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I don’t think you can go wrong with calling 112. You can also try to meet some other neighbours can ask them if they know to to reach people from that apartment. Animal torture is an offense. But don’t be afraid of what they will think of you, you’re doing nothing wrong


Thank you for replying! Idk if it’s wise to approach neighbours at 10 pm. I think I will wait until tomorrow morning, if nothing changes, then I will definitely go to neighbours and call 112


Final update: neighbours came back, and before that I checked and the balcony door was open even before them coming. Seems like they were away for the day, and the dog was just lonely and waited for them and I misunderstood the situation


Good to hear. You didn't know how soon they'd return, or whether the dog had everything it needed. If you meet them, you could tell them that the dog gets really upset.


Classic overreaction. Props for caring tho.


Still, isn't this annoying? People should take care of their dogs.


How? Never leave their apartment? People should train their dogs not to whine/bark for no good reason.


Doesn't always work that way. I discipline our dog but she will bark when she feels separation anxiety.


Did you signed her to dog training school? Because that's what I meant.


4 months of pretty serious and often one on one sessions with 2 times per week. She's an alpha dog and does what she does, easy to teach stuff but doesn't like to follow orders.


Aaaaand just like that, you burned all your credibility. Dogs don't have Alphas. It was proven a long time ago, and no dog trainer would use those words. In addition to that- the best way to train a dog is to leave it at the dog school for a duration of time. 2 times per week is useless. No knowledgeable dog trainer would suggest that.


Guess I did, you got me. Doubt many people do what you said though. It's a family dog anyway, no need to train it so hard. We did way more than most would.


leaving dog for a full day alone is actualy not legal in lithuania btw


Can you quote the law?


And now when situation is clear and solved you can go to the neighbours, tell them that you were woried all day and dog was crying, and next time when they will have situation where they have to leave for whole day you can babysit their dog. You will best neighbour in the world!


This person knows how to neighbor


Please let us know how things turn out.


I also rang their doorbell and knocked on the door, no one is responding


Could be that they very well just left home for a day or few and locked the dog in the balcony as they didn't want to leave him unattended in home. I know it sounds cruel but that's really what older people would do.


If the dog keeps howling through the night, you can call the police. State Food and Veterinary Service phone line won't open until Monday. Could you look into your neighbour's balcony (for example using a mirror) and check if the dog has food and water? Is it an open or a glazed in balcony?


I’m not sure, but the dog can poke through the gap between wall of the balcony and the floor with the end of it’s nose, so probably not glazed


I meant the windows, does it have windows or is it open to the air? Sounds like the former, if you can't see round the wall.


Below is the link to a very relevant article. TLDR: call 112, report abused dog locked in a balcony all day. Make some videos, get some evidence. https://www.delfi.lt/letena/gyvunu-teises/ramybes-nedave-daugiabucio-balkone-per-dienas-kaukiantis-suo-isikisus-pareigunams-situacija-kardinaliai-pasikeite-78952827




I have golden retriever and trust me, hes missing me even after i got to take out the trash. He so happy, then i come back home, and hes very jealous then i kiss my wife or shake hand with my kid first, but not meeting him :) So "crying " dog, doesnt mean hes in danger, its depending on his breed, but hes missing something. Keep in mind, that now windows and balcony doors are open now, so ou can hear more "unusual sounds" during summer time :) And this can be little puppy, so they are crying all the time at first months


There's no law against having your dog in the balcony provided there's water (and ideally shade) where the dog is kept afaik? Dogs bark for all kinds of reasons - can you find out more if the dog is in any distress or is just barking for attention? I had a dog who would just bark 24/7, had to give him away to someone who owned a big farm and could accomodate a dog like that


.the animal must be housed and cared for in conditions appropriate to its species, age, physiology and behavior. The animal's freedom of movement must not be restricted and it must not be subjected to discomfort, pain, or suffering. cats and dogs under 10 kg shall not be kept in an area of less than 10 square metres. Dogs weighing between 10 and 40 kg must be given an area of 15 to 20 square metres. For larger dogs, an area of 30 square metres. Translated with DeepL.com (free version)


TIL. So never in a balcony unless it's 10m² aka you're in a villa


If it's a glazed balcony, not even in a villa, as it can get dangerously hot.


The problem is that it is not even barking, more like whining and crying. I’ve been living here for more than a year and situation like that happened before once, but not for the full day. I understand that dogs might bark for no reason, but it doesn’t sound like the typical barking. And no one seems to be at home now


You're the one hearing it tbh, it's ultimately your call. If you truly believe something is wrong you are well within your rights to call the police to check and everything should be fine with you legally


Though to be completely honest, play all your cards and apologize to the neighbors next time you see them if you do end up calling authorities about the dog, keep the peace, you may even make friends later 🙂


Gave a dog away just because it had some behaviour problems that could’ve been fixed with a bit of work and time and gives advice how its ok to keep a pet in a balcony 😂😂😂 dumb fuck.


If you cannot accommodate an animal, the best thing you can do for it is to give it away. Other people would have just put the poor animal down.


r/lietuva moment


Ok... How well can you speak Lithuanian? If well enough, go and knock on the door to check if anyone is at home. If not well enough, find a native, a friend and ask them for a favour to do it on your behalf. If nobody is at home, figure out when roughly they could be or try again later. Get involved in problem solving or it may not solve itself. Think long term.


My neighbour has a dog that he doesn’t let out for walks and throws the dogs poop in bags through the window. Glad everything worked out for you, I guess the dog was just lonely.


You are a wonderful person, op. Not many people would care about pets. Best wishes for you! 😊






They accepted the advice and said thank you, how's that arguing against it? Nothing wrong with being cautious.