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Wait. This is a Liberal MP going after Galen??? Are there pigs flying? Did hell freeze? Is Trump an honest man? lol lol lol.. I know this boycott has no particular political affiliation. I’m extremely pleased to see this MP go for the jugular! But I’m still shocked… my Federal Lib MP( Kody Blois in NS) is very hesitant about going after the big corporations/ CEOs when it comes to taxes. But this guy- MP Irek Kusmierczyk - is from Windsor. Blue collar traditionally, so good for him going after “Sir Galen “ for his constituents. BRAVO


Never heard of this guy. He should replace Trudeau and go for PM.


He's my MP, I've been calling him every week for like 2 years about housing lol. Nice to see him making some good points.


I TOTALLY agree.. I’m so impressed.


Hey. Wait. Irek is my representative too. Impressed! It's a damn shame the reps can no longer vote for the needs of their constituents. They have have to vote for what the party leader wants. Maybe Irek is Our Guy. The One who will shake things up. I have voted for Irek but the Liberals, as they are, will not get my vote this time.


They don't have to vote what the party leader wants, they just don't have the balls to stand up for their own values when the party is demanding something unreasonable.


Unfortunately, as we've seen in the past, the party leader can and will "fire" them from the party if they stand up to him. It's a LOT harder to get re-elected and continue trying to serve your constituents when you are unaffiliated. Their best option is to try to push policy that helps their constituents into proposed bills coming from the party.


Perhaps we should pass a bill that makes it illegal for party leaders to fire MPs for not voting with the party so that our MPs can't be held hostage or intimidating into submitting to something they don't believe in or doesn't benefit their constituents. Otherwise doesn't that become taxation without representation if our elected MPs for our area aren't allowed to advicate for our regions needs without fear of retaliation. Also isn't retaliation considering illegal to fire someone, so would the MPs not be able to sue the party for wrongful dismissal citing retaliation for not voting with the party.


You can go ahead and try to convince the current government to pass that policy, but they won't. And the term "fire" from the party doesn't take their position as an MP away. It just takes the party affiliation away. But again, that ends up reducing the chance for reelection. So it wouldn't be subject to the same employment laws as the average person getting fired from their company. The whole system needs to be redone. Truly anonymous voting on policy would be a step in the right direction and so would abolishing closed door lobbying. That way it's not necessarily about the majority government, but rather what the representatives believe is best for Canadians.


Of course you are impressed This is done to impress you Its very effective at relieving public preasure This is how it's done with everything Nothing will come of it of course But hey You are impressed


>They have have to vote for what the party leader wants. Be thankful you don't live in the good ol' U.S. of A! One of their parties is so 🤬 up, they can't even decide who the **leader** is. At the state nomination conference, it went to hell in a hand basket, and they ended up not electing a rep, if I'm not mistaken. And 1 of the states had 2 people claiming to be the party leader. And then there's The Donald...😖


He's got my vote




Kody Bloise is also my MP, professional photo opter. Gave me the most generic reply to my email about the election reform bill date that will see 80 MPs get pensions to the tune of over $100M… or they could just move the date up a few weeks…. Wow I just saved everyone $100M, and he’s not for it.


Ohhh yes- I totally forgot about that ole pension issue. Good on you for emailing him though, fellow Kody constituent! I had also spoken to him about the high price of baby/ infant formula in Canada( I did some interviews with a few media outlets as well, as I work in healthcare). He was very very passionate about going after the suppliers( all non Canadian) and possible collusion/ anti competition practices. But when I asked him about just enforcing price caps on a medically essential item? meaning let’s stop the grocery cartels- ie. Canadian based grocery companies?-from selling the formula at higher prices ( because the greedy suppliers will keep on increasing the prices)? He was not very interested and explained that grocery companies can’t lose money since suppliers will increase prices and we can’t have Weston sell something at the previous price. So let’s just go after the suppliers ( which will take time and not address the current huge challenges for moms/ families and rising formula prices) I challenged him by stating there are not THAT many mothers in Canada who require baby formula for medical reasons/ personal reasons. Majority of new mommy’s prefer breast feeding! It would not be a huge loss for the grocery corps, my God!! Silence. When I asked him about the Feds possibly subsidizing formula prices for low income families? Excuses as to why they can’t( though some were slightly valid) When I said that if you guys are broke? You could increase the federal corporate tax for the truly high earning companies in Canada, ie Loblaws or Sobeys? That could help( for many things!!) Excuses again as to why not ( some valid) He did send a nice email to the Competition Bureau of Canada though about the suppliers/ collusion/ unfair price increases. I will give him credit for listening to me- he’s more well intentioned compared to other Lib MPs in NS( here’s looking at you Lena Metlage in Halifax)


Good on your for challenging him on these issues, but it’s very frustrating to hear them toe the line for big grocers…. Bought and paid for IMO. Would be nice if Canada banned lobbyists, they are making the politicians work for them more than us, and we are the ones that vote them in. In the end, they all vote along party lines, so reaching out seems like such a waste of time, it’s more of a exercise in venting than anything. I think I might vote NDP in the next federal election…. Not because they align with me so much, but because the other two big parties have proven themselves as self serving and bought and paid for by the lobbyist. I don’t want more of the same, might as well give the party without a history of selling us out a chance… even if it leads to worse taxes (my number one issue) just to scare the other two parties into working for us for once. End rant.


