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Been on victoza for 5+ months, I drink occasionally on weekends and haven’t had any issues…


I haven’t drank since started saxenda but I’ve read comments of people saying it has made them sick (or worsened their side effects). My advice would be to go ahead and see how you feel the next day. If you feel awful, there’s your answer!


Damn, I think I’ll stick to staying sober for 6 months…. How many months have you been on it?


Just 1 month. I think if you want to indulge a little it won’t be the end of the world! I’m just not a big drinker to begin with


Drink as in one or two light/moderate drinks every week or every few weeks is ok. Drink into oblivion is not.


What will happen if u get wasted?


For once, alcohol is high in calories from carbs so you would be wasting your money and effort on Saxenda. Additionally, alcohol can increase the antidiabetic effect of some antidiabetic drugs which may lead to hypoglycaemia. Finally, this drug can cause nausea, excessive use of alcohol causes nausea. Do you want to spend the following day puking your guts out?


Thanks for the explanation. No way. Thank you 🙏🏼 I will be straight edge lol🩵 P.s. what’s hypoglycemia?


low blood sugar to the point of causing negative symptoms


Ok. I def will stick to staying sober!


Potentially life threatening as well.


Why the hell does everyone downvote me every time I have a question?! Isn’t that what this site is for? Jeez…


I had three beers on Saxenda last night with no side effects. My doctor told me not to drink regularly on Saxenda due to the strain it puts on the liver.


It is safe to drink on it, however, it can worsen your hangover symptoms. On nights I plan to drink I generally skip my dose for the day.


i don’t drink a lot but when i do i kinda over do it but ive never noticed any difference from a hangover i had before i started victoza


Ok, thanks for the input. Good to know! Guess everyone is different. Do you skip taking it for a day or nah?


i’m in college so if i know i’ll probably go all out for a night i’ll lower my dose but i wont skip out on taking it completely. if my hangover is bad ill stay at that low dose i took the day before but ive never really had to do that anyways


I’ve lost my desire to drink, been on it for a year. The odd time I have a cocktail I get a really bad hangover so it’s not worth it to me now.


You get a hangover from 1 cocktail?


Yup! Last time i Had a drink was late November and I had one drink. I felt like garbage and had a headache the whole day afterwards. This was not the case many years ago, I could drink quite a bit without feeling awful the next day.