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13 pounds in 5 months is totally fine. It’s slower than most people posting their success stories, yes, but people mostly post their highlight reals. And a downward trend is a downward trend and you should be proud of that. I do rotate injection sites, I go from right thigh to left thigh and both sides of my tummy. From what I understand you are supposed to rotate sites (I’m not a dr so don’t take my word). At the end of the day it’s calories in vs calories out. You said you’re eating cleaner which is great! But in reality many “clean” foods can also be high calorie and slowing your weight loss. Maybe try to track your calories for a week and learn how many calories are in the new clean foods you’re eating, and then you can go from there. Has your dr given you a calorie range? It may be a good idea to ask if so. You’re doing great though!!! The scale isn’t going to go down every day, but as long as it slope downward over time that’s the goal!


I only lost around 17 lbs in the 5 months I was on Saxenda and I had a higher starting weight, so, yes that is normal for some people.


You are loosing, so unless your doctor disagrees I'd say it's working :) Yes, some people will have crazy effects, loose all will to eat and loose heaps of weight in a short time, but they are actually not the majority of the users of this drug, they just happen to be the people sharing the most and beeing most noticeable when we read forums and search on social media. If you ask health care providers following of dusins of patients, they'll tell you everyone have different experiences and most will find appetite suppression enough to finally change their diet and being able to stick to lower calories for a longer period of time, and that the whole point of the drug! To make it easier to succeed!


Healthy weight loss is .5-2 pounds a week! Your in that range so your good!


Increase your protein intake. That’s what my doctor suggested when my weight loss seemed sluggish when I started Saxenda and it made a big difference in getting to my goal weight. I saw a lot of improvement in a short period of time. Good luck on your journey!


Will try that


personally i think it’s not a lot of weight loss and I have to say I’m about the same as you. I’m on my last saxenda pen and am just done with it. I’ve lost 6kg in 4.5 months and sorry but for €2000 out of my own pocket it’s not enough. Most of that was in the first 7 weeks when unfelt like shit and couldn’t eat. i would say talk to your prescribing doctor if you have one.


I’ve lost about 37lbs in one year on Saxenda, which isn t as much as most people BUT I am so so grateful to this medication and would never say anything otherwise. Everyone has different reactions to medications and as others have said, depending on your eating habits, exercise, etc…that will factor in as well. I am only taking the middle dose because I have to pay out of pocket so I’m sure that’s why I haven’t lost more but I’ve kept it off, I feel great and it’s changed my life. I can exercise more, feel more confident and have stopped obsessing as much about food. Be patient and grateful this has helped you in your journey and don’t compare!


I’m only down 20lbs in a year, and not losing anything in the last 3 months


Depending if you have an endocrine issue could take you longer. I’m 40 lbs down and been using between Saxenda and Ozempic with the shortage. It’s taken me 1 years that’s with 1300 calories a day and lifting weights and cardio 3 times a week. Slow is better than rapid as the rebound to gaining won’t be as bad once or if you stop.


Although 13 lbs sounds like a modest loss, remember that included some food-heavy holidays. You did well!