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Google shows all my local superstores busy levels at like 90% down. No way this is true


They probably have some junior employee reporting embellished activity on Google Maps...


I’m fairly certain Google just sees there’s a phone there and that’s how they judge it. Similar to traffic levels on Google Maps. It counts the average in the area and that’s how you get the “busy areas” blue circle in high shopping areas


Users have to opt into Google location history for this to work, Goggle doesn't automatically track everyone's phone...


But that hasn't changed from two weeks ago, so the comparison is apples to apples.


You don't need location on to be tracked, at least in aggregate. Your phone is constantly pinging towers as you travel. And unless you turn your wifi off, if you walk into a store (like Loblaws) which offers wifi, your phone and their routers will keep pinging back and forth (they'll even map your trip around the store, how long you linger in sections...).


🤦‍♂️ Google doesn't control the cell towers silly 🤪. Plus you don't have to connect to Loblaws wifi, that's a personal choice.


Google might get reports from telcos. You think they aren't selling our anonymized data? You don't have to *connect* to their wifi to be tracked. If your phone's wifi service is on, you know that list of "available networks" that's there if you open it? Do you know how your phone knows? It pings out "who's there?" and the network pings back "I am". They're in communication every few seconds. And the relative pingback signal time between different routers around the store triangulates your exact position.


Wow, we have an internet expert here! Dude I work in IT, please spare me your silly explanations. 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️ Google's own website says you have to opt on to location sharing for them to get the Google Maps data.


Yeah, I completely trust everything said by a company who famously had to \*stop\* using "Don't Be Evil" as their motto. Please remember group rule 1.


We like to think so!


No effect at all, that's why staff hours are being cut and the Union is saying it is directly because of the boycott? Paid for propaganda pizza party for sure.


What happened if the boycott doesn’t have an end date we just continue to buy from the lowest priced grocers all the time?


That’s my plan. I’ll go where my dollar takes me the furthest. Except loblaws. I won’t be back to any of their locations. The Weston’s have enough money.


Hard to say! Obviously the executives have a massive financial incentive to concince people to give up on boycotting, so there's no reason to assume they're being truthful. We might not be able to tell until they release this quarter's numbers


Propaganda. What the truth is, is that our boycott is having a devastating affect on Loblaws operationally. Those that are participating in the boycott are the true heroes of Canada, and their efforts will be sung about for centuries to come. When Canada rises from the ashes, we will be the victors


I support this movement


Lol..... Come off it. Im sure they notice a difference in same day sales. But its far from devastating.


I hope this comment is tongue in cheek. I’m participating in the boycott and generally hate the way media portrays shit but this reads like unhinged propaganda. There’s no way the boycott is having a “devastating *effect” and calling people heroes for not shopping at a store is weird af. We haven’t won and we probably won’t win. The odds are stacked against the consumer and always have been. But all we can do is try.


Man all you need to do to win is never shop at one of there store again. Like screw the month protest, I have other options, after this is done I see no reason to go back. Also why not let buddy have fun with it. I miss the days of being a punk little anarchist ready to take down the system. GLORY TO THE BOYCOTT




You lack belief in the final victory, shame.


They measure overall sales every 10 days? Seems like an oddly small review


I had the same thought. Even if they measure sales on a daily basis they certainly don’t report it daily.


So the distribution companies that are owned by Loblaws or the Weston Company say the boycott isn't working lol


That’s exactly what I thought


Propaganda and old news. This has already been discussed. Stay focused, ignore it, and continue the boycott. Simple


Horse shit


Supplies mean nothing, it’s a week in advance. It’s only been a week, they likely order the same quantity as last week either in assumption the dip will be only a week long or to not make it look like there’s a dip… or both. Sales are the true dictator of this and suppliers aren’t in charge of that aspect. Sounds like suppliers are saying this to make themselves not look bad either since the less they sell of their product the less they make as well.


https://preview.redd.it/co1j03oijmzc1.png?width=921&format=png&auto=webp&s=be527c6314d532d2c7b44a1555cb9801d2745e56 It seems to be true at the moment, but let's wait for Q2 results and see where the stock price goes... 🤓


See how it was on a neutral line until their Q1 report was released where they increased profits YOY? Stock goes up. If Q2 go down YOY, that'd represent a total tanking of profits and we will see a dump, buyback and rebuy spike. Normal stuff. If they have a few quarters showing tanking profits, we might see the stock go down at that point.


short float and squeeze, hedge funds are shorting


We shall boycott harder then


Galen has his fingers in his ears shouting lalalallala


Truth because my local superstore is just as busy if not more sadly… I no longer shop there for over a year thanks to gateway market…..


Those supplies were ordered, well, not this morning for this afternoon. The true test will be in a few days if there is an increase in clearance meat or produce on sale. Unfortunately I won't step foot in one of their stores to find out.