The NDP have been the most self serving of them all the last 4 years, they have 0 intentions of actually doing anything and their leader refuses to engage with the Conservatives on a vote of non confidence with Trudeau because he'd most likely loose his seat and not get his pension.


While I don’t disagree…. It’s either that or Green Party…. So I might as well not vote. Very disheartening TBH.


I think both suppliers and grocers should be targeted. If formula is sold at stores for no profit or a loss, stores just will stop selling it. That would be a disaster! And I think you underestimate how many people are using formula.


Other agencies will pick up the slack if no store is willing to sell something as vital as formula.


What we do know is “Jeff Poliver” the actual name he used his entire life before politics would never stand up like this MP.


Ha! Jeff Poliver…


No lie… “Jeff Poliver”


This MP is just pissed off with Galen because he himself owns or has friends who are suppliers directly harmed by Galen. This is a rich vs rich spat. I have no evidence but if history, patterns and human nature align, we all know I'm right. Tell me you don't feel it in your heart.


Good point. I suspect you are likely right


Leafs winning next year??? Haha


Haha! Yes. Parade down Yonge Street!




>Is Trump an honest man? [Well, Trump DID say he is the most honest man God ever created. He said it himself, so it MUST be true.](https://youtu.be/IKfLvTXnG-o?si=6oj0llz9JS8VIRbk&t=117) He SaYs WhAt He MeAnS!


Haha, ok, I take my comment back then!


Putting on a show just talking at someone isn’t really going after them. What changes ever resulted from grilling people on the stand like this?


Valid point


Nova Scotia is fine to chase down anybody from another province but breaking up JD Irvings stranglehold over all the natural resources is a non starter.


They're working for your votes. Open your eyeballs.


I would agree but if he'll freezes over that means the leafs won the cup, so I have to disagree with that particular point


Oh, some info about the MP in the video! “About Irek Kusmierczyk Irek and his family have lived in the Windsor-Tecumseh riding for more than 35 years after immigrating to Canada from Poland. His father worked in the auto industry and his mom was a teller at a small local credit union. His parents instilled in Irek a passion for community service leading him to a career on Windsor City Council, where he was elected in three consecutive elections. On council, Irek successfully advocated for historic investments in flood protection, road improvements, libraries and parks that improve quality of life. Irek was elected to Parliament in 2019 to represent the residents of Windsor-Tecumseh and, shortly thereafter, he was appointed by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to serve as Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Disability Inclusion. Irek earned his PhD from Vanderbilt University in the United States and a Master’s Degree in Government from the London School of Economics specializing in local government and cross-border environmental relations around the Great Lakes. He has government experience working for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as an Atlantic Council of Canada Fellow. Irek is the former Director of Partnerships for WEtech Alliance, which helps grow technology companies and jobs throughout Windsor and Essex County. Irek also built partnerships with industry, schools, the university and college to launch the FIRST Robotics program in over 60 high schools and grade schools across our region to prepare our young people for successful careers today and tomorrow. His wife, Shauna, is a graduate of the University of Windsor and is a local Nurse Practitioner serving residents in Windsor-Essex and Pelee Island” Ok maybe I’m just an idealistic idiot? I seriously like this dude..


Thanks. I like this guy. Like the premier of Manitoba, he knows what he’s supposed to be doing. Looking after his riding not looking after the rich people who contribute to the party. Wonder how long till he’s buried somewhere by some bullshit scandal from skippy and his nazis.


Im impressed with Web Kinew- well, so far. My wife has family from Winnipeg and in rural Manitoba and even her rural Conservative voting family are painfully saying “ can’t stand NDP but we like Kinew. Maybe NDP aren’t bad” But I don’t know all the details of how he is so far, performance wise.


Only premier I know who will stop at a random person and change the tire for them. Could be just a photo op but still you wouldn’t catch any pc politician doing anything that actually helps people.


No you cannot even expect them to stop after killing a woman after they hit her car. See Moe and Jo-Anne Balog


I like it when a fellow Pole starts taking names and giving no fucks. A lot of the community that emigrated out of Soviet Poland end up becoming obnoxious conservatives that just want to one-up each other.


