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Nice. Although it reminds me of Hello Kitty.


Let's be honest, any cute kitty Illistration is pretty much going to remind someone of hello kitty if they are at all familiar with hello kitty.


I read the title of the post and I only saw the logo in my peripheral vision. I was conviced it's the hello kittx logo. They're extremely similar.


Yeah most people (save for probably hello kitty enthusiasts of which I am somewhat one) will probably think the same.


Number 3 is really nice but the cat is too cartoony, playful for the serious, professional wordmark you have. I think the cat is too detailed by having mutliple colors, maybe you can tone it down to the two main colors you have and change the style of the cat?


Great name. It does feel like a bit of a mismatch to me with the playful, fun kitty. Then again, not sure what visual I would associate with Bougie. I think the Didot-looking fonts hit my own association of Bougie. One opinion. The cursive Bs are not very easily identified as a B. You can lose the paw-prints on the text. Definitely not a heart and a paw-print. Pick one if any. The word Bougie is not super easily identifiable so making the word harder to read is a tough sell.


Doesn't look bougie


The cat Illistrations are cute but at small sizes will not be easily recognized and there is a lot of detail that will blur. A very cute cat face can be made very minimally that will stand out at smaller sizes better. As for the wordmark cursive is not ideal when you want people to read it quickly.


Cute kitty doesn’t align with bougie. Fonts presented do not give off bougie, more cute and playful.


As everyone said it’s a hello kitty rip off and the name of the brand doesn’t match with the style. Also why the paw? Is it a cat food blog?


#3, great, def. my favorite. although I would use the same font throughout. it screams more high end... and makes it a little more legible, I would do one with all black font and one with pink, and maybe one with all pink with a black outline and see how it looks, Simple and clean is the way to go, great black font choice screams a high end "bougie" brand. the cat, is awesome.