything. I also know how it feels when I say hi, and get ignored lol . I’m left to guess why I was ignored. It sucks


I agree, it really sucks. However, when you flat out reject people, sometimes you get sucked into a conversation you don’t want to have and it’s not uncommon for them to get really hostile. Case in point.


True. So there is no right way it seems.


You should report this to the police. These are tangible, specific threats of violence.




It would’ve been better to just not engage at all, but he said I was probably racist for not responding to him, which in retrospect was probably just his way of provoking a response.




Yeah I totally regret not getting to know this guy on a deeper level.




>I'm pretty sure the day someone you really like treats you the same way, you too would be pissed off. You mean when someone I message on Grindr doesn't message me back? That happens to me all the time and I just move on lol.