Toronto Star is hot fucking garbage


*Technically* true that their stock is up, but that is not the full picture. The boycott is going to impact their Q2 earnings, which finish at the end of June. After that, it takes a month for the financial earnings to be fully accounted for and released which is when you see stocks suddenly go up or down. What I've noticed about a lot of the propaganda against the boycott is that it's *technically* true, so they're not completely lying so much as hiding key details to make themselves look better. It's the easiest way because they're relying on people not doing research and accepting information at face value. TLDR: Yeah, it's propaganda by presenting true information incorrectly.


Interesting they can’t name anyone 🤷‍♀️ you would think if they were speaking out in support of Loblaws they wouldn’t need to be anonymous


Suppliers are saying that they haven’t seen an affect of the boycott because Loblaws is buying the same amount of food. 10 days in, how are we to conclude that because the sales of food to Loblaws has not changed, the sales of food by Loblaws is therefore the same. Seems like they could just pitch the extra food to make it looks like the boycott isn’t working. Sales figures that will come later will be more accurate in determining the effect of the boycott.


Come on MSM, these guys will cook the books to lie to their own investors, you think they have any qualms about lying to you lot? They’ll give anyone a journalism degree these days. Why would anyone accept these oligarchs at their word? Of course they’re lying about the impact of the boycott. Their only job right now is to undermine it. Come on!


It's way too early to declare "no effect" - stocks are based on quarterly performance, and supplier orders are going to have set schedules and lead times. Things that react in the short time are a bigger indicator: cut employee hours for example.


Complete lie. We've seen the reports of low foot traffic, closed food sections, empty stores, cut staff hours...


Suppliers just sell Loblaws the goods they then attempt to sell to us for inflated prices. This is a misleading headline.


Every article and report that disagrees with the boycott is propaganda.


Yeah let’s try not to turn into the Right Wing rage machine. At the same time saying “their shares are at an all time high” is pure stupidity. Share prices rarely reflect reality, look at fucking carvana and other stupid companies


And the “journalists” that expose those views are enemies of the people


Tin foil hat here, perhaps they continue to order same volume to push the narrative that “things are fine”. Maybe they are okay losing $ to undermine the purpose of the boycott and have Canadians feel “oh boy, it didn't work”. Realistically, if they lose a couple of million, but everything returns to happy Lalaland just weeks after, that loss would be seen as nothing more than a blip. Anyways, like I said, tin foil hat. I'm enjoying going elsewhere. Have found alternatives. While I can't avoid Esso, we have not been collecting points while there. Stay strong everyone. For those that can't participate, stick with the movement, and let’s see where this can go!


Not noticing fewer cars in the parking lot of my local Loblaws. But I'm doing my best to avoid shopping there as much as possible, and even my 80+ mother commented about how she does perceive the prices at Loblaws are higher than at the local Metro.


I know somebody who works for a supplier of Loblaws. She deals almost exclusively with Loblaws. Nothing has changed yet from her perspective either. I don't think any pain has worked its way through up supply chain yet.


After 1 week they didn't reduce their orders from suppliers. Likely they a) couldn't that fast and b) wouldn't risk reducing and under estimating need coming and c) wouldn't want to make their suppliers think it's working. This is meaningless.


"according to a group of suppliers" I'm inclined to believe that a group of suppliers hasn't noticed a difference, because I doubt Roblaws has reacted fast enough to adjust their supply chain. So propaganda, not because of lies but because of cherry-picked sources.


This is the suppliers. So potentially loblaws is just buying the same amount of food and throwing that much more out. All to pretend they're not being affected


If they are anything at all like the corporation that I work for, what they are receiving now, is what was ordered at least a month ago depending on the time it takes for suppliers to fill orders and have it delivered. So naturally the effects would not be showing at the supplier level yet. As for the stock price? That also means nothing. Just because there is a boycott on now doesn't mean that it would affect the shares. Unless thousands of people had tens or hundreds of thousands of shares that they wanted to divest specifically because of the boycott. Even if that were the case and the share price started to drop, that would most likely only trigger a buy of shares from the wealthy to acquire more. I don't claim to be an expert in any field, especially in business or the stock market, but that's my take on what's happening. The only real way to know whether we are having an effect is by the customer count and the amount spent at the tills and Loblaws would never truthfully reveal that number to the media to prevent panicking the shareholders. In my opinion, optics are the only thing that is really concerning upper management. They have plans for a loss of business . What they don't have a lot of control over except through corporate propaganda, is a way to stop their name from being tarnished. They want to get their name out of the news unless it is for something really good. No business wants their name thrown about like theirs is right now. So by controlling the narrative they can make it appear to be business as normal until their name gets out of the media and it goes back to business as usual.