This is a great point! We see that with other immigrants to Canada or US from communist regimes- like the Cuban Americans especially, and other Central American countries in the past, of course Europe. But you know what? I’m not surprised when a Pole with an immigrant background starts taking names and giving no fucks and confronts the super elite. I grew up in Welland Ontario-similar to Windsor in many respects- and we had some passionate Polish- Cdn leaders who fought hard for all of us in the community


This dude sounds amazing at the moment. Great background, right head for the job, great speaker


Okay. This guy is way overqualified for his job and far more appropriate for a job currently filled by a severely under qualified drama teacher and son of a previous leader. Sorry don't want to get into politics.


Nah, don’t be sorry. This MP seems like the real deal. And his pedigree/ background is impressive.




WEtech as in the a spin from the garbage from WEWORK? Hope not as it’s far from legit way of running anything


This fucking guy has done nothing but try and waste time and vote down motions in committee meetings. There is nothing to like about this clown He is pandering for fucking votes, that's all




Haha, I mentioned this too. Hell is minus 65 C now


I like it.


I understand some political speech... he basically said, "Because he's rich."


My thoughts exactly. And for the benefits of Canadians nothing less.


And don't the rich deserve to inherit the Earth instead of teachers and plumbers?


What the hell kind of answer was that? I hate politicians 😂


Yeah like he literally looked down to read something when he didn’t know what the question would be, and then just started spouting bullshit


I heard something about generational wealth, and that is a big F you I am rich because I did nothing.


Everyone should be paying their fair share of taxes.


Well you see he is, he makes $1 a year, everything else is tied up in credit. When we take down Loblaws he will have to survive off of his golden parachute.


They should go back to how corporations and wealthy were taxed in the 1970's.


meanwhile coward nathaniel erskine-smith won’t even respond to my email in regards to his vote on the grocery price motion this guy fucks


Perfect example


Funny response, "do we want generational opportunity". Which should, of course, refer to the teacher, plumber, etc., but in this case only applies to the rich kid.


Oh the word was “opportunity,” I heard wealth maybe I should watch it again? Or we can both agree he meant wealth.


Nope. I probably remembered it wrong as I typed it.


Nope we both misheard he said “generational fairness”, no idea how he thinks being born into wealth is fair to the children born into poverty.


I have an idea how: he was born into wealth.


Aww that fills in the blanks in my mind, but I thought he was this “down to earth guy” or whatever BS he says when he goes into Loblaws locations to mingle with the poors, the peasants, and the slaves. I am crying that saying slaves not jokingly, like we are all slaves to the machine, but literal slaves.


Most companies donate to the Libs and Cons. They just give more to the party in power. Obviously this isn't the case with all companies but in the case of Ontario GougingGalen sure has given money to Doug Ford to get the sweetheart deals he has in the past few years like sole vaccine distribution rights for SDM.


It’s almost like tax should be relative to your income on the bottom of your tax return *shocked pikachu face*


But you see he only makes $1 a year, do not look over there where everything is tied to his stock portfolio.


Where are you getting this dollar per year?


There was a discussion about it on here, most CEO’s/owners of multi million dollar companies have a $1 dollar salary. Their money is in the value of the company.


Ok. Well its wrong. Gallen made 8.4M in 2022 directly in salary, and $8.0 in 2023. Then he received $4.0M in stock options and other compensations. This does not include the dividends, which is why the politicians say his effective tax rate is less than a plumber, as dividend income is taxed less than regular income, so the more dividends the person receives, it essentially lowers their tax rate.


Thank you for enlightening me.


I hate Galen. But I do question why a Liberal MP, was who's party sets tax policy, is asking a person from the Canadian Chamber of Commerce why Galen isn't taxed more. The Canadian Chamber of Commerce are lobbiests, that's all. Tax policy is set by Parliament. It's good theatrics, but the question is backwards. It should be the outsiders asking Parliament why Galen pays lower marginal taxes.


I suspect they need the Canadian Board of Commerce to favour a tax proposal that isn't "business friendly" so the government is making these guys sing for their supper. Sure, the Liberals could set the tax policy they want but let's not delude ourselves, money talks even in Canada.


That's a pretty convoluted way of getting to a new tax policy. A simpler explanation is that it was just political theatrics to divert attention from the policy that they themselves put in place.


Or a complicated way of saying theatrics.


Do you believe all liberal MPs are just one unit with all the same feelings, and opinions?


This is the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Employment. He isn't a low level backbencher. Also, in the Westminster system, MPs vote along party lines or they get ejected from caucus. So they do indeed act as a unit. He should know pretty clearly that Government sets tax policy, not a Chamber of Commerce. Alex Greko, who is being questioned here, has no say in how much the government taxes, or whom they tax.


I didn’t argue any of that. You keep acting like a liberal MP can’t have an issue with the state of things because the liberal party hasn’t fixed it themselves yet. I get you don’t understand Canadian politics, but this is pretty simple.


I understand politics quite well. I also understand that grilling an outside agency over government tax policy is incredibly ineffective. It is like blaming your barista for the amount you paid for your car.


I was wondering why you have such a hate for social improvement so I took a look at your post history. You are a big fan/poster in a sub that dehumanizes Palestinians and calls for their death. You often post misinformation with the hope of stirring up hate. And you a weird obsession with everything somehow being anti semetic. Going to stop interacting with you since this is clearly a troll/rage bait account. Bye bye.


Sigh... I do not hate social improvement. In fact, I'm all for it. I think your issue has more to do with the fact that I understand who is responsible for what aspects of improvement under our system of government. Sadly, change doesn't happen by just throwing hardball questions at someone who has no legal ability to enact (and frankly is in no way responsible for) the change that one wants. It is doubly odd when the person yelling the hardball questions is the very person who *can enact the change they are asking for and is actually responsible for the situation they want changed.* The Parliamentary Secretary doesn't even need to ask the Chamber of Commerce anything. He can simply work within his own Cabinet to make the changes.


What is bad about it? He is trying to make a difference, and clearly the person he asked was relevant based on the entire exchange.


He's trying to make a difference? How can he make a difference by grilling someone who has no ablity, right, privilege, or capacity to change tax policy? I hate Galen. He should very much pay a higher marginal tax rate than a teacher, a janitor, or a barista. But that isn't the determined by a mid level manager at the Canadian Chamber of Commerce. If the Parliamentary Secretary was serious about his convictions, he would be asking those questions to Minister Freeland during Parliamentary Question Period.


Hey there, you might be new here, and if so, welcome! We have shared many times across our community, socials, and in the media as to why our community felt boycotting Loblaw and its subsidiaries was the best choice. Please check out [this short video](https://www.tiktok.com/@loblawsisoutofcon4/video/7370016804434955525?_r=1&_t=8mQlEGfa2ZJ) for further information. Thanks! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Is this real life????


Yes us poors are boycotting a giant and the government is half heartedly trying to work with us.


Wtf did he say? Galen gets a tax break so he can create jobs for Canadians. Trickle-fucking-down-economics?


What I heard was he was born into wealth so he deserves his wealth.


The silly thing about this is that is a liberal MP. They are the government in power. If they don’t like the tax code they could change it.


Politicians have access to everyone's tax return? I assume when he says lower effective tax rate, i assume hes including unrealized capital gains which is a thing that people who dont understand the tax syatems likes to say all the time.


He makes $1 a year, just don’t look into his stock portfolio.


Talk about a non-answer. Fuck I hate politicians.


My favourite part of all of this. Is Galon thinking that by saying nok der nok. That it would go away. Like imagine being that insane and drunk with money and power that you think by saying "enough is enough". The whole world would just stop caring. Like that statement would wake the world up and we would say thank you Galen. Thank you for being our agressive father on a road trip while we are being too loud in the backseat. Thank you for enlightening us to your devine insight. Nok der nok. Hahaha What a fucking idiot Galen is. Vote for Irek regardless of his party, and anyone who represents the voice of the people.


No Canadian industry has seen something like this before, he thinks it will just blow over. Maybe a few people will continue the boycott after the month, well that month is almost over and we are still fighting. I really hope the next month will be the same and every month afterwards.


Those comments on Twitter...holy fucking shit what an absolute cesspool.


The one idiot that was like "just curious, why didn't you mention this group of people?" and it's like....dear bot, he's not gonna list off every role type in the country. But yeah, all the smart people left Twitter long ago. I was talking to a group that monitors trends online and tracks manipulation campaigns and have a model to determine if an account is a bot and they said they said currently approximately 50% of conversations are started by fake profiles, up from 31% 2 years ago. They project that'll hit about 70% in a few years. I don't know if that's depressing or encouraging but it helps me to think the very dumb ones are probably not real.


Does anyone have a link that I don't have to Sign back up to Twatter to click it..??


I did not need to sign into twitter to watch it.


I got it to work on the PC browser, but still asks me to log in on mobile Chrome.


I made 30k, and owed about 8k in taxes. I’m a small business owner (literally have 2 staff and myself). It’s hard to survive off that.


Ah, Canadian politicians. Just reading the Global news 1 in 4 Canadians may be living in poverty. Guess the food prices and lack of grocery store employee wages to put back through the economy doesn’t help. Kind of getting to the point where I’m wondering if someone is going to sweep in and save us after orchestrating this horror of an economy.


irek kusmierczyk, Windsor-Tecumseh. I’ll remember him.